

单词 delete
delete verb


delete ♦︎ erase ♦︎ cut ♦︎ cross sth out ♦︎ wipe ♦︎ strike sth out ♦︎ rub sth out ♦︎ cross sb/sth offThese words all mean to take away a piece of information, especially written information. 这些词均表示删除信息,尤指书面信息。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to delete / erase / cut / wipe sth from sthto delete / erase / cross out / strike out / rub out a wordto delete / cut / cross out a sentenceto delete / cut / cross out / strike out a paragraphto delete sth from / cross sb / sth off a listto delete / erase / wipe a file (on a computer)to delete / erase / wipe sth accidentallyto erase / wipe sth completely delete / /dɪˈliːt/ / [transitive] (rather formal or computing 计算机) to remove sth that has been written or printed, or that has been stored on a computer 删去,删除(书写、印刷或存入计算机的内容)Your name has been deleted from the list.你的名字已从名单上删掉。This command deletes files from the directory.该指令把文档从目录中删除。I deleted your last email by mistake-could you send it again?我无意中把你的上一封电子邮件给删除了。请再发一次好吗? deletion / /dɪˈliːʃn/ /


[countable, uncountable] He made several deletions to the manuscript.他在原稿上删去了好几处。
erase /ɪˈreɪz; NAmE ɪˈreɪs/ [transitive] to remove sth completely from your mind; to make a mark or sth you have written disappear, for example by rubbing it, especially in order to correct it; to remove a recording from a tape or information from a computer's memory 忘却(某事);擦掉(笔迹);清洗(磁带录音);删除(计算机信息)She tried to erase the memory of that evening.她试图忘却那天晚上的事。All doubts were suddenly erased from his mind.他心中所有疑虑一下子烟消云散了。All the phone numbers had been erased.所有电话号码都被删除了。Parts of the recording have been erased.部分录音已被抹掉。 cut (cutting, cut, cut) [transitive, intransitive] to remove part of a piece of writing, a sound recording or film; to delete part of a text on a computer screen in order to place it somewhere else 删剪,删节(文字、录音或电影胶片);(在计算机上)剪切This scene was cut from the final version of the movie.这场戏在电影的最终版本中被删剪了。You can cut out this whole paragraph without losing any of the impact.你可把这一整段都删掉,丝毫不会影响效果。You can cut and paste between different programs.你可在不同程序间进行剪贴。 cut


[countable] The director objected to the cuts ordered by the film censor.导演反对按电影审查员的指令作删节。
ˌcross sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to draw a line through a word, usually because it is wrong 画掉,删掉(错字)She crossed out 'Miss' and wrote 'Ms'.她删去了Miss,写上Ms。He's crossing the days out on the calendar until the start of the World Cup.他每天把日历上的日子画掉一个,直到世界杯开幕为止。
wipe [transitive] to remove information, sound or images from a computer, tape or video 删除,抹掉(计算机、磁带或录像带上的信息、音像等)You must have wiped off that show I recorded.你一定是把我录下来的节目给抹掉了。Somebody had wiped all the tapes.有人把所有磁带上的内容都删掉了。 see also wipe forget ˌstrike sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(struck, struck)to remove sth by drawing a line through it 画掉;删去The editor struck out the whole paragraph.编辑把整个段落都给删掉了。
ˌrub sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(-bb-) (BrE) to remove the marks made by sth, for example a pencil or chalk 擦掉(字迹等)She reached up and rubbed out the words on the board.她伸手擦掉了黑板上的字。Use a pencil so you can rub it out if you make a mistake.用铅笔写吧,写错了可以擦掉。In American English use erase. 在美式英语中用erase。
ˌcross sb/sth ˈoff ˌcross sb/sth ˈoff sth

phrasal verb

to draw a line through a person's name or an item on a list because they are/it is no longer required or involved (从名单或清单上)画掉,删掉We can cross his name off the list-he's not coming.他不来了,我们可以把他的名字画掉了。




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