

单词 dynamic
dynamic adj.
energetic (a dynamic personality) variable (a dynamic economy)


 See also the entry for lively 另见lively条energetic ♦︎ vigorous ♦︎ active ♦︎ dynamic ♦︎ mobileThese words all describe people or activities that have or show a lot of energy. 这些词均表示精力充沛的、充满活力的或活动量大的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an energetic / an active / a dynamic person / man / womanan energetic / active member of stha vigorous / an active supporter / opponent of sb / sthan energetic / a vigorous / an active / a dynamic campaigna vigorous / an active interest in sthenergetic / vigorous exercise剧烈运动 energetic / /ˌenəˈdʒetɪk; NAmE ˌenərˈdʒetɪk/ (of a person or activity) having or needing a lot of energy (人)精力充沛的,充满活力的;(活动)需要能量的He knew I was energetic and would get things done.他知道我精力充沛,会把事情办成的。The heart responds well to energetic exercise.心脏对激烈运动反应良好。For the more energetic (= people who prefer physical activities) we offer windsurfing and diving.我们为喜欢剧烈运动的人准备了帆板和潜水运动。 energetically


He strode out energetically towards the gate.他精神抖擞地大步走向门口。
vigorous /ˈvɪgərəs/ / (of a person or activity) showing great energy and determination (人)精力充沛的,果断的;(活动)剧烈的,坚决的They conducted a vigorous campaign against tax fraud.他们发起了坚决打击骗税的运动。 (BrE) Take vigorous exercise for several hours a week.每周做几个小时的剧烈运动。OPP gentle gentle vigorously


She shook her head vigorously.她拼命地摇头。The accusation was vigorously denied.这一指控被断然否认。
NOTE 辨析 Energetic or vigorous?In some cases you can use either word. 在有些情况下这两个词可以通用energetic / vigorous exercise剧烈运动 Energetic tends to refer more to physical energy and activities; vigorous often refers to business or political activities. A vigorous man/woman is really a strong and healthy person. In this meaning vigorous more often describes people engaged in business or political activity. * energetic往往更多修饰体能和活动,vigorous常修饰商业或政治活动。vigorous man/woman指体魄强健的人。表达此义时,vigorous较常修饰从事商业或政治活动的人a vigorous opponent / supporter / campaigner劲敌;强有力的支持者;坚定的活动家
active always busy doing things, especially physical activities (尤指体力上)忙碌的,活跃的Although he's nearly 80, he is still very active.尽管快80岁了,他还是十分活跃。Before our modern age, people had a more physical and active lifestyle.进入现代社会以前,人们的生活方式是活动量大、忙忙碌碌。 Active is used especially to describe older people who are always busy. It is also commonly used with life and lifestyle. It can also describe people who give a lot of their time and attention to sth. * active尤用于描述闲不住的老年人,常与life和lifestyle连用,还可以指人在某方面投入很多时间和精力。 see also active busy 1 dynamic / /daɪˈnæmɪk/ / (approving) (of a person) having a positive attitude and a lot of energy and new ideas (人)积极的,充满活力的,多新点子的She has a dynamic personality.她的个性充满活力。He was a dynamic young advertising executive.他年轻、精力充沛,是广告公司的管理人员。 mobile /ˈməʊbaɪl; NAmE ˈmoʊbl/ [not usually before noun](of a person) able to move or travel around easily (人)行动方便的,腿脚灵便的The kitchen is specially designed for the elderly or people who are less mobile.这个厨房是专门为上了年纪或行动不便的人设计的。You really need to be mobile (= have a car) if you live in the country.你如果住在乡下,确实需要一辆车。 mobility /məʊˈbɪləti; NAmE moʊˈbɪləti/


[uncountable] An electric wheelchair has given her greater mobility.电动轮椅让她行动起来方便多了。


 See also the entry for uncertain 另见uncertain条variable ♦︎ dynamic ♦︎ irregular ♦︎ inconsistent ♦︎ fluid ♦︎ unevenThese words all describe things that change often or are likely to change. 这些词均表示事物多变的、易变的、变化无常的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配variable / inconsistent / uneven qualitya variable / dynamic / fluid environmenta dynamic / fluid situationirregular / uneven breathing / rhythmsvery variable / irregular / inconsistent / fluid / unevenhighly variable / dynamic / irregular / inconsistent / fluidsomewhat variable / irregular / inconsistent / uneven variable / /ˈveəriəbl; NAmE ˈveriəbl, ˈværiəbl/ often changing; likely to change 多变的;易变的;变化无常的The forecast is based on assumptions of variable temperature.预报是根据气温多变的假定而作出的。The acting is of variable quality (= some of it is good and some of it is bad).表演时好时坏。 see also variability change noun 1 , vary differ dynamic /daɪˈnæmɪk/ / (usually approving, especially business 尤用于商业) (of a process or situation) always changing and making progress (过程或情况)动态的,发展变化的,取得进展的They want to promote a dynamic economy with a high level of employment.他们希望以高就业率来增强经济活力。The business has managed to change and remain dynamic.该企业设法做到了既发展变化又活力依旧。 OPP static steady irregular / /ɪˈregjələ(r)/ / (usually disapproving) not happening at times that are at an equal distance from each other; not happening regularly 不规则的;无规律的;紊乱的an irregular heartbeat心律不齐irregular attendance at school断断续续的上学He visited his parents at irregular intervals.他不定期地看望父母。OPP regular steady , regular frequent inconsistent / /ˌɪnkənˈsɪstənt/ / (disapproving) tending to change too often; not staying the same 反复无常的;没有常性的The tests gave inconsistent results.这些测试的结果变化无常。Children find it difficult if a parent is inconsistent.如果做父母的不始终如一,孩子会觉得无所适从。 OPP consistent steady fluid / /ˈfluːɪd/ / (formal) (of a situation) likely to change; not fixed (形势)易变的;不稳定的The fluid political situation made investment impossible.政治局势不稳定,因而未能吸引投资。There is a fluid relationship between managers and workers.经理与员工之间的关系容易发生变化。Fluid is most often used to talk about a state, a situation or a relationship. * fluid最常用于修饰state、situation或relationship。 uneven / /ʌnˈiːvn/ / not following a regular pattern 无定式的;不规则的;无规律的Her breathing was quick and uneven.她的呼吸急促不匀。Typical collocations of uneven are related to people's movements. * uneven的搭配词通常与人体的运动有关an uneven voice / laugh / pace / tread无规律的嗓音/笑声/步伐/脚步声 OPP even steady




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