

单词 olect_scratch_1


scratch yourself on a nail 在钉子上划了自己一下scratch at an insect bite/a cat scratches 挠被虫叮的包;猫挠人scratch ♦︎ clawThese words both mean to rub or tear sth with claws or nails. 这两个词均表示用爪子或指甲搔、挠、抓。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to scratch / claw at sthto scratch / claw sth with sthto scratch / claw sb frantically scratch [transitive, intransitive] to rub your skin with your nails, usually because it is itching (= making you feel uncomfortable); to cut sb's skin slightly with your nails 挠,搔(痒处);抓破,抓伤(皮肤)John yawned and scratched his chin.约翰打了个哈欠,挠了挠下巴。Try not to scratch.尽量别挠。She scratched at the insect bites on her arm.她挠了挠胳膊上被虫咬的包。She had obviously tried to scratch her attacker.显然她曾试图抓伤袭击她的人。Does the cat scratch?这只猫挠人吗? claw [intransitive, transitive] to scratch or tear sb/sth with claws (= one of the sharp curved nails on an animal's or bird's foot) or with your fingernails (用爪子或指甲)抓,撕,挠The cat was clawing at the leg of the chair.那只猫在抓挠椅子腿。She had clawed Stephen across the face.她曾抓过斯蒂芬的脸。When it is used to describe people's actions, claw is mostly used in literary writing, and may be used to talk about particularly desperate or violent acts. * claw表示人的行为时主要出现在文学作品中,可指抓扯得特别拼命或粗暴She flew at him, clawing blindly with her nails.她朝他扑过去,手指到处乱抓。




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