

单词 olect_quote_0


quote ♦︎ cite ♦︎ repeat ♦︎ say ♦︎ recite ♦︎ narrate ♦︎ dictateThese words all mean to repeat words that another person has said or written. 这些词均表示引用、复述。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to quote / cite / repeat / recite / dictate a passageto quote / repeat / say / recite a lineto quote / recite (a) poem / speech / poetryto narrate / dictate a story quote [transitive, intransitive] to say or write the exact words that another person has said or written 引用;引述He quoted a passage from the prime minister's speech.他引用了首相的一段讲话。The figures quoted in this article refer only to Britain.本文援引的数字仅指英国。Don't quote me on this (= this is not an official statement), but I think she is going to resign.不要说这话是我讲的,但我想她打算辞职。Quote this reference number in all correspondence.请在所有函件中标明这个编号。They said they were quoting from a recent report.他们说他们引用的是最近的一份报告。 see also quote mention verb , quotation reference cite [transitive] (formal) to say or write the exact words from a book, piece of writing or author, especially in order to support a statement in a piece of academic writing or a report 引用,引述,援引(尤指为学术文章或报告中的某个说法提供依据)She cited a passage from the President's speech.她引用了总统的一段讲话。 see also cite mention verb , citation reference repeat [transitive] to say aloud sth that sb else has said, often in order to learn it 复述,跟读(常指为学习)Listen and repeat each sentence after me.先听再跟着我朗读每个句子。Can you repeat what I've just said word for word?你能一字不差地复述我刚才说过的话吗? say (said, said) [transitive] to repeat the words of sth such as a prayer or speech 念,朗诵,背诵(祷告词、讲话稿等)He said a quiet prayer to himself.他在心中默祷。Try to say that line with more conviction.朗诵这一句时语气要更加坚定。 recite / /rɪˈsaɪt/ / [transitive] to say aloud a poem, piece of literature, etc. that you have learned, especially to an audience (尤指对听众)背诵,吟诵,朗诵(文学作品等)Each child had to recite a poem to the class.每个孩子都得对着全班同学背诵一首诗。 narrate /nəˈreɪt; NAmE ˈnæreɪt/ [transitive] to speak the words that form the text of a film or television programme, especially a documentary (= a factual programme) 给(纪录片等电影或电视节目)作解说The film was narrated by Andrew Sachs.这部电影是由安德鲁•萨克斯解说的。 dictate /dɪkˈteɪt; NAmE ˈdɪkteɪt/ [transitive, intransitive] to say words aloud for sb else to write down 口述(以供记录)She dictated a letter to her secretary.她向秘书口授信稿。OK, you write, I'll dictate.好了,你写,我来口授。




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