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consent noun ⇨ agreement 2 (mutual consent) ⇨ permission (give your consent)consent verb ⇨ agree 2agreement2 noun sign an agreement with sb 与某人签订协议be in agreement with sb 与某人看法一致agreement ♦︎ unity ♦︎ consensus ♦︎ solidarity ♦︎ harmony ♦︎ consent ♦︎ in accord ♦︎ identity ♦︎ unanimityThese are all words for a situation in which people share opinions or feelings. 这些词均表示观点或感受一致。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆by agreement / consensus / consent◆in agreement / unity / harmony / accord◆in agreement / unity / solidarity / harmony / accord with sb / sth◆agreement / unity / consensus / solidarity / harmony / identity / unanimity among people◆agreement / unity / consensus / solidarity / harmony / identity between people◆agreement / consensus / solidarity / unanimity over sth◆agreement / consensus / unanimity about / on sth◆agreement / consensus / unanimity that...◆apparent agreement / unity / consensus / solidarity / harmony / consent / unanimity◆complete agreement / unity / consensus / harmony / accord / identity / unanimity◆common / general / unspoken agreement / consensus / consent◆political / social agreement / unity / consensus / solidarity / harmony■ agreement [uncountable] the state of sharing the same opinion or feeling (观点或感受)一致◆Are we in agreement about the price?我们对价格问题达成共识了吗?◆He nodded in agreement.他点头表示同意。◆The two sides failed to reach agreement.双方未能取得一致意见。◆There was broad agreement on what was needed.在需要什么这个问题上,已经取得广泛共识。OPP disagreement ⇨ debate ■ unity / /ˈjuːnəti/ / [uncountable, singular] the state of being in agreement and working together 团结一致◆Complete political unity is impossible to achieve.政治上完全的团结一致是不可能达到的。◆The dispute has destroyed unity among the workers.这场争论已经破坏了工人队伍的团结。OPP disunity ⇨ division 2 ■ consensus / /kənˈsensəs/ / [singular, uncountable] an opinion that all members of a group agree with 一致的意见;共识◆There is a general consensus among teachers about the need for greater security in schools.教师对必须加强学校的安保有普遍的共识。◆There is a growing consensus of opinion on this issue.对这个问题的看法日趋一致。◆She is skilled at achieving consensus on sensitive issues.她擅长就敏感问题进行斡旋,从而达成共识。■ solidarity / /ˌsɒlɪˈdærəti; NAmE ˌsɑːlɪˈdærəti/ [uncountable] support by one person or group for another because they share feelings, opinions or aims 团结;齐心协力;相互支持◆Demonstrations were held as a gesture of solidarity with the hunger strikers.举行示威游行以示对绝食抗议者的支持。ⓘ Solidarity is a term used especially in the context of strikes and industrial relations. * solidarity尤用于罢工和劳资关系语境中。■ harmony [uncountable] a state of peaceful existence and agreement 融洽;和睦◆These communities lived in greater harmony with the environment than modern urban societies.与现代都市社会相比,这些群落生活得与环境更加和谐。◆The measures are designed to promote racial harmony (= the peaceful coexistence of people of different races).这些措施旨在促进种族和睦。■ consent /kənˈsent/ / [uncountable] a situation in which a decision is made or an opinion is held by two or more people 同意;一致◆The marriage ended by mutual consent (= with the agreement of both husband and wife).夫妻双方同意结束婚姻关系。◆The museum bought the collection for $2 million, by common consent (= everyone thinks it is) a very good price.博物馆以200万元的价格买下了这批收藏品,大家一致认为这是个好价钱。■ in accord idiom (formal) in agreement 一致;符合◆This action would not be in accord with our policy.这一行动与我们的方针不符。◆Botanists are not in complete accord about how many species exist.植物学家对总共存在多少物种的看法并不完全一致。■ identity [uncountable] (rather formal) the state of feeling or being very similar to and able to understand sb/sth 认同;相同;一致◆The two companies started working together as a result of a clear identity of interest.由于利益明显一致,两家公司开始合作。◆The close identity between the fans and the team has been eroded.球迷与球队间彼此认同的关系已经受到损害。■ unanimity / /ˌjuːnəˈnɪməti/ / (rather formal, written) complete agreement about sth among a group of people 一致同意;全体赞同◆We won't all agree, but we need to achieve a degree of unanimity.不可能没有意见分歧,但我们需要取得一定程度的一致。▸ unanimous / /juˈnænɪməs/ / adjective ◆a unanimous vote / decision / verdict全体通过的表决/决定/裁决▸ unanimously adverb ◆The motion was passed unanimously.这一动议获一致通过。 permission noun ➡ See also the entries for ⇨ approval and ⇨ licence 另见approval条和licence条permission ♦︎ consent ♦︎ authorization ♦︎ authority ♦︎ clearance ♦︎ the go-ahead ♦︎ leaveThese are all words for allowing sth to happen or allowing sb to do sth. 这些词均表示准许、许可。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆permission / consent / authorization / authority / clearance for sth◆without sb's permission / consent / authorization / authority / leave◆with sb's permission / consent / authorization / authority / leave◆permission / consent / authorization / authority / clearance / the go-ahead / leave to do sth◆formal permission / consent / authorization / authority / clearance◆special permission / consent / authorization / leave◆official permission / authorization / clearance◆prior / written permission / consent / authorization / authority◆to give (sb) permission / consent / authorization / authority / clearance / the go-ahead / leave◆to get permission / consent / authorization / authority / clearance / the go-ahead / leave◆to receive authorization / clearance / the go-ahead◆to have (sb's) permission / consent / authorization / authority / clearance / leave◆to require permission / consent / authorization / authority / leave◆to refuse (sb) permission / consent / authorization / clearance / leave■ permission [uncountable] the fact of being allowed to do sth, by sb who has the authority or right to decide 准许;许可;批准◆I asked permission to photograph the house.我请求允许给房子拍照。◆Who gave permission for this?谁准许这么做的?◆He had taken the car without his father's permission.他未经父亲许可就把车开走了。◆The portrait is reproduced by kind permission of the artist.该画像经画家慷慨许可后复制。◆The council refused planning permission (= official permission for new buildings or changes to existing ones).政务委员会拒绝给予规划许可。 see also permit ⇨ allow ■ consent / /kənˈsent/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) permission that you give for sth, especially sth that affects you personally, your family or your property 同意,准许(尤指涉及个人、家庭或财产的事宜)◆He was accused of taking a vehicle without the owner's consent.他因未征得车主同意将车开走而受指控。◆The written consent of a parent is required.需要有家长书面同意。◆Children under sixteen cannot give consent to medical treatment.16岁以下儿童不得自行同意接受治疗。◆The girl was under the age of consent (= the age at which sb is legally old enough to agree to have sex).这个女孩未到自行同意发生性关系的法定年龄。OPP refusal ⇨ refusal see also consent ⇨ agree 2 NOTE 辨析 Permission or consent? Permission is often (though not always) official, given by sb in authority; the important thing is for the person who wants to do sth to have or get the permission. 尽管有例外,permission常常是权威机构给予的、官方的许可,侧重点在于做某事之前必须先获得这一许可,动词用have或get◆Have you got permission to do that?你得到许可那样做了吗?◆Have you got consent to do that? Consent is often more personal, concerning what is done with sb's private property or their body; it is often used in the context of medical treatment or sexual relations; the important thing is for the person that sth is being done to give their consent. * consent常表示个人同意,关系到如何处置私人财产和个人身体,常用于同意进行治疗或发生性关系等语境,侧重点在于必须本人表示同意之后别人才能对他有所行动,动词用give◆Children under sixteen cannot give consent to medical treatment.16岁以下儿童不得自行同意接受治疗。◆Children under sixteen cannot give permission for medical treatment. However, in less formal contexts, permission may be used instead of consent. 但是,在较非正式的语境,permission可以代替consent◆You need written permission from your parents.你需要得到父母的书面同意。In more formal contexts consent may be used instead of permission. 在较正式的语境中,consent可以代替permission◆They had planning consent for a hotel and conference centre on the site.他们已获准在这个地点建一座酒店和会议中心。 ■ authorization (BrE also authorisation) /ˌɔːθəraɪˈzeɪʃn; NAmE ˌɔːθərəˈzeɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) official permission to do sth; the act of giving permission 批准;授权◆You may not enter the security area without authorization.未经授权不得进入警戒区域。◆The order was, in effect, an authorization to plan a coup.该命令实际上是授权策划政变。◆The department is responsible for the authorization of spending.这个部门负责审批支出预算。 see also authorize ⇨ allow ■ authority [uncountable] (rather formal) official permission or power to do sth 批准;授权;权力◆The government was accused of selling the land without formal authority.政府被指控没有得到正式批文就卖了这块地。◆The minister must answer to Parliament for anything his officials have done under his authority.部长必须向国会解释他手下官员经他授权的一切所作所为。NOTE 辨析 Authorization or authority?There is not much difference in meaning between these words. Authorization is nearly always permission for a particular action, or the act of giving this permission; authority can be more general, meaning 'the power to give permission': things can be done under sb's authority but not 'under sb's authorization'. 这两个词的含义差别不大。authorization几乎总是指做某事的许可,或给予许可。authority一词更笼统,可以表示审批权,表示“经某人的批准”可以用under sb's authority,但是不用under sb's authorization。■ clearance /ˈklɪərəns; NAmE ˈklɪrəns/ [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) official permission that sb must get before they can work somewhere, have particular information, or do sth they want to do; official permission for a person or vehicle to enter or leave an airport or country (录用、接触特定信息或做某事之前的)审查许可,审核批准;(人、交通工具出入空港或出入境的)许可,准许◆It is safest to seek advance clearance from the tax office.安全起见还是事先去税务局申请许可。◆Allow a minimum of six weeks to obtain the necessary clearances.至少留出六周时间以取得必要的审查许可。◆The aircraft received clearance to taxi out for take-off.飞机得到许可,可以滑行起飞了。 see also clear ⇨ allow ■ the ˈgo-ahead [singular] (rather informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) permission for sb to start doing sth 批准;许可◆The company hopes to get the go-ahead for the new service.该公司希望获得新业务许可。◆Councils were given the go-ahead to spend more on housing.政务委员会已获准增加住房支出。ⓘ The go-ahead is nearly always used with the verbs get or give. * the go-ahead几乎总是与动词get或give连用。■ leave [singular] (formal) official permission to be or go somewhere; official permission to bring a case or make a request in court (对去某地的)许可;(对起诉或申诉的)准许◆In May the officer went absent without leave.那名警察在5月份擅离职守。◆The school gave him leave of absence (= permission to be away) to play in the final.学校批了假让他去参加决赛。◆An application for leave to appeal (= against a decision in court) must be made within four weeks.上诉申请必须在四周之内提出。 agree2 verb 'That's true,' she agreed. “是这样的。”她表示同意。agree to a proposal 应允一个提议agree a price 商定一个价格agree ♦︎ accept ♦︎ approve ♦︎ go along with sb/sth ♦︎ consent ♦︎ take sth on board ♦︎ acquiesceThese words all mean to say that you will do what sb wants or that you will allow sth to happen. 这些词均表示应允、答应。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to agree / consent / acquiesce to sth◆to agree / consent to do sth◆to agree to / accept / approve / go along with / consent to a plan / scheme / proposal◆to agree to / accept / approve / go along with / acquiesce in a decision◆to agree to / accept / approve / consent to a change◆to agree to / accept / approve / take on board a suggestion◆to agree to / accept / approve a request◆to meekly accept / go along with sth / acquiesce■ agree [intransitive, transitive] to say that you will do what sb wants or that you will allow sth to happen; to officially accept a plan or request 应允;答应;批准◆I asked for a pay rise and she agreed.我要求加薪,她答应了。◆Do you think he'll agree to their proposal?你认为他会采纳他们的建议吗?◆She agreed (that) we could finish early.她同意我们早点结束。◆He agreed to let me go early.他同意让我早走。◆Next year's budget has been agreed.明年的预算已获批准。 OPP refuse ⇨ refuse see also agreement ⇨ approval ■ accept [transitive] to be satisfied with sth that has been done, decided or suggested 认可;接受;同意◆They accepted the court's decision.他们接受了法庭的裁决。◆He accepted all the changes we proposed.他同意我们提出的全部修改方案。◆She won't accept advice from anyone.她不会接受任何人的忠告。 see also acceptance ⇨ approval ■ approve [transitive] to officially agree to a plan, suggestion or request 批准,通过(计划、建议或要求)◆The committee unanimously approved the plan.委员会一致通过了这个方案。◆His appointment has not been formally approved yet.他的任命还没有正式批准。 OPP reject ⇨ refuse see also approval ⇨ approval ■ ˌgo aˈlong with sb/sth phrasal verb (goes, went, gone) (rather informal) to agree to sth that sb else has decided; to agree with sb else's ideas 赞成(他人决定);同意(他人看法)◆She just goes along with everything he suggests.他提什么建议她都一律赞成。◆I don't go along with her views on abortion.在堕胎问题上我不能同意她的观点。■ consent / /kənˈsent/ / [intransitive] (rather formal) to agree to sth or give your permission for sth 同意;允许◆When she told them what she intended they readily consented.她告诉他们她的打算,他们欣然同意。◆He reluctantly consented to his daughter's marriage.他勉强同意了女儿的婚事。 see also consent ⇨ permission ■ take sth on ˈboard idiom (took, taken) (rather informal) to understand and accept an idea or suggestion 采纳,接纳(想法或建议)◆I told him what I thought, but he didn't take my advice on board.我跟他说了我的想法,但他没有接受我的建议。■ acquiesce / /ˌækwiˈes/ / [intransitive] (formal) to accept sth without arguing, even if you do not really agree with it 默认,默许,顺从(尽管不一定同意)◆Senior government figures must have acquiesced in the cover-up.政府高级官员必然已经默许掩盖真相。◆She explained her plan and reluctantly he acquiesced.她解释了她的计划,他无奈默然接受。 see also acquiescence ⇨ approval |