

单词 the occult
the occult noun


magic ♦︎ witchcraft ♦︎ sorcery ♦︎ black magic ♦︎ the supernatural ♦︎ the occult ♦︎ conjuringThese are all words for the secret power of making impossible things happen, or entertainment in which impossible things seem to happen. 这些词均表示魔法、巫术、魔术。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to do sth by magic / sorceryto practise magic / witchcraft / black magicto use magic / witchcraft / sorcerya magic / conjuring trick magic [uncountable] the secret power of making impossible things happen by saying special words or doing special things; the art of doing tricks that seem impossible in order to entertain people 魔法;法术;戏法;魔术Do you believe in magic?你相信魔法吗?This was a place of secret shadows and ancient magic.这是个魅影重重、充斥着古老法术的地方。He suddenly appeared as if by magic.他突然神奇地出现了。He earns extra money doing magic at children's parties.他靠在儿童联欢会上表演魔术挣些外快。 see also magician witch witchcraft / /ˈwɪtʃkrɑːft; NAmE ˈwɪtʃkræft/ [uncountable] the use of magic powers, especially evil ones 法术;(尤指)妖术,巫术She was accused of witchcraft.她被控告行巫术。Traditionally, people think of witchcraft as sth that is practised by women, although men have also been said to practise it. 传统上认为行巫术(witchcraft)的是女巫,不过男巫据说也行巫术。 see also witch witch sorcery /ˈsɔːsəri; NAmE ˈsɔːrsəri/ [uncountable] (written) magic that uses evil spirits 邪术;巫术;妖术She was said to have caused the king's illness by sorcery.据说她施巫术使国王得病。 see also sorcerer witch ˌblack ˈmagic [uncountable] magic that uses evil spirits 邪术;巫术;妖术People found guilty of practising black magic were hanged.被判犯有行巫术罪的人给绞死了。NOTE 辨析 Witchcraft, sorcery or black magic? Sorcery and black magic both involve the use of evil spirits or the power of the Devil in order to do evil. Witchcraft is wider in range: it typically means sorcery or black magic, but can also mean the practice of white magic or natural magic that involves using hidden forces within nature for good, not evil, purposes. * sorcery和black magic均指利用邪恶或撒旦的力量作恶。witchcraft含义更广,通常指sorcery或black magic,但亦可指white magic(善意的法术)或natural magic(自然法术),即利用大自然内隐秘的力量行善事,而非作恶。 the supernatural /ˌsuːpəˈnætʃrəl, ˌsjuːpəˈnætʃrəl; NAmE ˌsuːpərˈnætʃrəl/ [singular] (rather formal) events, forces or powers that cannot be explained by reason or science and that seem to involve gods or magic 超自然物;超自然力量;神奇怪异的事A strong belief in the supernatural characterizes many of these communities.这些群体中有很多人都对超自然力量坚信不移。 the occult [singular] the supernatural, especially when it is used for secret or evil purposes (尤指用于秘密或邪恶目的的)超自然物,超自然力量He's interested in witchcraft and the occult.他对巫术魔法情有独钟。 conjuring /ˈkʌndʒərɪŋ/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) entertainment in the form of magic tricks, especially ones which seem to make things appear or disappear 魔术;戏法After dinner, Brian performed several conjuring tricks.主餐过后,布赖恩表演了几个魔术。




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