

单词 peer
peer noun
peer (peer pressure) lord (a hereditary/life peer)
peer verb


peer ♦︎ equal ♦︎ matchThese are all words for a person or thing that is like another person or thing in some way. 这些词均表示某方面相同的人或物。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配among your peers / equalsto be sb's equal / match peer [countable, usually plural] a person who is the same age or who has the same social status as you 同龄人;同辈;身份(或社会地位)相同的人She enjoys the respect of her peers.她受到同侪的尊敬。Children are worried about failing in front of their peers.儿童都怕在同伴面前失败。Peer pressure is strong among young people (= they want to be like other people of the same age).年轻人受到强大的同辈压力。 see also peer group age equal [countable] (rather formal) a person or thing of the same ability or quality, or with the same status or rights as another 同等的人;相等物As a poet, he had few equals.作为诗人,没有几个人能与他相提并论。Our cars are the equal of those produced anywhere in the world.我们的汽车可以与世界上任何地方生产的汽车媲美。She treats the people who work for her as her equals.她以平等的身份对待为她工作的人。 see also equal compare verb 2 , equal equal adj. match [singular] a person who is equal to sb else in strength, skill, intelligence, etc. 敌手;旗鼓相当的人I was no match for him at tennis.打网球我根本不是他的对手。She knew she had met her match and tried to retreat.她知道这次遇到了旗鼓相当的对手,想退缩。 see also match compare verb 2


lord ♦︎ peer ♦︎ noble ♦︎ aristocrat ♦︎ nobleman ♦︎ ladyThese are all words for a person of a high social class, especially sb with a special title. 这些词均表示社会地位高的人,尤指有特殊头衔的人。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a great / wealthy lord / noble / aristocrat / nobleman / ladya rich lord / aristocrat / ladya powerful lord / noblea local lord / noble / aristocrat / noblemana hereditary lord / peer / noblea / an English / Scottish / Irish lord / peer / noble / aristocrat / noblemana Hungarian / French / German, etc. noble / aristocrat / noblemanto become a lord / peer lord [countable](in Britain) a man of a high social rank, especially sb with a special title; a man who has been given the title of 'lord' and the right to sit and vote in the House of Lords (= the upper house of the British parliament) (尤指英国有头衔的男性)贵族;勋爵She's married to a lord.她嫁给了一个贵族。He was made a peer and took the title Lord Northcliffe.他被封为贵族,头衔是诺思克利夫勋爵。 peer [countable](in Britain) a person of a high social rank who has a special title; a person who has been given the title of 'lord' or 'lady,' and the right to sit and vote in the House of Lords (英国)贵族成员;贵族;女贵族Two-thirds of the Lords were hereditary peers who succeeded to their title automatically.上议院有三分之二的议员为自动继承爵位的世袭贵族。The former athlete and MP Sebastian Coe was created a life peer (= a title which cannot be passed to a son) in 2000 as Baron Coe of Ranmore.前运动员和议员塞巴斯蒂安•科于2000年被封为终身贵族,其爵位是兰莫尔的科男爵。NOTE 辨析 Lord and peer Lord and peer can both be used to refer to a person in Britain who has a special title, including Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount or Baron. Some of these titles are inherited (= passed from father to son) and some are given to a person by the Queen for service to the country, for example in politics or business. A peer can use the title Lord or Lady before their name and, until recently, they could all sit in the House of Lords (= the upper house of the British parliament). Since 1999 most hereditary peers (= those who inherited their titles) have lost this right, but life peers (= who were given their titles by the Queen, but cannot pass them on) still have it. A peer can be either a man or a woman. When people talk about lords as a group, for example in the House of Lords, this often includes both men and women. * lord和peer在英国都可指有爵位的人,包括公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵或男爵。这些爵位有一些是世袭的,另一些则是因为对国家的政商等方面有贡献而由女王加封的。peer的姓名前面可以加Lord或Lady作为称呼,而且以前所有的peer都可以担任上议院议员,但现在不是这样了。自从1999年起,大多数世袭贵族都失去了这种权利,而终身贵族却依然享有这种权利。peer可以是男性或女性;lords用于指一个群体时,例如House of Lords(上议院),常包括男女贵族在内。 noble [countable](especially in some European countries in the past) a person who comes from a family of high social rank, especially sb who has a special title (尤指旧时某些欧洲国家的)出身高贵的人,贵族成员The regime was supported by a group of powerful nobles.这个政权得到一群权贵的支持。 see also nobility elite , noble aristocratic aristocrat /ˈærɪstəkræt; NAmE əˈrɪstəkræt/ [countable](especially in some European countries) a person who comes from a family of high social rank, especially sb who has a special title (尤指某些欧洲国家的)贵族At that time, diplomatic posts were filled by aristocrats.那时候,外交职务由贵族担任。He had the air of an aristocrat.他有贵族的派头。 see also aristocracy elite , aristocratic aristocratic nobleman [countable](especially in some European countries in the past) a man who comes from a family of high social rank, especially sb who has a special title (尤指旧时某些欧洲国家的)出身高贵的人,贵族男成员He contemplated marrying his daughter to an English nobleman.他考虑把自己的女儿嫁给一位英国贵族。 see also noble aristocratic NOTE 辨析 Noble, aristocrat or nobleman? Noble and nobleman are often used when talking about the political power which these people used to have; aristocrat places slightly more emphasis on the social importance of these people. In modern contexts it is more usual to talk about aristocrats. * noble和nobleman常用于谈论贵族过去所拥有的政治权力,aristocrat则稍侧重于强调这些人重要的社会地位。现代语境中更常用aristocrat。 lady [countable](in Britain) a woman belonging to a high social class; a special title used by a woman of high social rank, or by a woman who has been made a peer and given the right to sit and vote in the House of Lords (英国)贵妇人,夫人,女士,小姐It is said that lords and ladies and royalty were entertained here.据说贵族和王室成员在这里接受款待。Lady Amos became a peer in 1997.阿莫斯夫人于1997年成为了贵族。


 See also the entries for glance and look verb 1 另见glance条和look动词词条第1义stare ♦︎ gaze ♦︎ peer ♦︎ glare ♦︎ squint ♦︎ gawkThese words all mean to look at sb/sth for a long time. 这些词均表示凝视、注视。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to stare / gaze / peer / glare / squint / gawk at sb / sthto stare / gaze / gawk in surprise / amusement, etc.to stare / gaze / peer / glare / squint for a momentto stare / gaze / peer / glare suspiciouslyto stare / gaze / peer anxiously / intentlyto stare / gaze / glare wildly / fiercely stare [intransitive] to look at sb/sth for a long time, especially with surprise or fear, or because you are thinking (尤指因吃惊、害怕或思考而)盯着看,凝视,注视I screamed and everyone stared.我尖叫了一声,众人都盯着我看。Peter stared in disbelief at the message on the screen.彼得满腹疑惑地注视着屏幕上的信息。He sat for hours just staring into space (= looking at nothing).他坐了几个小时,茫然地凝视着前方。 see also stare look noun gaze [intransitive] (especially written) to look steadily at sb/sth for a long time, especially with surprise or love, or because you are thinking (尤指因惊讶、爱慕或深思而)凝视,注视,盯着We all gazed at Marco in amazement.我们都惊讶地注视着马科。She gazed adoringly into his eyes.她用崇拜的眼神凝视着他的双眼。 see also gaze look noun peer [intransitive] to look closely or carefully at sth, especially when you cannot see it clearly (尤指看不清楚时)仔细看,端详We peered into the shadows.我们往阴暗处仔细瞧。She kept peering over her shoulder.她不停地回头看。 glare [intransitive] to look angrily at sb/sth for a long time (长时间地)怒目而视I looked at her and she glared stonily back.我看了她一眼,她便冷冷地对我怒目而视。 see also glare look noun squint [intransitive, transitive] to look at sb/sth with your eyes partly shut in order to keep out bright light or to see better 瞇着眼睛看She was squinting through the keyhole.她瞇着眼往锁眼里看。When he squinted his eyes, he could just make out a house in the distance.他瞇着眼睛看,只能隐约看见远处有一所房子。 gawk [intransitive] (informal) to stare at sb/sth in such an obvious way that it looks rude or stupid 无礼地瞪眼看;呆头呆脑地盯着看Stop gawking like that!别那样呆头呆脑地盯着看!




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