

单词 rough
rough adj.
rough1 (rough ground/edges) rough2 (rough seas/weather) coarse (rough skin) difficult2 (Life is rough.) hoarse (a rough voice) vague (a rough estimate/sketch) violent (rough kids/treatment)


rough ground/edges 高低不平的地面;参差不齐的边缘rough seas/weather 波涛汹涌的海;狂风暴雨的天气rough ♦︎ rocky ♦︎ rugged ♦︎ uneven ♦︎ bumpy ♦︎ lumpy ♦︎ ruttedThese words all describe a surface or edge that is not level, smooth or flat. 这些词均表示表面或边缘粗糙的、不平滑的、不平坦的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a rough / a rocky / an uneven / a bumpy surfacea rough / an uneven / a bumpy / a rutted roadrough / rocky / uneven / bumpy ground / terraina rough / bumpy / rutted lane / tracka rocky / rugged landscape / hill / mountain / peak / cliff / coast / coastline rough having a surface or edge that is not even or regular 粗糙的;不平滑的;高低不平的The car is designed for travelling over rough ground.这款车是专为在崎岖地面上行驶而设计的。Trim any rough edges with a sharp knife.用锋利的刀将参差不齐的边切齐。 OPP smooth flat adj. rocky made of rock; full of rocks 岩石的;多岩石的This plant grows in rocky soil on exposed hillsides.这种植物生长在无遮蔽山坡上多石的土壤中。 rugged / /ˈrʌgɪd/ / (of landscape) not level or smooth and having rocks rather than plants or trees, especially in a way that is beautiful or romantic (地形)崎岖的,凹凸不平的,多岩石的(尤指使人感觉美丽或浪漫)They admired the rugged beauty of the coastline.他们对海岸线上岩石密布的美景赞叹不已。 uneven / /ʌnˈiːvn/ / (of a surface) not level, smooth or flat (表面)凹凸不平的,不光滑的,不平坦的She picked her way along the uneven path.她小心翼翼地走在不平整的小路上。The floor felt uneven under his feet.他觉得脚下的地板高低不平。 bumpy (of a surface) not even; with a lot of bumps (平面)不平的;多凸块的She felt quite sick from the long drive over the bumpy road.在颠簸的路上长时间行驶让她感到很不舒服。Bumpy is used especially to describe a piece of ground that you drive or cycle over. * bumpy尤用于修饰驾车或骑车经过的地面。 lumpy full of lumps; covered in lumps 多块状物的;为块状物覆盖的I lay sleepless on my lumpy mattress.躺在凸凹不平的床垫上我睡不着觉。Lumpy is most frequently used to talk about mattresses (= that you lie on) and pillows (= that you rest your head on). * lumpy最常用于修饰床垫和枕头。 rutted (of a road or path) with deep tracks that have been made by wheels (道路或小径)有车辙的The track was heavily rutted from the wheels of farm tractors.农用拖拉机的轮子在这条小路上碾出深深的车辙。


rough ground/edges 高低不平的地面;参差不齐的边缘rough seas/weather 波涛汹涌的海;狂风暴雨的天气 See also the entry for wet 2 另见wet条第2义rough ♦︎ violent ♦︎ stormy ♦︎ turbulent ♦︎ raging ♦︎ choppyThese words all describe weather or the sea when there is a strong wind or large waves. 这些词均表示风浪很大的、波涛汹涌的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达风浪大的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a rough / violent / stormy / turbulent / raging / choppy searough / violent / stormy / turbulent / choppy conditionsrough / stormy / turbulent / choppy watersrough / turbulent / choppy waterrough / violent / stormy weather rough (of the sea) having large and dangerous waves; (of the weather, especially at sea) with strong winds and rain (海)波涛汹涌的;(天气,尤指海上天气)风浪很大的It was too rough to sail that night.那天夜里风浪太大,无法行船。There's no way he could have swum ashore in such rough weather.他在这样恶劣的天气无法游上岸。 OPP calm quiet 1 violent (of the weather or the sea) very dangerous, with very strong winds and/or very large waves (天气或海)非常危险的,狂风大作的,波涛汹涌的The islands were hit by a violent cyclone.这些岛屿受到猛烈的旋风袭击。Members of the lifeboat crew were presented with bravery awards for launching in violent seas.为表彰救生艇船员冒着惊涛骇浪出航救人,向他们颁发了英勇奖。 stormy with strong winds and heavy rain or snow 有暴风雨(或暴风雪)的She visited me one dark and stormy night in November.在11月里一个漆黑的暴风雨之夜,她来看我。 turbulent / /ˈtɜːbjələnt; NAmE ˈtɜːrbjələnt/ [usually before noun](of air or water) changing direction suddenly and violently (气流或水流)汹涌的,猛烈的,湍动的The aircraft is designed to withstand turbulent conditions.这架飞机是为经受猛烈的气流而设计的。 raging /ˈreɪdʒɪŋ/ / [only before noun](of natural forces such as wind, water and fire) very powerful (风、水、火等自然力)极其强大的,猛烈的The stream had become a raging torrent.小河变成了一条汹涌的急流。The building was now a raging inferno (= the fire was out of control).这座大楼现在正烈焰熊熊。 choppy (of the sea or water) with a lot of small waves (海面或水面)波浪起伏的,不平静的The choppy waters caused some of the boats to capsize.波浪起伏的水面造成一些船只倾覆。


coarse ♦︎ rough ♦︎ spiky ♦︎ leathery ♦︎ scratchy ♦︎ scaly ♦︎ spiny ♦︎ prickly ♦︎ bristlyThese words all describe things that are not soft to touch. 这些词均表示粗糙的、不平滑的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配coarse / rough / leathery / scaly / spiny skina rough / leathery / scaly handcoarse / rough / scratchy cloth / fabric / materialcoarse / spiky / bristly haira spiky / spiny / prickly leaf / bush coarse / /kɔːs; NAmE kɔːrs/ (rather formal or literary) (of skin or fabric) having a surface that is not even or regular; (of hair, sand, etc.) consisting of relatively thick or large pieces (皮肤或布料)粗糙的,不平滑的;(毛发、沙子等)粗的,大颗粒的The monks wore coarse linen habits.那些修士穿着粗糙的亚麻布长袍。The coarse sand produces soils which are very free-draining.粗砂形成的土壤渗透性很好。OPP soft , fine Soft skin, hair, fur or fabric is smooth and pleasant to touch. * soft指皮肤、头发、毛皮或织物光滑、柔顺a dress made from the finest, softest silk用最精细柔软的丝绸制作的连衣裙A fine powder is made of very small grains. * fine可指颗粒极小fine sand / flour细沙;精制面粉 rough (of skin or fabric) having a surface that is not even or regular (皮肤或布料)粗糙的,不平滑的,凹凸不平的The skin on her hands was hard and rough.她手上的皮肤又硬又粗。 OPP soft NOTE 辨析 Coarse or rough?When talking about skin or fabric, coarse is a more literary word than rough; coarse but not rough also describes hair with thick strands (= individual hairs) or sand, salt or gravel with relatively large grains or stones. 谈论皮肤或织物时,coarse比rough文学味道更浓。coarse可以形容hair,指发丝粗;也可以形容sand、salt或gravel,指颗粒大;但rough不能这样用。 spiky (of plants) having sharp points; (of hair) sticking straight up from the head (植物)有尖刺的;(头发)刺猬式的It has spiky leaves, tinged with a delicate pink around the edges.它叶子带刺,边缘略带淡粉色。He had spiky hair, strong opinions and a wacky sense of humour.他头发短硬,思想激进,开玩笑时显得疯疯癫癫的。 see also spike tip leathery that looks or feels hard and tough like leather 坚韧粗糙的;似皮革的He was a slim man, with leathery skin and clear blue eyes.他身材修长,皮肤粗糙,有一双清澈的蓝眼睛。 scratchy (of clothes or fabric) rough and unpleasant to the touch (衣服或织物)扎人的,粗糙的This sweater is too scratchy.这件毛衣太扎人。 scaly /ˈskeɪli/ / (of skin) dry, rough and tending to break into small, thin pieces; covered with scales like the skin of a fish or reptile (皮肤)有鳞屑的,有皮屑的;表面是鳞片状的Typical symptoms are redness, acne, dry scaly skin and rashes.典型症状有皮肤发红、长粉刺、干燥有鳞屑,还有起疹子。 spiny / /ˈspaɪni/ / (rather formal or technical 术语) (of animals or plants) having sharp points like needles (动植物)有刺毛的,带刺的,多刺的Beware spiny sea urchins on the sea bed.小心海底带刺的海胆。 prickly covered with prickles (= small sharp points) 多刺的The hedgehog curled up in a prickly ball.刺猬蜷成了一个刺球。NOTE 辨析 Spiky, spiny or prickly? Spiky is used more in everyday language or literary contexts to talk about sth that is covered in, or is shaped like sharp points. Spiny is used in more scientific texts describing plants and animals covered in points that look like needles. * spiky多用于日常语言或文学语境下,指带尖刺,或形似尖刺。spiny多用于科学文本中,指植物和动物长有针刺a spiny anteater / lobster / mouse / mollusc / sea urchin针鼹;带刺的龙虾;刺毛鼠;多刺的软体动物/海胆 Prickly is often used to describe how you imagine it would feel if you touched it. Prickles are usually shorter than the points on spiky or spiny things. * prickly常会引起刺痛的联想。 prickle指动植物身上的刺,通常比spiky或spiny所形容的刺短。 bristly / /ˈbrɪsli/ / like or full of bristles (= short stiff hairs) 刚毛似的;布满刚毛的He stroked his bristly chin.他摸了摸自己胡子拉碴的下巴。


a difficult task 艰巨的任务make life difficult for sb 给某人找麻烦perversea difficult customerdifficult ♦︎ tough ♦︎ bad ♦︎ hard ♦︎ adverse ♦︎ rough ♦︎ unfavourable ♦︎ disadvantageousThese words all describe sth that is full of problems or causes a lot of problems. 这些词均表示问题成堆的、麻烦的、不利的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配difficult / tough / bad / hard / unfavourable / disadvantageous for sbtough / hard / rough on sbunfavourable / disadvantageous to sba difficult / a bad / a hard / an adverse / an unfavourable / a disadvantageous positiona difficult / a tough / a bad / a hard / a rough / an unfavourable situationdifficult / tough / bad / hard / adverse / rough / unfavourable conditionsdifficult / tough / adverse / unfavourable circumstancesa difficult / tough / bad / hard / rough time / day / week / yeara difficult / tough / hard / rough life / childhooda bad / an adverse / an unfavourable / a disadvantageous effect difficult involving or causing a lot of problems 问题很多的;造成麻烦的The next few months were quite difficult.随后几个月出现了很多问题。My boss is making life very difficult for me.老板总是给我找很多麻烦。What's the most difficult personal situation you've ever been in?你所经历过的最麻烦的个人困境是什么?There was a great deal of difficult terrain to be covered.要穿越许多难以通过的地带。 see also difficulty problem tough / /tʌf/ / involving or causing a lot of problems, especially personal problems (尤指个人的问题)艰难的,棘手的She's been having a tough time of it.她最近的日子一直很难熬。This will be the toughest test of his leadership yet.这对他的领导工作将是最严峻的考验。It's tough out there in the real world.外面的现实世界有很多不如意。 Tough is a less general word than difficult and is used to talk about personal problems, not physical conditions. * tough不如difficult含义广,用于修饰个人问题而非自然环境tough terrain/weather conditions bad full of problems; likely to cause problems in a particular situation 问题成堆的;可能引起麻烦的;不适当的Things were bad enough without her interfering.事情本来就够糟糕了,偏偏她又来管闲事。The situation couldn't get any worse.形势糟糕透了。It was the worst time of my life.那是我人生中最倒霉的一段时间。I think it was probably a bad time to ask him.我认为在那个时候问他可能不合适。He realized it had been a bad decision.他意识到那是个错误的决定。 hard full of problems, especially because of bad conditions or a lack of money 艰难的;困苦的;困顿的My grandmother had a hard life.我祖母一生艰难。Times were hard at the end of the war.战争结束时生活很艰苦。Conditions were extremely hard in the camps.营地的生活条件极其恶劣。 see also hardship trouble 2 adverse / /ˈædvɜːs, ədˈvɜːs; NAmE ədˈvɜːrs/ [usually before noun] (rather formal) negative and unpleasant; having a negative effect on what you are trying to do 不利的;有害的;负面的Lack of money will have an adverse effect on the research programme.缺少资金将给这个研究方案带来不利影响。Adverse weather conditions meant the rescue had to be abandoned.恶劣天气意味着救援工作只能放弃。They have attracted strong adverse criticism.他们已招致强烈的非难。 adversely


This move could adversely affect the UK's position in the market.此举可能会损害英国的市场地位。
rough difficult and unpleasant 艰苦的;困顿的He's had a really rough time recently.他最近真是困难重重。Life was rough on the streets.流浪街头的生活很艰难。They set sail in rough conditions.他们冒着风浪的危险起航了。Life or times can be rough if they are full of personal problems or violence; conditions are rough if they are physically difficult. 用rough形容生活或时代,指充满个人问题或暴力;用rough形容环境,指自然环境恶劣。 unfavourable (BrE) (NAmE unfavorable) /ʌnˈfeɪvərəbl/ / (formal) (of conditions or situations) not good and likely to cause problems or make sth more difficult (条件或形势)不利的,有害的The conditions were unfavourable for increased crop production.这些条件不利于农作物增产。The country's geographical position is highly unfavourable.这个国家的地理位置十分不利。 OPP favourable valuable 2 disadvantageous / /ˌdɪsædvænˈteɪdʒəs/ / (formal) causing sb to be in a worse situation than other people; likely to cause problems 不利的;产生负面影响的The deal would not be disadvantageous to your company.这笔交易不会对你公司不利。Growing conditions here are disadvantageous.这里的生长条件很不利。OPP advantageous valuable 2 see also disadvantage disadvantage


hoarse ♦︎ raucous ♦︎ harsh ♦︎ husky ♦︎ thick ♦︎ guttural ♦︎ rough ♦︎ strident ♦︎ gruffThese words all describe people's voices when they sound as though they come from the speaker's throat. 这些词均表示声音嘶哑的、沙哑的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be hoarse / husky / thick with stha hoarse / raucous / harsh / guttural / rough sounda hoarse / raucous / harsh / husky / thick / guttural / rough / strident / gruff voicehoarse / harsh / husky / guttural / strident / gruff tonesa hoarse / raucous / harsh / husky / guttural / gruff laughhoarse / raucous / harsh laughtera hoarse / raucous / harsh / guttural crya hoarse / harsh / husky / gruff whisperto sound hoarse / harsh / husky / thick / rough / gruff hoarse / /hɔːs/ / (of a voice or person) sounding as if the voice is coming from the speaker's throat, especially because the throat is sore (嗓音或人)嘶哑的,沙哑的(尤指因咽喉痛)Her voice came out as a hoarse whisper.她嗓音沙哑低沉。He shouted himself hoarse.他把嗓子喊哑了。 hoarsely


'You don't understand,' she whispered hoarsely.“你不懂。”她声音低哑地说道。
raucous / /ˈrɔːkəs/ / (usually disapproving) loud in an unpleasant way 刺耳的;尖厉的We could hear raucous laughter coming from the room next door.我们听到刺耳的笑声从隔壁传来。A group of raucous young men were standing on the corner of the street.一群吵闹的年轻人站在街道的拐角。 harsh (often disapproving) (of sb's voice) loud in an unpleasant way (嗓音)刺耳的,尖厉的'Stop it!' she said in a harsh voice.“停下来!”她用刺耳的嗓音说道。 harshly


Alec laughed harshly.亚历克刺耳地大笑。
NOTE 辨析 Harsh or raucous? Harsh is usually used to talk about a single person's voice; raucous is more often used to talk about the unpleasant noise made by a group of people. * harsh通常修饰一个人的声音,raucous多修饰一群人发出的嘈杂刺耳的声音。
husky (of a voice or person) sounding deep, quiet and rough, sometimes in an attractive way (嗓音或人)低沉的,沙哑的She spoke in a husky whisper.她低沉沙哑地轻声说话。Sorry, I'm a bit husky today-I've got a sore throat.对不起,我今天声音有点哑,我嗓子疼。 huskily


'You're beautiful,' he murmured huskily.“你真漂亮。”他沙哑地低声说道。
thick (of sb's voice) deep and not as clear as normal, especially because of emotion or illness (嗓音)嘶哑不清的(尤指因激动或生病所致)His voice was thick with emotion.他激动得话都说不清楚了。 thickly


'Just leave me alone,' he said thickly.“让我一个人待着吧。”他沙哑地说道。
guttural / /ˈgʌtərəl/ / (written) (of a sound) made or seeming to be made at the back of the throat (声音)似喉间发出的He spoke in a low guttural growl.他用低沉的喉音生气地说话。 rough (often disapproving) (of sb's voice) unpleasant to listen to; not kind or gentle (嗓音)刺耳的,难听的;粗声粗气的'I suppose you expect me to apologize for this,' he said in a rough voice.“我想你是要我为这事道歉吧。”他阴阳怪气地说道。 roughly


'What do you want?' she demanded roughly.“你想怎么样?”她粗声粗气地问道。NOTE 辨析 Harsh or rough?A harsh voice is likely to be higher in tone than a rough voice. * harsh常常比rough所指的声音音调高。
strident / /ˈstraɪdnt/ / (disapproving, written) loud, harsh and unpleasant 刺耳的;尖厉的She came behind him, shouting in her strident voice, 'Not there! Servants this way.'她来到他身后,尖声喊道:“不是那儿,仆人往这边来!”the strident ringing of the phone刺耳的电话铃声Strident is often used to talk about loud and unpleasant voices with an upper-class accent. * strident常指带有上层社会口音的刺耳尖厉的声音。 gruff (often disapproving) (of a person or voice) deep and harsh, and often sounding unfriendly (人或嗓音)低沉粗哑的,生硬的'Open up,' commanded a gruff voice.“打开。”一个生硬的声音命令道。


vague ♦︎ approximate ♦︎ rough ♦︎ indeterminate ♦︎ indistinct ♦︎ imprecise ♦︎ ill-defined ♦︎ borderlineThese words all describe sth that is not clear or exact. 这些词均表示模糊的、粗略的、大致的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配vague / imprecise about stha vague / an approximate / a rough ideaa vague / an imprecise / an ill-defined terma vague / an ill-defined conceptan approximate / a rough calculation / figure / estimate / guide / translationvery vague / approximate / rough / indistinct / imprecise / ill-defined / borderlinesomewhat vague / indeterminate / indistinct / imprecise / ill-definedrather vague / imprecise / ill-defined vague / /veɪg/ / not clear in a person's mind; not having or giving enough information or details about sth (思想上)模糊的,不明确的;不具体的;粗略的I have a vague recollection of meeting him when I was a child.我依稀记得小时候曾见过他。She's a little vague about her plans for next year.她对自己明年的计划不怎么明确。He was accused of being deliberately vague.他被指责故意含糊其词。OPP clear sure vaguely


I can vaguely remember my first day at school.我还依稀记得自己第一天上学的情形。a vaguely worded statement措辞含糊的声明
approximate / /əˈprɒksɪmət; NAmE əˈprɑːksɪmət/ (rather formal, especially written) (especially of numbers and amounts) almost correct or accurate, but not completely so; not exact (尤指数字和数量)大约的,近似的,接近的;不确切的The cost given is only approximate.所列成本仅为约计。Use these figures as an approximate guide in your calculations.你们计算时把这些数字作为近似参考数值。OPP exact exact approximately


The journey took approximately seven hours.旅程大约花了七个小时。The two buildings were approximately equal in size.这两座建筑差不多同样大小。
rough not exact; not including all the details 不确切的;粗略的;大致的There were about 20 people there, at a rough guess.那里约计有20人。I made a rough sketch of the inside of the church.我画了一幅教堂内部环境的草图。OPP exact exact roughly


We live roughly halfway between here and the coast.我们住的地方大致在这里和海滨中间。Roughly speaking, we receive about fifty letters a week on the subject.粗略地说,我们每周收到大约五十封有关这一问题的来信。
NOTE 辨析 Approximate or rough? Approximate most often describes the number, amount, cost, etc. of sth, although it can also describe an estimate or idea (but not a 'guess') of the number, amount, cost, etc. Rough can also describe the number, amount or cost of sth, but more often describes an estimate, idea or guess of sth. Rough, but not approximate can be used to describe a piece of writing or drawing. * approximate最常与number、amount、cost等词搭配,表示某物的数目、数量、费用等为约数,但也可与estimate或idea搭配,表示对数目、数量、费用等的估计或大致看法(但不可与guess搭配)。rough也可修饰某物的数目、数量或费用,但更常与estimate、idea或guess搭配。rough可用于修饰文字作品或绘画,approximate则不能an approximate draft/sketch of sth
indeterminate /ˌɪndɪˈtɜːmɪnət; NAmE ˌɪndɪˈtɜːrmɪnət/ (rather formal, especially written) that cannot be identified easily or exactly 模糊的;不确定的;难以识别的Her eyes were an indeterminate colour.难以确定她的眼睛是什么颜色。She was a tall woman of indeterminate age.她是个看不出年龄的高大女子。 indistinct /ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋkt/ / that cannot be seen, heard or remembered clearly 模糊不清的;不清楚的an indistinct figure in the distance远处一个朦胧的身影His memory of the incident was somewhat indistinct.他对那次事件的记忆有些模糊了。 OPP distinct marked imprecise / /ˌɪmprɪˈsaɪs/ / not accurate; not giving exact details or not making sth clear 不准确的;不精确的;不明确的The problems arise from an imprecise definition of terms.这些问题因术语定义不准所致。The witness's descriptions were too imprecise to be of any real value.证人的描述太不明确,没有任何实际价值。OPP precise exact see also ambiguous misleading imprecisely


These terms are often used imprecisely.这些术语常常使用得不够准确。
ˌill-deˈfined (rather formal, disapproving) not clearly described 不清楚的;含混的The precise aims of the committee remain ill-defined.委员会的确切目标仍不清楚。 borderline /ˈbɔːdəlaɪn; NAmE ˈbɔːrdərlaɪn/ not clearly belonging to a particular condition or group; not clearly acceptable 所属不清的;两可之间的In doubtful and borderline cases teachers will take the final decision.在难以定夺的情况下,将由教师作出最终评定。 see also borderline limit noun 2


violent ♦︎ bloody ♦︎ rough ♦︎ murderous ♦︎ homicidal ♦︎ bloodthirstyThese words all describe people using physical force that is intended to hurt or kill sb. 这些词均表示暴力的、粗暴的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达粗暴的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配violent / murderous / homicidal towards sba violent / murderous / homicidal attackviolent / murderous / homicidal tendencies violent involving or caused by physical force that is intended to hurt or kill sb 暴力的;强暴的;粗暴的Violent crime has increased by 15 per cent.暴力犯罪已上升了15%。Her husband was a violent man.她丈夫是个粗暴的人。He later met a violent death on the battlefield.后来他暴死在战场上。Children should not be allowed to watch violent movies (= that show a lot of violence).不应允许儿童看暴力电影。The crowd suddenly turned violent.人群突然变得狂暴起来。 violence


[uncountable] crimes / acts / threats of violence暴力犯罪/行为/威胁He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police.他谴责抗议者对警察使用暴力。domestic violence (= between family members) 家庭暴力


The crowd reacted violently.人群反应激烈。
bloody [usually before noun] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) involving a lot of violence and killing 嗜杀的;血腥的;残暴的A bloody battle has been fought in the region.一场血战已经在该地区展开。The terrorists have halted their bloody campaign of violence.恐怖分子已经停止了凶残的暴力活动。 Bloody can describe battle or fight, but not the people involved. * bloody可形容战斗或搏斗,但不形容参与者Her husband was a bloody man. rough (rather informal) not gentle or careful; violent 粗暴的;粗野的;猛烈的They complained of rough handling by the guards.他们抱怨受到了警卫的粗暴对待。She doesn't like playing with the rough kids.她不喜欢和粗野的孩子一起玩耍。 (spoken) Don't try any rough stuff with me.别想对我撒野。 OPP gentle sensitive 1 roughly


He pushed her roughly out of the way.他粗暴地把她推到一边。
murderous /ˈmɜːdərəs; NAmE ˈmɜːrdərəs/ (written) intending or likely to kill another person; making sb likely to kill another person 蓄意谋杀的;凶残的;凶恶的;(使)可能会杀人的The film turns a murderous villain into a hero.这部影片把一个凶残的恶棍塑造成了英雄。Some of the patients had suicidal or murderous tendencies.一些病人有自杀或谋杀的倾向。 Murderous is often used to describe people feeling anger or hatred. * murderous常用于形容人感到愤怒或仇恨a murderous look / glance / mood凶恶的目光/一瞥/语气murderous intent / rage / jealousy凶残的意图/狂怒/忌妒 see also murder murder , murder kill verb homicidal /ˌhɒmɪˈsaɪdl; NAmE ˌhɑːmɪˈsaɪdl/ (rather formal) murderous (使)可能会杀人的;有杀人倾向的He's a homicidal maniac.他是个杀人狂。She had clear homicidal tendencies.她有明显的杀人倾向。 see also homicide murder NOTE 辨析 Murderous or homicidal? Murderous expresses stronger feelings of fear or disgust than homicidal; it is often used to describe behaviour caused by strong emotions such as anger and hatred. Homicidal is a more technical and less emotive (= showing strong emotions) term; it is often used to describe behaviour caused by mental illness. * murderous所包含的恐惧或讨厌比homicidal更强烈,常形容由强烈的情感,如愤怒或仇恨,引发的行为。homicidal是较为专业的用语,含感情成分较少,常形容由精神病引发的行为。 bloodthirsty /ˈblʌdθɜːsti; NAmE ˈblʌdθɜːrsti/ wanting to kill or wound; enjoying seeing or hearing about killing and violence; describing or showing killing and violence 嗜杀成性的;喜好凶杀与暴力的;描写(或表现)凶杀与暴力的We are not a bloodthirsty people.我们不是个嗜杀成性的民族。It's a bloodthirsty tale of murder and revenge.这是个描写凶杀与复仇的血腥故事。




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