

单词 bloody
bloody adv. (taboo)
bloody adj.


very ♦︎ well ♦︎ so ♦︎ really ♦︎ quite ♦︎ extremely ♦︎ highly ♦︎ most ♦︎ desperately ♦︎ truly ♦︎ (taboo) bloodyThese words are all used before adjectives, adverbs or verbs to mean 'to a high degree'. 这些词均可置于形容词、副词或动词前,表示很、非常、十分。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配very / so / really / quite / extremely / highly successful / intelligent / competitive / critical / sensitivevery / so / really / quite / extremely / most / desperately anxious / concerned / disappointed / unhappy / importantvery / so / really / quite / extremely / desperately / truly sorryvery / so / really / extremely / most / desperately worriedvery / so / really / quite / extremely / desperately ill / sick / tired / poor / lonely / hard / closevery / so / really / quite / extremely / bloody good / hotso / really / truly / bloody awfulvery / so / really / quite / extremely / bloody wellvery / so / really / extremely fewnot very / so / really happy / expensiveto really / desperately / truly want / need / love sb / sth very used before adjectives, adverbs and determiners to mean 'to a high degree' (置于形容词、副词和限定词前)很,非常,十分,极This room is very small / hot / useful.这间屋子很小/热/有用。They left very quickly / soon.他们很快/不久就离开了。Very few people know that.很少有人知道那件事。'Do you like it?' 'Yes, I do. Very much.'“你喜欢吗?”“是的,我喜欢,非常喜欢。”'Is it what you expected?' 'Oh yes, very much so.'“这是你所期望的吗?”“啊,是的,正如所愿。”'Are you busy?' 'Not very.'“你忙吗?”“不太忙。”The new building has been very much admired.这座新建筑物人见人夸。I'm not very (= not at all) impressed.我觉得不怎么样。 well to a great extent or degree 很;相当;大大地;远远地He was driving at well over the speed limit.他当时的车速远远超过了限速。It's a well-loved tale of love and romance.这是个深受喜爱的浪漫爱情故事。The castle is well worth a visit.这座城堡很值得参观。He liked her well enough (= to a reasonable degree) but he wasn't going to make a close friend of her.他挺喜欢她的,但并不打算和她结为密友。In informal spoken British English, well can be used in place of 'very'. 在非正式英式英语口语中,可以用well代替very (BrE, informal, spoken) I was well annoyed, I can tell you.我可以告诉你,我当时很气恼。 so (informal, especially spoken) to a high degree; very 很;非常;十分;极The girls looked so pretty in their summer dresses.姑娘们穿着夏天的连衣裙显得非常漂亮。I'm so glad to see you.见到你真高兴。We have so much to do.我们有很多事要做。Their attitude is so very English.他们的态度是十足的英国人的态度。 (BrE) He sat there ever so quietly.他静悄悄地坐在那儿。 really (rather informal, especially spoken) used before adjectives, adverbs and verbs to mean 'to a high degree' (置于形容词、副词和动词前)很,非常,十分,极This is a really nice place.这儿真是个好地方。I'm really sorry.我十分抱歉。She was driving really fast.她当时车开得非常快。I really hope we can meet up again soon.我真心希望我们能很快再次会面。 see also real complete NOTE 辨析 Very, so or really? Very is the most frequent and most neutral of these words. Really is more informal and can be stronger in degree. So is also stronger in degree and is used more to emphasize a comment or your opinion. It is the most informal of these words and some people consider it incorrect in written English. So and really can be used with both weak and strong adjectives. * very在本组词中是最常用也最中性的;really不太正式,程度也更强些;so的程度也较强,更多用于强调评语或观点,在本组词中最不正式,有人甚至认为把它用在书面语中是不正确的。so和really与程度弱的形容词(如good)或程度强的形容词(如wonderful)连用均可so / really good (= weak) 很好;真好so / really wonderful (= strong) 非常/十分精彩 Very is not used with strong adjectives. * very不与程度强的形容词连用very good很好very wonderful Very and really can be used with adjectives both after a linking verb and before a noun phrase. * very和really限定的形容词既可在连系动词之后也可在名词短语之前This place is very / really nice.这地方真好。This is a very / really nice place.这儿真是个好地方。 So can only be used after a linking verb; before a noun phrase use such a.... * so只能用在连系动词之后,名词短语之前要用such aThis place is so nice.这地方真好。This is such a nice place.这儿真是个好地方。 Really can also be used with verbs. * really还可修饰动词I really love it here.我真的很喜欢这儿。 Very cannot be used in this way, although in some cases you can use very much. * very则不能这样用,不过very much有时可以这样用I very much like the way they've arranged everything.我很喜欢他们对所有事情的安排。 quite (usually used with adjectives and adverbs 通常与形容词和副词连用) to a high degree; very 在很大程度上;很;的确You'll be quite comfortable here.你在这里会很舒服的。I can see it quite clearly.我能清清楚楚地看见它。This is the most frequent meaning of quite in American English; in British English it is more often used to mean 'rather' or 'completely'. * quite表达此义时最常用于美式英语;在英式英语中quite更常表示“颇”或“完全”。 see also quite quite 1 2 extremely (usually used with adjectives and adverbs 通常与形容词和副词连用) to a very high degree 极其;极端;非常This issue is extremely complicated.这个问题极为复杂。I would be extremely grateful if you could have a word with her.如果你能跟她谈谈,我将不胜感激。Mark knew he had behaved extremely badly.马克知道他过去的表现非常糟糕。Extremely is stronger in degree than very, so or really; it is also slightly more formal. * extremely在程度上比very、so或really较强些,也稍正式些。 see also extreme maximum highly to a high degree; very 很;非常a highly skilled workforce非常熟练的员工It is highly unlikely that she'll be late.她迟到的可能性极小。 Highly collocates with a more limited range of adjectives than many of the words in this group. It is used especially with adjectives for qualities that can be measured and ranked on a scale, and/or adjectives for personal qualities that people consider when they are judging sb. * highly的搭配范围比本组词中许多别的词都要窄,尤与可以量度并划分等级的质量形容词以及评价个人素质的形容词连用highly successful / intelligent / skilled / motivated / competitive十分成功/聪明/熟练;积极性非常高;非常有竞争力highly critical / sensitive非常关键/敏感 most (formal) very; extremely; completely 非常;极其;完全It was most kind of you to meet me.你来接我真是太好了。We shall most probably never meet again.我们极有可能再也见不到面了。This technique looks easy, but it most certainly is not.这项技术看上去简单,但绝不是那回事。 desperately to a very high degree, especially in a difficult or unhappy situation 极其,非常,拼命地(尤指身处困境或不幸中)desperately ill / unhappy / lonely病得厉害;极为不快;非常孤独He took a deep breath, desperately trying to keep calm.他深深地吸了口气,竭力保持镇定。They desperately wanted a child.他们非常想要个孩子。 truly (rather formal) used to emphasize a particular quality, especially a good or impressive quality 真正,确实(尤用于强调美好或印象深刻的性质)It was a truly memorable occasion.这的确是一件值得纪念的盛事。They gave a truly magnificent performance.他们的演出真精彩。 bloody (BrE, taboo, spoken) a swear word that many people find offensive that is used to emphasize a comment or angry statement 非常,根本(不),该死,真他妈地(用以加强语气,很多人认为含冒犯意)What bloody awful weather!这该死的鬼天气!She did bloody well to win that race.她非常出色地赢得了那场赛跑。'I'm not coming.' 'Yes you bloody well are.'“我不会来的。”“对,你当然不会来。”'Will you apologize to him?' 'Not bloody likely (= Certainly not)!'“你会向他道歉吗?”“没门儿!”He doesn't bloody care about anybody.他根本不关心任何人。I can't get this bloody thing to work.我没办法让这该死的东西运转起来。


violent ♦︎ bloody ♦︎ rough ♦︎ murderous ♦︎ homicidal ♦︎ bloodthirstyThese words all describe people using physical force that is intended to hurt or kill sb. 这些词均表示暴力的、粗暴的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达粗暴的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配violent / murderous / homicidal towards sba violent / murderous / homicidal attackviolent / murderous / homicidal tendencies violent involving or caused by physical force that is intended to hurt or kill sb 暴力的;强暴的;粗暴的Violent crime has increased by 15 per cent.暴力犯罪已上升了15%。Her husband was a violent man.她丈夫是个粗暴的人。He later met a violent death on the battlefield.后来他暴死在战场上。Children should not be allowed to watch violent movies (= that show a lot of violence).不应允许儿童看暴力电影。The crowd suddenly turned violent.人群突然变得狂暴起来。 violence


[uncountable] crimes / acts / threats of violence暴力犯罪/行为/威胁He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police.他谴责抗议者对警察使用暴力。domestic violence (= between family members) 家庭暴力


The crowd reacted violently.人群反应激烈。
bloody [usually before noun] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) involving a lot of violence and killing 嗜杀的;血腥的;残暴的A bloody battle has been fought in the region.一场血战已经在该地区展开。The terrorists have halted their bloody campaign of violence.恐怖分子已经停止了凶残的暴力活动。 Bloody can describe battle or fight, but not the people involved. * bloody可形容战斗或搏斗,但不形容参与者Her husband was a bloody man. rough (rather informal) not gentle or careful; violent 粗暴的;粗野的;猛烈的They complained of rough handling by the guards.他们抱怨受到了警卫的粗暴对待。She doesn't like playing with the rough kids.她不喜欢和粗野的孩子一起玩耍。 (spoken) Don't try any rough stuff with me.别想对我撒野。 OPP gentle sensitive 1 roughly


He pushed her roughly out of the way.他粗暴地把她推到一边。
murderous /ˈmɜːdərəs; NAmE ˈmɜːrdərəs/ (written) intending or likely to kill another person; making sb likely to kill another person 蓄意谋杀的;凶残的;凶恶的;(使)可能会杀人的The film turns a murderous villain into a hero.这部影片把一个凶残的恶棍塑造成了英雄。Some of the patients had suicidal or murderous tendencies.一些病人有自杀或谋杀的倾向。 Murderous is often used to describe people feeling anger or hatred. * murderous常用于形容人感到愤怒或仇恨a murderous look / glance / mood凶恶的目光/一瞥/语气murderous intent / rage / jealousy凶残的意图/狂怒/忌妒 see also murder murder , murder kill verb homicidal /ˌhɒmɪˈsaɪdl; NAmE ˌhɑːmɪˈsaɪdl/ (rather formal) murderous (使)可能会杀人的;有杀人倾向的He's a homicidal maniac.他是个杀人狂。She had clear homicidal tendencies.她有明显的杀人倾向。 see also homicide murder NOTE 辨析 Murderous or homicidal? Murderous expresses stronger feelings of fear or disgust than homicidal; it is often used to describe behaviour caused by strong emotions such as anger and hatred. Homicidal is a more technical and less emotive (= showing strong emotions) term; it is often used to describe behaviour caused by mental illness. * murderous所包含的恐惧或讨厌比homicidal更强烈,常形容由强烈的情感,如愤怒或仇恨,引发的行为。homicidal是较为专业的用语,含感情成分较少,常形容由精神病引发的行为。 bloodthirsty /ˈblʌdθɜːsti; NAmE ˈblʌdθɜːrsti/ wanting to kill or wound; enjoying seeing or hearing about killing and violence; describing or showing killing and violence 嗜杀成性的;喜好凶杀与暴力的;描写(或表现)凶杀与暴力的We are not a bloodthirsty people.我们不是个嗜杀成性的民族。It's a bloodthirsty tale of murder and revenge.这是个描写凶杀与复仇的血腥故事。




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