

单词 presumptuous
presumptuous adj.


cool ♦︎ brazen ♦︎ shameless ♦︎ presumptuous ♦︎ unabashed ♦︎ unashamedThese words describe sb who is very confident or feels no embarrassment, often in a way that does not show respect or that other people find shocking. 这些词均表示孤傲冷漠的、厚颜无耻的、自以为是的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配brazen / presumptuous of sba brazen / shameless displayin a shameless / presumptuous wayunabashed / unashamed luxury cool (rather informal) calm and confident in a way that lacks respect for other people, but makes people admire you as well as disapprove 孤傲冷漠的;满不在乎的 (BrE) She just took his keys and walked out with them, cool as you please.她拿了他的钥匙就走了,你看这胆子有多大。 brazen / /ˈbreɪzn/ / (disapproving) open and not feeling ashamed, usually about sth that people find shocking 厚颜无耻的She's known for her own brand of brazen sexuality.她自成一格大胆无耻的性行为是众所周知的。I can't believe anyone would be so brazen about something like that.我真不敢相信有人会对那种事这么厚颜无耻。 brazenly


She brazenly admitted cheating.她恬不知耻地承认了欺骗的行为。
shameless (disapproving) feeling or showing no shame about sth, although other people think you should 无耻的;没廉耻的;不要脸的It was a shameless display of greed.显示出来的是无耻的贪婪。OPP ashamed sorry see also shame guilt presumptuous / /prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs/ / [not usually before noun] (disapproving) too confident, in a way that shows a lack of respect for other people 自负的;冒昧的;放肆的Isn't it rather presumptuous of you to decide what he needs?他需要什么得你来定,这难道不是自以为是吗?Someone is presumptuous if they think that they know what sb else feels, thinks, wants or needs when they really have no reason or right to do so. * presumptuous可形容某人自认为明白他人的感受、想法、打算或需求,但实际上根本不应该或无权这样妄断。 see also presume dare unabashed / /ˌʌnəˈbæʃt/ / (written) not ashamed, embarrassed or affected by people's disapproval, when other people would be 不在乎的;不觉羞耻的;不难为情的I rather liked her unabashed frankness.我很喜欢她毫不掩饰的坦率。The ruling classes live in unabashed luxury.统治阶层毫不顾忌地过着奢华的生活。 OPP ashamed sorry unashamed not ashamed or embarrassed about sth, especially when other people would be 不觉羞耻的;不难为情的;恬不知耻的She would have been quite unashamed if anyone had caught her.即使被逮住,她也丝毫不会觉得难为情的。OPP ashamed sorry see also shame guilt NOTE 辨析 Shameless, unabashed or unashamed? Shameless is the most disapproving of these words; unashamed is usually neither approving nor disapproving; unabashed is sometimes even admiring. * shameless在这些词中贬义最重;unashamed通常是中性词;unabashed有时甚至带有欣赏的成分。




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