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quiet adj. ⇨ quiet 1 (a quiet place/life) ⇨ quiet 2 (a quiet voice) ⇨ quiet 3 (quiet and shy)quiet verb ⇨ silencequiet noun ⇨ silencequiet1 adjective a quiet place/life 僻静的地方;平静的生活a quiet voice 轻柔的声音quiet and shy 文静而腼腆quiet ♦︎ peaceful ♦︎ silent ♦︎ tranquil ♦︎ calm ♦︎ sleepyThese words all describe a place or period of time without much noise or activity. 这些词均表示平静的、安静的、清静的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a quiet / peaceful / silent / tranquil / sleepy place / village / town◆a quiet / peaceful / tranquil / calm day / night / morning / afternoon / evening◆a quiet / peaceful / tranquil / calm / sleepy atmosphere◆a quiet / peaceful / tranquil life / setting◆quiet / peaceful / tranquil countryside / surroundings■ quiet without many people or much noise or activity; not disturbed by anyone 僻静的;寂静的;清静的;平静的◆The house was quiet except for the sound of the television.房子里很安静,只有电视的声音。◆They had a quiet wedding.他们举行了低调的婚礼。◆Business is usually quieter at this time of year.每年这个时节,生意往往比较清淡。◆I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home.我盼着在家过个清静的夜晚。OPP busy ⇨ busy 2 , noisy ⇨ loud ■ peaceful not worried or disturbed in any way; quiet and calm 平静的;安静的◆I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.我酣然入睡。◆It's so peaceful out here in the country.郊外这里一切都是那么宁静。 see also peace ⇨ silence noun ▸ peacefully adverb ◆He died peacefully in her arms.他在她的怀抱里安详地死去。■ silent where there is little or no sound; making little or no sound 无声的;安静的;不喧闹的◆The streets were silent and deserted.大街小巷寂无一人。◆As darkness began to fall, the cannon fell silent.夜幕降临后,炮声归于沉寂。 see also silence ⇨ silence noun ▸ silently adverb ◆She crept silently out of the room.她悄悄溜出房间。■ tranquil / /ˈtræŋkwɪl/ / (rather formal, written) quiet and peaceful in a way that makes you feel relaxed 恬静的;平静的;静谧的◆It is a tranquil place of quiet beauty.这是个有着清幽美景的地方。 see also tranquillity ⇨ silence noun ■ calm (of the sea) without large waves; (of the weather) without wind; (of the atmosphere in a place) without noise or violent feeling (海洋)风平浪静的;(天气)无风的;(气氛)平静的◆a calm, cloudless day晴朗无风的一天◆The city is calm again (= free from trouble and fighting) after yesterday's riots.昨天的骚乱过后,城里又恢复了平静。OPP rough ⇨ rough 2 ⓘ The opposite, rough, only describes the sea and the weather, not times or places. * calm的反义词rough只可描述海洋和天气,不能描述时期和地方。 see also calm ⇨ peace noun , calm ⇨ silence noun ■ sleepy (especially of a town or village) quiet and where nothing much happens (尤指小镇或村庄)安静的,冷清的,不热闹的◆It was a sleepy little town before it became popular with tourists.那本是个安静的小城,后来才受到游客的青睐。 quiet2 adjective a quiet place/life 僻静的地方;平静的生活a quiet voice 轻柔的声音quiet and shy 文静而腼腆quiet ♦︎ soft ♦︎ faint ♦︎ inaudible ♦︎ silent ♦︎ hushed ♦︎ dull ♦︎ muffledThese words all describe sounds or voices that are not easy to hear because they make little or no noise. 这些词均表示声音放轻的、悄声的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a quiet / a soft / a faint / an inaudible / a hushed / a muffled voice◆quiet / soft / hushed tones◆a quiet / hushed / muffled conversation◆quiet / soft / silent / muffled laughter◆a quiet / a soft / a faint / an inaudible / a hushed whisper◆a soft / faint / silent / muffled cry◆a quiet / soft / faint / dull / muffled sound◆a quiet / soft / faint / dull click◆a soft / faint / dull / muffled noise / thud / thump■ quiet making very little noise 轻声的;轻柔的;安静的◆We could hear quiet footsteps in the corridor.我们听见走廊里轻轻的脚步声。◆How would you like a quieter, more efficient engine?您想要一台声音更小、功效更高的发动机吗?◆Could you keep the kids quiet while I'm on the phone?我在打电话,你让孩子们安静点好吗?◆'Be quiet,' said the teacher.“安静点。”老师说道。◆He went very quiet (= did not say much) so I knew he was upset.他的话变少了,所以我知道他很烦恼。OPP loud ⇨ loud see also quiet , quieten ⇨ silence verb ▸ quietly adverb ◆I can't hear you-you're speaking too quietly.我听不见-你说话的声音太轻了。■ soft (of a voice or sound) not loud, and usually pleasant and gentle (嗓音或声音)轻的,轻柔的,柔和悦耳的◆He chose some soft background music and lit the candles.他选了轻柔的背景音乐,点燃了蜡烛。OPP loud ⇨ loud , sharp ⇨ high 3 ▸ softly adverb ◆She closed the door softly behind her.她随手轻轻关上了门。■ faint (of sounds) that you cannot hear clearly, especially because they come from things or people in the distance (声音)微弱的,不清楚的(尤指因为距离远)◆We could hear their voices growing fainter as they walked down the road.他们沿路走远时,我们听见他们的说话声逐渐模糊。▸ faintly adverb ◆'Does it matter?' she said faintly.“要紧吗?”她微声问道。■ inaudible / /ɪnˈɔːdəbl/ / (of sounds) that you cannot hear (声音)听不见的◆She spoke in an almost inaudible whisper.她低声说话的声音几不可闻。◆The whistle was inaudible to the human ear.这种哨声人耳听不到。 OPP audible ⓘ A sound that is audible can be heard, although it may not be very loud. * audible指听得见的,但声音未必很大◆Her voice was barely audible above the noise.一片嘈杂,她的声音只能勉强听得见。◆The alarm must be clearly audible in all bedrooms (= in fire safety regulations).在所有卧室里都必须能清楚地听到警报声。 ■ silent [only before noun] not expressed with words or sound 不用言语表达的;无声的◆She closed her eyes to say a silent prayer.她闭上眼睛默祷。◆They nodded in silent agreement.他们点头默许。 see also silence ⇨ silence verb ▸ silently adverb ◆She prayed silently.她默默地祷告。■ hushed [usually before noun](of voices) speaking very quietly (嗓音)低的,轻声的◆They spoke in hushed tones.他们窃窃私语。◆They were deep in hushed conversation.他们全神贯注地低声交谈。ⓘ A hushed conversation is often one which the speakers do not want other people to hear. * hushed常意味着谈话人不希望别人听到。■ dull [only before noun] (written) (of sounds) not clear or loud (声音)不清晰的,隐约的,低沉的◆The gates shut behind him with a dull thud.他出去后,门砰的一声闷响关上了。▸ dully adverb ◆The gates clanged dully behind him.门在他身后发出咣的一声闷响。■ muffled / /ˈmʌfld/ / (of sounds) not heard clearly because sth is in the way that stops the sound from travelling easily (声音)沉闷的,压抑的,模糊不清的◆Muffled voices could be heard coming from the next room.听得见从隔壁房间传来模糊不清的说话声。 see also muffle ⇨ silence verb quiet3 adjective a quiet place/life 僻静的地方;平静的生活a quiet voice 轻柔的声音quiet and shy 文静而腼腆 ➡ See also the entries for ⇨ shy and ⇨ solitary 另见shy条和solitary条quiet ♦︎ reserved ♦︎ reticent ♦︎ taciturn ♦︎ silentThese words all describe people not talking very much. 这些词均形容人寡言少语。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a quiet / reserved / reticent / silent person / man◆He's the quiet / silent type.◆very quiet / reserved / reticent / silent◆strangely quiet / reticent / silent■ quiet (of a person) tending not to talk very much (人)寡言少语的,文静的◆She was quiet and shy, and never spoke up in class.她文静而腼腆,从不在班上发言。▸ quietly adverb ◆She sat quietly in the corner.她安静地坐在角落里。■ reserved slow or unwilling to show feelings or express opinions 内向的;寡言少语的;矜持的◆Neighbours described him as a reserved man who didn't mix much.邻居称他是个内向的人,不怎么与人交往。◆I think in her day people were more reserved.我认为在她那个年代人们更为内敛。■ reticent / /ˈretɪsnt/ / (formal) unwilling to tell people about things 寡言少语的;不愿与人交谈的;有保留的◆He was extremely reticent about his personal life.他对自己的个人生活讳莫如深。OPP forthcoming ⇨ talkative ■ taciturn /ˈtæsɪtɜːn; NAmE ˈtæsɪtɜːrn/ (formal) tending not to say very much, in a way that seems unfriendly 不苟言笑的;沉默寡言的;冷漠不语的◆He was a taciturn and serious young man.他是个不苟言笑、一本正经的年轻人。■ silent [only before noun](especially of a man) not talking very much (尤指男人)不爱说话的,寡言少语的◆He's the strong, silent type.他是那种强悍而沉默寡言的人。NOTE 辨析 A quiet man or a silent man?A quiet man is seen as being rather gentle, and perhaps not very confident. A silent man does not speak very much either, but his silence is considered to be a sign of strength and an unwillingness to waste time saying unnecessary things. 形容男子沉默寡言时,quiet指看起来很沉静,但可能不太自信。silent也指沉默寡言,但这种沉默被视为有魄力,不愿浪费口舌。 silence verb silence ♦︎ quiet ♦︎ quieten ♦︎ shush ♦︎ muffleThese words all mean to become quieter or stop sb/sth from making so much noise. 这些词均表示变得安静、使安静。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to quiet / quieten (sb) down◆to quiet / quieten a crowd■ silence [transitive] (written) to make sb/sth stop speaking or making a noise 使安静;使不说话;使不作声◆She quickly silenced him with a glare.她瞪了他一眼,他马上就不作声了。◆Our bombs silenced the enemy's guns (= they destroyed them).我们的炸弹把敌人的炮火打哑了。 see also silent ⇨ quiet adj. 2 ■ quiet [intransitive, transitive] (especially NAmE) to become calmer or less noisy; to make sb/sth calmer or less noisy 平静下来;安静下来;使平静;使安静◆The demonstrators quieted down when the police arrived.警察一到,示威者便平静了下来。◆He's very good at quieting the kids.他很懂得如何让孩子们安静下来。 see also quiet ⇨ quiet adj. 2 ■ quieten [intransitive, transitive] (BrE) to become calmer or less noisy; to make sb/sth calmer or less noisy 平静下来;安静下来;使平静;使安静◆Things seem to have quietened down a bit this afternoon (= we are not as busy as we were).今天下午,事情似乎平静些了。◆The police appealed for calm, but it failed to quieten the protesters.警方呼吁抗议者保持冷静,但没有奏效。 see also quiet ⇨ quiet adj. 2 ■ shush [transitive] (rather informal) to tell sb to be quiet, especially by saying 'shush', or by putting your finger against your lips (尤指发“嘘”声或把手指竖在嘴唇上)要某人安静◆He rudely shushed the whole room and demanded silence.他粗鲁地“嘘”了一声,要屋里的人安静下来。■ muffle [transitive] to make the sound produced by sb/sth quieter or less clear, especially by covering it with sth (尤指用某物覆盖以)压低(声音),使(声音)模糊不清◆He tried to muffle the alarm clock by putting it under his pillow.他把闹钟塞在枕头底下,想减低声音。◆He saw shadowy figures slip by him, their footsteps muffled by the fog.他看到几个模糊的人影从身边溜过,他们的脚步声被大雾淹没。 see also muffled ⇨ quiet adj. 2 silence noun silence ♦︎ peace ♦︎ quiet ♦︎ tranquillity ♦︎ hush ♦︎ calmThese are all words for a lack of noise. 这些词均表示安静、寂静。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆in silence / peace / tranquillity◆absolute / total silence / peace / quiet / tranquillity / calm◆relative silence / peace / quiet / tranquillity / calm◆a sudden silence / quiet / hush / calm◆to break the silence / peace / quiet / calm◆silence / quiet / a hush falls on sth■ silence [uncountable] a complete lack of noise or sound 寂静;无声◆Their footsteps echoed in the silence.他们的脚步声在一片寂静中回荡。◆A scream broke the silence of the night.一声尖叫划破了寂静的夜晚。 see also silent ⇨ quiet 1 ■ peace [uncountable] a lack of interruption from noise, problems, worry or unwanted actions 平静;安静;宁静◆She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening.她悠闲地躺着享受夏日傍晚的宁静。◆He never felt really at peace with himself.他从未真正感到心里平静过。◆He just wants to be left in peace (= not to be disturbed).他只希望别受到打扰。◆I need to check that she is all right, just for my own peace of mind (= so that I do not have to worry).我必须看到她安然无恙心里才踏实。 see also peaceful ⇨ quiet 1 ■ quiet [uncountable] the state of being without much noise 宁静;寂静;安静◆He seemed to prefer the quiet of his own room.他似乎更喜欢自己房间的宁静。◆I go to the library for a little peace and quiet.我到图书馆去清静一下。■ tranquillity (especially BrE) (NAmE usually tranquility) / /træŋˈkwɪləti/ / [uncountable] (rather formal, written) the state of being without noise, violence or anxiety 安静;平静;安宁◆It is the perfect place to relax in an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity.这里的气氛恬静安宁,是休息放松的最佳场所。 see also tranquil ⇨ quiet 1 ■ hush [singular] a period of silence, especially following a lot of noise, or when people are expecting sth to happen (尤指一阵嘈杂之后或等着某事发生时的)寂静,鸦雀无声◆There was a deathly hush in the theatre.剧院里一片死寂。◆A hush fell over the landscape.这一片景物静了下来。■ calm [uncountable, countable] a quiet and peaceful time or situation 平静的时期;宁静的状态◆We sat together for a while in the calm of the evening.在宁静的夜晚,我们一起坐了一会。 see also calm ⇨ quiet adj. 1 |