

单词 the lead
the lead phrase
lead1 / /liːd/ /


take the lead in a race 在赛跑中领先have a narrow lead over sb 略占优势the lead ♦︎ the foreground ♦︎ the forefront ♦︎ the fore ♦︎ the cutting edge ♦︎ the frontThese are all words for a position ahead of everyone else in a race, a competition, an area of activity, the development of sth or a line of people. 这些词语均表示在比赛、竞争、活动、发展或队列中的领先地位。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the foreground / forefront / cutting edge / front of sthin the lead / foreground / forefrontat the forefront / fore / cutting edge / frontto come / bring sth to the forefront / fore the lead [singular] the position ahead of everyone else in a race, game or competition (比赛或竞争中的)领先地位The Democrats now appear to be in the lead.民主党人现在看来占有优势。She took the lead in the second lap.她在第二圈时跑在了前头。As expected, Kicking King went straight into the lead.不出所料,赛马“踢王”从一开始就获得了领先地位。Redkal's penalty gave Norway the lead.雷德卡尔的点球使挪威队处于领先地位。 the foreground [singular] (rather formal) the part of a view or picture that is nearest to you when you look at it; an important position that is noticed by people (景物或图画的)前景;瞩目地位;重要位置The figure in the foreground is the artist's mother.图画前景中的人是画家的母亲。Interest rates will be very much in the foreground of their election campaign.利率很大程度上将是他们竞选的重点问题。OPP background environment the forefront [singular] an important or leading position in a particular group or activity (在群体或活动中的)重要(或主要)地位;最前列Women have always been at the forefront of the Green movement.妇女总是站在环境保护运动的最前列。The latest protest has brought prison conditions to the forefront of public attention.最近这次抗议活动使监狱条件这个问题成了公众关注的焦点。The court case was constantly in the forefront of my mind (= I thought about it all the time).这起诉讼案件一直萦绕在我的心头。The forefront is always used in the phrase at/in/to the forefront of sth. * the forefront总是用于短语at/in/to the forefront of sth中。 the fore [singular] (rather formal) a position in which sb/sth is noticed by people or considered important 显要地位;重要作用;突出位置 (BrE) She has always been to the fore at moments of crisis.危急时刻她总是挺身而出。 (NAmE) She has always been at the fore at moments of crisis.危急时刻她总是挺身而出。The problem has come very much to the fore again in recent months.近几个月来这个问题又成了热点。People or things are to the fore in British English, but at the fore in American English; the fore is always used in the phrase be to/at the fore or come/bring sth to the fore. 表示人或事物处于显要地位,在英式英语中用to the fore,在美式英语中则用at the fore。the fore总是用于短语be to/at the fore或come/bring sth to the fore中。NOTE 辨析 Forefront or fore? The forefront is usually followed by of; the fore is not. If you need to say which group or activity sb/sth is important in, use the forefront of sth; if you do not need to say which group or activity, because sb/sth has just become important generally in the public mind, use the fore. * the forefront通常后接of,the fore则不接。表示某人或某事物在哪个群体或活动中很重要,用the forefront of sth;如某人或某事物在公众心目中已普遍变得重要,不必说出是哪个群体或活动时,则用the fore。 the ˌcutting ˈedge [singular] the newest, most advanced stage in the development of sth, especially in science, technology or art (尤指科学、技术或艺术发展的)尖端,最前沿,领先阶段We are working at the cutting edge of computer technology.我们工作在计算机技术的最前沿。At the time it was on the cutting edge of modern style.那时它正引领着现代时尚的潮流。 the front [singular] the position which is furthest forward in a line or group of people (一排或一群人的)前部He was always at the front of the line at dinner time.吃饭排队时他总是排头位。The kids pushed straight to the front.孩子们径直挤到前头去了。 OPP the back The back is the position furthest from the front. * the back指距离前部最远的位置We could only get seats at the back (= of the room).我们只有后排的位子可以坐了。I found some old photos at the back of the drawer.我在抽屉的后部发现了几张老照片。 (BrE) There's room for three people in the back (= of a car).轿车的后排座位能坐三个人。 (NAmE) There's room for three people in back.轿车的后排座位能坐三个人。




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