

单词 raid
raid noun
attack1 (air raid) theft (a bank raid)
raid verb
rob attack2


a bomb attack 炸弹袭击a vicious knife attack 凶残的持刀袭击事件an attack of flu/nerves 流感爆发;突然紧张不安attack ♦︎ strike ♦︎ invasion ♦︎ raid ♦︎ assault ♦︎ offensive ♦︎ aggression ♦︎ incursionThese are all words for military acts against an enemy. 这些词均表示军事进攻、袭击。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an attack / a strike / a raid / an assault / an offensive / aggression against sb / sthan attack / a strike / an assault / an offensive / an incursion on sb / sthin an attack / a strike / an invasion / a raid / an assault / an offensive / an incursion(a) military attack / strike / invasion / raid / assault / offensive / aggression / incursiona full-scale attack / invasion / assault / offensivea successful attack / strike / invasion / raid / assault / offensivean all-out attack / assault / offensivean air attack / strike / raid / assault / offensiveto plan / launch an attack / a strike / an invasion / a raid / an assault / an offensiveto mount an attack / an assault / an offensiveto make an attack / a raid / an assault / an incursionto resist (an) attack / an invasion / an assault / (an) aggression attack [countable, uncountable](in a war) an aggressive attempt to hurt or defeat the enemy using weapons and violence (战争中的)进攻,攻击He ordered his men to mount an attack on the city.他命令士兵对这座城市发动进攻。The patrol came under attack from all sides.巡逻队受到四面八方的攻击。 strike [countable] a rapid, powerful military attack, especially by aircraft (尤指空中迅猛的)军事袭击The effects of the air strikes had been devastating.这次空袭造成的影响是毁灭性的。They launched a pre-emptive strike (= before the enemy could attack).他们先发制人,发起了进攻。 invasion / /ɪnˈveɪʒn/ / [countable, uncountable] the act of an army entering another country by force in order to take control of it 武装入侵;侵略;侵犯She left France after the German invasion in 1940.1940年德国武装入侵之后,她离开了法国。The invasion force comprised 3 000-5 000 heavily armed troops.侵略军由3 000到5 000名全副武装的士兵组成。 see also invade invade raid [countable] a short surprise attack on the enemy by soldiers, ships or aircraft (陆、海、空的)突然袭击Hundreds of civilians were killed in the air raids.数百名平民在空袭中丧生。 assault / /əˈsɔːlt/ / [countable] an attack on a place in order to take control of it 突击,袭击(以占领)An assault on the capital was launched in the early hours of the morning.凌晨时分对首都发起了攻击。 offensive [countable] a planned series of military attacks which sometimes take place over a long period of time (有计划的)系列军事行动;(持续的)攻势The final offensive was launched in the spring.春季发动了最后一次进攻。 aggression [uncountable] a violent attack or threats by one country against another 侵略;侵犯;挑衅Each country agreed to halt all acts of aggression against the other's territory.各国同意停止一切对他国领土的侵略行动。 incursion /ɪnˈkɜːʃn; NAmE ɪnˈkɜːrʒn/ [countable] (formal) a sudden, temporary entry into a place controlled by the enemy, especially across a border (尤指跨越边界的)突然入侵,突然侵犯Border patrols were increased to deter further incursions by foreign forces.增加了边关巡逻以阻止外国军队的进一步入侵行动。


theft ♦︎ robbery ♦︎ burglary ♦︎ raid ♦︎ break-in ♦︎ embezzlement ♦︎ shoplifting ♦︎ larceny ♦︎ heistThese are all words for the crime of stealing sth from a person or place. 这些词均表示偷窃、盗窃罪。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(an) attempted theft / robbery / burglary / break-in / larcenya bank robbery / raid / heistgrand / petty theft / larcenyto commit (a) theft / robbery / burglary / larcenyto carry out a theft / robbery / burglary / raidto take part in / foil a robbery / burglary / raidto report / investigate a theft / robbery / burglary / raid / break-ina theft / robbery / burglary / raid / break-in happens / takes place theft [uncountable, countable] the crime of stealing sth from a person or place 偷;偷窃;盗窃罪Police are investigating the theft of computers from the company's offices.警方正在调查这家公司办公室的计算机失窃案。There has been a reduction in the number of car thefts.汽车失窃案数量已有所下降。 see also thief thief robbery [uncountable, countable] the crime of stealing money or goods from a bank, shop, person, etc., especially using violence or threats (尤指用暴力或威胁手段)盗窃;抢劫;掠夺He already had a conviction for armed robbery (= using a gun, knife, etc.).他已有一次持械抢劫的前科。There has been a spate of robberies in the area recently.近来这一地区发生了多起抢劫案。 see also rob rob , robber thief NOTE 辨析 Theft or robbery? Theft emphasizes the thing stolen. * theft强调被偷的东西car / computer theft汽车/电脑失窃案car/computer robbery Robbery emphasizes the place from which sth was stolen, especially a bank or other business, and often suggests that violence was used. * robbery强调东西被偷的地点,尤其是银行或其他商业机构,并常意味着使用了暴力bank robbery银行抢劫案armed robbery持械抢劫案bank theft armed theft burglary / /ˈbɜːgləri; NAmE ˈbɜːrgləri/ [uncountable, countable] the crime of entering a building illegally and stealing things from it 入室盗窃罪The youth was charged with three counts of burglary.那个年轻人被控犯下三起盗窃案。There has been a rise in the number of burglaries committed in the area.该地区入室盗窃案数目一直在上升。Burglary usually refers to the act of stealing things from people's homes. It usually takes place when the people are not there or asleep and does not usually involve threats or violence. * burglary一般指从别人家中偷东西的行为,常发生在没人在家或屋内人睡着时,通常不涉及威胁或暴力。 see also burgle , burglarize rob , burglar thief raid [countable] an attack on a building, place or vehicle in order to commit a crime, especially to steal sth 抢劫;打劫He had once been involved in a bank raid.他参与过一次抢银行。She was shot during an armed raid on a security van.她在一次持械抢劫押款车事件中中了枪。 see also raid rob , raider thief ˈbreak-in [countable] an act of entering a building using force, usually to steal sth 闯入;破门而入;入室盗窃Police were called to three break-ins in the same area last night.昨夜警方接到同一地区的三宗入室盗窃的报案。 see also break into sth rob embezzlement [uncountable] the crime of stealing money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer 监守自盗;贪污;侵吞公款She was found guilty of embezzlement.她被判犯有侵吞公款罪。 see also embezzle steal shoplifting /ˈʃɒplɪftɪŋ; NAmE ˈʃɑːplɪftɪŋ/ [uncountable] the crime of stealing goods from a shop by deliberately leaving without paying for them 商店行窃(罪)She was convicted of shoplifting.她被判犯有商店行窃罪。 see also shoplift steal , shoplifter thief larceny /ˈlɑːsəni; NAmE ˈlɑːrsəni/ [uncountable, countable] (NAmE or old-fashioned, BrE, law 法律) the crime of stealing sth from sb; an occasion when this takes place 盗窃罪;偷盗;盗窃The couple were charged with grand / petty larceny (= stealing things that are valuable / not very valuable).那对夫妇被控以重大/轻微盗窃罪。 heist /haɪst/ / [countable] (especially NAmE, informal) an act of stealing sth valuable from a bank or shop (对银行或商店的)盗窃It's a tense thriller about a diamond heist that goes badly wrong.那是个惊险刺激的钻石盗窃案故事,过程波折重重。a heist movie一部盗窃题材影片


 See also the entry for steal 另见steal条rob ♦︎ loot ♦︎ break into sth ♦︎ raid ♦︎ plunder ♦︎ ransack ♦︎ burgle ♦︎ burglarize ♦︎ hold up sb/sthThese words all mean to steal money or property, especially from a place. 这些词均表示抢劫、掠夺、盗取。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be robbed / plundered of sthto rob / loot / break into / raid / ransack / burgle / burglarize a building / shop / storeto rob / break into / raid / ransack / burgle / burglarize a houseto rob / hold up a bankto loot / plunder a town / cityto rob / raid a tomb rob (-bb-) [transitive] to steal money or property from a person or place 抢劫;掠夺;盗取An armed gang robbed a bank in Main Street last night.一伙持械匪徒昨晚抢劫了主街上的一家银行。The gang had robbed and killed the drugstore owner.那伙匪徒抢劫并杀害了药房的老板。He was accused of robbing the company's pension funds.他被指控盗取公司的养老基金。The tomb had been robbed of all its treasures.坟墓里的财宝已被盗劫一空。 see also robber thief , robbery theft loot / /luːt/ / [transitive, often passive, intransitive] to steal things from shops or buildings, especially after a place has been bombed, after a fire or during a riot (= a situation of violent disorder) (被炸、火灾或暴乱后)打劫,抢劫,劫掠Most of the stores in the town had been looted.镇上的商店大多已被洗劫一空。The invaders rampaged through the streets, looting and killing.入侵者在街上横冲直撞,屠杀劫掠。 see also looter thief ˌbreak ˈinto sth

phrasal verb

(broke, broken)to enter a building or open a vehicle by force, especially in order to steal things from it (尤指为盗窃)强行闯入;撬开(车辆)Thieves broke into the store and got away with $50 000.窃贼闯入商店偷走了5万元。Our car got broken into last night.我们的车昨晚被撬了。 see also break-in theft
raid [transitive] to enter a place, usually using force, and steal things from it 劫掠;打劫Many treasures were lost when the tombs were raided in the last century.上世纪这些坟墓遭到偷盗,很多财宝都失踪了。 (humorous) I caught him raiding the fridge again (= taking food from it).我撞见他又在扫荡冰箱里的食物。 see also raid theft , raider thief plunder [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to steal things from a place or region, especially during a war, using force (尤指战乱时)抢劫,掠夺The troops crossed the country, plundering and looting as they went.部队经过乡村,一路抢劫掳掠。Delhi was captured and plundered in 1739.德里1739年被占领并劫掠。 ransack / /ˈrænsæk/ / [transitive] to search a place, making it untidy and causing damage, because you are looking for sth, usually in order to steal it (通常为了盗窃某物)翻腾搜索;洗劫The house had been ransacked by burglars.这房子曾遭到盗贼洗劫。Police completely ransacked the offices in their search for the missing files.为找到丢失的文件,警方彻底搜查了那些办公室。 burgle /ˈbɜːgl; NAmE ˈbɜːrgl/ [transitive] (BrE) to enter a building illegally, usually using force, and steal things from it 入室盗窃Her house has been burgled five times.她的房子已五次被盗。We were burgled while we were away (= our house was burgled).我们外出时家里失窃了。 see also burglary theft burglarize /ˈbɜːgləraɪz; NAmE ˈbɜːrgləraɪz/ (NAmE) to burgle sb/sth 入室盗窃The doctor's office is frequently burglarized by drug addicts.医生的办公室经常遭瘾君子入室行窃。NOTE 辨析 Raid or burgle/burglarize? Burgle/burglarize is only used to talk about buildings, especially people's homes; raid can be used to talk about any place, but is used especially about shops and businesses and with the word tombs (but not graves which can only be robbed). * burgle/burglarize仅指入室盗窃,尤指进入别人家里行窃;raid可指在任何地方行窃,尤指进入商店或企业偷东西。raid可与tomb搭配,但不与grave搭配,后者只能与rob搭配。 ˌhold up ˈsb/sth

phrasal verb

(held, held)to rob a bank, shop or vehicle using a weapon 持械抢劫(银行、商店或车辆)Masked men held up a security van in South London yesterday.几个蒙面男子昨天在伦敦南部抢劫了一辆押款车。They were held up at gunpoint.他们遭持枪抢劫。


attack sb with a knife 持刀袭击某人attack a city 进攻一座城市 See also the entry for invade 另见invade条attack ♦︎ strike ♦︎ storm ♦︎ charge ♦︎ raidThese words all mean to make an aggressive movement against your enemy in a war. 这些词均表示在战争中主动进攻。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to strike / charge at sb / sthto attack / strike / charge the enemyto attack / strike a targetto attack / storm a / an house / building / embassysoldiers / troops / police attack / storm / charge / raid sthaircraft attack / strike / raid sth attack [transitive, intransitive] to use weapons, such as guns and bombs against an enemy in a war or battle (在战争中使用武器)进攻,攻击At dawn the army attacked the town.黎明时分部队开始攻城。The guerrillas usually attack at night.游击队通常在夜间发动袭击。 strike (struck, struck; NAmE also struck, stricken) [intransitive, transitive] to attack sb/sth, especially suddenly 突击;攻击The guerrillas struck with deadly force.游击队发起强势进攻。Warplanes struck several targets in the city.战机轰炸了城市里的几个目标。 storm [transitive, intransitive] to suddenly attack a place, especially in order to capture it 突袭;攻占Police stormed the building and captured the gunman.警方突袭了那座楼,抓获了持枪歹徒。Soldiers stormed into the city at dawn.士兵在拂晓时分攻进城里。 charge [intransitive, transitive] to rush forward and attack sb/sth 猛攻;猛冲We charged at the enemy.我们向敌人发起冲锋。The bull put its head down and charged.公牛低下头猛冲过来。He ordered his troops to charge the enemy lines.他命令部队猛攻敌方战线。 raid [transitive] to attack a place without warning and then leave 突袭;偷袭Villages along the border are regularly raided.边境附近的村庄经常遭受突袭。a raiding party (= a group of soldiers, etc. that attack a place) 突袭小分队




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