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previous adj. ⇨ previous (previous experience) ⇨ last 2 (the previous day) previous adjective previous ♦︎ old ♦︎ former ♦︎ past ♦︎ prior ♦︎ distant ♦︎ remote ♦︎ bygoneThese words all describe sth belonging to an earlier time. 这些词均表示过去的、从前的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆(a) previous / former / past / distant / remote / bygone era / times◆a previous / past / distant / remote / bygone age◆a previous / former / past / prior existence◆(a) previous / past experience / history / life◆a previous / former / past owner / president / prime minister◆a previous / prior engagement◆previous / prior knowledge◆former / past glories◆the distant / remote past◆a distant / remote ancestor◆very / fairly old / distant / remote■ previous [only before noun] happening or existing before the event or object that you are talking about 先前的;以往的◆No previous experience is necessary for this job.这一工作无需相关经验。◆The car has only had one previous owner.这辆车只有过一位车主。◆She is his daughter from a previous marriage.她是他和前妻的女儿。◆We had met on two previous occasions.我们以前见过两次面。OPP current ⇨ recent , future ⇨ next ▸ previously adverb ◆The building had previously been used as a hotel.这座楼以前曾是旅馆。 OPP currently ⇨ recent ■ old [only before noun] belonging to an earlier time or to an earlier time in your life 过去的;(人生中)从前的◆Things were different in the old days.从前的情况可不一样。◆I went back to visit my old school.我回去拜访了母校。■ former [only before noun] (rather formal) gone by in time; belonging to an earlier time 过去的;昔日的◆This fine ruin was, in former times, a royal castle.这个保留完好的遗址以前是座皇家城堡。◆The historic quarter of the city has been restored to its former glory.具有历史意义的城区已经恢复了昔日的壮丽。◆It is one of the countries of the former Soviet Union.它是前苏联国家之一。▸ formerly adverb ◆I learned that the house had formerly been an inn.我得知这所房子以前是家客栈。■ past [usually before noun] gone by in time; belonging to an earlier time 过去的;昔日的◆In past years the industry received large subsidies.在过去,这一行业得到很多的补贴。◆The book is a celebration of working class life in times past.这本书颂扬了过去工人阶级的生活。◆The time for discussion is past.讨论时间已过。◆From past experience I'd say he'd probably forgotten the time.根据过去的经验,我想他可能忘记时间了。◆The reunion is for past and present students of the college.这次重聚同乐会是为老校友和在校学生举办的。◆Let's forget about who was more to blame-it's all past history.咱们别提谁更应该受责怪了吧,那都是陈年旧账了。OPP present ⇨ recent , future ⇨ next see also the past ⇨ past NOTE 辨析 Old, former or past? Old is used especially to talk about things from your own life. * old尤用于形容自己人生中以前的事物◆my old school / teacher / colleagues我的母校/以前的老师/老同事You can use former in these cases but it sounds rather formal; past cannot be used. 在这些场合也可以用former,但会显得相当正式,past则不能用◆my past school/teacher/friends/colleagues Your old friends are friends that you have known for a long time; your former friends are people who are no longer your friends. Old is not used to talk about times that have gone by, except in the phrase the old days. * old friends指相识很久的老朋友;former friends指以前的朋友,现在不是朋友了。old不用于表示“过去的年代”,只有在短语the old days中才有这个含义◆an old age/era ◆in old times/years/centuries You can use either former or past in these cases: former sounds more formal; past sounds more personal or more literary. You can talk about your own past experience: these are things that have happened to you in the past, or what you have learnt from them; your previous experience is usually experience of a particular type of work. 在这些场合可以用former或past,former显得较正式,past显得更私人化或更有文学韵味。past experience指以前经历过的事情或从中得到的经验教训,previous experience通常指某一类工作的相关经历◆your old/former experience Former can describe a country or organization that no longer exists or has changed. * former可以形容不复存在的或已经改变的国家或组织◆the former Yugoslav republic前南斯拉夫共和国◆the old/past Yugoslav republic ■ prior / /ˈpraɪə(r)/ / [only before noun] (formal) previous 先前的;以往的◆Visits are by prior arrangement.来访须预约。◆This information must not be disclosed without prior written consent.未事先征得书面许可,此消息不得泄露。◆They have a prior claim (= already existing and therefore more important) to the property.他们有权优先获得此处房产。ⓘ Prior is a more formal way of saying previous, especially when you are talking about making arrangements, giving permission, or deciding which of two people or things is more important; collocates include arrangement, engagement, commitment, notice, notification, warning, consent, approval, authorization, permission and claim. * prior是previous较正式的说法,尤用于谈论安排、许可或确定两者中哪个更重要。与prior搭配的词有arrangement、engagement、commitment、notice、notification、warning、consent、approval、authorization、permission和claim。■ distant [usually before noun] far away in time (时间上)遥远的;久远的◆The time we spent together is now a distant memory.我们一起度过的时光现已成为遥远的记忆。◆We will be moving house in the not too distant future (= quite soon).我们很快就要搬家。■ remote /rɪˈməʊt; NAmE rɪˈmoʊt/ [only before noun] very far away in time (时间上)遥远的;久远的◆a remote ancestor (= one who lived a long time ago) 远祖NOTE 辨析 Distant or remote?The distant past/future is not always as far away in time as the remote past/future. You can talk about the not too distant past/future, meaning 'not very long ago/quite soon', but not◆the not too remote past/future * distant past/future不一定如remote past/future久远。not too distant past/future指不久之前或不远的将来,但不说the not too remote past/future。■ bygone /ˈbaɪgɒn; NAmE ˈbaɪgɔːn, ˈbaɪgɑːn/ [only before noun] (written) belonging to an earlier time 以前的;以往的;昔日的◆The horse and cart belongs to a bygone era.马车属于过去的时代。 last2 determiner , adjective the last bus home 回家的末班公共汽车last night 昨晚last ♦︎ past ♦︎ previous ♦︎ precedingThese words all describe sth that happened or existed only a short time ago, or before a particular time, event or object. 这些词均表示最近的、刚过去的、上一个的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆the last / past / previous / preceding few days / week / month / year / decade / century◆the last / past / previous weekend / season / hundred years◆the last / past hour◆the previous / preceding day◆last / the previous night / Friday / July / summer◆the last / previous / preceding paragraph / section◆the last / previous page / chapter / time / visit / meeting / war◆sb's last / previous album / appearance◆the previous / preceding discussion / argument / analysis / example■ last determiner most recent 最近的;上一个的◆He got home late last night.他昨天夜里很晚才回家。◆Last summer we went to Greece for a month.去年夏天我们去希腊待了一个月。◆The critics all hated her last book.评论家都很不喜欢她的新书。◆This last point, that Hamish has mentioned, is crucial.哈米什刚刚提到的这一点很关键。OPP first ⇨ first , next ⇨ next ■ past adjective [only before noun](of a period of time) gone by recently; just ended (一段时间)刚过去的,刚结束的◆I haven't seen much of her in the past few weeks.近几周来我没怎么见到她。 OPP next ⇨ next NOTE 辨析 Last or past?You can only use past to talk about a period of time that has just gone by, especially a long or approximate period of time. * past仅指刚过去的一段时间,特别是较长或大概的一段时间◆These past months have been terribly stressful for everyone.最近几个月每个人的压力都特别大。 Past is an adjective and must be used with the or a determiner such as this or these: it cannot be used on its own. * past是形容词,前面必须加the或this、these等限定词,不能单独使用◆Last week was very busy.上个星期特别忙。◆The past week has been very busy.上个星期特别忙。 Past is not used to talk about particular dates or points in time, or about things. * past不修饰具体的日期或时刻,也不修饰事物◆He got home late past night. ◆The critics hated her past book. ■ previous [only before noun] happening or coming immediately before the time or thing you are talking about (时间或顺序上)稍前的◆He went jogging on Friday, despite the doctor's warnings the previous day (= the day before the time mentioned).尽管医生前一天刚警告过他,可他周五还是去慢跑了。◆We dealt with this in the previous chapter.我们在前一章论及了这一点。 OPP the following ⇨ next ■ preceding / /prɪˈsiːdɪŋ/ / [only before noun] (formal) previous 在⋯之前发生的;先于⋯的◆This policy was pursued less vigorously in the 1880s than in the preceding decade (= the 1870s).在19世纪80年代,这项政策不如之前10年执行得那么坚决。◆The reasoning in the preceding paragraph applies equally to a number of other cases.上一段中的论述同样也适用于其他一些情况。OPP the following ⇨ next |