

单词 suppress
suppress verb
suppress1 (suppress a rebellion) suppress2 (suppress a feeling) limit (suppress weed growth)


suppress a rebellion 镇压叛乱suppress a feeling 压抑感情suppress ♦︎ persecute ♦︎ quell ♦︎ crush ♦︎ put sth down ♦︎ disenfranchise ♦︎ subdue ♦︎ oppress ♦︎ repressThese words all mean to use political or military force to bring a group of people under control, to restrict their rights and freedoms, or to stop them from opposing the authorities. 这些词均表示以政治或军事力量来镇压、压制。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达压制的程度
put sth down
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to suppress / quell / crush / put down / repress a rebellionto suppress / quell / crush / put down a / an uprising / revoltto suppress / quell / crush oppositionto suppress / quell / put down a riotto quell / crush / subdue rebelsa persecuted / a disenfranchised / an oppressed minority / peoplethe army / troops / police (are used / called in, etc. to) suppress / quell / crush / put down / subdue sb / stha government suppresses / quells / crushes sb / sthto brutally suppress / crush / put down / repress sb / sthto ruthlessly suppress / crush / repress sb / sth suppress / /səˈpres/ / [transitive] (rather formal, written, disapproving) (of a government or ruler) to stop a group or activity which is opposing or threatening authority, often by force (政府或统治者以武力)镇压,平定,压制The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.该政权无情压制所有不同意见。Trade union rights were suppressed and casual work became the norm.工会的权益受到压制,临时工成为常态。 suppression


[uncountable] the suppression of a rebellion / free speech对叛乱的镇压;对言论自由的压制
persecute / /ˈpɜːsɪkjuːt; NAmE ˈpɜːrsɪkjuːt/ [transitive, often passive] (disapproving) (especially of people in power) to treat sb in a cruel and unfair way, especially because of their race, religion or political beliefs (尤指当权者因种族、宗教或政治信仰)迫害,残害,压迫Throughout history, people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs.历史上人们一直因宗教信仰而受到迫害。 see also persecution repression quell [transitive] (rather formal, written, disapproving) (of a government or the authorities) to stop sth such as violent behaviour or protests, often by force (政府或当局以武力)制止,平息,镇压Extra police were called in to quell the disturbances.调集更多警力来平息骚乱。 crush [transitive] (disapproving, journalism 新闻) (of a government or ruler) to use violent methods to stop people who are opposing authority (政府或统治者用暴力)制伏,镇压The army was sent in to crush the rebellion.军队被派去平息叛乱。 ˌput sth ˈdown

phrasal verb

(putting, put, put) (disapproving) (of a government or the authorities) to use force to stop sth, such as a group or activity which is opposing authority (政府或当局用武力)镇压,平定Troops loyal to the president put down an attempted coup.效忠于总统的军队镇压了一场未遂政变。
disenfranchise /ˌdɪsɪnˈfræntʃaɪz/ / [transitive] (formal) to take away sb's rights, especially their right to vote 剥夺(某人的)权利(尤指选举权)Many disabled people were effectively disenfranchised because of lack of access.由于缺乏机会,很多残疾人的权利实际上被剥夺了。 subdue / /səbˈdjuː; NAmE səbˈduː/ [transitive] (formal, disapproving) (of a government or the authorities) to bring sb/sth under control, such as a group or activity which is opposing authority, especially by using force (政府或当局用武力)制伏,征服,控制Troops were called in to subdue the rebels.军队被调来镇压叛乱者。NOTE 辨析 Suppress, quell, crush, put down or subdue?These words are all disapproving and suggest an unfair use of power. Suppress is the most general word. It can refer to stopping a range of different groups or activities, using different degrees of force from political pressure to physical violence. Quell usually refers to stopping violence, protests, riots, etc. This can be political protests or opposition, or other violence, such as football hooligans. Crush and put down both refer to using force to stop either opposition or protests and riots. Crush suggests the use of particularly violent methods and is used especially in journalism. Subdue is a more formal word to refer to bringing opposition under control, either with immediate action, for example by the police or army, or over a period of time. 这些词均含贬义,指不公正地使用了权力。suppress含义最广,可指不同程度地使用政治压力或武力来压制各种群体或活动;quell通常指平息暴力、抗议或骚乱等,包括政治性抗议或对抗,以及足球流氓滋事之类的其他暴力行为;crush和put down均表示使用武力镇压抗议、对抗或暴乱,crush尤用于新闻语言中,指使用特别粗暴的手段;subdue比较正式,表示把对手置于控制之中,既可指立刻采取行动,如动用警察或军队镇压,也可指行动持续一段时期。 oppress /əˈpres/ / [transitive] (rather formal, written, disapproving) (especially of people in power) to treat sb in a cruel or unfair way, by not giving them the same rights and freedoms as other people (尤指当权者)压迫,欺压,压制The regime is accused of oppressing religious minorities.人们指控这个政权欺压少数宗教信徒。 see also oppression repression repress / /rɪˈpres/ / [transitive, often passive] (rather formal, written, disapproving) (of a government or the authorities) to control a group of people and restrict their freedom, especially a group who oppose or threaten authority, by using political or military force (政府或当局用政治或军事力量)压制,镇压The government was quick to repress any opposition.政府迅速镇压一切反对势力。 see also repression repression NOTE 辨析 Persecute, disenfranchise, oppress or repress? Persecute is the most extreme of these verbs and refers to cruel treatment that can include harming and even killing a group of people because they are different in a way which is considered offensive by others or by those in power. People get persecuted especially because of their race, religion or political beliefs, for example the persecution of the Jews during World War II. Disenfranchise is the least emotional, most descriptive term, and means to take people's rights away, especially their right to vote. Oppress and repress lie between these two, meaning to restrict people's freedom so that they cannot express their opinions, act as they want to, challenge those in power, etc. In general people are oppressed and their activities are repressed. 这几个词中persecute最为极端,指对那些由于与众不同而被认为冒犯了别人或当权者的群体进行残酷迫害,包括伤害甚至杀戮。导致人们遭受迫害的原因尤以种族、宗教或政治信仰为主,例如第二次世界大战时对犹太人的迫害。disenfranchise最少情感色彩、最侧重客观叙述,表示剥夺某人的权利,特别是选举权。oppress和repress介于上述两词之间,表示限制人们的言论、行动以及挑战当权者的自由。通常情况下,压制人用oppress,压制行为用repress。


suppress a rebellion 镇压叛乱suppress a feeling 压抑感情suppress ♦︎ control ♦︎ stifle ♦︎ contain ♦︎ restrain ♦︎ keep from sth ♦︎ repress ♦︎ hold sth back ♦︎ check ♦︎ curbThese words all mean to stop yourself from feeling or showing an emotion. 这些词均表示对情感加以抑制、克制。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to control / contain / restrain / check yourselfto restrain / keep yourself from doing sthto suppress / control / contain / restrain / repress / hold back / check your angerto suppress / control / stifle / restrain / repress / check / curb an impulseto suppress / control / stifle / contain / restrain / repress an urgeto suppress / control / stifle / contain / repress / check a / an feeling / emotionto suppress / control / check / curb an instinctto control / contain / restrain / curb your impatienceto suppress / control / contain your excitementto control / contain / curb your temperto suppress / control / contain / restrain / hold back tearsto suppress / control / stifle / restrain a smileto barely suppress / control / contain / restrain / repress / hold back sthto hardly suppress / control / contain / keep from sth suppress / /səˈpres/ / [transitive] to stop yourself from feeling or showing an emotion or thinking about sth, even though you might want to 抑制,控制,忍住(情感或思想)She was unable to suppress a giggle.她忍不住笑出声来。He had suppressed the painful memories of his childhood.他尽力不去回想那些痛苦的童年记忆。Her face was charged with barely suppressed anger.她的脸上充满了勉强忍住的怒火。OPP arouse stimulate suppression


[uncountable] the suppression of emotion / feelings对情感的抑制
control (-ll-) [transitive] to manage to make yourself remain calm, even though you are angry or upset 抑制,克制(怒气或不快)I was so furious I couldn't control myself and I hit him.我气得无法自制,就打了他。The clerk could scarcely control his excitement.那位职员简直无法抑制内心的激动。 see also self-control restraint stifle / /ˈstaɪfl/ / [transitive] to stop yourself from showing how you feel, especially through a physical action such as laughing, crying or yawning 忍住,抑制(尤指笑、哭或打哈欠等)He stifled the urge to laugh.他抑制住了笑的冲动。She managed to stifle a yawn.她设法忍住了呵欠。You might stifle a laugh or a yawn because you don't want to seem rude. * stifle可指出于礼貌而忍住大笑或呵欠。 contain [transitive] (written) to keep your emotions under control 控制,克制,抑制(感情)I was so furious I just couldn't contain myself.我气愤极了,简直无法克制自己。She could hardly contain her excitement.她几乎无法抑制内心的激动。 restrain / /rɪˈstreɪn/ / [transitive] to stop yourself from feeling an emotion or doing sth that you would like to do, because you realize this might make a situation worse 约束(自己);控制(自己);忍住I restrained the urge to punch him.我抑制住了自己的冲动,没用拳头打他。I was tempted to answer back, but I restrained myself.我想还嘴,但忍住了。 see also restraint restraint ˈkeep from sth ˈkeep yourself from sth

phrasal verb

(kept, kept)to stop yourself from doing sth, especially showing an emotion 忍住,克制(尤指不流露感情)She could hardly keep herself from laughing out loud.她差一点大声笑起来。Caroline bit her lip to keep from telling him how wrong he was.卡罗琳咬着嘴唇,忍住没说出他的错误有多严重。
repress / /rɪˈpres/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to try hard not to feel or show an emotion 克制,抑制,压抑(情感)He burst in, making no effort to repress his fury.他闯了进来,毫不掩饰自己的愤怒。They tend to hide their emotions and repress their desires.他们往往会掩饰自己的情感并克制自己的欲望。 repression


[uncountable] sexual repression性压抑
NOTE 辨析 Suppress or repress? Repress is less frequent and more formal than suppress. Suppress is used more often to describe a deliberate effort to prevent your feelings being seen by other people; repress is a slightly stronger word, often suggesting that you do not want your inner feelings to be expressed at all, even to yourself. 与suppress相比,repress较少用,也较正式。suppress更常指故意掩饰自己的感情不让别人看出来;repress语气稍强,常意味着根本不想表露自己的内心感情,甚至对自己也是这样。
ˌhold sth ˈback

phrasal verb

(held, held)to stop yourself expressing how you really feel, especially through laughing or crying 抑制,控制(尤指大笑、哭等);不露声色He bravely held back his tears.他勇敢地忍住了自己的眼泪。At times he could barely hold back his impatience.有时候他几乎无法控制自己的不耐烦。
check [transitive] (written) to suddenly stop yourself from saying or doing sth or from showing an emotion 克制,抑制(说某事、做某事或表露感情)She wanted to tell him the whole truth but she checked herself.她本想告诉他全部真相,但又忍住了。She made no effort to check her tears and just let them run down her face.她没有克制自己的眼泪,听凭它们顺着脸颊往下流。 curb [transitive] to keep an aspect of your personality under control, especially a bad one or one that is considered bad 控制,抑制,约束(尤指不好的性格)He needs to learn to curb his temper.他需要学会控制自己的脾气。She has to curb her natural exuberance.她只得抑制住自己热情洋溢的性格。


 See also the entry for confine sb/sth to sth 另见confine sb/sth to sth条limit ♦︎ control ♦︎ restrict ♦︎ curb ♦︎ contain ♦︎ check ♦︎ cap ♦︎ rein sth in ♦︎ suppress ♦︎ hold/keep sth in checkThese words all mean to stop sth increasing beyond a particular amount or level, from spreading or from getting worse. 这些词均表示限制、抑制。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be limited / restricted to sthto limit / control / restrict / curb / check / cap / rein in spendingto limit / control / restrict / curb / check growthto limit / control / curb / contain / check inflationto keep spending / inflation / growth in checkto limit / control / restrict / curb / cap expenditureto limit / control / curb / contain / check the spread of sthto limit / control / check the expansion of sthto limit / control / restrict the size / number / extent / amount of sthto limit / control / restrict / curb / check your speedto drastically / greatly / severely limit / restrict / curb sth limit [transitive] to stop sth from increasing beyond a particular amount or level 限制;限定Calorie intake is strictly limited to 1 000 a day.热量的摄入严格限定在每天1 000大卡。The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice.你要消费的金额限制着你的选择。They introduced measures to limit carbon dioxide emissions from cars.他们采取了措施限制汽车二氧化碳的排放。There is no evidence that the restrictions have limited the effectiveness of the advertising.没有证据表明这些规定制约了广告的效果。 control (-ll-) [transitive] to limit sth or make it happen in a particular way 控制;限制;限定The government has announced new measures to control immigration.政府已宣布了限制外来移民的新措施。Many biological processes are controlled by hormones.许多生理过程都是由激素控制的。Parents should control what their kids watch on television.家长应该限定孩子看什么样的电视节目。 restrict [transitive] to limit the size, amount or range of sth 限制,限定(规模、数量或范围)We restrict the number of students per class to ten.我们把每个班的学生人数限定为十人。They tried to control traffic congestion by restricting entry to the city.他们试图通过限定进城车辆的数量来防止交通拥堵。Fog severely restricted visibility.浓雾严重影响了能见度。There have been several attempts to restrict the sale of alcohol.曾做过几次限制酒精饮料销售的尝试。NOTE 辨析 Limit or restrict?In many cases you can use either word; however, restrict is used more often to talk about limiting what people can do; limit is used both for limiting what people can do and for controlling the effects of sth. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用,但restrict更多指限定人的行为,limit既可指限定人的行为,也可指控制某事的效果to restrict carbon dioxide emissions from cars to restrict the effectiveness of advertising curb [transitive] to control or limit sth, especially sth bad 控制,抑制,约束(有害事物)A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation.为了抑制通货膨胀已实施了一系列的政策。This legislation will greatly curb the power of local authorities.这次立法将大大限制地方当局的权力。 contain [transitive] (written) to stop sth harmful from spreading or getting worse 防止⋯蔓延;防止⋯恶化Far more could have been done to contain the epidemic.本可以做更多事情来防止此次流行病的蔓延。He introduced repressive measures to contain the violence.他采取了一些遏止暴力行为的镇压措施。 check [transitive] to stop sth bad from continuing 控制,抑制,阻止(有害事物)The government is determined to check the growth of public spending.政府决心要控制公共开支的增长。She tied some strips of cloth around the wound to check the bleeding.她在伤口上缠了些布条来止血。NOTE 辨析 Curb, contain or check?To contain a problem is to stop it from getting worse or spreading over a larger area, but without actually getting rid of it from the areas where it already exists; to curb sth is to reduce it to a lower level; to check sth is to stop it altogether. * contain指防止问题恶化或蔓延,但并不能将其根除;curb指降低严重程度;check则指完全控制住。 cap (-pp-) [transitive, usually passive] (especially BrE) to limit the amount of money that can be charged for sth or spent on sth 限额收取(或支出)We will continue to cap local government spending where necessary.必要时我们将继续限制地方政府的开支额度。The total annual fee is capped at 1.5 per cent.年费总额限定在1.5%。 ˌrein sth ˈin to start to control sth strictly, especially after it has been increasing too quickly (尤指增速过快后)严格控制,加强管理This is part of a battle to rein in public spending on health.此举是严控公共医疗开支这一艰巨工作的一环。If the situation continues, she may not be able to rein in the military much longer.如果这种局面继续下去,她对军队的控制力也许就维持不了多久了。 suppress / /səˈpres/ / [transitive] (written) to stop sth from growing, developing or continuing, especially a natural process or function 压制,阻止,抑制(自然过程或功能)Slimming drugs do help to suppress appetite.减肥药确实能够抑制食欲。A 5 cm layer will suppress weed growth.一层5厘米厚的覆盖物就能抑制杂草的生长。OPP stimulate stimulate hold sth in ˈcheck keep sth in ˈcheck


(held, held; kept, kept)to control sth that could be a problem, so that it does not spread or get worse 控制,制止(以免蔓延或恶化)They want interest rates kept in check.他们希望利率控制在合理范围之内。We need to keep the rabbit population in check.我们需要控制兔子的数量。




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