

单词 directive
directive noun


order ♦︎ instruction ♦︎ injunction ♦︎ directive ♦︎ decree ♦︎ commandThese are all words for sth that sb is told to do, especially by sb in authority. 这些词均表示指示、命令。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配under sb's orders / sb's instructions / an injunction / a directive / a decreein accordance with an order / instructions / a directive / a decreeby order / decree(a) written order / instructions / directive(a) clear order / instructions / directive / command(a) direct / final order / instructions / commandto issue an order / instructions / an injunction / a directive / a decree / a commandto obey / ignore an order / instructions / an injunction / a directive / a commandto sign an order / an injunction / a directive / a decreeto implement / follow / comply with an order / instructions / a directiveto give / receive / carry out an order / instructions / a command order [countable] something that sb is told to do by sb in authority 指示;命令He gave orders for the work to be started.他下令开始工作。The general gave the order to advance.将军下令前进。I'm under orders not to let anyone in.我奉命不准任何人进入。Interest rates can be controlled by order of the central bank.利率可由中央银行管控。I don't take orders from you!我不听你的吩咐!Under the court order, she is allowed no contact with him.依法庭庭谕,她不得与他接触。 instruction [countable, usually plural] something that sb tells you to do 指示;命令;吩咐She called you on my instructions.她遵照我的指示给你打电话。He left strict instructions that the box should only be opened after his death.他严格吩咐,那个盒子必须在他死后才能打开。She carried out his instructions to the letter (= followed them in every detail).她一丝不苟地执行他的命令。 injunction / /ɪnˈdʒʌŋkʃn/ / [countable] (law 法律) an official order given by a court which demands that sth must or must not be done (法院的)强制令,禁制令The court granted an injunction against the defendants.法庭对被告发出了禁制令。She took out an injunction to prevent the press from publishing the information.她拿到了一份阻止新闻媒体发布这条消息的禁制令。It was agreed that the temporary injunction should be lifted.大家一致同意应该解除临时强制令。In formal English, injunction can also have the more general meaning of 'a warning from sb in authority'. 在正式英语中,injunction还有更一般性的意义为“警告、指令、命令”The rank and file members will follow the injunction of the party leadership.普通党员一定要遵循党领导的指示。 directive / /dəˈrektɪv, dɪrektɪv, daɪrektɪv/ [countable] an official instruction, especially about how sth should be done (尤指关于某事应该怎么做的)指示,命令The EU has issued a new set of directives on pollution.欧盟发布了一系列关于污染的新指令。Don't start anything without a clear directive from management.没有管理层的明确指示,不要着手做任何事情。 decree /dɪˈkriː/ / [countable, uncountable] an official order from a ruler or government that becomes law 法令;政令In an emergency decree, the government banned all political gatherings.政府在一项紧急法令中禁止所有政治集会。The general ruled by decree.将军实行专制统治。 see also decree rule verb 2 command [countable] an order given to a person, especially by a military officer, or to an animal (尤指军队长官的或给动物的)命令He issued the command to retreat.他下令撤退。Begin when I give the command.我发命令就开始。She has been teaching her dog simple commands.她一直在教她的狗服从简单的指令。




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