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word noun ⇨ word (long words) ⇨ news (spread the word) ⇨ promise (I give you my word.) word noun word ♦︎ term ♦︎ phrase ♦︎ expression ♦︎ idiomThese are all words for a unit of language used to express sth. 这些词均表示语言表述单位。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a word / term for sth◆a / an new / ambiguous word / term / phrase / expression◆a technical / colloquial word / term / phrase / expression◆a slang word / term / phrase◆an idiomatic phrase / expression◆to use a word / a term / a phrase / an expression / an idiom◆to coin a word / a term / a phrase / an expression◆a word / a term / a phrase / an expression / an idiom means sth◆a word / a term / a phrase / an expression comes / derives / is derived from sth■ word [countable] a single unit of language which means sth and can be spoken or written 单词;词;字◆Do not write more than 200 words.写的东西不要超过200字。◆He uses a lot of long words.他用许多长长的词。◆What's the Spanish word for 'table'?“桌子”在西班牙语中叫什么?◆I could hear every word they were saying.我能听到他们说的每一个字。◆I can't remember her exact words.我记不清她的原话了。◆Tell me what happened in your own words.用自己的话告诉我出了什么事。◆He was a true friend in all senses of the word.从任何意义上来说他都是位真正的朋友。 see also wording ⇨ language 2 ■ term [countable] (rather formal) a word or phrase used as the name of sth, especially one connected with a particular type of language 词语;术语◆technical / legal / scientific terms专业/法律/科学术语◆'Register' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language.“语域”是一个描述语言正式程度的常用术语。 see also term ⇨ call verb 1 , terms ⇨ language 2 ■ phrase [countable] a group of words that have a particular meaning when used together 短语;词组;惯用法◆She was, in her own favourite phrase, 'a woman without a past'.用她自己喜欢的字眼说,她是个“没有不清白过去的女人”。ⓘ In grammar, a phrase is a group of words without a finite verb, especially one that forms part of a sentence: 'the green car' and 'on Friday morning' are phrases. 从语法角度讲,phrase是不含限定动词的一组词,尤指构成句子成分的短语,the green car和on Friday morning均为短语。■ expression [countable] a word or phrase 词语;措辞;表达方式◆He tends to use a lot of slang expressions that I've never heard before.他常常用很多我从未听过的俚语。■ idiom [countable] a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words 习语;成语;惯用语◆'Let the cat out of the bag' is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake.let the cat out of the bag是惯用语,意思是无意中泄露秘密。 news noun ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ information 另见information条news ♦︎ word ♦︎ bulletinThese are all words for new facts or details about sth that has happened recently. 这些词均表示消息、新闻。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆news / word / a bulletin about / on sb / sth◆news / word of sb / sth◆to have / get / receive / hear news / word / a bulletin■ news [uncountable] new facts or details about recent events; reports of recent events that appear in newspapers or on television or radio 消息;音信;媒体对重要事情的报道;新闻◆Have you heard the news? Pat's coming home!你听说了吗?帕特要回家了!◆That's great news.这真是好消息。◆Tell me all your news.把你最近的情况全都告诉我。◆Here's a piece of news that may interest you.这里有一则你也许会感兴趣的新闻。◆Do you want the good news or the bad news first?你是想先听好消息还是坏消息?◆It's news to me (= I haven't heard it before).这事我第一次听说。◆News of a serious road accident is just coming in.有关一起严重交通事故的报道开始陆续传来。◆Programmes were interrupted for a newsflash.节目被插播的新闻简报打断。◆She is always in the news.她老在媒体露面。◆The wedding was front-page news.这场婚礼成了头版新闻。ⓘ The news [singular] is a regular television or radio broadcast of the latest news. 单数名词the news指电视或广播中的新闻报道◆to listen to / watch the news收听/收看新闻节目◆I saw it on the news.我是在新闻节目中看到的。 see also report ⇨ report 2 ■ word [singular] a piece of news or information, sometimes in the form of a message 信息;消息◆There's been no word from them since before Christmas.自圣诞节前就一直没有他们的消息。◆If word gets out about the affair, he will have to resign.要是这绯闻传出去,他就得辞职。■ bulletin / /ˈbʊlətɪn/ / [countable] a short news report on the radio or television; an official statement about sth important; a printed report that gives news about an organization or group (电台或电视台的)新闻简报;公告;布告;(机构或组织的)简报◆More details will be given in our next news bulletin.在我们接下来的新闻简报中将有更详细的报道。◆The government issued an official bulletin on the President's health.政府就总统的健康状况发布了一则正式公告。◆See the June bulletin for details of future events.要了解未来活动的详情,请看6月份的简报。 promise noun promise ♦︎ commitment ♦︎ word ♦︎ pledge ♦︎ guarantee ♦︎ oath ♦︎ assurance ♦︎ vowThese are all words for a statement that you will definitely do or not do sth or that you are sure that sth will happen. 这些词均表示诺言、保证。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a promise / a commitment / your word / a pledge / a guarantee / an oath / a vow to do sth◆a promise / your word / a pledge / a guarantee / an oath / an assurance / a vow that...◆a / your solemn promise / word / oath / assurance / vow◆a firm promise / commitment / pledge / guarantee / assurance◆a formal commitment / guarantee / oath / assurance◆a written promise / commitment / guarantee / assurance◆to give a promise / a commitment / your word / a pledge / a guarantee / an assurance◆to make a promise / commitment / pledge / guarantee / vow◆to take a pledge / an oath / a vow◆to have sb's promise / commitment / word / assurance◆to honour your promise / commitment / word / pledge / assurance◆to keep your promise / commitment / word / vow◆to break a promise / a commitment / your word / a pledge / a vow■ promise [countable] a statement that tells sb that you will definitely do or not do sth 诺言;许诺;承诺◆I try not to make promises that I can't keep.我尽量不承诺无法兑现的事。◆He simply broke every single promise he ever made me.他给我的承诺没有一个兑现。◆She had obviously forgotten her promise to call me.她显然把答应给我打电话的事忘得一干二净了。◆You haven't gone back on your promise to me, have you?你答应我的该不会反悔了吧?◆I won't be late. That's a promise!我不会迟到的。说话算数!■ commitment [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a promise or determination to do sth or to behave in a particular way; a promise to support sb/sth; the fact of making a commitment 承诺;许诺承担;保证◆She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment.她不想在此刻对史蒂夫作出感情上的重大承诺。◆The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.这家公司保证物美价廉的承诺是它取得成功的决定性因素。◆He questioned the government's commitment to public services.他对政府在公共服务上作出的承诺提出质疑。 see also committed ⇨ reliable 1 ■ word [singular] a promise that you will do sth or that sth will happen or is true 诺言;许诺;保证◆I give you my word that it won't happen again.我向你保证这种事不会再发生了。◆I never doubted her word.我从不怀疑她的许诺。◆They claimed that the minister had gone back on her word (= broken her promise).他们称部长没有兑现她的许诺。◆We only have his word for it that he wasn't there that night.他只是向我们保证他那天晚上没在那里。◆She won't go to the police. You can take my word for it (= believe me).她不会报警的,相信我说的话吧。■ pledge [countable] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) a serious promise 保证;诺言;誓约◆The new leader demanded a pledge of loyalty from each of his allies.新的领导人要求每一位盟友发誓对他忠诚。◆Will the government honour its election pledge not to raise taxes?政府会信守他们的竞选诺言不提高税收吗?■ guarantee / /ˌgærənˈtiː/ / [countable] a firm promise that you will do sth or that sth will happen 保证;担保◆The union wants cast-iron guarantees that there will be no job losses.工会想得到确实可靠的不裁员保证。NOTE 辨析 Promise, pledge or guarantee? Promise is the most frequent and most general of these words, and the only one of these three to use in the context of personal relationships. * promise在三个词中最常见、含义最宽泛,是唯一能在个人关系语境中使用的词◆She had obviously forgotten her pledge/guarantee to call me. Pledge is used especially in the context of politics and the things that politicians promise in order to get elected. * pledge尤用于政治语境,可指从政者为求当选而作的承诺◆election / campaign / manifesto pledges竞选承诺◆spending pledges given by the government政府就支出所作的保证 Guarantee is used especially in matters of business involving companies or organizations. * guarantee尤指公司或机构所作的业务担保。 ■ oath / /əʊθ; NAmE oʊθ/ [countable] (rather formal) a formal promise to do sth; a formal statement that sth is true 宣誓;誓言◆All the barons were called on to swear an oath of allegiance to the king.所有的男爵都被召来宣誓效忠国王。◆Before giving evidence, witnesses in court have to take the oath (= promise to tell the truth).作证之前,证人必须当庭宣誓据实作证。ⓘ If you are or do sth on/under oath, you have made a formal promise to tell the truth in court. * on/under oath表示已经当庭宣誓据实作证◆The judge reminded the witness that he was still under oath.法官提醒证人他已当庭宣过誓。■ assurance /əˈʃʊərəns, əˈʃɔːrəns; NAmE əˈʃʊrəns/ [countable] (rather formal) a statement that sth will certainly be true or will certainly happen, particularly when there has been doubt about it (尤指有质疑时的)保证,担保◆They asked for assurances on the safety of the system.他们要求保证系统安全。◆Despite assurances to the contrary the birds are still being sold as pets.尽管曾担保不会这样,但是这些鸟还是被当作宠物卖掉。■ vow /vaʊ/ / [countable] a formal and serious promise, especially a religious one, to do sth (尤指宗教的)誓,誓言,誓约◆The monks take a vow of silence.修士要守默誓。◆She would not be unfaithful to her marriage vows.她不会不忠于自己的结婚誓言。 |