

单词 single sb/sth out
single sb/sth out phrase


choose ♦︎ select ♦︎ pick ♦︎ decide ♦︎ opt ♦︎ go for sth ♦︎ single sb/sth out ♦︎ adoptThese words all mean to make a decision about which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available. 这些词均表示选择、挑选。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to choose / select / pick / single out A from Bto choose / select / pick / decide between A and / or Bto choose / select / pick / opt for / go for / single out / adopt sb / sth as sb / sthto choose / select / pick / single out sb / sth for sb / sthto choose / select / pick / opt for / go for / single out / adopt sb / sth to do sthto choose / decide / opt to do sthto pick / single sb / sth outto choose / select / pick sb / sth carefully / at randomrandomly chosen / selected / pickedwell chosen / selected choose (chose, chosen) [intransitive, transitive] to make a decision about which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available 选择;挑选;选取You choose-I can't decide.你来选吧,我拿不定主意。There are plenty of restaurants to choose from.有许多餐馆可供选择。She had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.她不得不在放弃工作和雇用保姆之间作出选择。You have to take any job you can get-you can't pick and choose.你能找到什么工作就得干什么-不能挑三拣四了。He chose banking as a career.他选择在银行业发展。You'll have to choose whether to buy it or not.买还是不买,你得作出选择。We chose Paul Stubbs to be chairperson.我们选了保罗•斯塔布斯当主席。 see also choice option , choice range 1 select [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to choose sb/sth, usually according to a system, from a group of people or things (根据一套体系)选择,挑选,选拔He hasn't been selected for the team.他未能入选该队。All our hotels have been carefully selected for the excellent value they provide.我们的所有旅馆都是精心挑选的,因此最为合算。a randomly selected sample of 23 schools随机抽选的23所学校selected poems of T.S. EliotT.S.艾略特诗选Select 'New Mail' from the 'Send' menu.从“发送”选单中选择“新邮件”。 see also selection range 1 pick [transitive] (rather informal) to choose sb/sth from a group of people or things 选择;挑选Pick a number from one to twenty.从一至二十中挑选一个数。Names were picked at random out of a hat.名字随机从一顶帽子中选出。He was picked out as the best player.他被选为最佳选手。NOTE 辨析 Choose, select or pick? Choose is the most general of these words and the only one that can be used without an object. * choose在这些词中含义最广,也是唯一可以不带宾语的词You select/pick-I can't decide. When you select sth, you choose it carefully, unless you actually say that it is selected randomly/at random. Pick is a more informal word and often a less careful action, used especially when the choice being made is not very important. * select表示仔细挑选,除非特意说明select randomly/at random(随机选取)。相比之下,pick不太正式,常指随意挑选,尤用于所作选择不太重要的情况Select a number from one to twenty. decide [intransitive] to choose between two or more possibilities 作出抉择;决定;选定It was difficult to decide between the two candidates.很难在这两个候选人之间取舍。We're still trying to decide on a venue.我们仍在设法选定场地。You choose-I can't decide.你来选吧,我拿不定主意。 see also decide decide opt [intransitive] to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action 选择(做某事)After graduating she opted for a career in music.毕业后她选择从事音乐工作。After a lot of thought, I opted against buying a motorbike.考虑了许久,我决定不买摩托车。Many workers opted to leave their jobs rather than take a pay cut.许多工人宁愿离职也不接受减薪。Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan.员工可以选择不参加公司的退休金计划。 see also option option ˈgo for sth

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone) (rather informal) to choose sth 选择某物I think I'll go for the fruit salad.我想要水果沙拉。
ˌsingle sb/sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to choose sb/sth from a group for special attention 单独挑出She was singled out for criticism.唯独她被挑出来挨批。He was singled out as the outstanding performer of the games.他被评为这次运动会唯一的杰出运动员。
adopt [transitive] to choose a new name, country, etc. and begin to use it as your own 选用(名字等);移居(某国);承袭The royal family adopted the name of Windsor early in the last century.王室在上世纪早期选用温莎为名。




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