

单词 dirt
dirt noun
dirt (covered in dirt) report4 (dish the dirt) soil (a dirt track)


dirt ♦︎ dust ♦︎ pollution ♦︎ soot ♦︎ grimeThese are all words for substances that make sth dirty. 这些词均表示污物、脏污。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be covered in / with dirt / dust / soot / grimeto be streaked with dirt / sootto remove dirt / dust / soot / grimeto wash the dirt / dust / grime off / from sthto clean the dirt / dust off / from sthto brush the dirt / dust off / from stha layer of dirt / dust / grimea speck of dirt / dust dirt [uncountable] any substance that makes sth dirty, for example soil or mud 污物;尘土;烂泥First remove any dirt from the surface.首先清除表面的污垢。The problem with white is that it soon shows the dirt.白色的缺点是容易显脏。 dust [uncountable] the fine powder of dirt that forms in buildings, on furniture, floors and other surfaces (室内各种表面积聚的)灰尘,尘埃There wasn't a speck of dust anywhere.到处都一尘不染。She is allergic to house dust.她对房子里的灰尘过敏。 pollution / /pəˈluːʃn/ / [uncountable] any substance that makes air, water, soil or other natural things dirty (破坏自然环境的)污染物The new buses emit no more pollution than the average car.新型公共汽车的污染物排放量跟普通汽车一样少。Pollution on British beaches is a serious problem.英国海滩上的秽物垃圾是个严重问题。 pollute


[transitive] the exhaust fumes that are polluting our cities污染我们城市的废气
soot / /sʊt/ / [uncountable] black powder that is produced when sth such as wood or coal is burnt 煤烟子;油烟The fireplace was blackened with soot.壁炉被煤烟子弄黑了。 grime [uncountable] dirt that forms a layer on the surface of sth 一层污垢;积垢The window sills were covered in dust and grime.窗台上积满了灰尘和污垢。


commission a report on the health service 委托撰写有关公共医疗服务的调查报告newspaper reports 报纸的报道a progress/medical report 进度/医疗报告unconfirmed reports of a shooting 未经证实的枪击事件传言report ♦︎ rumour ♦︎ talk ♦︎ scandal ♦︎ gossip ♦︎ hearsay ♦︎ dirtThese are all words for a story or piece of information that sb tells you, that may or may not be true. 这些词均表示或真或假的传闻。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the reports / rumours / talk / scandal / gossip / hearsay / dirt about sb / sthreports / rumours / talk of sth happeningamid reports / rumours / talk of sthreports / rumours / talk / gossip that...a / an false / baseless / unconfirmed report / rumourto spread reports / rumours / gossipto hear / believe reports / rumours / talk / gossipto deny / confirm reports / rumours report [countable] a story or piece of news that may or may not be true (或真或假的)传闻I don't believe these reports of UFO sightings.我不相信这些有关目击不明飞行物的传言。There are unconfirmed reports of a shooting in the capital.有未经证实的传言说首都发生了枪击事件。 rumour (BrE) (NAmE rumor) / /ˈruːmə(r)/ / [countable, uncountable] a piece of information, or a story, that people talk about, and sometimes try to spread deliberately, but that may not be true 谣言;传闻There are widespread rumours of job losses.到处谣传要裁员。Some malicious rumours are circulating about his past.有些别有用心的谣言传出,说他过去如何如何。Rumour has it (= people say) that he was murdered.有传言说他被杀害了。 be rumoured (BrE) (NAmE be rumored)


[transitive, passive] It's widely rumoured that she's getting promoted.到处都在传要提拔她了。He was rumoured to be involved in the crime.有传言说他卷入了这一犯罪事件。
talk [uncountable] stories that suggest that a particular thing might happen in the future (关于未来的)传言,流言蜚语,揣测There was talk in Washington of sending in troops.华盛顿有派兵的谣传。 scandal [uncountable] (disapproving) talk or news reports about shocking or immoral things that people have done, that are usually unkind and may not be true 关于丑行的传言(或报道);丑闻The newspapers are full of scandal about her private life.报上充斥着她的私生活丑闻。(A) scandal [countable, uncountable] is an event or behaviour that people think is morally or legally wrong and causes public feelings of shock or anger. * scandal指人们认为在道德或法律上有错并引起公众震惊或愤怒情绪的事件或行为a series of sex scandals一系列性丑闻to cause / create a scandal引发丑闻The scandal broke (= became known to the public) in 2006.这桩丑行是在2006年披露的。There has been no hint of scandal during his time in office.他在任期间没有任何丑闻。 gossip [uncountable] (sometimes disapproving) informal talk or stories about other people's private lives, that may be unkind or not true 流言蜚语;闲言碎语Tell me all the latest gossip!把最新的小道消息都讲给我听听吧!office gossip办公室八卦 see also gossip chat verb NOTE 辨析 Scandal or gossip? Scandal is always unkind and is usually more shocking than gossip. * scandal总是指丑闻,通常比gossip更令人震惊。 hearsay /ˈhɪəseɪ; NAmE ˈhɪrseɪ/ [uncountable] (often used in legal contexts 常用于法律语境) (rather formal) things that you have heard from another person but do not definitely know to be true 道听途说;传闻Her evidence was dismissed as hearsay.她提供的证据被视为道听途说而未被采纳。 dirt [uncountable] (informal) unpleasant or harmful information about sb that could be used to damage their reputation or career (可能有损声誉或事业的)丑闻,流言蜚语Do you have any dirt on the new guy?你知道新来的那个人的丑闻吗?She just loves to dish the dirt (= tell people unkind or unpleasant things about sb).她就喜欢说人坏话。He'd been trying to dig up some dirt on his political rival.他一直在努力挖出政敌的丑闻。


 See also the entry for land 2 另见land条第2义soil ♦︎ mud ♦︎ dust ♦︎ clay ♦︎ land ♦︎ earth ♦︎ dirt ♦︎ ground ♦︎ peatThese are all words for the top layer of the earth in which plants grow. 这些词均表示土壤、泥土、土地。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配dry soil / mud / dust / clay / land / earth / dirt / ground / peatwet / soft soil / mud / clay / earth / dirt / ground / peatdamp / moist soil / clay / earth / dirt / ground / peatheavy soil / mud / clay / land / dirt / groundmarshy soil / land / groundsandy soil / earth / dirt / groundgood / rich soil / land / earth / peatfertile / infertile / poor soil / land / groundto dig the soil / mud / clay / land / earth / ground / peatto cultivate / till / fertilize / drain the soil / land / ground soil [uncountable, countable] the top layer of the earth in which plants grow 泥土;土壤Plant the seedlings in damp soil.把秧苗种在潮湿的土壤里。Cutting down forest trees can lead to serious soil erosion.砍伐森林会导致严重的水土流失。the study of rocks and soils对岩石和土壤的研究 see also soil floor 1 mud [uncountable] wet soil that is soft and sticky 泥;淤泥;泥浆The car wheels got stuck in the mud.汽车轮子陷在淤泥里了。Your boots are covered in mud.你的靴子上都是泥。They live in mud huts with grass roofs.他们住的是茅草铺顶的土坯屋。 see also muddy dirty dust [uncountable] a fine powder that consists of very small pieces of rock, earth, etc. 沙土;尘土A cloud of dust rose as the truck set off.卡车开走时扬起一片沙尘。They rolled in the dust, fighting.他们在沙土里翻滚打架。The workers wear masks to stop them from inhaling the dust.工人戴着面罩以免吸入尘土。 dusty


They plodded along the dusty road.他们拖着沉重的脚步走在尘土飞扬的路上。
clay [uncountable] a type of heavy sticky soil that becomes hard when it is baked and is used to make things such as pots and bricks 黏土;陶土Not much can grow in the wet clay here.在这里的湿黏土里种庄稼收成不多。She moulded the clay into the shape of a head.她把陶土做成一个人头的形状。 land [uncountable] an area of ground, especially of a particular type (尤指某类型的)地带,土地an area of rich, fertile land一片丰腴的土地His family had worked the land for generations (= grown crops or raised animals on it).他家祖祖辈辈在这块土地上耕种。They own a small plot of land.他们拥有一小块土地。 see also land floor 1 , land land noun 1 2 earth [uncountable] the substance that plants grow in 土;泥;泥土She put a couple of handfuls of earth into the pot.她将几把泥土装到花盆里。In the air was the smell of freshly dug earth.空气中弥漫着刚刚翻松过的泥土的气味。Earth is often used to talk about the soil found in gardens or used for gardening. * earth常指花园里的土壤或园艺用土。 see also earth floor 1 earthy


earthy colours / smells泥土的颜色/气味
dirt [uncountable] (especially NAmE) soil, especially loose soil 泥土;(尤指)松土,散土He picked up a handful of dry dirt.他抓起一把干土。Pack the dirt firmly around the plants.把植物周围的土培实。They lived in a shack with a dirt floor.他们住在一间土地面的棚屋里。 ground [uncountable] an area of soil 土地Dig a hole in the ground about ten inches across.在地上挖一个宽约10英寸的坑。There was a small patch of ground at the side of the cottage.村舍旁边有一小片土地。 Ground is not used to talk about loose soil. * ground不指松土a handful of dry ground see also ground floor 1 peat [uncountable] a soft black or brown substance formed from decaying plants just under the surface of the ground, especially in cool wet areas. It can be used to improve garden soil or burned as a fuel. 泥煤;泥炭Dig some peat into the soil before planting.种植前把一些泥炭掺到土壤里。a peat bog (= the place where peat is naturally formed) 泥炭沼 peaty


peaty soils泥炭土




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