

单词 close sth down
close sth down phrase
close2 /kləʊz; NAmE kloʊz/


close a door/your eyes/a book 关门;闭眼;合上书a factory closes/close a factory 工厂倒闭;关闭工厂close ♦︎ cease trading ♦︎ fail ♦︎ close (sth) down ♦︎ collapse ♦︎ go bust ♦︎ crash ♦︎ go bankrupt ♦︎ fold ♦︎ flopThese are all words that can be used when a business stops operating, often because it does not have enough money to pay the bills and cannot borrow any more. 这些词均表示停业、倒闭、破产。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a firm / company closes / ceases trading / fails / closes down / collapses / goes bust / crashes / goes bankrupt / foldsa business closes / ceases trading / fails / closes down / collapses / goes bust / crashes / foldsan industry closes down / collapsesa person goes bust / goes bankrupta / an factory / newspaper / operation / shop closes / closes downshares / prices / markets collapse / crasha show / play closes / folds / flopsto suddenly close / close down / collapse / fold close [intransitive, transitive](of a business, service or show) to stop operating; to cause a business, service or show to stop operating (企业、服务或演出)停止运作;停业;关闭The hospital closed at the end of last year.这家医院去年年底关闭了。The play closed after just three nights.这部剧仅上演了三个晚上就停演了。The club was closed by the police.那家俱乐部被警方查封了。They are closing their Liverpool factory.他们将关闭利物浦的工厂。OPP open When a business, service or show opens it starts business or starts playing to the public for the first time. * open指企业开业、服务行业开始营业或演出首次登场The show opened to great reviews.首演好评如潮。The company opened its doors for business a month ago.那家公司一个月前开业。 closure /ˈkləʊʒə(r); NAmE ˈkloʊʒər/


[countable, uncountable] factory closures工厂倒闭The hospital has been threatened with closure.这家医院已经面临关闭的威胁。
ˌcease ˈtrading


(formal, business 商业) (of a business) to stop operating (企业)停业A leading travel firm has ceased trading with the loss of a number of jobs.一家大旅行社已经停业,好些人丢了工作。
fail [intransitive](of a business) to be unable to continue operating (企业)倒闭,破产More banks failed as people rushed to withdraw their money.由于人们争相挤兑,更多银行倒闭了。 failure


[countable, uncountable] There has been an alarming increase in business failures.企业倒闭数字的上升令人担忧。
ˌclose ˈdown ˌclose sth ˈdown

phrasal verb

(of a business or service) to stop operating; to cause a business or service to stop operating (使)停业;关闭;倒闭Companies were closing down or reducing their workforce.公司纷纷倒闭或裁员。Banks are closing down their smaller branches.各银行将关闭较小的分行。OPP open (sth) up When a business or service opens up it starts operating; to open sth up is to start a new business or service. * open up指企业或服务行业开始运作,open sth up指开展新的业务或服务There's a new Thai restaurant opening up in town.城里新开了一家泰国菜餐厅。 NOTE 辨析 Close or close down?There is not much difference in meaning between these words. Both can be used to talk about either a business or service; close but not close down can also be used to talk about a play or show. 两者意思上没有太大差别,均可用于企业或服务行业。close可用于戏剧或演出,但 close down不可以The play closed down after just three nights.
collapse [intransitive](of a business, prices, a market or an economy) to lose all or most of its value (企业)倒闭;(价格)暴跌;(市场)萧条;(经济)崩溃Share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures.成交量不佳的消息使股价暴跌。The region's economy has virtually collapsed.该地区的经济实际上已经崩溃。 collapse


[countable, usually singular] the collapse of share prices / the dollar / the market股价/美元的暴跌;市场大萧条
go ˈbust


(goes, went, gone) (informal) (of a business or the person running it) to be unable to continue operating because there is no money (企业或其经营者)破产We lost our deposit when the travel company went bust.旅行社破产,我们的订金都赔了进去。
crash [intransitive] (rather informal) (of a business, market or prices) to lose all or most of its value suddenly (企业、市场或价格突然)贬值,倒闭,失败;暴跌Share prices crashed to an all-time low yesterday.股价昨天暴跌到了历史最低点。 crash


[countable] the 1929 stock market crash1929年的股市暴跌
NOTE 辨析 Collapse or crash?There is not much difference in meaning between these words. An economy can collapse but not crash. Crash is slightly more informal and suggests an even more sudden event. 这两个词意思没有太大差别。economy可以和collapse搭配,但不可以和crash搭配。crash稍显不正式,更强调突发性。
go ˈbankrupt


(goes, went, gone)(of a person or company) to stop running a business because you do not have enough money to pay what you owe; (of a person) to ask a judge in court to officially say that you cannot pay your debts and are not allowed to borrow money (人或公司)破产;(人)申请破产Unfortunately the firm went bankrupt before the work was completed.不幸的是,这家公司在工程完成之前破产了。I have thousands of pounds of debt which I can't afford to pay back and am thinking of going bankrupt.我有数千英镑的债务还不上,正在考虑申请破产。
fold [intransitive] (rather informal) (of a business, organization or show) to close because it is no longer successful (企业或组织)倒闭;(演出)结束,停演His business folded and his wife left him.他生意失败,妻子也离开了他。The musical folded after 16 performances.那部音乐剧演了16场后停演了。Her fan club has folded.她的追星族俱乐部关闭了。 flop (-pp-) [intransitive] (rather informal) (of a film, show, product or project) to be a failure, especially because it is not popular (电影、演出、产品或项目)失败,不成功(尤指因不受大众欢迎)The play flopped on Broadway.这出戏在百老汇砸了锅。Many of his ambitious schemes have flopped in the past.过去他的许多雄心大计都失败了。 see also flop disaster noun




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