

单词 urge
urge verb
encourage2 (urge sb to do sth) recommend1 (urge caution)
urge noun


be encouraged by the news 受到消息的鼓舞encourage people to cycle 鼓动人们骑自行车encourage violent behaviour/debate 助长暴力行为;引发争议encourage ♦︎ urge ♦︎ spur ♦︎ galvanize ♦︎ exhort ♦︎ put sb up to sth ♦︎ egg sb onThese words all mean to try hard to persuade sb to do sth, especially by making them excited or by making them believe it is the right thing to do. 这些词均表示鼓动、劝告。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to spur sb on / galvanize sb / exhort sb to sthto encourage sb / urge sb / spur sb / galvanize sb / exhort sb / egg sb on to do sthto encourage / urge / exhort sb not to do sthto constantly / repeatedly encourage / urge / exhort sb to do sthto strongly encourage / urge sb to do sthto spur / galvanize sb into action encourage [transitive] to persuade sb to do sth by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do 鼓动;劝告;怂恿Banks actively encourage people to borrow money.银行积极鼓动人们贷款。We're looking at ways to encourage recycling.我们正想方设法鼓励人们循环利用资源。The new measures are designed to encourage more people to cycle.这些新举措旨在推动更多人骑自行车。OPP discourage discourage 1 urge / /ɜːdʒ; NAmE ɜːrdʒ/ [transitive] to strongly advise or try hard to persuade sb to do sth 敦促;催促;力劝She urged him to stay.她力劝他留下。Police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately.警方敦促事故的目击者立即与警方联系。The report urged that all children be taught to swim.这份报告呼吁要让所有儿童学游泳。'Please come!' he urged.“请务必前来!”他劝道。 spur /spɜː(r)/ / (-rr-) [transitive](of a person or event) to encourage sb to do sth or to try harder to achieve sth (人或事件)鞭策,激励,刺激Her difficult childhood spurred her on to succeed.她艰辛的童年激励她要取得成功。The band has been spurred on by the success of their last single.最近一首单曲的成功使乐队受到鼓舞。 galvanize (BrE also galvanise) / /ˈgælvənaɪz/ / [transitive] (especially written) (of a person or event) to make sb take action or try harder by shocking them or making them excited (人或事件)震动,激励,刺激The win galvanized the whole team.这场胜利令整支队伍欢欣鼓舞。The industry was galvanized into doing something about the problem.该行业受到了震动,决意着手解决这一问题。 exhort /ɪgˈzɔːt; NAmE ɪgˈzɔːrt/ (formal) to try hard to persuade sb to do sth, especially by speaking with strong feeling 规劝;敦促;告诫The party leader exhorted his members to start preparing for government.该党领袖敦促党员着手筹建政府。 ˌput sb ˈup to sth

phrasal verb

(putting, put, put) (informal) to encourage or persuade sb to do sth wrong or stupid 怂恿;撺掇;唆使Some of the older boys must have put him up to it.那件事准是一些大孩子怂恿他干的。
ˌegg sb ˈon

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to encourage sb to do sth, especially sth they should not do or would normally be afraid to do 鼓动;怂恿;煽动He hit the girl again and again as his friends egged him on.他在朋友的煽动下一次又一次地打了那个女孩。


recommend that sb do sth 建议某人做某事recommend a good hotel 推荐一家好酒店 See also the entry for propose 另见propose条recommend ♦︎ advise ♦︎ advocate ♦︎ urgeThese words all mean to tell sb what you think they should do in a particular situation. 这些词均表示劝告、建议。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达劝告的力度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to recommend / advise / advocate / urge that...It is recommended / advised / advocated / urged that...to recommend / advise / urge sb to do sthto recommend / advise / advocate doing sthto recommend / advise / advocate / urge cautionto advise / advocate / urge restraintto strongly recommend / advise / advocate sb / sth recommend [transitive] to tell sb what you think they should do in a particular situation; to say what you think the price or level of sth should be 劝告;建议(应对方法、售价、级别等)I recommend (that) he see a lawyer.我建议他去找个律师。It is strongly recommended that the machines be checked every year.强烈建议每年检修机器。He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie.他建议先看这本书,再去看这部电影。It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose.超过建议使用的剂量会有危险。a recommended price of $50建议售价50元 see also recommendation proposal advise [transitive, intransitive] to tell sb what you think they should do in a particular situation 劝告;忠告;建议Her mother was away and couldn't advise her.她的母亲不在身边,无法帮她出谋划策。I'd advise extreme caution.我建议要慎之又慎。I'd advise you not to tell him.我劝你别告诉他。I would strongly advise against going out on your own.我要极力奉劝你别单独外出。 see also advice advice NOTE 辨析 Recommend or advise? Advise is a stronger word than recommend and is often used when the person giving the advice is in a senior position or a position of authority. * advise语气较recommend强烈,通常指地位高的人或权威人士提出忠告Police are advising fans without tickets to stay away.警察告诫没有票的球迷不要前来。Police are recommending fans without tickets to stay away. I advise you... can suggest that you know better than the person you are advising: this may cause offence if they are your equal or senior to you. I recommend... mainly suggests that you are trying to be helpful and is less likely to cause offence. Recommend is often used with more positive advice to tell sb about possible benefits and advise with more negative advice to warn sb about possible dangers. * I advise you ...暗指提出忠告者比对方更了解情况,如果对方处于同等或更高的地位就可能引起反感。I recommend ...主要含试图帮助之意,不大可能引起反感。recommend多指提出正面建议,告知某人可能得到的益处;advise多指提出反面告诫,警告某人可能产生的危险He advised reading the book before seeing the movie. I would recommend against going out on your own. You have to recommend sth (to sb), not just 'recommend sb'. 必须说recommend sth (to sb),而不能仅为recommend sbHer mother was away and couldn't recommend her. advocate / /ˈædvəkeɪt/ / [transitive] (formal) to support or recommend sth publicly 拥护;公开支持;提倡The group does not advocate the use of violence.该团体不支持使用暴力。 See also the entry for support 1 另见support条第1义 urge [transitive] to recommend sth strongly 大力推荐;竭力主张The situation is dangerous, but the UN is urging caution.局势岌岌可危,但联合国力主谨慎行事。The report urged that all children be taught to swim.这份报告呼吁要教会所有儿童游泳。


 See also the entry for hope noun 2 另见hope名词词条第2义desire ♦︎ need ♦︎ wish ♦︎ temptation ♦︎ urge ♦︎ impulse ♦︎ inclination ♦︎ whim ♦︎ want ♦︎ compulsionThese are all words for a feeling, especially a strong one, that you would like to have or do sth. 这些词均表示想望、渴望、欲望。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a desire / a need / a wish / an urge / an inclination for sththe desire / need / wish / temptation / urge / impulse / inclination / compulsion to do stha strong desire / need / wish / temptation / urge / impulse / inclinationan overwhelming desire / need / temptation / urge / impulsean irresistible desire / temptation / urge / impulsea natural desire / wish / temptation / urge / impulse / inclinationa sudden desire / need / urge / impulse / inclination / whimsexual desires / needs / urges / impulses / inclinationsto have a desire / a need / a wish / a temptation / an urge / an impulse / an inclination / wants / a compulsionto feel a desire / a need / a temptation / an urge / an impulse / an inclination / a compulsionto express / make known a desire / need / wishto satisfy a desire / a need / an urge / impulse / sb's whims / sb's wantsto pander to sb's wishes / whims / wantsto resist / fight a desire / a temptation / an urge / an impulse desire [countable, uncountable] (rather formal, especially written) a feeling that you want to have or do sth 想望;欲望;渴望Most children have an insatiable desire for knowledge.大多数儿童都有永不满足的求知欲。She felt an overwhelming desire to return home.她感到有一种难以遏制的想回家的愿望。He now had enough money to satisfy all his desires.他现在有足够的钱来满足自己所有的欲望。 (formal) I have no desire (= I do not want) to discuss the matter further.我不想再谈此事。 see also desire want verb need [countable, uncountable] a strong feeling that you want or must have or do sth 渴望;迫切需要She felt the need to talk to someone.她特别想和人聊聊。I'm in need of some fresh air.我需要呼吸点新鲜空气。It can be difficult to express our needs and desires.表达自己的需求和想望并非易事。 see also need need noun , need need verb NOTE 辨析 Desire or need?A need is usually stronger than a desire: it is usually sth which you feel you must have, not just sth that you would like; when it is used in negative sentences, however, it can mean sth that you don't want. * need通常比desire强烈,指渴望得到某物不仅是因为喜欢,更是出于迫切需要;但在否定句中need可表示不想要的事物She had no more need of me (= did not want me any more).她再也不需要我了。 wish [countable] (especially written) a feeling that you want to have or do sth 愿望;希望I can understand her wish for secrecy.我可以理解她想保守秘密的愿望。He had no wish to start a fight.他无意挑起争斗。His dearest wish (= what he wants most of all) is to see his grandchildren again.他最大的愿望是能够再次见到自己的孙儿。It was her dying wish that I should have it.她的临终遗愿是把这东西留给我。 see also wish want verb , wish wish noun NOTE 辨析 Desire or wish?When it is used alone, desire only suggests a slightly stronger feeling than wish. However, desire is often used with adjectives such as deep, great, urgent, burning, insatiable and overwhelming, expressing a much stronger feeling; wish is not often used with these adjectives. * desire单独使用时仅指比wish稍强烈些的愿望,但desire经常与形容词deep、great、urgent、burning、insatiable和overwhelming等连用,表示十分强烈的愿望;wish不常与这些形容词连用。 temptation / /tempˈteɪʃn/ / [countable, uncountable] the desire to do or have sth that you know is bad or wrong 诱惑;引诱The temptation of easy profits was too much for them.轻而易举即可获利,这种诱惑让他们无法抗拒。Don't give in to temptation.别经不起诱惑。I couldn't resist the temptation to open the letter.我按捺不住好奇心,把信打开了。 see also tempt tempt verb urge [countable] a strong feeling that you must do sth, especially one that is hard to control or hard to understand 强烈的欲望;(难以控制或理解的)冲动I had a sudden urge to hit him.我突然很想揍他一顿。Freud claimed that this behaviour was caused by the repression of sexual urges.弗洛伊德声称这种行为是性压抑造成的。 see also urgent urgent NOTE 辨析 Need or urge?Both these words often describe feelings that seem to come from the body rather than the mind. 这两个词均常指来自身体而非大脑的欲望a / an biological / instinctive / primitive need / urge生理/本能/原始的欲望sexual needs / urges性需求;性冲动However, needs are usually feelings that are shared by a lot of people and are easy to understand and accept; an urge may be less easy to understand and sth that you try to prevent yourself from doing or expressing. 不过,need通常为许多人共有且容易理解和接受的欲望,urge则可能是较不易理解且尽量避免付诸实现或表达出来的欲望She felt a violent urge to laugh, but suppressed it, with difficulty.她很想大笑,可还是竭力忍住了。 impulse / /ˈɪmpʌls/ / [countable, usually singular, uncountable] a sudden strong desire to do sth, without stopping to think about the results 冲动;心血来潮的念头He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing.他突然心血来潮,想站起来唱歌。Her first impulse was to run away.她的第一个念头就是逃走。The door was open and on an impulse she went inside.门开着,她一时心血来潮就走了进去。He tends to act on impulse.他往往凭一时冲动行事。 see also impulsive spontaneous inclination / /ˌɪnklɪˈneɪʃn/ / [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) a feeling that makes you want to do sth 倾向;意愿He did not show the slightest inclination to leave.他丝毫没有表现出要离开的意思。He was a loner by nature and by inclination.他生性不喜欢交际,而且也无意于此。You must follow your own inclinations when choosing a career.你必须按照自己的意愿选择职业。An inclination may not be a very strong feeling: people act according to their inclinations when there is no stronger force to work against them. When people lack any inclination to do sth, it shows that they do not want to do it at all. * inclination可能是一种不太强烈的意愿。在没有更强的反对力量干扰下,人都是按自己的意愿行事。缺乏做某事的意愿,就表明根本不想做这件事。 see also inclined to do sth prone to sth whim / /wɪm/ / [countable] (often disapproving) a sudden desire to do or have sth, especially when it is sth unusual or unnecessary 心血来潮;一时冲动;突发奇想He was forced to pander to her every whim.她每一次心血来潮他都得顺着她。We bought the house on a whim.我们一时冲动就买了这所房子。She hires and fires people at whim (= as and when she wants to, without good reason).她任意地雇用人和解雇人。 want [countable, usually plural] something that you want 需要的东西;想要的东西She spent her life pandering to the wants of her children.她一生都在设法满足子女的需要。In this meaning, wants is usually used in a possessive phrase such as my/your/his/her/our/their/the customers' wants or the wants of sb. 表达此义时,wants通常用在所有格短语中,如my/your/his/her/our/their/the customers' wants或the wants of sb。 see also want need noun , want want verb compulsion / /kəmˈpʌlʃn/ / (rather formal, written) a strong desire to do sth that you cannot easily control, especially sth that is wrong, silly or dangerous (尤指做错事、傻事或危险事的)强烈欲望,冲动He felt a great compulsion to drive too fast.他感到一股想超速飙车的强烈冲动。Obsessions and compulsions often develop in people who live stressful lives.生活压力大的人常常会产生痴迷和易于冲动。 see also compelling urgent




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