

单词 the heavens
the heavens noun


air ♦︎ sky ♦︎ atmosphere ♦︎ airspace ♦︎ the heavensThese words all mean the space above or around you. 这些词均表示空中或天空。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in / into the air / sky / atmosphere / sb's airspace / the heavensthrough the air / sky / atmosphere / sb's airspace air (usually the air 通常作the air) [uncountable] the space above the ground or that is around things 空中;天空I kicked the ball high into the air.我把球高高地踢到空中。Spicy smells wafted through the air.空中飘来一阵阵浓烈的香味。Music filled the night air.乐声荡漾在夜空中。 Air is also the space above the earth where planes fly. * air也指地球上方飞机飞行的空间It only takes three hours by air (= in a plane).坐飞机只需三个小时。air travel / traffic / fares航空旅行;空中交通;飞机票价The temple was clearly visible from the air.从空中看去,那座寺庙清晰可见。 sky [countable, uncountable] the space above the earth that you can see when you look up, where clouds and the sun, moon and stars appear 天;天空What's that in the sky?天上那个东西是什么?Stars began to twinkle in the night sky.繁星开始在夜空闪烁。I had blue skies and sunshine nearly every day I was there.在那儿我几乎每天都能享受到蓝天和丽日。You usually say the sky. When sky is used with an adjective, use a ... sky. 通常说the sky,与形容词连用时用a ... skyWe made our way home under a cloudless sky.晴空万里,我们踏上了回家的路程。You can also use the plural form skies, especially when you are thinking about the great extent of the sky. 也可用复数形式skies,尤指天空广阔时The skies above London were ablaze with a spectacular firework display.伦敦上空礼花绽放,好不壮观。 atmosphere (usually the atmosphere 通常作the atmosphere) [countable, usually singular] the layer of air that surrounds the earth; the mixture of gases that surrounds a large object in space such as a planet or star (围绕地球的)大气(层);(围绕天体的)气体Pollution of the atmosphere is a global problem.大气污染是全球性问题。The outermost part of the sun's atmosphere is called the corona.太阳大气的最外层叫做日冕。 atmospheric / /ˌætməsˈferɪk/ /


atmospheric pollution大气污染
airspace /ˈeəspeɪs; NAmE ˈerspeɪs/ [uncountable] the part of the sky where planes fly, usually the part above a particular country that is legally controlled by that country 领空;(某国的)空域The jet entered Chinese airspace without permission.那架喷气式飞机未经允许闯入了中国领空。 the heavens [plural] (literary) the sky above, as seen from the ground 天空;苍穹Four tall trees stretched up to the heavens.四棵大树参天而立。




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