

单词 free of charge
free of charge phrase


a free man 自由人free tickets 免费票Are you free for lunch? 你有空吃午饭吗?free ♦︎ free of charge ♦︎ complimentary ♦︎ for nothing ♦︎ on the houseThese words all describe sth that is given or obtained without payment. 这些词均表示免费的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a free / complimentary ticket / sample / copy / subscriptionto get sth free / free of charge / for nothing free costing nothing 免费的Admission is free.免费入场。We're offering a fabulous free gift with each copy you buy.每购买一册就可以获赠一份精美礼品。There's a new website that offers free legal advice to homeowners.有一家新网站为房主提供免费的法律咨询。You can't expect people to work for free (= without payment).你不能指望人工作不要报酬。 ˌfree of ˈcharge


(especially in business) given or obtained without payment, especially when payment would normally be expected (尤指商业活动中本应收费而)免费的Delivery is free of charge.免费送货。
complimentary /ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri; NAmE ˌkɑːmplɪˈmentri/ (rather formal) (especially in business) given free, especially as part of selling other goods or services (尤指商业活动中为促销其他货物或服务)赠送的,免费提供的The hotel offers a complimentary breakfast and evening cocktails.这家旅馆提供免费的早餐和傍晚冷盘。 for ˈnothing


(informal) given or obtained without the need for payment, work or effort 不花钱;免费;白白地We could have got in for nothing-nobody was collecting tickets.我们本来可以不花钱就进来的,当时根本没有人检票。Don't expect somebody to give you a big salary for nothing!别指望有人白白地付给你一大笔薪水!
on the ˈhouse


(rather informal) (especially drinks or food) given free by a business, especially a bar or restaurant (尤指酒吧或饭店的酒水或食物)免费提供的Have a drink on the house.来一杯免费饮料吧。




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