

单词 pit
pit noun
grain (cherry/peach pits) hole2 (dig a pit)


grain ♦︎ seed ♦︎ nut ♦︎ pip ♦︎ stone ♦︎ pit ♦︎ kernelThese are all words for the part of a food plant from which a new plant can grow. 这些词均表示可食用植物的种子。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to produce / grow / sow grain / seedsto remove seeds / pips / stones / pits grain [uncountable, countable] the small hard parts produced by food plants such as wheat or rice from which a new plant can grow, and which may be used to make flour or bread; one of these parts 谷物;谷粒The government intends to import only five per cent of the country's grain.政府打算只进口全国粮食总量的5%。There were just a few grains of corn left.只剩下一些玉米粒了。You can talk about grains of wheat, rice or corn. 可以说grains of wheat/rice/corn。 seed [countable, uncountable] the small hard part produced by a plant, from which a new plant can grow 种子;籽I bought some seeds to plant in the garden.我买了一些种子种在花园里。Those vegetables can be grown from seed.那些蔬菜可以撒籽栽种。You can talk about flower, grass, herb or wildflower seeds. The seeds of some spice plants, vegetables or flowers are used in cooking to give flavour or texture to food. 可以说flower/grass/herb/wildflower seed。一些香料植物、蔬菜或花的种子用于烹调,可令食物的味道和质感更丰富coriander / cumin / mustard / poppy / pumpkin / sesame / sunflower seeds香菜/土茴香/芥菜/罂粟/南瓜/芝麻/向日葵种子In American English seed is also the usual word for pip. 在美式英语中,seed也常用来代替pip,指某些水果的籽 (NAmE) apple / orange seeds苹果籽;橙子籽 nut [countable] a small hard fruit with a very hard shell that grows on some trees 坚果I cracked a nut (= opened it) and ate it.我破开一个坚果吃了。She is allergic to nuts.她对坚果过敏。Nut is often used in compounds, such as walnut, hazelnut, chestnut, peanut and Brazil nut. * nut常用于复合词,如walnut、hazelnut、chestnut、peanut和Brazil nut。 pip [countable] (especially BrE) one of the small hard seeds that are found in some types of fruit (某些水果的)种子,籽Cut the apples into quarters and remove the pips.把苹果切成四块,再把籽去掉。orange pips橙子籽The usual American English word for this is seed. 在美式英语中,该词一般用seed代替。 stone [countable] (especially BrE) a hard shell in the middle of some types of fruit which contains the nut or seed 果核(内含坚果或籽)cherry / peach stones樱桃核;桃核 pit [countable] (especially NAmE) a fruit stone 果核cherry / peach pits樱桃核;桃核 kernel /ˈkɜːnl; NAmE ˈkɜːrnl/ [countable] the inner part of a nut, which you can eat; the part inside the stone/pit of a fruit (坚果或果核的)仁,核pine / apricot kernels松仁;杏仁


a hole in the wall 墙上的孔a hole in the ground 地上的坑hole ♦︎ pit ♦︎ hollow ♦︎ crater ♦︎ cavityThese are all words for an empty space in the ground or inside sth. 这些词均表示洞、坑、窟窿。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a hole / pit / hollow / crater / cavity in stha deep / shallow hole / pit / hollow / cratera huge hole / pit / craterto dig a hole / pita bomb blows a hole / crater in sth hole [countable] an empty space in sth solid or in the surface of sth 洞;孔;坑He managed to dig out a small snow hole.他设法在雪地里挖出一个小坑。Water had collected in holes in the road.路上的坑洼里积了水。an operation for a hole in her heart修补她心脏上一个小洞的手术 pit [countable] a large deep hole in the ground 深洞;深坑The body had been dumped in a pit.尸体被扔进了深坑。NOTE 辨析 Hole or pit?A pit is always large and in the ground; a hole can be any size and in anything. Pit, but not hole, is often used with a figurative meaning. * pit总是指地上的大坑,hole可指任何地方的洞或坑,可大可小。pit常用于比喻义,hole则不然 (figurative) The human mind is a dark, bottomless pit.人的思想是一个深不可测的黑洞。The human mind is a dark, bottomless hole. hollow [countable] an area that is lower than the surface around it, especially on the ground; an empty space inside sth 凹陷处;坑洼处;洞The village lay secluded in a hollow of the hills (= a small valley).村子坐落在一个幽静的小山谷里。She noticed the slight hollows under his cheekbones.她注意到他颧骨下面的轻微凹陷。The squirrel disappeared into a hollow at the base of the tree.松鼠钻进了树根处的一个洞。 hollow


a hollow ball / centre / tube / tree中空的球/中心部位/管子/树hollow eyes / cheeks凹陷的双眼/双颊
crater [countable] a large hole in the top of a volcano; a large hole in the ground caused by the explosion of a bomb or by sth large hitting it 火山口;弹坑;(由巨物撞击形成的)大坑volcanic peaks which tower above deep craters高耸于火山口之上的火山山峰The bomb blew a crater 80 metres across.炸弹炸出了一个直径80米的深坑。 cavity / /ˈkævəti/ / (formal or technical 术语) a hole or empty space inside sth solid, especially the body; a hole in a tooth (尤指体内的)洞,窟窿,腔;(龋齿的)洞the abdominal / nasal cavity腹腔;鼻腔Most dentists fill cavities right away.大多数牙医发现蛀牙就马上填补。




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