shipment noun ⇨delivery (ready for shipment)⇨lot (shipments of cars)
delivery ♦︎ distribution ♦︎ freight ♦︎ transport ♦︎ transit ♦︎ shipment ♦︎ shipping ♦︎ haulage ♦︎ handlingThese are all words for the act or business of carrying or sending goods from one place to another.这些词均表示货物的运送、运输。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆for delivery / distribution / freight / transport / shipment / shipping / haulage◆delivery / distribution / freight / transport / transit / shipping / haulage / handling costs◆a / the delivery / freight / handling charge◆a delivery / distribution / freight / transport / shipping / haulage company / business◆the freight / transport / transit / shipping / haulage industry■delivery / /dɪˈlɪvəri/ / [uncountable, countable] the act of taking goods or letters to the people they have been sent to(货物或信件的)传送,递送,交付◆We offer free delivery on orders over $200.对于超过200元的订单我们免费送货。◆Allow 28 days for delivery.请留出28天送货时间。◆Please pay for goods on delivery(= when they are delivered).请货到付款。◆ (formal) When will you be able to take delivery of the car?你何时能够提取那辆汽车?◆At the moment there are two deliveries a day(= of mail).目前邮件一天递送两次。◆She had made a delivery to the address earlier that day.那天她早早地就把邮件按地址送达了。 see also deliver ⇨ take1■distribution / /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn/ / [uncountable] (business商业) the act of making goods available to customers by supplying them to shops; the system of transporting and delivering goods to shops or customers(商品的)分销,运销,经销◆They have systems in place for sales, distribution and marketing.他们有妥善的销售、经销和营销系统。◆He worked in the milk distribution business.他从事乳产品分销生意。 see also distribute ⇨ distribute■freight / /freɪt/ / [uncountable] the system of carrying goods from one place to another by road, air or rail(公路、航空或铁路)货运◆We tend to use air freight for lighter goods.比较轻的货物我们往往会空运。 see also freight ⇨ cargo■transport (especially BrE) ( transportation, especially in NAmE) [uncountable] the activity or business of carrying goods from one place to another, especially by road or rail(尤指公路或铁路)运输,运送,输送◆We need stricter controls on the transport of nuclear waste.我们对核废料的运输需要加强控制。◆Transportation costs have virtually crippled our business.运输成本几乎已使我们的生意难以维持。 see also transport ⇨ take1■transit / /ˈtrænzɪt, ˈtrænsɪt/ [uncountable] the process of being moved or carried from one place to another运输;运送;载运◆The total cost includes transit.总成本中包括运费。◆Your insurance should cover transit by air, sea or rail.你的保险应该涵盖空运、海运和铁路运输。◆We will pay for any goods lost or damaged in transit.我们对运输中丢失或损坏的任何货物都予以赔付。■shipment [uncountable] the process of sending goods from one place to another, especially from one country to another, but not necessarily by ship(尤指跨国的货物)运输,运送,装运◆The goods are ready for shipment.货物已备妥待运。◆The illegal shipment of weapons continues to be a multimillion dollar industry.非法武器运输仍然是一个数百万元产值的行业。 see also ship ⇨ take1■shipping [uncountable] the activity of carrying people or goods from one place to another by ship(人或货物的)航运,海运◆She arranged for the shipping of her furniture to England.她安排将家具海运到英格兰。◆She married a shipping magnate(= sb who has made a lot of money from shipping) in 1997.1997年她嫁给了一名航运业大亨。ⓘ In American English shipping is also another word for shipment, especially of goods being sold to the public.在美式英语中,shipping可与shipment通用,尤指向公众销售的货物的运送◆ (NAmE) We offer free shipping on orders over $50.对于超过50元的订单我们免费运送。 see also ship ⇨ take1■haulage /ˈhɔːlɪdʒ/ / [uncountable] (BrE) the business or cost of transporting goods by road or rail(公路或铁路)货运,货运费◆There have been protests from the road haulage industry.公路货运业一直在抗议。◆How much will haulage be(= how much will it cost)?运费是多少?■handling [uncountable] (formal) the act or cost of packing an object or material and sending it to a customer包装送货(费);手续费◆There is a $5 handling charge for each order.每张订单收取5元的手续费。◆ (NAmE) You pay only $29.99 plus shipping and handling.你只须付29.99元,另加运费和包装费。ⓘ In British English this is called postage and packing.在英式英语中,这种费用称为postage and packing。
➡ See also the entry for ⇨ cargo另见cargo条lot ♦︎ batch ♦︎ shipment ♦︎ load ♦︎ consignmentThese are all words for a group or quantity of people, things or goods.这些词均表示一组、一群、一批、一套。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a large / small shipment / load / consignment◆to order / receive / send / deliver a batch / shipment / load / consignment■lot [countable + singular or plural verb] (especially BrE, ratherinformal) a group or set of people or things(人)一组,一群;(物品)一批,一套◆The first lot of visitors has / have arrived.首批游客已经到达。◆I have several lots of essays to mark this weekend.这个周末我有几批作文要批改。◆Shall I put this lot(= these things) with the others?我把这些东西跟其他的放在一起可以吗?◆ (informal, spoken) What do you lot(= people) want?你们这帮人想要怎么样?ⓘ In this meaning, it is not possible to say 'a lot of sth'. A lot of visitors means 'many visitors', not 'a group of visitors'. Instead of a, use this, that, the last, the other, etc. before lot. * lot表达此义时不能用于a lot of sth结构,比如a lot of visitors表示“许多游客”而不是“一群游客”。lot前面可以用this、that、the last、the other等,但不能用a。■batch [countable] a number of people or things that are dealt with as a group; an amount of food, medicine or goods produced at one time(人或物)一批;(食品、药物或商品)一批生产的量◆Each summer a new batch of students tries to find work.每年夏天都新增一批学生要找工作。◆We deliver the goods in batches.我们分批交货。◆Shall I make another batch of cookies?我是否要再做一批曲奇饼?■shipment [countable] (ratherformal) products or materials that are sent from one place to another, especially between different countries or over long distances(尤指国际间或长途运输的)一批货物,一批物资◆They are trying hard to locate the missing arms shipment.他们正千方百计要查出运输中丢失的那批军火的下落。◆There is to be a new EU directive on shipments of hazardous waste.欧盟即将发布关于有害废物运输的新指令。ⓘ Shipment is often used to talk about an amount of weapons or drugs that are being sent somewhere. * shipment常指运输的一批武器或毒品。 see also ship ⇨ takeverb1■load [countable] (often in compounds常构成复合词) the total quantity of things or people that can be carried in sth, especially a vehicle(尤指交通工具的)装载量,容纳量◆The plane took off with a full load.飞机满载起飞。◆He put half a load of washing in the machine.他把要洗的衣物放进洗衣机,分量是洗衣机容量的一半。◆They ordered three truckloads of sand.他们订购了三卡车沙子。ⓘ When it is used with a plural noun, load can take a plural verb.与复数名词连用时,load后面可接复数形式的动词◆A busload of tourists has / have arrived.坐满一辆巴士的一批游客已经到达。 see also load ⇨ fillverb■consignment / /kənˈsaɪnmənt/ / [countable] (ratherformal) a quantity of goods that are to be delivered somewhere装运的货物;运送物◆A consignment of medicines is on its way now.一批药物正在运送途中。◆The consignment leaves tonight from Heathrow.这批货物今晚从希斯罗机场起运。NOTE辨析 Shipment or consignment?Shipment is a slightly more general word than consignment and can be used to talk about goods or waste products. It emphasizes that the products have been sent (although not necessarily by sea), especially over a long distance or between countries; consignment is used to talk about goods, which may have been sent over a long or short distance, and emphasizes that they are intended for a particular person, company or place. * shipment比consignment含义略宽,可指运输货物或废品,强调物品已付运,但不一定是经海上运输,尤指长途或国际间运送;consignment指运输货物,可以是长途或短途运送,强调为个人、公司或地方运送。