

单词 olect_age_0


age ♦︎ generation ♦︎ age group ♦︎ peer groupThese are all words for the number of years that a person has lived, or a group of people who have lived for about the same number of years. 这些词均表示年龄或同龄人。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the younger / older generation / age grouppeople of your own age / generationpeople of all ages / generations / age groups age [countable, uncountable] the number of years that a person has lived or a thing has existed; a particular period of a person's life 年龄;年龄段He left school at the age of 18.他18岁读完中学。children from 5-10 years of age5到10岁的儿童When I was your age I was already married.我在你这个年纪已经结婚了。He started playing the piano at an early age.他幼年就开始弹钢琴。She was beginning to feel her age (= feel that she was getting old).她开始感到自己上年纪了。ways of calculating the age of the earth计算地球年龄的方法15 is an awkward age.15岁是个尴尬的年龄。It was only now, in middle age, that she was beginning to enjoy life.直到现在,人到中年时,她才开始享受生活。He died of old age.他终其天年。 generation [countable + singular or plural verb, uncountable] all the people who were born at about the same time; a single stage in the history of a family; a group of people of similar age involved in a particular activity (统称)一代人;(家族史中的)一代;一批(参与某活动的同龄人)The older generation tends to have more traditional views.老一辈人常常有较传统的观念。My generation has grown up without the experience of a world war.我们这一代人没有经历过世界大战。I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.我常常想,后人将怎样评价我们的努力。These stories were passed down from generation to generation.这些故事一代一代传了下来。a first- / second-generation American (= a person whose family has lived in America for one / two generations) 第一代/第二代美国人She has inspired a whole generation of fashion school graduates.她激励了一整届时装学校的毕业生。 see also generation period ˈage group [countable] people of a similar age or within a particular range of ages 年龄组;年龄段men in the older age group较高年龄段的男性education for the 16-18 age group16至18岁年龄段的教育 ˈpeer group [countable] a group of people of the same age or social status 同龄群体;社会地位相同的群体She gets on well with her peer group.她和同龄人相处融洽。He started smoking because of peer-group pressure.由于无法抗拒同侪压力,他开始吸烟。 see also peer peer NOTE 辨析 Generation, age group or peer group?Your generation is people who are nearer your age than your parents' or your children's ages. Your age group may be a much narrower range of ages: age group is often used in official forms and figures, and the exact range of ages may be stated. * generation指一代人,如你和你的父母、你和儿女分属两代人;age group所指年龄段更窄,常见于官方表格或数据,而且可能会具体说明所指年龄范围the 16-18 generation/peer group Your peer group includes the people of your own age that you actually know and are influenced by. * peer group指那些与你同龄、你认识并受其影响的人She gets on well with her generation/age group.




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