trade noun ⇨trade (international trade)⇨industry (the building trade)⇨work2 (learn a trade)trade verb ⇨cost (Shares were trading at 95p.)⇨replace2 (trade places with sb)⇨sell2 (trade in silk/shares)⇨cease trading⇨close2
➡ See also the entry for ⇨ business2另见business条第2义trade ♦︎ business ♦︎ market ♦︎ operation ♦︎ trading ♦︎ commerce ♦︎ marketplace ♦︎ trafficking ♦︎ enterprise ♦︎ dealingThese are all words for the activity of buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money, or the amount of goods and services sold.这些词均表示买卖、交易或营业额、交易量。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a trade / the market in sth◆trade / business / trading / commerce / trafficking / enterprise / dealing between people / countries◆trade / business / trading / commerce / dealing with sb / a country◆(the) foreign / international / global trade / business / market / operations / trading / commerce / marketplace◆(the) domestic / internal trade / business / market / operations / trading / commerce◆(a / the) local trade / business / market / operations / trading / marketplace / enterprise◆illegal trade / business / operations / trading / trafficking / enterprise / dealings◆(a) profitable trade / business / market / operations / trading◆(a) free trade / market / trading / enterprise◆to engage in trade / business / trading / commerce / enterprise◆to encourage / promote trade / business / commerce / enterprise◆trade / business / the market / an operation expands / grows / increases◆trade / business / the market is booming / picks up / declines / falls■trade [uncountable, countable] the activity of buying and selling or of exchanging goods or services between people or countries; the amount of goods or services that you sell贸易;买卖;交易;营业额;交易量◆Trade between the two countries has increased.两国之间的贸易增长了。◆The international trade in oil has been massively affected.国际石油贸易受到严重影响。◆Trade was very good last month.上月的交易量很大。◆ (especially BrE) Stores are doing a brisk trade in wizard accessories and vampire kits.商店里魔法配件和吸血鬼套装卖得很火。ⓘ In American English it is more usual to say doing brisk business in sth.在美式英语中,更常说be doing brisk business in sth。 see also trade ⇨ sellverb2, trader ⇨ dealer■business [uncountable] the activity of producing, buying, selling or providing goods or services for money; the amount of work done by a company; the rate or quality of this work商业;买卖;生意;营业额;营业状况◆It's been a pleasure to do business with you.和你做买卖很愉快。◆She has set up in business as a hairdresser.她已经开店当美发师了。◆When he left school he went into business with his brother.他毕业后和哥哥去经商了。◆What line of business are you in?你从事什么行业?◆There are strong links between politics and big business(= large companies that have a lot of power and influence).政治和大企业之间有紧密联系。◆How's business?生意如何?◆If we close down for repairs, we'll lose business.如果停业整修,我们会失去生意的。◆ (especially NAmE) Stores are doing brisk business in wizard accessories and vampire kits.商店里魔法配件和吸血鬼套装卖得很火。ⓘ In British English it is more usual to say doing a brisk trade in sth.在英式英语中,更常说be doing a brisk trade in sth。 see also business ⇨ company, business ⇨ industry, do business ⇨ sellverb2NOTE辨析 Trade or business?Trade is used slightly more to talk about buying and selling goods rather than services. Business is often used when people are emphasizing the more personal aspects of these activities, such as making contacts, discussing and agreeing things and working together to provide goods or services. * trade表示商品交易略多于服务交易。使用business时常更强调过程中人际交往的活动,如签订合同、洽谈、达成协议并合作提供商品或服务等。■market [singular] the amount of trade in a particular type of goods(某种商品的)交易量◆They have 20% of the world market in coffee.他们的咖啡贸易占全球市场的20%。◆We have increased our share of the market by 10%.我们的市场份额增加了10%。◆There has been a downturn in the property market(= the number and type of houses that are available).目前房地产市场持续低迷。◆They have cornered the market in sportswear(= they sell the most).他们垄断了运动服装的市场。■operation [countable, usually plural] the activity or work done in an area of business or industry(工商业)活动,业务◆The firm's banking operations overseas have been affected by the disaster.这家公司的海外银行业务受到这次灾难的影响。■trading [uncountable] the activity of buying and selling things, especially in shops and on the stock market(= where shares in companies are bought and sold)(尤指商店和股票市场的)生意,交易,买卖◆Stores everywhere reported excellent trading in the run-up to Christmas.各地商店均称圣诞节前生意火爆。◆Shares worth $8 million changed hands during a day of hectic trading.当日股市交投活跃,股票换手市值达800万元。 see also trade ⇨ sell2, trader ⇨ dealer■commerce /ˈkɒmɜːs; NAmEˈkɑːmɜːrs/ [uncountable] (ratherformal) trade, especially between countries(尤指国际性的)贸易,商业◆Leaders of industry and commerce met at the summit in Paris.工商界领导人在巴黎首脑会议上会面。 see also commercial ⇨ economic■marketplace /ˈmɑːkɪtpleɪs; NAmEˈmɑːrkɪtpleɪs/ [singular] the activity of competing with other companies to buy and sell goods and services市场竞争◆They have successfully adapted to the demands of the global marketplace.他们已成功适应全球市场的需求。■trafficking [uncountable] the activity of buying and selling sth illegally非法交易◆She was accused of drug trafficking.她被控贩毒。ⓘ Drug is by far the most frequent collocate of trafficking. Other collocates are illegal, heroin and narcotic. * trafficking最常与drug搭配,其他搭配词有illegal、heroin和narcotic。■enterprise /ˈentəpraɪz; NAmEˈentərpraɪz/ [uncountable] the development of businesses by the people of a country rather than by the government企业发展;企业经营;企业活动◆They provide grants to encourage enterprise in the region.他们拨款鼓励这个地区的企业发展。◆The culture of dependency was replaced by an enterprise culture(= in which people are encouraged to develop small businesses).依赖社会福利的文化被鼓励自主创业的文化所取代。■dealing [uncountable, countable] a way of doing business with sb; buying and selling经营作风;经营方式;买卖;交易◆We have a reputation for honest dealing.我们有诚信经营的良好商誉。◆Drug dealing on our streets is becoming a growing problem.毒品交易在我们街区正成为日益严重的问题。◆ (especially BrE) Sales plummeted just after dealings in shares began.股票交易一开市成交量就大跌。 see also deal in sth ⇨ sell2, dealer ⇨ dealerNOTE辨析 Trading or dealing?Trading is used to talk about selling things in shops; dealing is used to talk about selling things illegally, especially drugs. Both words can be used to talk about buying and selling shares in companies, but in American English trading is more usual. * trading指商店里商品的买卖;dealing指非法交易,尤指毒品交易。两个词均可指公司股票的买卖,但在美式英语中trading更常用。
➡ See also the entry for ⇨ business2另见business条第2义industry ♦︎ trade ♦︎ business ♦︎ serviceThese are all words for a type of activity that involves producing goods or providing services.这些词均表示行业、工商业、服务业。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to be in a particular industry / trade / business / service◆the book / tourist / car / catering / hotel / construction industry / trade / business◆the timber / fur / wool / wine / motor / building industry / trade◆the energy / oil / food / computer / advertising / insurance / entertainment / music / film / hospitality industry / business◆computer / insurance / catering services◆to work in a particular industry / trade / business / service◆to enter / dominate the industry / trade / business■industry [countable] the people and activities involved in producing a particular thing, or in providing a particular service行业◆Thousands of jobs were lost in the steel industry.钢铁业有数千人失业。◆We need to develop local industries.我们需要发展地方工业。◆Weaving and knitting were traditional cottage industries(= small businesses in which the work is done by people in their homes).编织和针织是传统的家庭手工业。ⓘ Industry is mainly used to talk about the production of goods, especially in factories. When it is used to talk about a service, this is usually one that has become very successful. * industry主要指在工厂里进行的商品生产、制造活动。industry指服务业时,通常指已经很成功的行业◆the film / entertainment / tourist / advertising / insurance industry电影业;娱乐业;旅游业;广告业;保险业 see also industry ⇨ production■trade [countable] a particular type of industry or business行业;职业;生意◆Employment in the building trade is notoriously irregular.建筑业工作的不稳定是尽人皆知的。◆He works in the retail trade(= selling goods in shops).他从事零售工作。ⓘ Trade is used more to talk about activities that do not require a high level of formal education, such as the building/motor/construction trade, or the buying and selling aspect of a particular activity. * trade多指不需要很高教育水平的行业,比如the building/motor/construction trade(建筑业;汽车业;建造业),或者指某一行业中的买卖活动◆the book / retail / car trade图书/零售/汽车贸易The trade [singular + singular or plural verb] is a particular area of industry or business and the people or companies that are connected with it. * the trade(单数名词,谓语动词可单可复)表示某个行业或业内人士◆They offer discounts to the trade(= to people who are working in the same business).他们给业内人士提供折扣优惠。◆You should advertise in newspapers and trade magazines.你应该在报纸和行业杂志上做广告。 see also trade ⇨ tradenoun, trade ⇨ worknoun2■business [countable] a particular type of activity that involves producing, buying, selling or providing goods or services for money商业;买卖;生意◆She works in the computer business.她从事电脑业。◆Falling prices are wreaking havoc in the oil business.价格下跌使石油业遭受重创。ⓘ Business places the emphasis more on the management activities involved in an industry or service, than on the physical work involved. It is used especially to talk about service industries. * business更强调产业或服务业中的管理活动而非实际的工作,尤指服务业◆the catering / hotel / entertainment / advertising / insurance business餐饮业;酒店业;娱乐业;广告业;保险业It is also used to talk about very large industries that produce or trade in very basic products or raw materials, where it is a slightly more informal choice than industry, used especially in journalism. * business亦可指生产或买卖基础产品或原材料的大型产业,略不如industry正式,尤用于新闻报道中◆the energy / oil / food business能源业;石油业;食品业 see also business ⇨ company, business ⇨ trade■service [countable, usually plural] a business whose work involves doing sth for customers but not producing goods服务性企业;服务业◆They are offering special incentives to the financial services sector.他们给予金融业特别的激励措施。◆The service industries were most affected by the recession.服务业受经济衰退影响最大。ⓘ Services is often used in the plural after an adjective or noun. * service常用复数形式,跟在形容词或名词后面◆computer / catering / financial / insurance / marketing / freight / accommodation services电脑业;餐饮业;金融业;保险业;营销业;货运业;住宿服务Service is not usually used alone; when it does not follow an adjective or noun in this way, it is generally followed by a word like company, industry or sector. * service通常不单独用,除了跟在形容词或名词后之外,也可以放在company、industry、sector等词的前面。
hard work用功find work找工作do pioneering work in microbiology在微生物领域作探索性研究a work of fiction/art小说;艺术品➡ See also the entry for ⇨ job另见job条work ♦︎ employment ♦︎ career ♦︎ profession ♦︎ occupation ♦︎ practice ♦︎ tradeThese are all words for the work that sb does in return for payment, especially over a long period of time.这些词均表示工作、职业。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆sb's chosen work / employment / career / profession / occupation / trade◆(a) professional work / employment / career / occupation / practice◆(a) skilled / manual work / employment / occupation / trade◆(a) full-time / part-time / permanent work / employment / career / occupation◆(a) regular work / employment / occupation / trade◆(a) casual / seasonal work / employment / occupation◆(a) well-paid work / employment / profession / occupation◆(a) low-paid work / employment / occupation◆to have / pursue work / employment / a career / a profession / an occupation / a trade◆to take up work / employment / a career / a profession / an occupation / ...practice / a trade◆to go back / return to work / employment / a career / a profession / ...practice◆to look for / seek / find work / employment / a career / an occupation■work [uncountable] the job that sb does, especially in order to earn money工作;职业◆He's been out of work for over a year.他已经失业一年多了。◆ (BrE) It is a country where most women with young children are in paid work.在这个国家,大部分有了小孩儿的妇女都工作赚钱。◆She's planning to return to work in September.她打算9月份恢复上班。◆Would you give up work if you won the lottery?如果你中了彩票,你会不上班了吗?◆Any kind of work with kids would suit him fine.任何跟孩子打交道的工作都很适合他。◆'Where's John?' 'He's still at work.'“约翰在哪儿?”“还在上班呢。”◆She's been off work(= not at work) for three weeks.她已经三周没上班了。◆He started work as a security guard.他开始工作时做保安。 see also work ⇨ office1■employment [uncountable] (ratherformal) work, especially when it is done to earn money; the situation in which people have work工作;职业;受雇◆It's getting more and more difficult for young people to find regular employment.年轻人要找到固定工作越来越难。◆The government aims to have full employment(= a situation in which everyone who wants a job has one) within five years.政府的目标是在五年内达至充分就业。OPPunemployment ⇨ unemployment see also employ ⇨ employ■career [countable] the job or series of jobs that sb has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes生涯;职业◆I never wanted a military career.我从未想过要从军。◆Kelly's career took off(= started to be successful) when she was spotted at a talent contest.凯莉在一次才艺比赛中被发现之后,事业便开始腾飞。◆His career spanned(= continued over) four decades.他的职业生涯长达四十载。◆By 2001, she was at the peak of her career(= at the most successful point in her career).到2001年,她到达了事业的巅峰。◆I didn't think it was a very good career move.我认为那不是职业发展上的明智之举。◆It's time for a career change.该换个职业了。■profession [countable] a type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education(需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水平的)行业,职业◆Alan's a teacher by profession.艾伦的职业是教师。◆He hopes to enter the medical profession.他希望进入医疗行业。◆I joined the profession when I was in my early twenties.我二十出头就入了这一行。◆She's at the top of her profession.她是她那个行业的佼佼者。ⓘ Especially in British English, the professions [plural] are the traditional jobs that need a high level of education and training, such as being a doctor or lawyer.尤其在英式英语中,the professions指需要较高教育水平和技能的医生或律师等传统职业◆employment in industry and the professions实业界与专业界的工作The profession [singular + singular or plural verb] is all the people who work in a particular profession. * the profession指某职业界。▸professional
◆Most of the people on the course were professional women.选修本课程的大部分人是职业女性。◆professional qualifications / skills专业资格/技能■occupation /ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn; NAmEˌɑːkjuˈpeɪʃn/ [countable] (ratherformal) a job or profession工作;职业◆Please state your name, age, and occupation.请写明你的姓名、年龄和职业。◆Why is nursing still seen as a female occupation?为什么护理工作仍被看作是一种女性从事的职业?■practice [uncountable] the work or business of some professional people such as doctors and lawyers(医生或律师等的)工作,业务活动◆Students should have prior experience of veterinary practice.学生应有做兽医的经验。◆My analyst is no longer in practice.我的分析师已经不再从业了。 see also practice ⇨ company■trade [countable] a job, especially one that involves working with your hands and requires special training and skills(尤指手工)职业,行当;手艺◆She's now a carpenter by trade.她现在以木工为业。◆My parents always wanted me to leave school early and learn a trade.我父母总想让我早些毕业学一门手艺。 see also trade ⇨ industry
cost ♦︎ be ♦︎ sell ♦︎ trade ♦︎ go ♦︎ retail ♦︎ set sb back sthThese are all words that can be used when sth costs a particular amount of money and you need to pay that amount in order to buy, make or do it.这些词均表示价格或费用为某数额。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆How much does this cost / is this?◆That costs / will set you back a lot of money.◆sth sells / trades / retails at £9.95◆sth sells / goes / retails for £9.95■cost(cost, cost) [transitive] If sth costs a particular amount of money, you need to pay that amount in order to buy, make or do it.需付费;价钱为◆I didn't get it because it cost too much.我没买,因为太贵了。◆Calls to the helpline cost 38p per minute.拨打热线服务电话每分钟收费38便士。◆All these reforms will cost money(= be expensive).所有这些改革都要花很多钱。◆Good food need not cost a fortune(= be very expensive).好吃的东西不一定要花费很多。 see also cost ⇨ pricenoun■be
linking verb
(especiallyspoken) to cost需花费;价格为◆'How much is that dress?' 'Eighty dollars.'“那条连衣裙多少钱?”“八十元。”■sell(sold, sold) [intransitive] to be sold at a particular price(以某一价格)出售;售价为◆The painting sold for $70 000 at auction.那幅画以7万元拍卖售出了。■trade [intransitive, transitive] (business商业) to be bought and sold, or to buy and sell sth, on a stock exchange(= a place where shares in companies are bought and sold)(在证券交易所)交易,买卖◆Shares were trading at under half their usual value.那些股份的交易价低于通常价值的一半。◆The futures contract is traded at a clean price and does not include accrued interest payments.那份期货合约以净价交易,不含应计利息。■go(goes, went, gone) [intransitive] (ratherinformal) to be sold, especially for a particular price on a particular occasion(尤指在某一场合以某一价格)出售◆We won't let the house go for less than £200 000.这房子低于20万英镑我们是不会卖的。◆There was usually some bread going cheap(= being sold cheaply) at the end of the day.在收市之前有些面包常降价出售。■retail / /ˈriːteɪl/ / [intransitive] (business商业) to be sold in a shop at a particular price(以某一价格)销售;零售价为◆The book retails for $14.95.这本书的零售价是14.95元。NOTE辨析 Sell, go or retail?Sell is a more general word than retail, which is used mostly in Business English, and only for goods that are sold to the public through shops. * sell较retail含义广,后者主要为商务用语,且只用于经商店向大众销售的商品◆The book retails / sells at £14.95.这本书的零售价是14.95英镑。◆The painting retailed for $70 000 at auction.Go in this meaning is more informal than sell. In British English it is used especially in the phrase going cheap and about particular items being sold on particular occasions.表达此义时,go比sell较为非正式。在英式英语中,go尤用于短语going cheap,以及某些场合下出售的某些物品◆The painting went for $70 000 at auction.那幅画以7万元拍卖售出了。In informal American English you can also use go to talk about the usual price of sth in a shop.在非正式的美式英语中,也可以用go指某物在商店里的通常价格◆These boots usually go for around $30 a pair.这些靴子一般每双卖30元左右。■ˌset sb ˈback sth
phrasal verb
(setting, set, set) [no passive] (informal) to cost sb a particular amount of money使花费;使破费◆The repairs could set you back over £200.修理这些部件大概要花你200多英镑。ⓘ Set sb back sth is used especially about things that are considered expensive. * set sb back sth尤用于昂贵的东西。
Teachers will never be replaced by computers.电脑永远取代不了老师。replace the old carpets更换旧地毯replace ♦︎ switch ♦︎ change ♦︎ exchange ♦︎ substitute ♦︎ swap ♦︎ trade ♦︎ reverse ♦︎ barterThese words all mean to remove sb/sth and put another person or thing in their place.这些词均表示替换、更换。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to switch / change / exchange / substitute / swap / trade / barter A for B◆to replace / substitute / switch B with A◆to switch / exchange / swap / reverse A and B◆to replace / change a battery / bulb / fuse / tyre / wheel◆to switch / exchange / swap / reverse roles◆to change / exchange / swap / trade places◆to change / swap seats / clothes◆to exchange / swap / trade stories / jokes◆to exchange / swap experiences / news / phone numbers◆to exchange / trade insults◆to simply replace / switch / change / exchange / substitute / reverse sth◆to easily replace / switch / change / substitute / swap sth■replace [transitive] (ratherformal) to remove sb/sth and put a different or better person or thing in their place替换;接替;更换◆He will be difficult to replace when he leaves.他离职时,他的位置很难有人接替。◆All the old carpets need replacing.所有的旧地毯均要更换。◆She had an operation to replace both hips.她做了一次手术,替换掉两个髋关节。 see also replacement ⇨ exchange■switch [transitive] (ratherinformal) to put one thing in the place of another, and put the second thing in the place of the first交换;掉换;对调◆The dates of the last two exams have been switched.最后两门考试的日期掉换了。◆Do you think she'll notice if I switch my glass with hers?要是把我的杯子跟她的换了,你认为她看得出来吗?◆I see you've switched the furniture around(= changed its position).我看出来你把家具重摆了。■change [transitive] to replace one thing, person or service with sth new or different; to take sb else's position or place while they take yours替换,更换(东西、人或服务);互换,交换(位置或座位)◆Marie changed her name when she got married.玛丽结婚后改了姓。◆That back tyre needs changing.那个后轮胎需要更换。◆At half-time the teams change ends.球队在半场时交换场地。◆Can I change seats with you?我可以和你换座位吗?◆I want to change my doctor.我想另找一位医生看病。ⓘ The usual word in American English used to talk about giving sth back for a better thing of the same kind, is exchange; this sounds rather formal in British English.在美式英语中, 表示换上更好的同类东西用exchange,这在英式英语中听起来相当正式◆ (BrE) We changed the car for a bigger one.我们换了辆更大的汽车。◆ (NAmE) We exchanged the car for a bigger one.我们换了辆更大的汽车。■exchange [transitive] to give sth to sb and at the same time receive the same type of thing from them; to give or return sth that you have and get sth different or better instead交换;交流;兑换;更换◆We use the forum to exchange ideas.我们利用这个论坛交流思想。◆I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager.我与经理握手,交谈了几句。◆Juliet and David exchanged glances(= they looked at each other).朱丽叶和戴维相互看了看对方。◆The two men exchanged blows(= hit each other).两个男人互殴起来。◆You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel.你可以在旅馆将钱兑换成美元。◆If it doesn't fit, take it back and the store will exchange it.如果不合适就把它拿回去,商店会给你换一个。 see also exchange ⇨ exchangenoun, exchange ⇨ discussionnoun■substitute [transitive] to use sb/sth instead of sb/sth else(用⋯)代替,取代◆Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe.做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。◆Butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe.做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。◆Gerrard was substituted in the second half after a knee injury(= sb else played instead of Gerrard in the second half).下半场杰拉德膝盖受伤被换下。ⓘ You can substitute A for B or substitute B with A: in both cases you use A instead of B. You can also just say that you substitute sth: in this case the context needs to make clear whether the 'sth' is being used instead of sth, or is replacing sth else.可以说substitute A for B或substitute B with A,这两种说法均指用A代替B。还可以只说substitute sth,但这时必须能从上下文确定替换者和被替换者。 see also substitution ⇨ exchange■swap ( swop) /swɒp; NAmEswɑːp/ (-pp-) [intransitive, transitive] to exchange sth with sb交换;互换◆I've finished this magazine. Can I swap with you?这本杂志我看完了,我能跟你交换一下吗?◆I swapped my red scarf for her blue one.我用我的红围巾换了她的蓝围巾。◆We spent the evening in the bar swapping stories(= telling each other stories) about our travels.我们一晚上坐在酒吧里互聊各自的旅途经历。◆ (especially BrE) Can we swap places? I can't see the screen.咱俩换一下座位好吗?我看不见屏幕。ⓘ Especially in British English, swap can also mean to give or return sth that you have and get sth different or better instead.尤其在英式英语中,swap亦可指改换成别的东西◆I think I'll swap this sweater for one in another colour.我想把这件毛衣换成别的颜色。 see also swap ⇨ exchangenoun■trade [transitive] (especially NAmEorjournalism新闻) to exchange sth with sb交换;互换◆She traded her posters for his CD.她以海报换取他的CD。◆I wouldn't mind trading places with her for a day.我不介意和她掉换一天位置。◆Cabinet colleagues traded insults over the future of the pound.内阁同僚为英镑的未来互相谩骂。NOTE辨析 Switch, exchange, swap or trade?Switch is often used when one thing is exchanged for another without sb else being asked or even knowing about it. * switch常指未征询他人意见或在他人甚至不知情的情况下掉换◆The two babies had been switched at birth.两个婴儿在出生时已被掉换。◆The two babies had been exchanged/swapped/traded at birth.Exchange is more formal than swap or trade and is often used in fixed phrases when people look at or talk to each other. * exchange比swap和trade正式,常用于与相视或交谈有关的固定词组◆to exchange glances / a few words交换眼神;交谈几句◆to swap/trade glances/a few wordsYou can also exchange information/ideas. Swap is used more for physical things, although you can swap stories/jokes; trade is used for things and places, stories, jokes and insults in American English; in British English it is mostly used just for stories, jokes and insults, not physical things. In British English you change/swap places.还可以说exchange information/ideas(交流信息/思想)。swap多指交换实体的东西,但也可以说swap stories/jokes(互相讲故事/笑话);trade在美式英语中的宾语为物品或places、stories、jokes及insults;在英式英语中的宾语主要是stories、jokes和insults,而非实体的东西。在英式英语中可以说change/swap places(换座位)。■reverse [transitive] to exchange the positions or functions of two people or things交换(位置或功能)◆It felt as if we had reversed our roles of parent and child.我们之间家长与孩子的关系好像倒过来了。◆She used to work for me, but our situations are now reversed.过去她为我工作,而现在我们的地位对调了。ⓘ In this meaning, reverse collocates with roles, situations and positions.表达此义时,reverse与roles、situations和positions搭配。 see also reversal ⇨ exchangenoun■barter [transitive, intransitive] to exchange goods, property or services for other goods, etc. without using money交换(货品、财产或服务);以物易物◆The local people bartered wheat for farm machinery.当地人用小麦换取农机。◆The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for items like writing paper and books.囚犯试着从看守那里换得稿纸和书之类的东西。 see also barter ⇨ exchangenoun
sell your car/house变卖汽车/房子sell a range of products经销一系列产品sell ♦︎ trade ♦︎ export ♦︎ import ♦︎ do business ♦︎ deal in sth ♦︎ stock ♦︎ carry ♦︎ handle ♦︎ deal ♦︎ retailThese words all mean to offer sth for people to buy.这些词均表示出售、销售、经销。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to trade / do business with sb◆to sell / trade / export / import / deal in / stock / handle / retail goods◆to sell / trade / deal in shares / futures / stocks / bonds / securities◆to sell / deal in furniture / antiques / property◆to sell / import / deal in / deal drugs◆to sell / stock / carry / retail a range / line of goods■sell(sold, sold) [transitive] to offer sth for people to buy出售;售卖;经销◆Most grocery stores sell a range of organic products.大多数食品杂货店都经销各种有机产品。◆Do you sell stamps?你这儿卖邮票吗?◆He works for a company that sells insurance.他在一家卖保险的公司工作。■trade [intransitive, transitive] to buy and sell things; to exist and operate as a business or company做买卖;做生意;从事贸易;营业;营运◆After settling in Madeira they began trading in flour, sugar and leather.在马德拉群岛定居后,他们开始做面粉、糖与皮革生意。◆Early explorers traded directly with the Indians.早期的探险者与印第安人直接交易。◆Our products are now traded worldwide.我们的产品现在销往世界各地。◆The firm has now ceased trading.这家商行现已停业。 see also trade,trading ⇨ tradenoun■export [transitive] to sell and send goods to another country出口;输出◆The islands export sugar and fruit.这些岛出口糖和水果。◆90% of the engines are exported to Europe.90%的发动机出口到欧洲。OPPimport▸export
[uncountable, countable, usually plural] ◆Then the fruit is packaged for export.然后,水果被包装好出口。◆the country's major exports该国的主要出口产品OPPimport■import [transitive] to bring a product, service or idea into one country from another进口,输入,引进(产品、服务或观念)◆The country has to import most of its raw materials.这个国家大多数原料均依赖进口。◆goods imported from Japan into the US从日本输入到美国的货物◆customs imported from the West从西方传入的风俗习惯OPPexport▸import
[uncountable, countable, usually plural] ◆The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste.该报告呼吁禁止进口有害废弃物。◆food imports from abroad从国外进口的食物OPPexport■ˌdo ˈbusiness
to take part in the activity of buying or selling goods or services做买卖;做生意◆It's been a pleasure to do business with you.和你做买卖很愉快。◆I don't like his way of doing business.我不喜欢他做生意的方式。 see also business ⇨ tradenoun➡ See also the entry for ⇨ business2另见business条第2义■ˈdeal in sth
phrasal verb
(dealt, dealt)to buy and sell a particular product经营,买卖(某种产品)◆The company deals in computer software.该公司经营计算机软件。 see also dealing ⇨ tradeNOTE辨析 Trade in sth or deal in sth?Trade in sth is most often used to talk about buying and selling raw materials such as animals, coal, sugar, leather, fur and ivory, as well as textiles such as cloth and silk. Deal in sth is used more to talk about manufactured products such as cars, antiques, furniture and electronics. Deal in sth is also frequently used to talk about criminal buying and selling; typical collocates are drugs, guns and stolen goods. Both trade in sth and deal in sth are used to talk about buying and selling items in financial markets, for example shares, futures, stocks, bonds and securities. * trade in sth最常指买卖原材料,如animals、coal、sugar、leather、fur和ivory,还有纺织品,如cloth和silk。deal in sth更多指买卖工业成品,如car、antique、furniture和electronics。deal in sth也常指非法买卖,常见搭配词有drug、gun和stolen goods。这两个短语都可指在金融市场上买卖产品,如shares、futures、stocks、bonds和securities。■stock [transitive] (ratherformal, especially business尤用于商业) (of a shop) to keep a supply of a particular type of goods to sell(商店)存货◆We stock a wide range of camping equipment.我们库存了各种野营设备。 see also stock ⇨ supplynoun■carry [transitive] (NAmEorformal) (of a shop) to stock sth(商店)销售,出售◆We carry a range of educational software.我们销售各种教育软件。NOTE辨析 Stock or carry?These words vary in register in British and American English. In British English they are both used especially by people who work in shops and in advertisements for shops. Carry is more formal than stock. In everyday spoken British English most people would say sell.这两个词在英式和美式英语中语体风格有所不同。在英式英语中,两词都尤为商店工作人员或商店广告所用,carry比stock正式。在日常英式口语中,大多数人使用sell◆Do you sell green tea?你这儿卖绿茶吗? (BrE) ◆Do you stock/carry green tea?However, in American English, carry is less formal than stock and might be used in everyday speech.然而,在美式英语中,carry不如stock正式,可以用于日常口语中◆ (NAmE) We do carry green tea, but we don't have any (in stock) right now.我们确实卖绿茶,可是现在无货。■handle [transitive] to buy and sell sth, especially illegally(尤指非法)买卖◆They were arrested for handling stolen goods.他们因收售赃物而被逮捕。ⓘ In this meaning handle is usually used with stolen goods.表达此义时handle常与stolen goods连用。■deal(dealt, dealt) [intransitive, transitive] to buy and sell illegal drugs非法买卖(毒品);贩毒◆You can often see people dealing openly on the streets.经常能看到有人公然在大街上买卖毒品。◆He was sent to jail for dealing drugs to his friends.他因把毒品卖给朋友而被判刑。ⓘ In British English you can talk about sb who deals drugs or deals in drugs; in American English, it is more usual to say deal (without in). With the more informal dope and with the names of drugs such as cocaine or heroin, it is also more usual to say deal (without in), in both British and American English.在英式英语中,可以用deal drugs或deal in drugs;在美式英语中,更常用deal(不接in)。在与非正式用语dope连用,或与cocaine和heroin等毒品名称连用时,在英式和美式英语中也更常用deal(不接in)。■retail / /ˈriːteɪl/ / [transitive] (business商业) to sell goods to the public, usually through shops零售◆The firm manufactures and retails its own range of sportswear.该公司生产并零售自己的运动服装系列。
close2 /kləʊz; NAmEkloʊz/
close a door/your eyes/a book关门;闭眼;合上书a factory closes/close a factory工厂倒闭;关闭工厂close ♦︎ cease trading ♦︎ fail ♦︎ close (sth) down ♦︎ collapse ♦︎ go bust ♦︎ crash ♦︎ go bankrupt ♦︎ fold ♦︎ flopThese are all words that can be used when a business stops operating, often because it does not have enough money to pay the bills and cannot borrow any more.这些词均表示停业、倒闭、破产。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a firm / company closes / ceases trading / fails / closes down / collapses / goes bust / crashes / goes bankrupt / folds◆a business closes / ceases trading / fails / closes down / collapses / goes bust / crashes / folds◆an industry closes down / collapses◆a person goes bust / goes bankrupt◆a / an factory / newspaper / operation / shop closes / closes down◆shares / prices / markets collapse / crash◆a show / play closes / folds / flops◆to suddenly close / close down / collapse / fold■close [intransitive, transitive](of a business, service or show) to stop operating; to cause a business, service or show to stop operating(企业、服务或演出)停止运作;停业;关闭◆The hospital closed at the end of last year.这家医院去年年底关闭了。◆The play closed after just three nights.这部剧仅上演了三个晚上就停演了。◆The club was closed by the police.那家俱乐部被警方查封了。◆They are closing their Liverpool factory.他们将关闭利物浦的工厂。OPPopenⓘ When a business, service or show opens it starts business or starts playing to the public for the first time. * open指企业开业、服务行业开始营业或演出首次登场◆The show opened to great reviews.首演好评如潮。◆The company opened its doors for business a month ago.那家公司一个月前开业。▸closure /ˈkləʊʒə(r); NAmEˈkloʊʒər/
[countable, uncountable] ◆factory closures工厂倒闭◆The hospital has been threatened with closure.这家医院已经面临关闭的威胁。■ˌcease ˈtrading
(formal, business商业) (of a business) to stop operating(企业)停业◆A leading travel firm has ceased trading with the loss of a number of jobs.一家大旅行社已经停业,好些人丢了工作。■fail [intransitive](of a business) to be unable to continue operating(企业)倒闭,破产◆More banks failed as people rushed to withdraw their money.由于人们争相挤兑,更多银行倒闭了。▸failure
[countable, uncountable] ◆There has been an alarming increase in business failures.企业倒闭数字的上升令人担忧。■ˌclose ˈdown■ˌclose sth ˈdown
phrasal verb
(of a business or service) to stop operating; to cause a business or service to stop operating(使)停业;关闭;倒闭◆Companies were closing down or reducing their workforce.公司纷纷倒闭或裁员。◆Banks are closing down their smaller branches.各银行将关闭较小的分行。OPPopen (sth) upⓘ When a business or service opens up it starts operating; to open sth up is to start a new business or service. * open up指企业或服务行业开始运作,open sth up指开展新的业务或服务◆There's a new Thai restaurant opening up in town.城里新开了一家泰国菜餐厅。NOTE辨析 Close or close down?There is not much difference in meaning between these words. Both can be used to talk about either a business or service; close but notclose down can also be used to talk about a play or show.两者意思上没有太大差别,均可用于企业或服务行业。close可用于戏剧或演出,但 close down不可以◆The play closed down after just three nights.■collapse [intransitive](of a business, prices, a market or an economy) to lose all or most of its value(企业)倒闭;(价格)暴跌;(市场)萧条;(经济)崩溃◆Share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures.成交量不佳的消息使股价暴跌。◆The region's economy has virtually collapsed.该地区的经济实际上已经崩溃。▸collapse
[countable, usually singular] ◆the collapse of share prices / the dollar / the market股价/美元的暴跌;市场大萧条■go ˈbust
(goes, went, gone) (informal) (of a business or the person running it) to be unable to continue operating because there is no money(企业或其经营者)破产◆We lost our deposit when the travel company went bust.旅行社破产,我们的订金都赔了进去。■crash [intransitive] (ratherinformal) (of a business, market or prices) to lose all or most of its value suddenly(企业、市场或价格突然)贬值,倒闭,失败;暴跌◆Share prices crashed to an all-time low yesterday.股价昨天暴跌到了历史最低点。▸crash
[countable] ◆the 1929 stock market crash1929年的股市暴跌NOTE辨析 Collapse or crash?There is not much difference in meaning between these words. An economy can collapse but notcrash. Crash is slightly more informal and suggests an even more sudden event.这两个词意思没有太大差别。economy可以和collapse搭配,但不可以和crash搭配。crash稍显不正式,更强调突发性。■go ˈbankrupt
(goes, went, gone)(of a person or company) to stop running a business because you do not have enough money to pay what you owe; (of a person) to ask a judge in court to officially say that you cannot pay your debts and are not allowed to borrow money(人或公司)破产;(人)申请破产◆Unfortunately the firm went bankrupt before the work was completed.不幸的是,这家公司在工程完成之前破产了。◆I have thousands of pounds of debt which I can't afford to pay back and am thinking of going bankrupt.我有数千英镑的债务还不上,正在考虑申请破产。■fold [intransitive] (ratherinformal) (of a business, organization or show) to close because it is no longer successful(企业或组织)倒闭;(演出)结束,停演◆His business folded and his wife left him.他生意失败,妻子也离开了他。◆The musical folded after 16 performances.那部音乐剧演了16场后停演了。◆Her fan club has folded.她的追星族俱乐部关闭了。■flop(-pp-) [intransitive] (ratherinformal) (of a film, show, product or project) to be a failure, especially because it is not popular(电影、演出、产品或项目)失败,不成功(尤指因不受大众欢迎)◆The play flopped on Broadway.这出戏在百老汇砸了锅。◆Many of his ambitious schemes have flopped in the past.过去他的许多雄心大计都失败了。 see also flop ⇨ disasternoun