

单词 full name
full name noun


 See also the entry for nickname 另见nickname条name ♦︎ title ♦︎ first name ♦︎ surname ♦︎ last name ♦︎ full name ♦︎ family name ♦︎ label ♦︎ middle name ♦︎ maiden name ♦︎ subtitleThese are all words for a word or words that a person, animal or object is known by. 这些词均表示名字、名称、称谓。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a name / title / first name / label / subtitle for sb / sthunder the name / title (of) ...to use a name / sb's title / sb's first name / sb's surname / your family name / your middle name / your maiden nameto change sb / sth's name / title / surnameto adopt / take a name / title / surnameto give sb / sth a name / title / label / middle name / subtitleto choose / decide on a name / title / first name / middle name / subtitleto address sb by their title / first name / surname / last name / full nameto call sb by their first name / surname / last name / full nameto have a name / title / surname / family name / middle name / subtitleto bear a name / title / surname / family name name [countable] a word or words that a particular person, animal, place or thing is known by 名字;名称What's your name?你叫什么名字?What is / was the name, please?(= a polite way of asking sb's name) 请问您叫什么名字?Please write your full name and address below.请将您的姓名全称和详细地址写在下面。The tickets were booked in the name of McLean.这些票是以麦克莱恩的名字预订的。Are you changing your name when you get married?结婚时你要改姓氏吗?Rubella is just another name for German measles.风疹只是德国麻疹的另一个名称。Your name is either your whole name or one part of your name. * name既指全名也指名字的一部分My name is Maria.我的名字叫玛丽亚。His name is Tom Smith.他的名字叫汤姆•史密斯。The name's Bond.名字是邦德。 Name is often used in compounds. * name常用于构成复合词place name地名street name街道名code name代号pet name (= a name you use for sb instead of their real name, as a sign of affection) 昵称pen-name (= a name used by a writer instead of their real name) 笔名brand name (= the name given to a product by the company that produces it) 品牌名称 see also name call verb 1 title [countable] the name of a book, poem, painting, piece of music, etc.; a word in front of a person's name to show their rank or profession, whether or not they are married, etc.; a name that describes sb's job (书、诗歌、图画、乐曲等的)名称,标题,题目;(人名前表示地位、职业、婚否等的)称号,头衔,称谓;职称His poems were published under the title of 'Love and Reason'.他的诗是以《爱情与理智》为题发表的。the title track from their latest CD (= the song with the same title as the disc) 他们最新唱片中的专辑同名主打歌She has sung the title role in 'Carmen'(= the role of Carmen in that opera).她在《卡门》中演唱卡门的角色。The present duke inherited the title from his father.现在的公爵承袭的是他父亲的爵位。Give your name and title (= Mr, Miss, Ms, Dr, etc.).报出你的姓名和称谓。His job title is Special Projects Officer.他的职称是特别项目干事。 see also entitle call verb 1 ˈfirst name [countable] a name that was given to you when you were born, that comes before your family name 名字His first name is Tom and his surname is Green.他名叫汤姆,姓格林。Please call me by my first name.请叫我的名字就行了。 (BrE) to be on first-name terms with sb (= to call them by their first name as a sign of a friendly informal relationship) 与某人以名字相称 (NAmE) to be on a first-name basis关系密切,直呼其名Other words for sb's first name are given name (especially in American English), forename (in formal or official language) and Christian name (in British English, although this is now rather old-fashioned). These are all more formal and less frequent than first name. 某人的first name亦可称为given name(尤用于美式英语)、forename(用于正式或官方用语)和Christian name(用于英式英语,但现在有些过时)。这些用语均较first name正式,但不及其常用。 surname [countable] (especially BrE) a name shared by all the members of a family (written last in English names) On marriage most women in this country still take their husband's surname.这个国家的大多数妇女在结婚后还是选择采用丈夫的姓。 ˈlast name [countable] your surname (written last in English names) How do you spell your last name?你的姓怎么拼? ˈfull name [countable] all your names, usually in the order first name + middle name(s) + last name 全名(通常的顺序是first name + middle name(s) + last name)His full name was William Augustus Grove.他的全名是威廉•奥古斯塔斯•格罗夫。 see also full whole ˈfamily name [countable] the part of your name that shows which family you belong to 姓;姓氏'Smith' is the most common family name in Britain.史密斯是英国最常见的姓氏。He wanted a son to carry on the family name.他想要个儿子来传宗接代。 label [countable] (disapproving) a word or phrase that is used to describe sb/sth in a way that seems too general, unfair or not correct (不恰当的)称谓,绰号,叫法I hated the label 'housewife'.我不喜欢“家庭主妇”这个称谓。He was cruelly given the label 'Mr Zero' by the Press.新闻界刻薄地称他为“零度先生”。 see also label call verb 1 ˈmiddle name [countable] a name that comes between your first name and your family name 中名(名和姓之间的名字)'What's your middle name?' 'I don't have one / Well actually, I have two...'“你的中名叫什么?”“我没有中名/噢,实际上我有两个⋯” ˈmaiden name [countable] a woman's family name before marriage (女子的)娘家姓Kate kept her maiden name when she got married (= she did not change her surname to that of her husband).凯特结婚后仍用自己娘家的姓。If a woman uses her husband's surname after they get married, the new name is her married name. 如果女子结婚后用丈夫的姓,这个新的姓就是她的married name。 subtitle [countable] a second title of a book or other written work that appears after the main title and gives more information 副标题;小标题This book's title is 'Oxford Learner's Thesaurus'. Its subtitle is 'A dictionary of synonyms'.这部书名为《牛津英语同义词学习词典》,副标题是“一部学习型同义词词典”。 subtitle


[transitive, usually passive] The article is subtitled 'New language for new times'.这篇文章的副标题是“新时代的新语言”。




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