

单词 examination
examination noun
inspection (a medical examination) research (careful examination of the evidence) test2 (college examinations)


inspection ♦︎ observation ♦︎ check ♦︎ examination ♦︎ audit ♦︎ surveillance ♦︎ survey ♦︎ scan ♦︎ check-upThese are all words for a careful look at sb/sth, especially to check that everything is satisfactory. 这些词均表示检查、查看、审视。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) detailed inspection / observation / check / examination / audit / survey(a) close inspection / observation / check / examination / surveillance(a) thorough inspection / check / examination / audit / survey / check-up(a) careful inspection / observation / check / examination(a) regular inspection / observation / check / examination / audit / surveillance / check-up(a / an) routine inspection / check / examination / surveillance / scan / check-upa medical inspection / check / examination / check-upto carry out / do an inspection / an observation / a check / an examination / an audit / surveillance / a survey / a scanto conduct an inspection / a check / an examination / an audit / surveillance / a surveyto give sb / sth an inspection / a check / an examination / a scan / a check-upto have an inspection / a check / an examination / a scan / a check-upan inspection / observation / a check / an examination / an audit / a survey / a scan / a check-up reveals / shows sthan inspection / observation / a check / an examination / a survey confirms sth inspection [uncountable, countable] a careful look at sb/sth, especially to check that everything is satisfactory 检查;查看;审视The documents are available for public inspection.这些文件可供公众查看。On closer inspection, the notes proved to be forgeries.经仔细检查,发现这些钞票是假钞。The principal went on a tour of inspection of all the classrooms.校长巡视了每一间教室。Council officials made one site inspection of the property.市政官员对房产进行了一次实地检查。 see also inspect check verb 1 observation [uncountable, countable] the act of watching sb/sth carefully for a period of time, especially to find sth out 观察;观测;监视Most of the information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour.大部分信息都是通过直接观察动物的行为收集到的。We managed to escape observation (= we were not seen).我们设法避开了人们的注意。The report is based on scientific observations.报告以科学观测为基础。 see also observe look verb 1 check [countable] a close and careful look at sth to make sure that it is safe, correct or in good condition 检查,查看(是否安全、正确或状况良好)Could you give the tyres a quick check?你能快速检查一下轮胎吗?Regular safety checks are conducted on the equipment used in the factory.工厂里使用的设备会定期进行安全检查。In a series of spot checks (= checks made without warning), police searched buses crossing the border.警方在一系列突击检查中搜查了跨境公共汽车。 see also check check verb 1 examination [uncountable, countable] a close and careful look at sth, especially to find sth out or see if anything is wrong (仔细的)检查,检验,考查Careful examination of the ruins revealed an even earlier temple.仔细考查这片废墟后发现了一座更为古老的庙宇。Doctors gave him a thorough medical examination.医生给他做了全面的体格检查。 see also examine check verb 1 audit / /ˈɔːdɪt/ / [countable] (especially business 尤用于商业) an official examination of business and financial records to see that they are true and correct; an official examination of the quality or standard of sth 审计;稽核;(质量或标准的)审查,检查a tax audit税务审计Environmental audits are being carried out by many companies, showing the environmental impact of their activities.许多公司都在做环保审查,明示其活动对环境的影响。 see also audit check 1 surveillance /sɜːˈveɪləns; NAmE sɜːrˈveɪləns/ [uncountable] the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed (对犯罪嫌疑人或容易发生犯罪的地方的)监视The police are keeping the suspects under constant surveillance.警方对嫌疑人保持不间断监视。 survey [countable] a careful look at an area of land in order to make a map or plan of it 测量;勘测;测绘They carried out an aerial survey (= made by taking photographs from an aircraft) of the mountains.他们对山脉进行了航测。A geological survey revealed the presence of oil beneath the ground.地质勘查显示这块地下面有石油。In British English a survey is also a careful look at the condition of a building, usually done for sb who is thinking of buying it. 在英式英语中,survey还指为欲购房者所做的房屋查验We paid for a detailed structural survey, which identified two areas of dry rot in the attic.我们花钱请人对房屋结构做了详细查验,结果发现阁楼里有两处干朽。 scan [countable] a medical test in which a machine produces a picture of the inside of a person's body on a computer screen, using X-rays or ultrasound 扫描检查The brain scan revealed no signs of injury.脑部扫描未显示受伤的迹象。 ˈcheck-up [countable] (rather informal) an examination of sth, especially a medical examination to make sure that you are healthy 检查;(尤指)体格检查I went for my regular check-up.我去做了常规体检。


research ♦︎ analysis ♦︎ exploration ♦︎ scrutiny ♦︎ examination ♦︎ study ♦︎ discussion ♦︎ enquiryThese are all words for the process of examining and finding out more about sth, or the result of this process. 这些词均表示调查、研究或研究结果。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配research / enquiry into sthdetailed research / analysis / exploration / scrutiny / examination / study / discussion / enquiryclose analysis / scrutiny / examination / studyscientific research / analysis / exploration / scrutiny / examination / study / enquiryhistorical research / analysis / exploration / examination / study / enquiryto carry out / conduct / undertake research / analysis / exploration / an examination / a studyto do research / analysis / a studyresearch / analysis / exploration / scrutiny / examination / the study reveals sthresearch / analysis / examination / the study shows / suggests sth research [uncountable] ( researches [plural]) the process of studying a subject in detail, especially in order to discover new information about it (尤指为了发掘更多信息的)研究,调查,探索He's done a lot of research into renewable energy sources.他已经对可再生能源做了大量研究。I've done some research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there.为了找到去那里最省钱的方式,我做了一些研究。Recent research on deaf children has yielded some interesting results.对失聪儿童的最新研究已经取得了一些有意义的结果。We're trying to raise money for cancer research.我们正在努力为癌症研究筹集资金。This is a piece of research that should be taken very seriously.这是一项应该严肃认真对待的研究。James is a 24-year-old research student from Iowa.詹姆斯是一个来自艾奥瓦州的24岁研究生。They pour millions of dollars into research and development (= researching and creating new products).他们投入数百万元进行研发。I work for a market research organization (= an organization that finds out what people buy and why).我在一家市场调查机构供职。In the course of my researches, I came across some of my grandfather's old letters.在我的研究过程中,我偶然接触到一些祖父的旧信。 see also research investigate verb analysis / /əˈnæləsɪs/ / [uncountable, countable] the process of studying sth in detail in order to understand more about it; the result of this study (对事物的)分析,分析结果Most of the information we have so far is based on statistical analysis.迄今为止我们的信息大多基于统计分析得来。The book is an analysis of poverty and its causes.这本书分析了贫困及其根源。 see also analyse examine NOTE 辨析 Research or analysis?When you do research you try to find out new information; when you do analysis you look in more detail at the information you already have, in order to understand it better. * research指试图找到新的信息,analysis指深入了解已有信息。 exploration / /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn/ / [uncountable, countable] the act of travelling through a place in order to find out about it or look for sth; the act of looking at sth or considering it in detail in order to find out more about it 勘探;勘查;探索;探究The film is a chronicle of man's exploration of space.这部电影讲述了人类太空探索的历史。Extensive oil exploration was carried out using the latest drilling technology.应用最新的钻井技术进行了大规模的石油勘探。This was the time of Humboldt's explorations in South America.这就是洪堡在南美探索的时期。 see also explore investigate verb scrutiny / /ˈskruːtəni/ / [uncountable] (formal) the act of considering sth in great detail, especially in order to see or decide if it is good enough 仔细探究(尤指为了解或评判是否合格)Her argument doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.她的论点经不起认真推敲。The documents should be available for public scrutiny.这些文件应公诸于世,交由公众审议。Foreign policy has come under close scrutiny recently.近来,政府的外交政策受到了认真彻底的审查。 see also scrutinize study examination [uncountable, countable] the act of considering sth in detail, in order to understand more about it or to make a decision or judgement about it (为了更好地理解某事物或对之作决定或判断的)审查,调查,考查Your proposals are still under examination.你的几份提案仍在审查之中。On closer examination, her story did not seem to stand up.仔细推究起來,她的说法显得站不住脚。The chapter concludes with a brief examination of what causes family break-up.本章结束时简要考查了引起家庭破裂的因素。 see also examine examine study [uncountable, countable] the process of considering sth in detail, in order to understand or find out more about it 细致考虑;仔细检查;审视The scientific study of American dialects began in 1889.对美国方言的科学研究始于1889年。A detailed study of the area was carried out.对该地区进行了详细研究。 see also study report noun 1 , study examine verb NOTE 辨析 Examination or study? Examination has a broader range of meaning than study in this meaning. Study is usually more academic, in order to find out more about a subject; examination may be more practical, in order to make a decision about sth. 表达此义时,examination含义比study更宽泛。study通常多与学术相关,目的是对某学科有更多了解;examination可能更多出于实际的需要,是为了对某事作出决定。 discussion [countable, uncountable] a speech or piece of writing that discusses many different aspects of a subject 详述;论述Her article is a discussion of the methods used in research.她这篇文章论述了研究中运用的方法。There will be further discussion of these issues in the next chapter.这些问题将在下一章进一步讨论。 see also discuss examine enquiry ( inquiry) [uncountable] the act of asking questions or collecting information about sb/sth 查询;探究;探索Some regimes have tried to stifle scientific enquiry.有些政权试图扼杀科学探索。We are following several lines of enquiry.我们正沿着几条线索进行调查。 see also enquire into sth investigate verb


a blood test 血液检测a driving test 驾照考试 See also the entry for assessment 另见assessment条test ♦︎ exam ♦︎ examination ♦︎ paper ♦︎ quiz ♦︎ oral ♦︎ practicalThese are all words for a set of questions for sb to answer or activities for them to carry out in order to see how much they know about a subject or what they can do. 这些词均表示对知识或能力的测验、考查。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a test / an exam / an examination / a quiz on stha test / an exam / an examination in stha written test / exam / examination / paper / quiza practical test / exam / examination / papera / an difficult / easy / important / final / end of year test / exam / examinationa chemistry / geography, etc. test / exam / examination / paper / quiz / practicalto pass / fail a test / an exam / an examination / a paper / a quiz / an oral / a practicalto take a test / an exam / an examination / a paper / a quiz / a practicalto do a test / an exam / an examination / a paper / a quizto set / mark a test / an exam / an examination / a paperto grade a test / an exam / an examination / a paper / a quiztest / exam / examination / quiz questions test [countable] a set of questions for sb to answer or activities for them to carry out to in order to see how much they know about a subject or what they can do 测验;考查There are end of year tests in English, maths and science.年终有英语、数学和科学测验。 (BrE) a good mark in the test优良的测验成绩 (NAmE) a good grade on the test优良的测验成绩Is this a fair test of students' skills?这是对学生技能的公平测试吗? (BrE) I took my driving test last week.我上周参加了驾照考试。 (NAmE) my driver's test我的驾照考试 exam [countable] a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at a school or college, to see how much you know about a subject or what you can do (尤指学校举行的正式)考试 (BrE) She did well in her exams.她考试考得不错。 (NAmE) She did well on her exams.她考试考得不错。 (BrE) to mark an exam阅卷评分 (NAmE) to grade an exam阅卷评分 (BrE) I got my exam results today.我今天拿到了考试成绩。 (NAmE) I got my exam grades / scores today.我今天拿到了考试成绩。 (BrE) He's practising hard for his piano exam.他为了钢琴考试刻苦练习。 examination [countable] (formal) an exam 考试Students may enter for both examinations.学生可报考这两种考试。There has been a fall in the number of examination candidates.考试报名人数有所下降。NOTE 辨析 Test, exam or examination?An exam is a written, spoken or practical test at school or college, usually an important one at the end of a year, semester or course of study. In the US these are often called final exams or just finals. In Britain, finals is only used to mean the exams at the end of a degree programme. Examination is a much more formal word for an exam. A test is sth that students might be given in the middle of a year, semester or course of study, covering only part of the material. Test is also usually used when it is a practical skill or physical or mental ability, rather than academic knowledge, that is being tested. * exam是学校举行的考试,形式可以是笔试、口试或操作考试,通常为年终、期末或课程结业时的重要考试。在美国,这种考试常称为final exams,或仅称finals。在英国,finals仅指学位课程结束时的考试。examination是exam正式得多的说法。test指在年度、学期或课程学习中间进行的测验,仅考查部分学习内容。test亦常指对操作技能、体能或智力,而非学术知识的测试an endurance test耐力测试an IQ test智商测试 (BrE) a driving test驾照考试 (NAmE) a driver's test驾照考试 paper [countable] (BrE) a set of exam questions on a particular subject; the answers that people write to the questions 试卷;试题;答卷The geography paper was hard.地理试题很难。She spent the evening marking exam papers.她用了一个晚上批阅试卷。 quiz (plural quizzes) [countable] (especially NAmE) a short informal test given to students 小测验After reading a book, students take a short reading comprehension quiz.读了一本书后,学生做了一次阅读理解小测验。We had a pop quiz (= one that we were not told about in advance) in math class today.我们今天的数学课进行了突击小测验。 oral / /ˈɔːrəl/ / [countable] a spoken exam 口试I've got my French oral on Tuesday.我星期二要参加法语口试。He passed the written exam, but failed the oral.他通过了笔试,但口试不及格。In British English, an oral is usually an exam in a foreign language to test your speaking skills. In American English, an oral usually refers to a spoken exam in college in which the student answers questions in any subject. 在英式英语中,oral通常指外语考试中的口试。在美式英语中,oral通常指大学里学生回答某科目问题的口试。 practical [countable] (BrE, rather informal) a lesson or exam in science or technology in which students have to do or make things, not just read and write about them 实习课;实践课;实验考核The course involves lectures, demonstrations and practicals.这门课程包括讲课、演示和实习。The second part of the exam is a three-hour practical.考试第二部分是三个小时的实际操作。




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