

单词 declaration
declaration noun


statement ♦︎ comment ♦︎ announcement ♦︎ remark ♦︎ declaration ♦︎ observationThese are all words for sth that you say or write, especially sth that gives information or an opinion. 这些词均表示声明、公告或评论。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a statement / a comment / an announcement / a remark / a declaration / an observation about stha statement / a comment / an observation on sthan announcement / a declaration of stha brief statement / comment / announcement / remark / observationa / an public / official statement / comment / announcement / declarationa formal statement / announcement / declarationa casual comment / remark / observationto make a statement / a comment / an announcement / a remark / a declaration / an observationto issue a statement / an announcement / a declaration statement [countable] something that you say or write that gives information or an opinion, often in a formal way (常指正式的)声明,说法,陈述,表态A government spokesperson made a brief statement to the press.一位政府发言人向新闻界发表了一份简短声明。She made one of her sweeping statements about young people.她又说了一些把年轻人一概而论的话。The police asked me to make a statement (= a written account of facts about a crime, used in court if legal action follows).警方要求我写一份供述。 see also state declare comment [countable, uncountable] something that you say or write that gives an opinion on sth or is a response to a question about a particular situation 议论;评论;解释She made helpful comments on my work.她对我的工作提了有益的意见。He handed me the document without comment.他未作任何解释就把文件交给了我。When asked about the rumours, the chairman replied, 'No comment.'当被问及那些谣言时,主席回答说:“无可奉告。” see also comment comment verb announcement [countable, uncountable] a spoken or written statement that informs people about sth; the act of publicly informing people about sth 公告;布告;通告;宣布;宣告Today's announcement of a peace agreement comes after weeks of discussion.经过几周的讨论,今天宣布了和平协议。I have a few announcements to make.我有几个公告要发布。The announcement of the verdict was accompanied by shouts and cheers.裁决是在一片喊叫和欢呼声中宣布的。 see also announce declare remark [countable] something that you say or write that gives an opinion or thought about sb/sth 谈论;言论;评述He made a number of rude remarks about the food.他说了几句无礼的话来评论那些食物。What exactly did you mean by that last remark?你最后那句话究竟是什么意思? see also remark comment verb declaration / /dekləˈreɪʃn/ / [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) an official or formal statement, especially one that states an intention, belief or feeling, or that gives information (官方或正式的)宣言,宣告,声明,表白a declaration of love / support表白爱情;声明支持We were asked to sign a declaration to the effect that we were UK citizens.我们被要求签署一份声明,大意是说我们是英国公民。The summit has been postponed due to the declaration of war.宣战使首脑会议延期召开。The Declaration of Independence was signed on 4 July 1776 by representatives of the US states.《独立宣言》是由美国各州的代表于1776年7月4日签署的。 see also declare declare observation [countable] (rather formal) a comment, especially one based on sth you have seen, heard or read (尤指以所见、所闻或所读为根据的)评论He began by making a few general observations about the report.开头他先对这个报告作了几点概括性的评论。 see also observe comment verb NOTE 辨析 Comment, remark or observation?A comment can be official or private. A remark can be made in public or private but is always unofficial and the speaker may not have considered it carefully. An observation is unofficial but is usually more considered than a remark. * comment可指官方或个人的评论;remark可在公开或私人场合发表,但总是非官方的,而且说话人可能没有经过深思熟虑;observation是非官方的,但通常比remark更经过认真考虑。




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