

单词 dump
dump verb
leave5 (dump your girlfriend) put1 (dump your bags) remove1 (dump toxic waste)


It's time we left. 我们该走了。leave home/school 离家;离校leave your job 辞职leave sb/sth behind 丢下某人;忘了带某物leave your husband/wife 抛弃丈夫/妻子leave sb in charge 委托某人负责leave ♦︎ abandon ♦︎ dump ♦︎ desert ♦︎ strand ♦︎ turn your back on sb/sth ♦︎ neglect ♦︎ walk outThese words all mean to reject sb or to leave them without help or support. 这些词均表示遗弃或抛弃某人。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to leave / dump / desert sb for sb elseto leave / abandon / dump / desert / neglect / walk out on a husband / wifeto leave / abandon / dump / desert a loverto abandon / desert / neglect a childsb's husband / wife leaves / abandons / dumps / deserts / neglects / walks out on themsb's lover leaves / abandons / dumps / deserts themsb's boyfriend / girlfriend leaves / dumps themsb's mother / father abandons / deserts / neglects them leave (left, left) [transitive] to leave your wife, husband or partner permanently 遗弃,抛弃(伴侣)She's leaving him for another man.她要抛弃他,去跟另一个男人在一起。 abandon [transitive, often passive] to leave sb, especially sb you are responsible for, with no intention of returning 离弃;遗弃;抛弃People often simply abandon their pets when they go abroad.人们出国时常常会把宠物遗弃。The study showed a deep fear among the elderly of being abandoned to the care of strangers.研究表明,老人十分害怕被丢给陌生人照管。 see also abandon abandon dump [transitive] (informal) to end a romantic relationship with sb in a sudden and unkind way 突然结束与(某人)的恋爱关系;甩掉(某人)Did you hear he's dumped his girlfriend?他把女朋友甩了,你听说了吗? desert / /dɪˈzɜːt; NAmE dɪˈzɜːrt/ [transitive] to leave sb without help or support 抛弃,离弃,遗弃(某人)She was deserted by her husband.她被丈夫抛弃了。Don't worry-I won't desert you.别担心,我不会丢下你不管的。NOTE 辨析 Abandon or desert? Abandon is more often used to talk about leaving people who are unable to support themselves; desert is used more to describe disloyal acts, including leaving friends without help. * abandon多指遗弃不能自立的人;desert多指不忠实的行为,如丢下朋友不管。 strand [transitive, usually passive] to leave sb in a place which they have no way of leaving 使滞留The strike left hundreds of tourists stranded at the airport.罢工使数百名游客滞留在机场。Strand is most often used to talk about people who are travelling, for example at an airport waiting for a plane, or in a car or train that has broken down. * strand多指将旅行者滞留在某处,如机场或是出了故障的汽车或火车上。 turn your back on sb/sth


to reject sb/sth that you have previously been connected with 背弃;抛弃She turned her back on them when they needed her.他们需要她的时候,她却背弃了他们。Some newspapers have turned their backs on discussion and argument.有些报纸对讨论和争鸣置之不理。 See also the entry for reject 另见reject条
neglect /nɪˈglekt/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to fail to take care of sb 疏于照顾;未予看管She denies neglecting her baby.她否认没有照看好自己的婴儿。 see also neglect ignore neglect


[uncountable] The law imposed penalties for the neglect of children.法律对疏于照管儿童有处罚措施。 see also neglect neglect noun
ˌwalk ˈout

phrasal verb

(informal) to suddenly leave sb, especially sb that you have a responsibility for 抛弃,遗弃,舍弃(尤指应对其负有责任的人)How could she walk out on her kids?她怎么能遗弃自己的孩子呢?I was just seven when my dad walked out.我才七岁的时候父亲抛弃了我。


Put the cases down there. 把箱子放那儿吧。put sth into perspective 正确地看待某事put ♦︎ place ♦︎ lay ♦︎ set ♦︎ position ♦︎ stuff ♦︎ pop ♦︎ dump ♦︎ stick ♦︎ settle ♦︎ plantThese words all mean to move sth into a particular place or position. 这些词均表示放、安置。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to put / place / lay / set / position / pop / dump / stick sth on sthto put / place / set / stuff / pop / dump / stick sth in / into sthto put / lay / set sth downto put / place / lay sth carefully put (putting, put, put) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move sth into a particular place or position 放;安置Put the cases down there, please.请把箱子放那儿吧。Put that knife down (= stop holding it) before you hurt somebody!把刀放下,别伤着人!Put your hand up if you need more paper.如果还要纸,请举手。Did you put sugar in my coffee?你在我的咖啡里放糖了没有? place [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to put sth in a particular place, especially when you do it carefully or deliberately (尤指小心或有意地)放置,安放He placed his hand on her shoulder.他把手搭在她的肩上。A bomb had been placed under the seat.座位下面放了一枚炸弹。 lay (laid, laid) [transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to put sb/sth in a particular position, especially when you do it gently or carefully (尤指轻轻地或小心地)放置,安放,搁She laid the baby down gently on the bed.她把婴儿轻轻地放在床上。He laid a hand on my arm.他把手搭在我的胳膊上。Relatives laid wreaths on the grave.死者亲属在墓前献了花圈。NOTE 辨析 Place or lay?In many cases you can use either word. However, place is usually more deliberate, and lay is usually more gentle. You place things but not people; you can lay things or people. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用,但是place通常指特意把东西放在某处,lay通常指轻轻地放置。place的宾语是物,不能是人。lay的宾语可以是物,也可以是人A bomb had been laid under the seat. She placed the baby on the bed. set (setting, set, set) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to put sb/sth in a particular place or position, especially sth that you have carried from somewhere else 放,置(尤指从别处拿来的东西);使处于She set a tray down on the table.她把托盘放在桌子上。They ate everything that was set in front of them.他们把放在面前的东西都吃光了。When she fell he picked her up and set her on her feet again.他在她跌倒时把她扶起,让她重新站稳。 position [transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to put sb/sth in a particular place, especially in order to be ready for sb/sth 安装,安置,使处于(尤指就绪)Large television screens were positioned at either end of the stadium.体育场的两端安置了大型电视屏幕。She quickly positioned herself behind the desk.她迅速在桌子后面就位。 see also position place noun 1 , position position noun stuff [transitive] (always used with an adverb or a preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to push sth quickly and carelessly into a small space 胡乱把⋯塞进(或填进)She stuffed the money under the pillow.她把钱塞到枕头下。His hands were stuffed in his pockets.他双手插在口袋里。 pop (-pp-) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (especially BrE, informal) to put sth somewhere quickly, suddenly or for a short time (迅速、突然或暂时地)放置He popped his head around the door and said hello.他从门后探了下头,打了个招呼。I'll pop the books in (= deliver them) on my way home.我在回家时顺便把书送去吧。 dump [transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to put sth down in a careless or untidy way, especially on the floor or a surface such as a table (尤指往地上或桌上等)随便堆放,乱放Just dump your stuff over there-we'll sort it out later.就把你的东西堆在那儿吧,我们以后再整理。 stick (stuck, stuck) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (informal) to put sth in a place, especially quickly or carelessly (尤指迅速或随手)放置Stick your bags down there.把你的包搁到那儿吧。Can you stick this on the noticeboard?你能不能把这个贴到布告板上? settle [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to put sth carefully in a position so that it does not move 把⋯放好;安放She settled the blanket around her knees.她用毯子裹住膝盖。 plant [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to place sth or yourself firmly in a particular place or position 立稳;竖立;安放They planted a flag on the summit.他们在山顶上插了一面旗子。He planted himself squarely in front of us.他稳稳地站在我们的正前方。


remove stains/obstacles 除去污渍/障碍remove sb from power 解除某人的职务 See also the entries for abolish and eradicate 另见abolish条和eradicate条remove ♦︎ get rid of sb/sth ♦︎ eliminate ♦︎ dispose of sb/sth ♦︎ discard ♦︎ dump ♦︎ throw sth away/out ♦︎ shed ♦︎ dispense with sb/sth ♦︎ scrapThese words all mean to make yourself free of sb/sth that you do not want or need. 这些词均表示除去、摆脱、丢弃。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to remove / get rid of / eliminate sth from sthto remove / get rid of / eliminate / dispose of / discard / dump wasteto remove / discard / dump / dispose of / throw away rubbish / garbage / trashto remove / get rid of / dispose of / dump a (dead) bodyto remove / get rid of / eliminate / dispose of a problemto eliminate / shed / scrap jobsto remove / discard / shed your jacket / clothes, etc.to remove / eliminate / discard / dispense with / scrap sth altogetherto entirely remove / eliminate / dispose of / discard / dispense with sthto completely remove / eliminate / discard / dispense with / scrap sthto quickly remove / get rid of / eliminate / dispose of / discard / shed / dispense with sthto easily remove / eliminate / dispose of / discard remove [transitive] to take sth away or make it disappear, especially because it is unpleasant, dirty or a problem 去除(污渍);消除(不好的事物或问题)the best way to remove stains最佳的去污方法She has had the tumour removed.她已将肿瘤切除。A subsequent agreement removed the major obstacles to negotiations.随后的协议消除了主要的谈判障碍。The news removed any doubts about the company's future.这个消息消除了一切有关公司未来的疑虑。 removal


[uncountable] stain removal去污the removal of trade barriers贸易壁垒的消除
get ˈrid of sb/sth


(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (rather informal) to make yourself free of sb/sth that is annoying you or that you do not want 摆脱;丢弃;扔掉Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there.在我到达之前,想办法把你的客人打发走。Get rid of weed seedlings before they grow into plants.在杂草苗长成植株前将之除掉。I can't get rid of this headache.我这头疼老好不了。We got rid of all the old furniture.我们扔掉了所有的旧家具。
eliminate / /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to get rid of sb/sth that is a problem for you 排除,清除,消除(问题)Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash.有了信用卡就用不着携带很多现金。This diet claims to eliminate toxins from the body.这种饮食据称具有排除体内毒素的作用。They attempted to eliminate him as a political rival.他们试图将他这个政治对手除掉。NOTE 辨析 Eliminate or get rid of sb/sth?The main difference between these expressions is register. Get rid of sb/sth is usually used in more informal and/or personal contexts. Eliminate is rather formal; it is not used to talk about physically throwing sth away. 这两种说法的主要区别在于语体风格。get rid of sb/sth通常用于较不正式或较为个人的语境。eliminate相当正式,不表示扔掉实体的东西We eliminated the old furniture. If you get rid of a person you make them go away; you eliminate a person as sth by forcing them to give up a particular role; if you just eliminate sb, you kill them. * get rid of sb指打发走某人,eliminate sb as sth指迫使某人失去某种地位或职能,eliminate sb指杀掉某人。 see also eliminate kill elimination


[uncountable] the elimination of disease / poverty / crime消除疾病/贫穷/犯罪
dispose of sb/sth

phrasal verb

(rather formal) to get rid of sb/sth that you do not want or cannot keep, especially by putting it somewhere carefully so that it will not be a problem (尤指小心地)处理,清除,销毁the difficulties of disposing of nuclear waste处理核废料的困难Markets such as these are often used by thieves to dispose of stolen property.像这样的市场经常被窃贼用来销赃。 disposal


[uncountable] a bomb disposal squad炸弹清除小组sewage disposal systems污水处理系统
discard /dɪsˈkɑːd; NAmE dɪsˈkɑːrd/ [transitive] (formal) to get rid of sth that you no longer want or need, especially by just leaving it somewhere and/or not giving it any more attention (尤指随便地)丢弃,抛弃The floor was littered with discarded newspapers.地板上到处是乱扔的报纸。He had discarded his jacket because of the heat.因天气炎热,他脱掉了夹克。Most of the data was discarded as unreliable.大部分数据因不可靠而被废弃。 dump [transitive, intransitive] (rather informal, disapproving) to get rid of sth that you do not want, especially in a place which is not suitable (尤指在不合适的地方)丢弃,扔掉,倾倒Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.太多的有毒废料在向大海里倾倒。The dead body was dumped by the roadside.尸体就扔在路边。Any vessel dumping at sea without a licence will be prosecuted.任何船只未经许可在海上倾倒会被起诉。 ˌthrow sth aˈway ˌthrow sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(threw, thrown)to get rid of sth that you no longer want, especially by putting it in the bin 扔掉,丢弃,抛弃(尤指丢入垃圾桶里)I don't need that-you can throw it away.那东西我不要了,你可以把它扔了。The fish was off-I had to throw it out.鱼不新鲜了,我只好扔掉。
shed (shedding, shed, shed) [transitive] (rather informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to get rid of sth that is no longer wanted, especially if you do not care what happens to it (尤指不在乎后果地)去除,摆脱The defence industry is in decline and shedding jobs.国防工业正在衰落和裁员。It's a quick way to shed pounds (= lose extra weight or fat on your body) but it won't make you healthier.这是一个快速减肥的方法,但不会让你更健康。Museums have been trying hard to shed their stuffy image.各家博物馆一直在努力改变自身古板的形象。Her mother had shed ten years since her marriage to Douglas (= looked ten years younger).她的母亲嫁给道格拉斯后看起来年轻了十岁。In this meaning shed usually collocates with weight, pounds, jobs, staff, workers, employees, image, responsibility, burden or years. 表达此义时,shed通常与weight、pound、job、staff、worker、employee、image、responsibility、burden或year搭配。 diˈspense with sb/sth

phrasal verb

(formal) to stop using sb/sth because you no longer need them/it (因不再需要而)摒弃,省掉,不用Debit cards dispense with the need for cash altogether.有借记卡就完全不需要用现金了。The company now has no choice but to dispense with his services (= to fire him).那家公司现在已没有选择,只能解雇他。I think we can dispense with the formalities (= speak openly and naturally with each other).我想我们就免去客套吧。
scrap (-pp-) [transitive, often passive] to get rid of a vehicle or machine that is no longer useful 废弃,抛弃,报废(交通工具或机器)The oldest of the aircraft should be scrapped.最老的飞机应当报废。 see also scrap waste noun




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