

单词 speed up
speed up phrasal verb


accelerate ♦︎ speed (sth) up ♦︎ speed ♦︎ hasten ♦︎ quickenThese words all mean to go faster or make sth happen faster. 这些词均表示加速、加快。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to accelerate / speed up / speed / hasten / quicken the pace / progress (of sth)to accelerate / speed up / speed / hasten the development (of sth)to accelerate / speed / hasten the death of sb / sthto greatly accelerate / speed up / speed / hasten sth accelerate / /əkˈseləreɪt/ / [intransitive, transitive](of a vehicle or person) to start to go faster; to happen or make sth happen faster or sooner than expected (交通工具或人)加速,加快;使加速The car accelerated to overtake me.那辆车加速超过了我。Inflation continues to accelerate.通货膨胀持续加速。Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.暴露在日光下会加快衰老过程。OPP retard hold sb/sth up , decelerate Decelerate is more formal than accelerate, used mostly in writing. * decelerate比accelerate正式,多用于书面语 (formal, written) Economic growth decelerated sharply in January.1月份经济增长大幅减缓。 acceleration / /əkˌseləˈreɪʃn/ /


[uncountable, singular] a car with good acceleration加速性能良好的汽车an acceleration in the rate of growth增长加速
speed up speed sth up

phrasal verb

(speeded, speeded) (rather informal) to move or happen faster; to make sth move or happen faster (使)加速The train soon speeded up.火车很快加速了。Can you try and speed things up a bit?你能不能设法加快一点事情的进度?They have speeded up production of the new car.他们已经加速生产那款新车。 OPP slow down The opposite is slow down. * speed (sth) up的反义词是slow downSlow down! I can't keep up with you.慢一点!我跟不上你了。
speed (speeded, speeded) [transitive] (written) to make sth happen sooner or faster, especially sb/sth's recovery or the development of sth 加快(康复);促进(发展)The drugs will speed her recovery.这些药会促进她的康复。More is needed to speed the development of a safe and effective vaccine.需要更多的投入以加快研发一种安全有效的疫苗。 see also speedy quick NOTE 辨析 Speed sth up or speed? Speed is more formal than speed sth up and it is used to talk about making things happen faster but not vehicles moving faster. * speed比speed sth up正式,指加快事情的发生和发展,但不指交通工具的加速The train soon speeded. see also speed fly 2 hasten / /ˈheɪsn/ / [transitive] (written) to make sth happen sooner or faster, especially the death, destruction or end of sb/sth 促进,加快(死亡、毁灭或结束)The treatment she received may, in fact, have hastened her death.实际上,她所接受的治疗可能加快了她的死亡。News of the scandal certainly hastened his departure from office.这一丑闻肯定加速了他的离任。 OPP delay delay quicken [intransitive, transitive] (written) to become faster; to make sth faster (使)加快,加速She felt her heartbeat quicken as he approached.他走过来时,她觉得心跳加速了。He quickened his pace to catch up with them.他加快脚步赶上他们。Quicken is often used to talk about sth that is connected with living and the body, such as sb's heartbeat, pulse, breathing or pace. * quicken的对象常与生活和身体相关,常用的搭配词有heartbeat、pulse、breathing、pace等。 OPP slacken The opposite is slacken. * quicken的反义词是slackenShe slackened her pace a little (= walked more slowly).她略微放慢了脚步。




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