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virtuous adj. ⇨ good 5good5 adjective in good condition/Good work! 状况良好;干得不错!Now is a good time to... 现在是做⋯的合适时机a good idea/reason/question/point 好主意;正当理由;好问题;好的观点a good actor; good at languages; good with your hands 出色的演员;语言能力强;手巧a good person/deed/life 正派人;善行;高尚的生活a good impression/opinion/reputation 良好的印象;赞同的意见;好名声a good boy/girl/dog 乖巧的男孩/女孩;温驯的狗good ♦︎ ethical ♦︎ moral ♦︎ principled ♦︎ virtuous ♦︎ scrupulousThese words all describe behaviour, actions and ideas that are morally right, or a person whose behaviour is morally right. 这些词均表示符合道德的、正派的、高尚的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a good / moral / principled / virtuous / scrupulous person◆a good / principled / virtuous / scrupulous man / woman◆a good / moral / virtuous life◆good / ethical / moral behaviour / practices / principles◆an ethical / a moral / a principled stand / stance / position◆very good / ethical / moral / virtuous / scrupulous◆highly moral / principled■ good morally right; behaving in a way that is morally right 符合道德的;正派的;高尚的◆Giving her that money was a good thing to do.把那笔钱给她是做了一件善事。◆He prayed that God would make him a better person.他祈求上帝让他成为一个更好的人。OPP bad , evil , wicked ⇨ evil adj. see also good ⇨ kind adj. , good , goodness ⇨ morality noun ■ ethical / /ˈeθɪkl/ / morally right or acceptable 合乎道德的◆Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising?通过广告推销香烟合乎道德吗?◆There needs to be a greater emphasis on ethical investment (= investing money in businesses that are considered to be morally acceptable).需要更加重视合乎道德的投资。ⓘ Ethical is not used to describe a person, but it can describe a person's behaviour. It is often used to talk about the actions and activities of businesses. * ethical不用于形容人,但可形容人的行为,常用于谈论商业活动或行为。OPP unethical ⇨ wrong 4 see also ethical ⇨ moral adj. , ethics ⇨ principle 1 ▸ ethically adverb ◆Most people find the commercial exploitation of children ethically unacceptable.大多数人认为从儿童身上榨取金钱从道德上不能接受。■ moral following the standards of behaviour considered acceptable and right by most people 品行端正的;有道德的◆He led a very moral life.他这个人一向很正派。◆We try to teach our students to be conscientious, moral young people.我们努力将学生教育成为勤勉认真、品德高尚的新一代。 OPP immoral ⇨ wrong 4 see also amoral ⇨ corrupt adj. , moral ⇨ moral adj. , morals , morality ⇨ principle 1 ▸ morally adverb ◆They try to live a life that is morally pure.他们试图过一种纯洁的道德生活。■ principled / /ˈprɪnsəpld/ / having strong beliefs about what is right and wrong; based on strong beliefs 是非观念强的;原则性强的;基于坚定信念的◆The new biography presents her as a deeply principled woman.新的传记把她描绘成一个极其坚持原则的人。◆We need to take a principled stand against the government's actions.我们需要坚守原则性立场,反对政府的行动。OPP unprincipled ⇨ corrupt ■ virtuous / /ˈvɜːtʃuəs; NAmE ˈvɜːrtʃuəs/ (rather formal) behaving in a very good and moral way 品行端正的;行为正派的;有道德的◆Unmarried women were expected to live modest, virtuous lives.人们期望未婚女性过端庄、有道德的生活。 see also virtue ⇨ morality ■ scrupulous /ˈskruːpjələs/ / very careful to be honest and to do what is morally right 诚实正直的;恪守道德规范的◆She has a reputation for scrupulous honesty.她诚信正直,名声在外。◆He is scrupulous in all his business dealings.他在所做的一切商业活动中都是清白的。OPP unscrupulous ⇨ corrupt see also scruple ⇨ doubt noun 2 ▸ scrupulously adverb ◆All court proceedings need to be scrupulously fair to each side.所有诉讼程序必须对每一方都绝对公平。 |