

单词 track down
track down phrasal verb


find that sth is true 发现某事属实Look what I've found! 看我发现了什么!find a cure for cancer 寻找癌症疗法I can't find my keys. 我找不到我的钥匙了。find ♦︎ locate ♦︎ trace ♦︎ track sb/sth down ♦︎ search sb/sth out ♦︎ sniff sb/sth outThese words all mean to discover where sb/sth is, or get sb/sth back after looking for them/it. 这些词均表示找出某人或某物的所在位置或找到、找回。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to find sth / locate sth / track sth down / search sth out for sb / sthto find / trace / track down the killer / locationto locate / trace / track down / sniff out sb's whereaboutsto find / locate / trace / track down the missing ...to finally / eventually find / locate / trace / track down sb / sth find (found, found) [transitive] to get back sb/sth that was lost or missing after looking for them/it 找到;找回I can't find my keys.我找不到我的钥匙了。Can you find my bag for me?你能帮我找到我的包吗?The child was eventually found safe and well.那孩子最终找到了,安然无恙。He went through the drawers but found nothing.他仔细查找了抽屉,但一无所获。I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere to be found.我想和他谈谈,但哪儿也找不到他。 locate /ləʊˈkeɪt; NAmE ˈloʊkeɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to find the exact position of sb/sth 找出⋯的准确位置;确定⋯的准确地点The mechanic located the fault immediately.机修工立即找到了出故障的地方。Rescue planes are trying to locate the missing sailors.救援飞机正在努力搜查失踪水手的下落。 see also location place noun 1 trace [transitive] to find or discover sb/sth that has disappeared by looking carefully for them/it, often by looking for evidence of places where the person or thing has previously been 追查出;追踪到We finally traced him to an address in Chicago.我们终于追查到他在芝加哥的一个地址。We have not been able to trace the original letter.我们未能找到信件的原本。 see also trace sign noun 1 ˌtrack sb/sth ˈdown

phrasal verb

to find sb/sth after spending time searching in several places 搜寻到;跟踪找到;追查到The police have so far failed to track down the attacker.警方至今未能追捕到攻击者。I finally tracked the reference down in a book of quotations.我终于在一本引语书中查到了那条引文。
ˌsearch sb/sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to look for sb/sth until you find them/it 找出;查到;搜寻到Fighter pilots searched out and attacked enemy aircraft.战斗机驾驶员发现敌机后便进行攻击。
ˌsniff sb/sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to find sb/sth by using your sense of smell; to find sb/sth by looking or asking questions 嗅出;看出;探问出The dogs are trained to sniff out drugs.这些狗是经过训练的嗅毒犬。Journalists are good at sniffing out a scandal.记者善于发现丑闻。




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