

单词 respond
respond verb
respond (respond to an emergency) answer (respond to an advertisement)


respond ♦︎ react ♦︎ take ♦︎ receive ♦︎ greet ♦︎ meet sth with sthThese words all mean to do sth or behave in a particular way as a reaction to sth that sb has said or done. 这些词均表示作出反应、响应。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to respond / react by doing sthto respond / react / meet sth with sthto respond / react / greet sth / meet sth with angerto react / receive sth / greet sth / meet sth with dismayto respond / react / take sth / receive sth well / badlyto respond / react / receive sth positively / favourably / sympatheticallyto respond / react / receive sth / greet sth coollyto respond / react / greet sth angrilyto respond / receive sth / greet sth enthusiastically respond [intransitive] (rather formal) to behave in a particular way because of sth that has happened or that sb has said or done; to act quickly or in the correct way as a result of sth 作出反应;响应;迅速作出(正确)反应Members of the public responded immediately to the charity's appeal for funds.公众对慈善机构捐款的呼吁立即响应。The government responded by banning all future demonstrations.政府的反应是禁止日后一切示威活动。The car responds very well to the controls.这辆汽车操纵自如。You can rely on him to respond to a challenge.他能应付挑战,你可以放心。 react [intransitive] to change or behave in a particular way as a result of sth or in response to sth 起(某种)反应;作出反应;回应Local residents have reacted angrily to the news.当地居民对这一消息表示愤怒。I nudged her but she didn't react.我用胳膊肘碰了她一下,可她没有反应。You never know how he is going to react.你根本不知道他会作何反应。The market reacted by falling a further two points.股市的反应是再下跌两个百分点。NOTE 辨析 Respond or react? Respond is generally used to talk about more detached, less emotional behaviour than react. Respond is used more frequently with adverbs like immediately, instantly, promptly, quickly and rapidly; react is used more frequently with adverbs like angrily, violently and strongly. * respond比react更常用于谈论较超然客观的、较少情绪反应的行为。respond多与immediately、instantly、promptly、quickly和rapidly等副词搭配,react多与angrily、violently和strongly等副词搭配。 take (took, taken) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to react to a statement, action or situation in a particular way (对声明、行动或情况以某种方式)对待,处理He took the criticism surprisingly well.他对待这一批评的态度竟意外的好。These threats are not to be taken lightly.这些威胁可不能等闲视之。I wish you'd take me seriously.我希望你认真对待我的话。She took it in the spirit in which it was intended.她是按其真实意图来对待的。 receive [transitive, usually passive] to react to sth new in a particular way 对(新事物)作出(某种)反应The play was well received by the critics.剧评家对这出戏反应良好。The statistics were received with concern.这些统计数字受到了关注。 greet [transitive, usually passive] (especially written) to react to sb/sth in a particular way 对⋯作出(某种)反应The changes were greeted with suspicion.这些变革受到人们的怀疑。The team's win was greeted as a major triumph.这个队获胜被视为重大胜利。Loud cheers greeted the athletes.运动员迎来热烈欢呼。NOTE 辨析 Receive or greet?New ideas, information, books and films can be received in a particular way; news, events and arrivals can be greeted. Cheers, applause or silence might greet sb/sth, but things can only be received by people. * receive可指对新的观念、信息、书籍和电影作出反应;greet可指对新闻、事件和来访作出反应。 cheers、applause或silence可作greet的主语,宾语可以是人或事物;但receive的主语只能是人。 ˈmeet sth with sth

phrasal verb

[usually passive] to react to sth in a particular way (对某事)作出(某种)反应;以⋯作为回应His suggestion was met with howls of protest.他的建议引起了一阵阵的抗议声。Things can be met with approval, anger, dismay, etc. or with actions that show how people feel. * meet with可与approval、anger、dismay等词,或与表达人们感受的行动搭配to be met with shouts of joy / howls of protest / a glare of anger / a stony stare / protests and demonstrations引来欢呼/阵阵抗议声/怒视/冷冰冰的注视/抗议和示威活动


answer ♦︎ reply ♦︎ respond ♦︎ retort ♦︎ acknowledge ♦︎ write back ♦︎ get back to sbThese words all mean to say, write or do sth as a reaction to a question or situation. 这些词均表示答复、回答、回应。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to reply / respond / get back / write back to sb / sthto answer / reply / respond / retort / acknowledge sth / get back to sb with sthto answer / reply / respond / retort / write back that...to answer / reply to / respond to / acknowledge a / an question / letter / emailto answer / reply to / respond to mail / correspondenceto answer / reply to / respond to an ad / advert / advertisement / accusationto answer / reply to / acknowledge a claimto answer / reply to / acknowledge a / an query / enquiry / chargeto answer / reply / respond / acknowledge sth quicklyto answer / reply / respond directly / promptly / personallyto answer / reply / respond / retort coldly / curtly / sharply / stiffly / angrily / bitterly / indignantly / sarcastically / bluntlyto answer / reply / respond honestly / politely / truthfully / vaguely / cautiously / calmly / quietly / slowly answer [intransitive, transitive] to say, write or do sth as a reaction to a question or situation (对问题或情境)答复,应对I repeated the question, but she didn't answer.我把问题重复了一遍,可她仍没有回答。You haven't answered my question.你没有回答我的问题。Come on, answer me! Where were you?快点儿,回答我!你到哪儿去了?Could somebody answer the phone (= pick up the phone when it rings)?谁能去接一下电话?They never bother to answer the door (= open the door when sb knocks / rings).他们总懒得应门。My prayers have been answered (= I have got what I wanted).我的祈祷应验了。'I'd prefer to walk,' she answered.“我宁愿步行。”她答道。 reply [intransitive, transitive] (especially written) to say, write or do sth as an answer to sb/sth 回应;答复He never replied to any of my letters.他从来没给我回过信。She only replied with a smile.她只是报以微笑。The senator replied that he was not in a position to comment.参议员回答说他不宜发表评论。 respond [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal, especially business 尤用于商业) to say or write sth as an answer to sb/sth 回答;答复I asked him his name, but he didn't respond.我问他叫什么名字,可是他没有回答。More than fifty people responded to the advertisement.五十多人回应了那个广告。'I'm not sure,' she responded.“我不肯定。”她答道。NOTE 辨析 Answer, reply or respond?You can answer sb/sth or just answer, but not 'answer to sb/sth'; you can reply/respond to sb/sth or just reply/respond, but not 'reply/respond sb/sth'. Reply is slightly more formal than answer and is used especially in written English; respond is more formal than reply and is also used especially in business contexts. The three words share many uses but you can only answer the phone/the door/sb's prayers, not reply/respond to the phone/the door/sb's prayers You can answer/respond to a call but not reply to a call 可以说answer sb/sth或单独用answer,但不能说answer to sb/sth;可以说reply/respond to sb/sth或单独用reply/respond,但不能说reply/respond sb/sth。reply比answer稍正式,尤用于书面语,respond又比reply正式,尤用于商务语境。三个词有很多相同用法,但是只有answer能与phone、door、sb's prayers搭配,不说reply/respond to the phone/the door/sb's prayers。可以说answer/respond to a call,但不说reply to a call。 retort /rɪˈtɔːt; NAmE rɪˈtɔːrt/ [transitive] (rather formal, written) to reply quickly to a comment in an angry, offended or humorous way (生气、不悦或幽默地)反驳,回嘴'Don't be ridiculous!' Pat retorted angrily.“别犯傻了!”帕特生气地回了一句。 acknowledge /əkˈnɒlɪdʒ; NAmE əkˈnɑːlɪdʒ/ [transitive] (rather formal) to tell sb that you have received sth that they sent to you; to show that you have heard and understood a question or comment 告知收悉;确认(听到并理解问题或评论)All applications will be acknowledged.所有的申请都会得到复函告知收悉。Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.本函收悉,敬请赐复。 ˌwrite ˈback

phrasal verb

(wrote, written)to write sb a letter replying to their letter (给某人)写回信,复信I'm afraid I never wrote back to him.我恐怕从未给他写过回信。She wrote back saying that she couldn't come.她回信说她来不了。
ˌget ˈback to sb

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (informal) to speak or write to sb again later, especially in order to give a reply 以后再答复(或回复)某人I'll find out and get back to you.我查明之后再答复你。




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