

单词 view
view noun
view1 (sb's political views) view2 (a delightful sea view) attitude (an optimistic view) sight (a good view of the stage) in view visible adj.
view verb
check1 (view a property before buying) look1 (view an eclipse) regard (view sth with caution)


sb's political views 某人的政治观点a delightful sea view 宜人的海景 See also the entries for attitude and values 另见attitude条和values条view ♦︎ opinion ♦︎ point ♦︎ belief ♦︎ idea ♦︎ point of view ♦︎ feeling ♦︎ judgement ♦︎ conviction ♦︎ sentimentThese are all words for what you think about a particular issue. 这些词均表示看法、意见、观点。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sb's view / opinion / point / beliefs / ideas / feelings / judgement / conviction / sentiments about sb / sthsb's view / opinion / ideas / point of view / feelings on sb / sthsb's view / opinion of sb / sthin sb's view / opinion / judgementthe view / opinion / point / belief / idea / point of view / feeling / judgement / conviction that...different views / opinions / beliefs / ideas / points of view / convictions / sentimentsa general view / opinion / belief / point of view / feeling / conviction / sentimenta popular view / opinion / belief / feeling / sentimenta strong view / opinion / belief / feelings / conviction / sentimenta firm view / opinion / belief / convictiona personal / private view / opinion / belief / point of view / feeling / judgement / conviction / sentimenta political / religious view / opinion / belief / idea / feelings / conviction / sentimentto have / hold a view / an opinion / a belief / a point of view / a convictionto be of the view / opinion / belief (that...)to express your view / opinion / beliefs / ideas / point of view / feelings / conviction / sentimentsto hear sb's views / opinion / ideas / point of viewto change your view / opinion / beliefs / ideas / point of view / judgementto support a view / opinion / belief / an idea / a point of view / a conviction view [countable] what you think about sb/sth; your attitude towards sb/sth (个人的)看法,意见,见解;态度We have widely differing views on how to raise children.我们在怎样抚养孩子的问题上意见分歧很大。We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere.我们所持的态度是:干涉是错误的。In my view it would be a complete waste of time.依我看,这完全是浪费时间。 opinion [countable, uncountable] what you think about sb/sth; advice from a professional person about sth; the thoughts or feelings of a group of people about sb/sth 意见;看法;专家建议;(群体的)观点I've recently changed my opinion of her.我最近改变了对她的看法。You can always ask for a second opinion (= the opinion of another professional person) if you're not sure.你要是拿不准,总还可以征求别人的意见。You need to be able to distinguish between fact and opinion.你要能够区分事实与想法。Public opinion (= what most people think) is shifting in favour of change.公众舆论正转向支持变革。Opinion is divided about whether to join the new currency.大家对是否采用这种新货币有意见分歧。'I think she's great.' 'Well, that's a matter of opinion (= other people may disagree).'“我认为她很棒。”“哦,见仁见智吧。” point [countable] a thing that sb says or writes giving their opinion or argument for sth 论点;观点;见解I take your point (= I understand and accept what you are saying).我赞同你的看法。He's just saying that to prove a point (= to show his idea is right).他那样说只是为了证明他的看法。OK, you've made your point!好了,你已经把话说清楚了!Points can be facts as well as opinions or arguments. * points不仅可指观点或论点,也可指事实。 see also point factor belief [countable, uncountable] sth that you believe to be true about sb/sth 看法;信念She acted in the belief that she was doing the right thing.她这么做是因为她认定自己做的事是正确的。Contrary to popular belief (= despite what most people think) he was not involved in the affair.与大家的看法相反,他没有卷入这件事情。 see also believe think idea [countable, usually plural] an opinion or belief about sth 意见;看法;信念He has some very strange ideas about education.他对教育有非常奇怪的看法。The idea that I was only interested in making money is ludicrous.认为我只对赚钱感兴趣是荒谬的。 ˌpoint of ˈview (plural points of view) [countable] the particular opinion that sb has about sth 观点;意见;看法You have to try to see your opponent's point of view.你必须设法了解你的对手持什么观点。He has always taken the opposite point of view.他总是持相反意见。 feeling [countable, uncountable] (rather informal) an opinion or attitude about sb/sth 意见;态度I don't have any strong feelings about it one way or another.我对此既不特别喜欢,也不特别讨厌。My own feeling is that we should go for the cheaper option.我个人的意见是我们应该选比较便宜的那个。She had mixed feelings about giving up her job.她对辞去工作感到又喜又忧。The general feeling of the meeting was against the decision.会议上普遍的意见是反对这个决定。 see also feel think NOTE 辨析 Idea or feeling?An idea is based more on principles or beliefs; a feeling is based slightly more on emotions. * idea多建立在准则或信念的基础上,feeling较多建立在情感的基础上。 judgement ( judgment, especially in NAmE) [countable, uncountable] an opinion that you form after thinking carefully about sth; the act of making this opinion known to other people (深思熟虑后的)看法,意见;评价It's not for me to make any judgements about the situation.我没有资格对形势作出任何评价。He's always very ready to pass judgement on others.他总是喜欢对别人说三道四。I'd like to reserve judgement until I see the report (= not form an opinion until I have seen it).我还是想看到报告后再发表意见。I gave him the money against my better judgement (= even though I knew it was probably the wrong thing to do).我违心地给了他钱。 see also judge judge verb 1 conviction / /kənˈvɪkʃn/ / [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a strong opinion or belief 坚定的看法(或信念)We were sustained by the conviction that all would be well in the end.那时候是最终一切都会好起来的坚定信念给了我们力量。She was motivated by deep religious conviction.她的行动是出于虔诚的宗教信仰。 sentiment [countable, uncountable] (formal) a feeling or opinion, especially one based on emotions (尤指基于情感的)观点,看法,情绪This is a sentiment that I totally agree with.这种态度我完全赞同。Nationalist sentiment spread quickly, especially in the cities.民族主义情绪传播得很快,尤其是在城市中。


sb's political views 某人的政治观点a delightful sea view 宜人的海景view ♦︎ sight ♦︎ scene ♦︎ panoramaThese are all words for a thing that you can see, especially from a particular place. 这些词均表示景色、景致、景物。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a view / panorama of stha beautiful / breathtaking view / sight / scene / panoramaa magnificent / spectacular view / sight / panoramaa picturesque view / scene / panoramato enjoy the view / sight / scene / panoramato take in the view / sight / sceneto admire the view / sight view [countable] what you can see from a particular place or position, especially beautiful natural scenery (从某处看到的)景色,风景;(尤指)自然美景The view from the top of the tower was spectacular.从塔顶远眺景色蔚为壮观。The cottage had a delightful sea view.从这座小别墅可以看到宜人的海景。I'd like a room with a view, please.请给我安排一个可以观看风景的房间。 see also view sight sight [countable] a thing that you see or can see, especially sth that is impressive or unusual 看见(或看得见)的事物;(尤指不同凡响的)景象,情景He became a familiar sight on the streets of Oxford.他成了牛津大街上一道熟悉的风景。He was a sorry sight, soaked to the skin and shivering.他浑身湿透,打着寒战,一副凄惨的样子。The museum attempts to recreate the sights and sounds of wartime Britain.博物馆试图再现战时英国的情景。 see also sight sight scene [countable] a view that you see, especially one with people and/or animals moving about and doing things 景色;景象;风光It was a delightful rural scene.这是一处赏心悦目的乡村风光。 (especially BrE) They went abroad for a change of scene (= to see and experience new surroundings).他们出国换换环境。In American English it is more usual to say a change of scenery. 在美式英语中更常见的说法是a change of scenery。 see also scenery country 2 panorama /ˌpænəˈrɑːmə; NAmE ˌpænəˈræmə/ [countable] a view of a wide area of land 全景There is a wonderful panorama of the mountains from the hotel.从这家旅馆可以饱览峰峦叠嶂的奇伟景观。


 See also the entry for view 1 另见view条第1义attitude ♦︎ view ♦︎ perspective ♦︎ point of view ♦︎ stance ♦︎ position ♦︎ outlook ♦︎ level ♦︎ line ♦︎ angle ♦︎ side ♦︎ standThese are all words for the particular way you think or feel about sb/sth. 这些词均表示态度、看法。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sb's view / a perspective / a stance / a position / an outlook / a line / an angle / a stand on stha stance / stand against sb / sthfrom the perspective / point of view / position / angle of sb / sthdifferent / various attitudes / views / perspectives / points of view / stances / positions / outlooks / levels / angles / sidesan alternative view / perspective / point of view / position / anglea personal attitude / view / perspective / point of view / stance / position / level / angle / standthe general attitude / view / perspective / point of view / position / outlooka popular attitude / view / perspectivea positive / negative attitude / view / perspective / point of view / stance / outlook / anglea sympathetic attitude / view / point of view / anglea critical attitude / view / perspective / point of view / stancea practical attitude / view / perspective / point of view / outlookto take an attitude / a view / a perspective / a point of view / a stance / a position / a line / a side / a standto adopt an attitude / a view / a perspective / a point of view / a stance / a position / an outlook / a lineto have an attitude / a view / a perspective / a point of view / an outlook / a line / an angleto change an attitude / your view / your perspective / your point of view / your stance / your position / your outlook / sidesto challenge an attitude / a view / a perspective attitude [countable] the way that you think and feel about sb/sth; the way that you behave towards sb/sth that shows how you think and feel 态度;看法;作风Her attitude to her parents has always been somewhat negative.她对父母总是多少持有负面的态度。What is your attitude towards the job as a whole?总的来说,你对这个工作的看法怎样?I tend to take the attitude that it's best to leave well alone.我常有一种看法,那就是最好别掺和别人的事。If you want to pass your exams you'd better change your attitude.你若想通过考试就最好改变你的态度。 view [countable, usually singular] a way of understanding or thinking about sth (理解或思维的)方式,方法He has a pretty optimistic view of life.他对人生的看法很乐观。The traditional view was that marriage was for life.传统的观念是结成夫妻就要白头到老。 perspective / /pəˈspektɪv; NAmE pərˈspektɪv/ [countable, usually singular] a particular attitude towards an issue or problem; a particular way of thinking about sth 态度;观点;思考方法Try to approach the problem from a different perspective.试着从另一个角度处理这个问题。We need to take a global perspective on the environment.我们要从全球角度看待环境问题。 ˌpoint of ˈview [countable] a particular way of considering or judging a situation 思考角度;判断方法These statistics are important from an economic point of view.从经济学角度看,这些统计数字很重要。The book is written from a child's point of view.这本书是以孩子的视角写的。 stance /stæns, BrE also stɑːns/ [countable] the opinion that sb has on a particular issue that they express publicly (公开表明的)观点,态度,立场What's the newspaper's stance on the war?那家报纸对这场战争持什么立场?He's known for his anti-immigration stance.他以反移民立场著称。 position [countable] an attitude that sb has towards a particular subject that influences how they act (影响行为的)态度,立场Our party's position on education is very clear.我们党对教育的态度很明确。The official position was that of refusing to talk to terrorists.官方立场是拒绝和恐怖分子谈判。NOTE 辨析 Stance or position?A stance can be more temporary and/or more personal than a position, in reaction to a new issue in current affairs, when it is considered necessary for public figures and newspapers to make their opinions known. A position is often more long-term and/or official and is concerned with how people or organizations act on a particular issue, rather than what they say. * stance指公众人物或报纸须对时下新问题发表看法时所持的立场。与position相比,stance多指短期的、个人的立场。position多指长期的、官方的立场,强调人或组织对特定问题的应对,而不强调其言论。 outlook /ˈaʊtlʊk/ / [countable] the attitude to life and the world of a particular person or group 观点;人生观;世界观He has a very practical outlook on life.他的人生观很实际。Most western societies are liberal in outlook.西方社会大多思想观念开放。 level [countable] a particular way of looking at, reacting to or understanding sth 看待(或应对、理解)事物的方式On a more personal level, I would like to thank Jean for all the help she has given me.从较为个人的角度,我要感谢琼给予我的所有帮助。Fables can be understood on various levels.寓言可以从不同的角度去理解。 line [countable, usually singular] an attitude or belief, especially one that is officially supported by a government, political party or politician (尤指政府、政党或政治人物公开支持的)态度,理念The government took a hard line on the strike.政府对这次罢工持强硬态度。The MP supported the official line on education.那名议员支持官方的教育理念。He was expelled from the party for refusing to toe the party line (= follow the party's official opinions and policies).他因拒绝遵循党的路线而被开除出党。 angle [countable] a particular way of thinking about or presenting a situation, problem or subject (看待问题或呈现主题的)角度,观点,立场We're looking for a new angle for our next advertising campaign.我们正在为下一次广告活动寻找新视角。The article concentrates on the human angle (= the part that concerns people's emotions) of the story.这篇文章集中讨论了故事中人物的情感问题。 side [countable] one of the opinions, attitudes or positions taken by sb in an argument or agreement (争论或协议中)一方的观点(或态度、立场)You need to listen to both sides of the argument.你要听争论双方的观点。The other side maintains that the project will not be affordable.另一方坚持说负担不起该项目。Will you keep your side of the bargain?你方能不能遵守协议? stand [countable, usually singular] an attitude that you take publicly, usually against sth that you disapprove of (对不赞同之事公开的)态度,立场We need to take a tough stand on tax avoidance.我们需要在避税问题上采取强硬立场。


sight ♦︎ view ♦︎ visionThese are all words for the area or distance that you can see from a particular position. 这些词均表示视力范围、视野。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in / out of sight / viewin / within sight / view of sthin full / plain sight / viewto come into / disappear from sight / view / sb's visionto come in sight / view of sb / sthto block sb's view / visionsb's line of sight / visionsb's field of view / vision sight [uncountable] the area or distance that you can see from a particular position 视力范围;视野He looked up the street, but there was no one in sight.他朝街上望去,可一个人也没看见。He strode by, in full sight of the guards.他在卫兵的眼皮底下大步走过。At last we came in sight of a few houses.最后我们看到了几座房屋。A bicycle came into sight on the main road.大路上出现了一辆自行车。Leave any valuables in your car out of sight.把贵重物品放在车里看不见的地方。Don't let him out of your sight (= Make sure that you can always see him, wherever he goes).不要让他走出你的视线。 see also sight look noun , sight view 2 view [uncountable, singular] (especially written) the area or distance that you can see from a particular position 视力范围;视野The sun disappeared from view.太阳看不见了。The carriage was put on view for the public to see.那辆四轮马车被陈列出来让公众参观。The knife was in plain view on the kitchen table.那把刀就摆在厨房桌上,一眼就能看见。I didn't have a good view of the stage.我看不清舞台。 see also view view noun 2 , view look verb 1 vision [uncountable] the area that you can see from a particular position 视野The couple moved outside her field of vision (= total area you can see from a particular position).那对夫妻离开了她的视野。He glimpsed something on the edge of his vision.他眼角瞥见了什么东西。NOTE 辨析 Sight, view or vision? View is more literary than sight or vision. It is the only word for talking about how well you can see. * view比sight和vision更具文学色彩,是本组词中唯一表示视野清晰程度的词I didn't have a good sight/vision of the stage. Vision must always be used with a possessive pronoun. * vision总是与物主代词连用my / his / her, etc. (field of) vision我/他/她等的视野It is not used with the prepositions in, into and out of that are very frequent with sight and view. 但vision不与介词in、into和out of连用,而sight和view则经常与这些介词连用There was nobody in vision. A tall figure came into vision.


 See also the entry for marked 另见marked条visible ♦︎ on display ♦︎ noticeable ♦︎ in evidence ♦︎ discernible ♦︎ in viewThese words all describe sb/sth that can be seen or noticed. 这些词均表示看得见的、明显的、能注意到的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配visible / noticeable / discernible to / in / from sb / stha visible / a noticeable / a discernible effect / feature / difference / changeclearly visible / in evidence / discernible / in viewstill visible / on display / noticeable / in evidenceparticularly visible / noticeable / in evidencejust / barely visible / noticeable / discernible visible that can be seen; that is obvious enough to be noticed 看得见的;可见的;明显的;能注意到的The house is clearly visible from the beach.从海滩上就能清楚地看到那座房子。Most stars are not visible to the naked eye.大多数星星肉眼看不见。He showed no visible sign of emotion.他丝毫不露声色。OPP invisible invisible see also distinguishable recognizable visibly


He was visibly shocked.看得出他大为震惊。
on diˈsplay


put in a place where people can look at it 陈列;展出Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the library.新体育馆的设计图展示在图书馆里。The old carriages were put on permanent display in the Museum of Transport.那些旧式客车厢在交通博物馆里长期陈列展览。
noticeable easy to see or notice; clear or definite 显著的;显而易见的Her scars are hardly noticeable now.她的伤疤现在几乎看不出来了。It was noticeable that none of the family were present.很明显这一家没有人在场。The new filing system is a noticeable improvement on the old one.这种新的存档系统比过去那种有着显著的改进。 see also notice notice noticeably


Her hand was shaking noticeably.她的手显然在颤抖。Marks were noticeably higher for girls than for boys.女孩子的分数明显地高于男孩子。
in ˈevidence


present and clearly seen 显眼;显而易见The police were much in evidence at today's demonstration.今天的示威集会上警察随处可见。
discernible /dɪˈsɜːnəbl; NAmE dɪˈsɜːrnəbl/ (formal) that can be noticed, discovered or understood, especially when it is not easy to see, understand, etc. (尤指不易辨察、理解等的事物)可识别的,能觉察出的There is often no discernible difference between rival brands.竞争品牌之间往往看不出明显的区别。His face was barely discernible in the gloom.黑暗中很难看清他的脸。 see also discern identify in ˈview


that can be seen from where sb/sth is looking 看得见的;在视野中的There was nobody in view.一眼望去,一个人也没有。They cleared the fence and lay down in view of (= where they could see) the camp.他们拆掉篱笆,在一个看得见营地的地方躺了下来。He was shot in full view of (= where he could be clearly seen by) a large crowd.他在众目睽睽之下被人枪杀了。OPP out of sight invisible


check for mistakes/damage 检查错误/受损情况Go and check that I've locked the windows. 去查看一下我是不是把窗户锁上了。limitcheck the growth of public spendingmark1check the boxsuppress2check your tearscheck ♦︎ look at sth ♦︎ examine ♦︎ inspect ♦︎ audit ♦︎ visit ♦︎ go over sth ♦︎ look sb/sth over ♦︎ check over sb/sth ♦︎ view ♦︎ check through sthThese words all mean to look at sb/sth closely to make sure that everything is correct, in good condition or acceptable. 这些词均表示检查、审查、检验。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to check / examine / inspect / check over / check through (sth) for sthto check / look at / examine / inspect sth to see if / whether...to check / look at / examine / inspect / go over / look over / check over / check through sth carefullyto check / examine / inspect / go over sth thoroughlyto check / look at / examine / inspect sth closelyto check / examine / inspect / visit sth regularly / daily check [transitive] to look at sb/sth closely to make sure that everything is correct, in good condition, safe or satisfactory 检查;审查;检验Check your work before handing it in.交作业前先检查一遍。Check the container for cracks or leaks.检查一下容器是否有裂缝或漏的地方。 see also check inspection ˈlook at sth

phrasal verb

to take a close look at sth, especially in order to see if there is anything wrong or to find out information about sth (仔细)察看,检查(尤指为了查错或查找信息)Your ankle's swollen-I think a doctor ought to look at it.你的脚踝肿了,我觉得应该找医生检查一下。I haven't had time to look at (= read) the papers yet.我还没来得及看这些论文。 see also look look noun
examine [transitive] to look at sb/sth closely to see if there is anything wrong or to find the cause of a problem (仔细地)检查,检验(以找出错误或问题成因)The goods were examined for damage on arrival.货物到达时仔细检查了是否有破损。The doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong.医生为她做了检查,但没发现什么问题。 see also examination inspection , examiner inspector inspect [transitive] to look at sb/sth closely to make sure that everything is satisfactory; to officially visit a school, factory, etc. in order to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable 检查;审视;视察The teacher walked around the classroom inspecting the children's work.老师在教室里走来走去,检查孩子们的作业。The Tourist Board inspects all recommended hotels at least once a year.旅游局每年到所有推荐旅馆视察至少一次。 see also inspection inspection , inspector inspector NOTE 辨析 Check, examine or inspect?These words can all be used when you are looking for possible problems, but only check is used about looking for mistakes. 这些词均可指检查可能出现的问题,但检查错误只用checkExamine/Inspect your work before handing it in. Only examine is used when looking for the cause of a problem. 查找问题的原因只用examineThe doctor checked/inspected her but could find nothing wrong. Examine is used more often about a professional person. * examine较常指专业人员做检查The surveyor examined the walls for signs of damp.房屋鉴定人检查了墙壁,看是否有水渍。 Inspect is used more often about an official. * inspect较常指官方检查Public health officials were called in to inspect the restaurant.公共卫生官员给召来检视了这家餐馆。 audit / /ˈɔːdɪt/ / [transitive] (business 商业) to officially examine the financial accounts of a company to see that they are true and correct 审计;稽核The National Audit Office is responsible for auditing the accounts of a wide range of bodies.国家审计署负责审计各种机构。 see also audit inspection noun visit [transitive] to make an official visit somewhere, for example to carry out checks or give advice 视察,巡视(对工作进行检查或督导)Government inspectors are visiting all schools in the area next month.政府检察员下月巡视这个地区所有的学校。 ˌgo ˈover sth

phrasal verb

to check sth carefully for mistakes, damage or anything dangerous (仔细)检查,审查,查阅Go over your work for spelling mistakes before you hand it in.交作业之前要仔细检查是否有拼写错误。The Health and Safety Officer went over the whole school, checking every fire door.卫生安全官员仔细检查了整所学校,查看了每扇防火安全门。
ˌlook sb/sth ˈover

phrasal verb

to look at sb/sth closely to see if it is satisfactory (仔细)查看,检查We looked over the house again before we decided to rent it.那房子我们又查看了一次才决定租下来。The sergeant looked him over and told him to polish his shoes.警官仔细看了看他,让他把鞋擦亮。
ˌcheck ˈover sb/sth

phrasal verb

to check sb/sth carefully to make sure that everything is correct, in good condition, or satisfactory 仔细检查;核对;核查We checked over the house, looking for damp or rot.我们仔细检查那座房子,查看是否有受潮或腐烂的地方。The doctor checked him over and said he was fit and healthy.医生为他做了检查,说他很健康。
view [transitive] (rather formal) to visit a house, etc. and examine it so that you can decide whether to buy or rent it 实地查看,察看(房子等,以便决定购买或租用)The property can only be viewed by appointment.察看此处房产须预约。 ˌcheck ˈthrough sth

phrasal verb

to examine all parts of sth closely to make sure that everything is correct or satisfactory or in order to find sth 仔细检查(某物);核对;核查We checked through the photographs to make sure there were none missing.我们仔细检查了那些照片,确保一张不落。


Look at that! 瞧那个东西!look for a job/your passport 找工作;寻找护照 See also the entries for glance, notice, see and stare 另见glance条、notice条、see条和stare条look ♦︎ watch ♦︎ see ♦︎ view ♦︎ check sth out ♦︎ observe ♦︎ regard ♦︎ catch ♦︎ contemplateThese words all mean to turn your eyes in a particular direction. 这些词均表示看、瞧。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to look / watch / view / observe / regard / contemplate (sb / sth) from somewhereto look / watch for sb / sthto watch / observe what / who / how...to look / watch / view / observe / regard / contemplate (sb / sth) with amazement / surprise / disapproval, etc.to watch / see / view / catch a film / movie / show / programmeto watch / see / catch a match / game / fightto look / watch / observe sb / sth / regard sb / sth closelyto look / watch / observe sb / sth carefullyto look / watch / regard sb / sth intently / thoughtfully / suspiciously / expectantly / warily / impassively look [intransitive] to turn your eyes in a particular direction 看;瞧If you look carefully you can just see our house from here.你要是仔细看,从这里就可以看见我们的房子。She looked at me and smiled.她看着我,笑了。'Has the mail come yet?' 'I'll look and see.'“邮件来了吗?”“我看看。”Look! I'm sure that's Brad Pitt!瞧,那一定是布拉德•皮特!Don't look now, but there's someone staring at you!你现在别看,有人正盯着你呢! watch [transitive, intransitive] to look at sb/sth for a time, paying attention to what happens 看;注视;观看;观察I only let my kids watch television at the weekends.我只允许孩子在周末看电视。Watch what I do, then you try.看我的动作,然后试着做。She watched the kids playing in the yard.她看着孩子们在院子里玩。They watched the bus disappear into the distance.他们注视着公共汽车消失在远方。'Would you like to play?' 'No thanks-I'll just watch.'“你想玩吗?”“不了,谢谢。我就看着好了。”She stood and watched as the taxi drove off.她站在那里,看着出租车驶去。We watched to see what would happen next.我们注视着下一步要发生的事情。 see (saw, seen) [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to watch a game, television show, performance, etc. 观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等)Did you see that documentary about Brazil last night?昨晚你有没有看那个有关巴西的纪录片?Fifty thousand people saw the game.有5万人观看了那场比赛。 view [transitive] (formal) to look at sth, especially when you look carefully; to watch television, a film/movie, etc. 观看;仔细察看;看(电视、电影等)People came from all over the world to view her work.人们从世界各地前来欣赏她的作品。The eclipse should only be viewed through a special lens.日食须透过一种特殊镜片方可观看。The show has a viewing audience of six million (= six million people watch it).这个节目有600万观众观看。 see also view sight noun NOTE 辨析 Watch, see or view?You can see/view a film/movie/TV show but you cannotsee/view television. View is more formal than see, used especially in business contexts. 可以说see/view a film/movie/TV show,但不说see/view television。view比see正式,尤用于商务语境。 ˌcheck sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(informal, especially spoken) to look at or examine sb/sth that seems interesting or attractive 察看,观察(有趣或有吸引力的人或事物)Check out the prices at our new store!看一看我们新商店里的价格吧!Hey, check out that car!嘿,看看那辆车!
observe /əbˈzɜːv; NAmE əbˈzɜːrv/ [transitive, intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (formal) to watch sb/sth carefully, especially to learn more about them (尤指为更多了解而)观察,注视,监视The patients were observed over a period of several months.这些病人被观察了数月之久。He observes keenly, but says little.他观察敏锐,但言语寥寥。 see also observation inspection , observe notice verb regard /rɪˈgɑːd; NAmE rɪˈgɑːrd/ [transitive] (formal) to look at sb/sth, especially in a particular way (尤指以某种方式)注视,凝视He regarded us suspiciously.他以怀疑的目光注视着我们。 catch [transitive] (especially NAmE, informal) to see, hear or attend a film, game, event, etc. 看见;听到;出席;参加Let's eat now and maybe we could catch a movie later.咱们现在就吃吧,也许一会儿还能赶上一场电影。 contemplate /ˈkɒntəmpleɪt; NAmE ˈkɑːntəmpleɪt/ [transitive] (formal) to look at sth carefully for a long time 端详;凝视She contemplated him in silence.她默默地凝视着他。He sat there, contemplating his fingernails.他坐在那里,端详着自己的手指甲。


 See also the entry for think 另见think条regard ♦︎ call ♦︎ find ♦︎ consider ♦︎ describe ♦︎ see ♦︎ view ♦︎ count ♦︎ reckon ♦︎ look at sthThese words all mean to think or talk about sb/sth in a particular way. 这些词均表示认为、视为、看待。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to regard / consider / describe / see / view / count / look at sb / sth as sthto regard / consider / see / view / look at sb / sth from a particular point of viewto regard / see / view / look at sb / sth with sthto find / consider / see / reckon sb / sth to be sthto consider / reckon that...to regard / consider / describe / see / view / count / reckon yourself (as) sthgenerally / widely / usually / still regarded / considered / seen / viewed / reckoned as sthno longer regarded / considered / seen / viewed as sthto regard / consider / describe / see / view / look at sb / sth differentlyto consider / describe / see / view / look at sb / sth objectivelyto regard / consider / view sb / sth favourably / positively regard [transitive] (rather formal) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to think of sb/sth in a particular way 认为;视为;看待Her work is very highly / well regarded.她的工作受到高度评价。Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.当时认为死刑既不人道也不道德。I had come to regard him as a close friend.我已渐渐把他当成密友。They regarded people outside their own village with suspicion.他们对外村人持怀疑态度。 call [transitive] to say that sb/sth has particular qualities or characteristics 把⋯描述成;认为⋯是;把⋯看作I wouldn't call German an easy language.我不认为德语是一门容易学的语言。Are you calling me a liar?你是说我撒谎吗?He was in the front room, or the lounge, or whatever you want to call it.他当时在客厅,或者说是在起居室,你随便叫它什么都行。Would you call it blue or green?你认为它是蓝色还是绿色?I make it ten pounds forty-three you owe me. Let's call it ten pounds.我算下来你欠我10英镑43便士,就算作10英镑吧。 find (found, found) [transitive] to have a particular feeling or opinion about sth 认为;感到;觉得You may find your illness hard to accept.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。You may find it hard to accept your illness.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。I find it amazing that they're still together.他们还在一起,这使我很是惊讶。She finds it a strain to meet new people.她和生人见面总感到局促不安。 consider [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (rather formal) to think of sb/sth in a particular way 认为;视为;看待Who do you consider (to be) responsible for the accident?你认为谁对这起事故负有责任?Consider yourself lucky you weren't fired.你没被解雇,算是万幸。These workers are considered (as) a high-risk group.这些工人被视为高风险人群。 see also consider consider NOTE 辨析 Regard or consider?These two words have the same meaning, but they are used in different patterns and structures. In this meaning consider must be used with a complement or clause: you can consider sb/sth to be sth or consider sb/sth as sth, although very often the to be or as is left out. 这两个词含义相同,但用于不同的句型和结构。表达此义时,consider必须与补语或从句连用,可用consider sb/sth to be sth或consider sb/sth as sth,不过to be或as常省略不用He considers himself an expert.他认为自己是专家。They are considered a high-risk group.他们被视为高风险人群。You can also consider that sb/sth is sth and again, the that can be left out. 用consider that sb/sth is sth亦可,that同样可以省略The Home Secretary will release prisoners only if he considers it is safe to do so.内政大臣只有在他认为这样做是安全时才会释放囚犯。 Regard is used in a narrower range of structures. The most frequent structure is regard sb/sth as sth; the as cannot be left out. * regard可用的句型结构较少,最常见的结构是regard sb/sth as sth,as不能省略I regard him a close friend. You cannot regard sb/sth to be sth or regard that sb/sth is sth However, regard (but not consider in this meaning) can also be used without a noun or adjective complement but with just an object and adverb or adverbial phrase. 不能说regard sb/sth to be sth或regard that sb/sth is sth。不过,regard亦可不与名词或形容词补语连用,而只与宾语和副词或副词短语连用,consider表达此义时则不能这样用sb / sth is highly regarded某人/某事受到高度评价regard sb / sth with suspicion / jealousy / admiration以怀疑/妒忌/赞赏的眼光看待某人/某事 describe [transitive] (always used with as 总是与as连用) to say that sb/sth has particular qualities or characteristics 把⋯描述成;认为⋯是;把⋯看作Jim was described by his colleagues as 'unusual'.吉姆被同事称为“非常人”。The man was described as tall and dark, and aged about 20.据描述,该男子个子高,深色皮肤,大约20岁。 see also describe describe NOTE 辨析 Call or describe?These words have the same meaning but they are used in different patterns. Call is used with a noun or adjective complement, without as. 这两个词含义相同,但用于不同句型。call与名词或形容词补语连用,不带asI wouldn't call German as an easy language. Noun complements are much more frequent with call than adjective complements: you can say 'I wouldn't call German easy.', but it would be more usual to use the noun phrase 'an easy language'. Describe is used with as and an adjective or noun phrase. 名词补语比形容词补语更常与call连用:可以说I wouldn't call German easy,但更常用名词短语an easy language。 describe与as和形容词或名词短语连用Jim was described by his colleages unusual. Adjectives are more frequent with describe than nouns: longer noun phrases are possible, but with simple nouns use call. 形容词比名词更常与describe连用。较长的名词短语可与describe连用,但简短的名词则与call连用Jim was described by his colleagues as an unusual man.同事认为吉姆是个不寻常的人。Are you describing me as a liar? see (saw, seen) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to have an opinion of sth 认为;看待I see things differently now.现在我看问题的方法不一样了。Try to see things from her point of view.试着从她的角度去看问题。Lack of money is the main problem, as I see it (= in my opinion).依我看,主要问题是缺钱。The way I see it, you have three main problems.依我看,你有三个主要问题。 view [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to think of sb/sth in a particular way 认为;视为;看待When the car was first built, the design was viewed as highly original.这车问世时,其设计被认为是独具匠心。How do you view your position within the company?你如何看待自己在公司中的位置?You should view their offer with a great deal of caution.你应当非常谨慎地看待他们的提议。View has the same meaning as regard and consider but is slightly less frequent and slightly less formal. The main structures are view sb/sth as sb/sth (you cannot leave out the as) and view sb/sth with sth. View is the most natural choice for a general question: How do you view...? You can also say 'How do you regard...?', although this is less frequent; it is not usual to say How do you consider...? in this meaning. * view与regard和consider意思相同,但不太常用,也稍显不正式,主要用于view sb/sth as sb/sth(as不能省略)和view sb/sth with sth这两种结构。在一般疑问句中选用view是最自然的说法,如How do you view ...?也可以说How do you regard ...?,但较不常用;表达此义时一般不说How do you consider ...?。 count [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to think of sb/sth in a particular way; to be thought of in this way 认为;视为;看待;算作I count him among my closest friends.我把他视为最亲密的朋友之一。I count myself lucky to have known him.和他相识,我觉得很幸运。For tax purposes that money counts / is counted as income.那笔钱算作收入,需要纳税。 reckon [transitive, usually passive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (especially BrE, rather informal) to regard sb/sth as sb/sth 认为;视为;看待Children are reckoned to be more sophisticated nowadays.普遍认为现在的孩子比过去世故。It was generally reckoned a success.大家都认为那是一次成功。 see also reckon think ˈlook at sth

phrasal verb

to consider or view sth in a particular way (用某种方式)看待,考虑Looked at from that point of view, his decision is easier to understand.从那个角度看,他的决定比较容易理解。It all depends on how you look at it.这一切都取决于你怎么看待它。Look at it this way:...用这样的方式来看⋯Look at sth is used especially when you are considering the different ways in which a situation can be considered. * look at sth尤用于可用不同方式看待某种情况时。 see also look at sth consider




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