

单词 absorb
absorb verb
interest (work absorbs sb) use2 (absorb money/time) withstand (absorb shock)


 See also the entry for delight 另见delight条interest ♦︎ appeal ♦︎ attract ♦︎ fascinate ♦︎ intrigue ♦︎ absorb ♦︎ rivet ♦︎ gripThese words all mean to catch and keep your attention. 这些词均表示使感兴趣、使关注。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达使人感兴趣的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to attract / rivet / grip sb's attentiona question / subject interests / fascinates / intrigues sbto really interest sb / appeal to sb / attract / fascinate / intrigue sb interest [transitive] to catch and keep your attention 使感兴趣;使关注Politics just doesn't interest me.我对政治毫无兴趣。The musuem has something to interest everyone.这所博物馆有让每个人都感兴趣的东西。It may interest you to know that he didn't accept the offer.或许你有兴趣知道,他没有接受这份工作。She has always interested herself in (= given her attention to) helping younger musicians.她始终留意提携年轻音乐家。 appeal [intransitive] to be sth that you like 让人喜欢;有吸引力;有感染力The prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal.想到要在雨中久等使人扫兴。It's a book that appeals to people of all ages.这是一本老幼皆宜的书。 attract [transitive, usually passive](of a thing) to have qualities that you notice and like it; (of a person) to have qualities that make you like and admire them (事物)吸引,使喜爱;(人)引起⋯的好感(或爱慕)That was what first attracted me to the place.那就是最初吸引我来到此地的原因。I had always been attracted by the idea of working abroad.我一直向往去国外工作。What first attracted me about her was her sense of humour.首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。 OPP repel shock verb see also tempt tempt fascinate / /ˈfæsɪneɪt/ / [transitive, intransitive] to attract or interest sb very much, often because you feel that there is a lot you can learn or that sth is mysterious 深深吸引;迷住China has always fascinated me.中国一直令我心驰神往。The private lives of the rich and famous never fail to fascinate.富豪名流的私生活总让人津津乐道。 intrigue / /ɪnˈtriːg/ / [transitive] to make sb very interested and want to know more about sth, usually because it seems unusual or mysterious 激起⋯的兴趣;引发⋯的好奇心There was something about him that intrigued her.他有种特质令她着迷。 absorb [transitive] to interest sb very much so that they pay no attention to anything else 吸引⋯的全部注意力;使沉迷The work had absorbed him for several years.有好几年的时间他专心致力于那项工作。She was completely absorbed in the task.她全身心投入那项任务。 rivet / /ˈrɪvɪt/ / [transitive, usually passive] to hold sb's interest or attention so completely that they cannot look away or think of anything else 使痴迷;彻底吸引I was absolutely riveted by her story.我完全被她的故事吸引住了。My eyes were riveted on the figure lying in the road.我眼睛紧盯着躺在路上的那个人。 grip (-pp-) [transitive] to interest or excite sb very much; to hold sb's attention completely 使极感兴趣;使非常激动;完全吸引住(某人)的注意The book grips you from the first page to the last.这本书从头至尾扣人心弦。The atmosphere of the World Cup gripped the nation.世界杯的气氛令举国兴奋。


use a computer/the bus/force/your common sense 用计算机;坐公共汽车;诉诸武力;运用常识use electricity/all the milk 耗电;把牛奶用光use ♦︎ use sth up ♦︎ consume ♦︎ expend ♦︎ deplete ♦︎ drain ♦︎ absorb ♦︎ exhaust ♦︎ get through sthThese words all mean to take sth for a particular purpose so that there is less or none of it left. 这些词均表示消耗、耗费、耗尽。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to use / use up / consume / expend / deplete / drain / absorb / exhaust resourcesto use / use up / deplete / exhaust a supply / supplies of sthto use / deplete / drain / exhaust reserves of sthto use / use up / consume / expend moneyto use / deplete / drain / exhaust fundsto use / consume / expend / absorb timeto use / use up / consume / expend / drain / absorb / exhaust energyto use / use up / consume / deplete / absorb / exhaust sth quicklyto consume / deplete / absorb / exhaust sth rapidlyto use up / consume / drain / absorb / exhaust sth completely use [transitive] to take a particular amount of time, money, energy or a substance in order to achieve or make sth 消耗(时间、金钱、能量或物料)This type of heater uses a lot of electricity.这种加热器耗电量很大。I hope you haven't used all the milk.我希望你没有把牛奶用光。You should learn to use your time more efficiently.你应该学会更有效地利用时间。 ˌuse sth ˈup

phrasal verb

to use all of sth so that there is none left 用尽;花光;吃光Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables.把剩下的蔬菜全部用来做汤是个好办法。I'm wondering how to arrange the furniture without using up too much space.我正琢磨怎样摆放家具才不占用太多空间。
consume / /kənˈsjuːm; NAmE kənˈsuːm/ [transitive] (rather formal, written) to use sth, especially fuel, energy or time 消耗,耗费(尤指燃料、能量或时间)My new car consumes much less fuel.我的新车耗油少很多。The production of new paper from wood pulp consumes vast amounts of energy.用木浆造新纸耗费大量能源。People do not usually consume resources, but things and processes do. * consume表示耗费资源时,主语通常不能是人,而是事物和过程The government has consumed large sums of public money. Bureaucracy consumes money that could have been spent on public services.官僚体制耗费的钱本可以花在公共事业上。 see also consume eat consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃn/ /


[uncountable] Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather.燃气和燃油的消耗量在天冷时总会增加。
expend / /ɪkˈspend/ / [transitive] (formal) to use sth, especially time, money, energy or effort 花费,消费,耗费(尤指时间、金钱、能量或精力)The government has expended large sums of public money on a failing project.政府在一个失败的项目上花费了巨额公帑。Unlike most animals, mussels do not expend energy looking for food.与大多数动物不同,蚌不在觅食上花费精力。 see also spend spend 1 expenditure / /ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)/ /


[uncountable] This study represents a major expenditure of time and effort.这项研究意味着要耗费大量的时间和精力。
deplete / /dɪˈpliːt/ / [transitive, usually passive] (rather formal) to reduce sth by a large amount so that there is not enough left 大量减少;耗尽;使枯竭Food supplies were severely depleted.食品供应已严重不足。Fossil fuel reserves are being depleted at an alarming rate.矿物燃料的贮藏量正以惊人的速度耗减。 depletion / /dɪˈpliːʃn/ /


[uncountable] ozone depletion臭氧耗损the depletion of fish stocks鱼类的数量锐减
drain [transitive] to make sb/sth poorer or weaker, by using up their/its money or strength 使(金钱或力气)耗尽My mother's hospital expenses were slowly draining away my income.我母亲的住院开销把我的收入渐渐耗光了。I felt drained of energy.我感到筋疲力尽。The experience left her emotionally drained.这次经历使她心灰意懒。 a drain on sth


[singular] Military spending is a huge drain on the country's resources.军费开支是对国家财力的巨大消耗。
absorb [transitive] to use up a large supply of sth, especially money or time 耗费,耗去(大量金钱、时间等)The new proposals would absorb $80 million of the federal budget.这些新提案将耗费联邦政府8 000万元的预算。 exhaust / /ɪgˈzɔːst/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to use sth up 用尽;花光;吃光Within three days they had exhausted their supply of food.他们在三天之内就把贮存的食物吃光了。Don't give up until you have exhausted all the possibilities.只要还有可能就别放弃。NOTE 辨析 Use sth up or exhaust? Exhaust is rather formal and is used especially when talking about using up things in large quantities or things which are very important. Use sth up is used especially to talk about smaller quantities of less important things. * exhaust颇为正式,尤指耗尽量大或很重要的东西。use sth up尤指用光量较小且不太重要的东西They had exhausted their food supply.他们把贮存的食物吃光了。They had used up their food supply. Sorry-I've used up the milk.对不起,我把牛奶用光了。Sorry-I've exhausted the milk. ˈget through sth

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten)to use a large amount of sth 大量消耗We got through a fortune while we were in New York!我们在纽约时花掉了一大笔钱!We get through a lot of paper in the office.我们办公室的用纸量很大。


withstand ♦︎ tolerate ♦︎ stand ♦︎ resist ♦︎ absorb ♦︎ stand up to sthThese words all mean to be strong enough not to be harmed or damaged by sth. 这些词均表示承受住、抵住。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to withstand / tolerate / stand / resist high temperatures / heatto withstand / tolerate / stand (harsh, dry, etc.) conditionsto withstand / resist / stand up to stress / wearto withstand / resist attack / damageto withstand / stand the pressure / strain / weight withstand /wɪðˈstænd, wɪθˈstænd/ (withstood, withstood) [transitive] (formal) to be strong enough not to be harmed or damaged by extreme conditions or the use of force 承受,抵住,经受住(极端条件或武力)The boat was built to withstand just about every weather condition.这只船的设计能够承受几乎各种天气状况。They had withstood siege, hunger and deprivation.他们经受了围困、饥饿和贫穷。 tolerate /ˈtɒləreɪt; NAmE ˈtɑːləreɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) (of people, animals and plants) to be able to be affected by a drug or difficult conditions without being harmed (人、动物和植物)对(药物)有耐受能力,能经受(困难条件)Young and elderly people cannot tolerate alcohol as well as other adults.儿童和老人对酒精的耐受性都不如成年人。Few plants will tolerate sudden changes in temperature.很少有植物能经受得住气温的突变。 stand (stood, stood) [transitive] (used especially with can/could 尤与can/could连用) to be able to survive pressure or extreme conditions without being harmed or damaged 经受,承受,经得起(压力或极端条件)His heart won't stand the strain much longer.他的心脏对这种压力承受不了多久了。Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures.新型塑料耐高温和耐低温能力很强。 resist [transitive] to be strong enough not to be harmed or damaged by sth 经受住,抗(伤害)A healthy diet should help your body resist infection.健康饮食有助于身体抗感染。This new paint is designed to resist heat.这种新油漆有耐热特性。 Resist is used to describe an object, material or structure which is strong enough not to be damaged by the force of an attack, extreme weather conditions, etc. * resist指物体、材料或结构经得住击打或极端天气等The castle was built to resist attack.这座城堡为了抵御攻击而建。It is thick enough to resist breaking (= it will not break), even under impact.它的厚度使之即便受到撞击也不会碎裂。It is also used to describe an object or material which will not allow sth, such as water, to enter through its surface and cause damage. * resist还用于指物体或材料能防止水等进入表面造成破坏They are treated with silicone to enable them to resist damp.它们经过硅酮处理,能防潮。If a person, plant or animal resists a disease or virus, they are strong enough to fight it and not become ill. * resist可指人或动植物有抗病能力crops which resist disease and pest attack能抵御病虫害的庄稼 see also resistance strength absorb /əbˈsɔːb, əbˈzɔːb; NAmE əbˈsɔːrb, əbˈzɔːrb/ [transitive](of an object or material) to reduce the effect of a blow or hit (物体或材料)减轻(打击或撞击)的作用This tennis racket absorbs shock on impact.这只网球拍能在击打时减震。 ˌstand ˈup to sth

phrasal verb

(stood, stood)(of materials or products) to remain in good condition in spite of rough treatment or extreme conditions (材料或产品)经受得住,能承受(粗暴对待或极端条件)The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.这种地毯设计得十分耐磨。




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