

单词 delegation
delegation noun


committee ♦︎ council ♦︎ commission ♦︎ board ♦︎ jury ♦︎ panel ♦︎ delegation ♦︎ body ♦︎ task force ♦︎ missionThese are all words for a group of people who make decisions, give advice, deal with problems, etc., especially on a particular subject. 这些词均表示决策委员会、顾问团,尤指专责小组。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a committee / commission / panel / task force on stha committee / council / commission / board / delegation / body for sthto be on a committee / council / commission / board / jury / panel / bodya special committee / commission / task force / missiona / an joint / independent committee / council / commission / board / delegation / body / task force / missiona government / parliamentary committee / commission / board / delegation / bodya congressional committee / commission / delegation / bodyan official committee / commission / delegation / bodya governing committee / council / commission / board / bodya / an executive / management committee / council / board / bodya / an advisory / consultative committee / council / board / panel / bodya research committee / council / commission / board / bodyto choose / select a committee / jury / panelto head a committee / council / commission / board / delegation / task force / missionto chair a committee / council / commission / board / panel / bodyto lead a commission / delegation / task force / missionto serve on / sit on a committee / council / commission / board / jury / panel / bodyto send a delegation / task force / mission committee [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people who are chosen, usually by a larger group, to make decisions or to deal with a particular subject 委员会They have set up a committee on the safety of medicines.他们成立了一个药物安全委员会。She's on the management committee.她是管理委员会成员。 council ( Council) [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people chosen to give advice, make rules, do research, provide money, etc. in a particular area of activity (顾问、规章、研究、基金等)委员会In Britain, the Arts Council gives grants to theatres.在英国,由艺术委员会向剧院提供资金。There are plans to establish a funding council for higher education.有计划要成立一个高等教育基金委员会。 commission [countable + singular or plural verb] an official group of people chosen to control sth or find out about sth, usually for a government (通常为政府管控或调查某事的)委员会Sweden's Environment Commission has ruled against the dam project.瑞典的环境委员会已经否决那个大坝工程。The commission is expected to report its findings next month.该委员会预计下月公布其调查结果。NOTE 辨析 Committee, council or commission?These words can all refer to very similar groups of people with similar functions. The title they are given is often just the choice of the organization which sets up the group. Committee is the most general word and can refer to a group which is part of a government, a company, or an organization such as a trade union, political party or university. It can be at a high level or just at a local level making routine decisions, but it usually works within a larger organization. A council is more often an independent group of experts whose role is to promote the arts, sport, academic research, etc. 这些词所指的委员会职能很相近,用哪一个作名称只是出于成立机构的选择。committee含义最广,可指政府、公司或工会、政党、大学等机构里的团体,其级别可以很高,也可以只是做日常决策的地方级别,但一般隶属较大的机构。council多为独立的专家组,其任务是推动艺术、体育、学术研究等the Medical Research Council医学研究委员会A commission is usually a group of important politicians or experts set up by a government or other political organization with responsibility for a particular area, such as trade or agriculture or to investigate a particular issue, such as a serious accident or a social problem. * commission常指政府或其他政治组织成立的、由重要的政治人物或专家组成的小组,负责某一领域,如贸易或农业,或调查某一事件,如重大事故或社会问题the Atomic Energy Commission-the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)原子能委员会-联合国难民署 board [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people who have power to make decisions and control a company or other organization (公司或其他机构的)董事会,委员会,理事会The project will have to go to the board for consideration.这个项目须经过董事会考虑决定。There have been discussions about the issue at board level.董事会已经讨论这个问题。She has a seat on the board of directors.她是董事会成员。 jury / /ˈdʒʊəri; NAmE ˈdʒʊri/ [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of members of the public who listen to the facts of a case in court and decide whether or not sb is guilty of a crime; a group of people who decide who is the winner of a competition 陪审团;(比赛的)评判委员会,裁判委员会Everyone should have the right to trial by jury.每个人都应有由陪审团审判的权利。The jury was sworn in.陪审团宣誓就职。The jury has retired to consider its verdict.陪审团已经退庭考虑裁决。 (BrE) It was the second time he had been called up for jury service (= to be a member of a jury).这已经是他第二次被召作陪审员了。 (NAmE) jury duty陪审义务He was on the jury for this year's Booker Prize.他担任本年度布克文学奖的评委。 panel /ˈpænl/ / [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about sth, or who discuss topics of interest on television or radio 专家咨询组;(电视或广播节目的)讨论小组The designs will be judged by a panel of experts.这些设计方案将由专家组评判。A distinguished panel of speakers considered the role of global corporations.一个著名的专家小组思考了跨国公司的作用并作了发言。The decision of the judging panel is final.评审团的决定是最终的。 delegation / /ˌdelɪˈgeɪʃn/ / [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people who represent the views of an organization or country and who speak for them 代表团The prime minister met with an all-party delegation from the city council.首相接见了市议会一个由所有党派代表组成的代表团。The Canadian delegation walked out of the talks in protest.加拿大代表团退出会谈以示抗议。 body [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people who work together, often for an official purpose (官方)团体;社团;群体The government is consulting trade unions and other professional bodies.政府正在咨询工会和其他专业团体。Body can be a general word to describe any group of people working together, especially an official group which controls sth, makes decisions, etc. For example, we often refer to a sport's governing body, but the actual title of the group may be an association, as in the Football Association ( FA), a federation, as in the International Association of Athletics Federations ( IAAF) or a committee, as in the International Olympic Committee ( IOC). * body含义很广,可指任何在一起工作的人员组成的群体,尤其是负责管控、决策等的官方团体。例如,我们常说sport's governing body,但该团体的实际称谓可能是association,如the Football Association(FA,足协),或 federation,如the International Association of Athletics Federations(IAAF,国际田联),或 committee,如the International Olympic Committee(IOC,国际奥委会)。 ˈtask force [countable] a group of people who are chosen to deal with a particular problem, usually by a government (通常是政府为解决某问题而成立的)特别工作组She is expected to lead a task force on health care reform.预计她将领导医疗改革的特别工作组。 mission / /ˈmɪʃn/ / [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people doing an important official job, especially when they are sent to another country; the place where they work 使团;(赴海外)代表团;执行任务的地点She led a recent trade mission to China.她近期率领了一个赴华贸易代表团。He will be part of a four-member UN fact-finding mission to the disputed region.他将成为联合国赴争议地区的四人核查小组成员。




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