

单词 brain
brain noun
genius (the brains of the family) intelligence (It doesn't take much brain to work that out.) mind (brain cells)


genius ♦︎ prodigy ♦︎ mastermind ♦︎ brainThese are all words for a person who is very intelligent or one who is very skilled at music, art, science, etc. 这些词均表示天才、奇才。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the genius / mastermind / brains behind stha great genius / braina true genius / prodigyan evil genius / masterminda child genius / prodigya musical genius / prodigy / masterminda scientific genius / brain genius / /ˈdʒiːniəs/ / [countable] a person who is unusually intelligent or artistic or has a particularly high level of skill, especially in one area 天才人物;(某领域的)天才He was undoubtedly the greatest comic genius of his age.他无疑是当时最伟大的喜剧天才。She's a genius at getting things organized.她做事有条有理,真是个天才。You don't have to be a genius to see that this plan is not going to work.傻子都能看出这个计划行不通。 Genius is sometimes used informally when sb has just had a very good idea or done sth particularly well. * genius有时用于非正式地形容某人想到一个好主意或某事做得特别好You're an absolute genius!你真是个天才! prodigy /ˈprɒdədʒi; NAmE ˈprɑːdʒi/ [countable] a young person who is unusually intelligent or skilful for their age (年轻的)天才,奇才;神童The 12-year-old prodigy will play America's reigning chess champion next week.那个12岁的神童将在下周迎战美国国际象棋冠军。 mastermind /ˈmɑːstəmaɪnd; NAmE ˈmæstərmaɪnd/ [countable] an intelligent person who plans and directs a complicated project or activity, often a criminal one (极具才智的)决策者;(犯罪活动的)主谋,策划者There's a criminal mastermind behind all this.所有这一切背后有一个主谋。 brain [countable, usually plural] a very intelligent person 极聪明的人;有智慧的人We have the best scientific brains in the country working on this.我们有国家最优秀的科技人才为此出力。 The brains [singular] is the most intelligent person in a particular group or the person who is responsible for thinking of and organizing sth. * the brains指群体中最聪明的人或策划组织者She's always been the brains of the family.她一直是家里最聪明的人。The band's drummer is the brains behind their latest venture.乐队的鼓手是他们最近一次活动的策划人。


intelligence ♦︎ mind ♦︎ genius ♦︎ intellect ♦︎ wits ♦︎ brain ♦︎ smartsThese are all words for sb's ability to think, learn and understand. 这些词均表示智力、领悟力、理解力。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) great intelligence / mind / genius / intellect / brain(a) sharp intelligence / mind / intellect / wits / brain(a) keen intelligence / mind / intellect / brain(a / an) creative / artistic / musical intelligence / mind / genius / intellectto have intelligence / a ...mind / genius / intellect / ... wits / a ...brain / smartsto have (the) intelligence / wits / smarts to do sthto use your intelligence / mind / wits / brain / smartsa man / woman of intelligence / genius / intellect intelligence [uncountable] the ability to learn, understand and think in a logical way about things; the ability to do this well 智力;才智;智慧Most people of average intelligence would find this task quite difficult.大多数智力水平一般的人会觉得这项任务很艰难。Each child had to do an intelligence test.每个孩子都得做一项智力测验。Don't insult my intelligence (= treat me as if I were stupid).不要侮辱我的智商。 mind [countable, usually singular] your ability to think about things in a logical way; the particular way that sb thinks 思考能力;思维方式His mind is as sharp as ever.他思维敏锐,一如既往。Did you know you have a nasty suspicious mind?你知道你太多疑了,让人讨厌吗?I've no idea how her mind works.我真不知道她是怎么想的。He has the body of a man but the mind of a child.他体格粗壮,但头脑简单。Their evidence might give us some insight into the criminal mind.他们的证词也许有助于我们洞察罪犯的内心世界。 genius / /ˈdʒiːniəs/ / [uncountable] unusually great intelligence, skill or artistic ability 天才;天资;天赋the genius of Shakespeare莎士比亚的天赋She was at the peak of her creative genius.她的创作力处于巅峰状态。It's undoubtedly a work of genius.那无疑是天才之作。That was a stroke of genius.那是高明的一着。 intellect / /ˈɪntəlekt/ / [uncountable, countable] the ability to think in a logical way and understand things, especially at an advanced level (尤指高等的)智力,逻辑思维,领悟力A teacher recognized his outstanding intellect.一位老师认识到他才智超群。She was a brilliant scholar with a formidable intellect.她是个才气逼人的杰出学者。 wits [plural] a person's ability to think quickly and clearly and make good decisions 理解力;颖悟力;机智He needed all his wits to get out of that situation.他需要绞尽脑汁摆脱那种处境。This will be your chance to pit your wits against (= compete with, using your intelligence) our reigning champion.这将是你运用智慧同我们的卫冕冠军进行较量的机会。The game was a long battle of wits.这是一个长时间的斗智游戏。Keep your wits about you. This could be tricky.事情可能很棘手,你要随机应变。 brain [uncountable, countable, usually plural] (rather informal) intelligence 智力;才智;智慧It doesn't take much brain to work out that both stories can't be true.不必费多少脑筋就能想明白,两种说法都不可能是真的。She must have inherited her mother's brains.她一定是遗传了她母亲的才智。 smarts [uncountable] (NAmE, informal) intelligence 智力;才智;智慧She made it to the top on her smarts and hard work.她靠自己的聪明才智和努力工作做到了最高层。You'll have to use all your smarts to figure this one out.要弄懂这个你得用上自己全部的聪明才智。


mind ♦︎ brain ♦︎ head ♦︎ soul ♦︎ spirit ♦︎ ego ♦︎ the/your subconsciousThese are all words for the part of sb which cannot be seen or touched, but which allows them to think, feel and be aware of things. 这些词均表示头脑、心灵。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the human mind / brain / soul / spirita thought enters sb's mind / headdeep in your mind / the brain / your subconscious mind [countable, uncountable] the part of a person that makes them able to be aware of things, to think and to feel 头脑;大脑There were all kinds of thoughts running through my mind.各种念头在我脑海中闪过。There was no doubt in his mind that he'd get the job.他毫不怀疑自己会得到这份工作。She was in a disturbed state of mind.她的脑子里一片慌乱。I could not have complete peace of mind before they returned.他们不回来,我心里就不踏实。 brain [countable] the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory and feeling The scan apparently showed no damage to the brain.扫描检查清楚显示脑部没有受到损伤。brain cells脑细胞She died of a brain tumour.她死于脑瘤。Electrodes were used to measure brain activity during sleep.用电极来检测睡眠时脑部的活动。 head [countable] the mind 头脑;大脑I sometimes wonder what goes on in that head of yours.我有时搞不懂你脑子里都想些什么。I wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying sth).我希望你凡事多动动脑子。I can't work it out in my head-I need a calculator.我没法心算出来,我得用计算器。I can't get that tune out of my head.那个曲调在我头脑中挥之不去。When will you get it into your head (= understand) that I don't want to discuss this any more!你何时才能明白我不想再谈论这件事了!For some reason she's got it into her head (= believes) that the others don't like her.由于某种原因,她认定别人都不喜欢她。NOTE 辨析 Mind or head? Head is slightly more informal than mind in this meaning and is used especially to talk about thoughts and ideas that get into your head or that you can't get out of your head. 表达此义时,head较mind略非正式,尤用于短语get sth into one's head和can't get sth out of one's head中。 soul [countable] the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and character rather than their body; the spiritual part of a person, believed to exist after death; the spiritual and moral qualities of humans in general 心灵;精神;灵魂;(人类整体的)精神状况,道德品质There was a feeling of restlessness deep in her soul.她内心深处感到焦躁不安。He believed his immortal soul was in peril.他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。His poetry deals with the dark side of the human soul.他的诗歌涉及人类精神世界中阴暗的一面。 spirit [countable] a soul 精神;心灵;灵魂He felt a kind of lightness in his spirit as the sun came up.太阳升起时,他内心感到一阵轻松。He is dead, but his spirit lives on.他人死了,但精神永存。You are underestimating the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties.你低估了人类克服困难的精神力量。 see also spirit ghost NOTE 辨析 Soul or spirit? Spirit is often a more positive word than soul. People talk about lost/tormented/troubled souls and the dark side of the human soul; and about sb's indomitable spirit and the power of the human spirit. When they are used to talk about the spiritual part of a person, a spirit is often considered to be separate from a living person, especially because the person has died. A soul is often considered as the spiritual part of a person who is still alive. * spirit常较soul褒义更强,从各自的搭配中可见一斑,如lost/tormented/troubled souls(迷失的/受折磨的心灵;内心烦乱),the dark side of the human soul(人类精神世界中阴暗的一面),sb's indomitable spirit(某人不屈不挠的精神),the power of the human spirit(人类的精神力量)。指人的灵魂时,spirit常被视为脱离生者而存在,尤指死者的灵魂;soul常指活着的人的灵魂。 ego /ˈiːgəʊ, ˈegəʊ; NAmE ˈiːgoʊ/ (plural egos) [countable] (psychology 心理) the part of the mind that is responsible for your sense of who you are 自我Freud introduced the idea that a part of the ego is unconscious.弗洛伊德创立的理论认为人的自我有一部分是处于无意识状态的。 see also self identity the subconscious your subconscious [singular] the part of your mind that contains feelings that you are not aware of 下意识;潜意识She buried the guilt deep in her subconscious.她把内疚深埋在潜意识中。Delving into the subconscious can be helpful in working through psychological problems.探究潜意识有时有助于解决心理问题。 see also subconscious unconscious adj.




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