

单词 extent
extent noun
level (the extent of his knowledge) size (the full extent of the beach) to some extent partly adv.


level ♦︎ degree ♦︎ scale ♦︎ extent ♦︎ size ♦︎ proportions ♦︎ magnitudeThese are all words for the amount or importance of sth, especially if it is very large. 这些词均表示程度、级别、规模或重要性。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the true level / extent / size of sththe full scale / extent / size of sththe sheer scale / extent / size / magnitude of sth(a) manageable level / scale / size / proportions(a) global level / scale / proportionsto assess / judge the level / degree / scale / extent / size / magnitude of sthto realize the level / degree / scale / extent / size of sthto calculate the level / extent of sththe scale / extent / size / magnitude of the problemthe scale / extent of the damage level [countable] the amount of sth that exists in a particular situation at a particular time (某个时间和情况下存在的)数量,程度,浓度These cities have relatively low levels of unemployment.这些城市的失业率相对较低。a test to check the level of alcohol in the blood对血液中酒精含量的测试High stress levels will affect employees' productivity.精神压力大会影响雇员的工作效率。The aim is to reduce pollution levels in the city.目标是降低城市的污染水平。 degree [countable] how far sth is true; the level of a quality that sb/sth has or needs 程度;级别I agree with you to a certain degree.我在某种程度上同意你的观点。To what degree can parents be held responsible for a child's behaviour?父母应在多大程度上对孩子的行为负责呢?Most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by the blues.大多数流行音乐或多或少都受到布鲁斯音乐的影响。Her job demands a high degree of skill.她的工作对技能的要求很高。 scale [uncountable, singular] how large or important sth is, especially when compared with sth else (尤指与其他事物相比较时的)规模,范围,程度It was impossible to comprehend the full scale of the disaster.这场灾难的严重程度当时还无法充分了解。We are striving to achieve economies of scale in production (= to produce many items so the cost of producing each one is reduced).我们正在努力达到规模生产。They entertain on a large scale (= they hold expensive parties with a lot of guests).他们大宴宾客。Here was corruption on a grand scale.这里的腐败曾十分严重。 see also full-scale detailed , large-scale wide 1 extent [uncountable, singular] how large or important sth is; how far sth is true; how great an effect sth has 程度;限度She was exaggerating the true extent of the problem.她夸大了问题的严重性。I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge.他知识之渊博令我感到惊奇。To some extent what she argues is true.她的论证在某种程度上是符合事实的。To what extent is this true of all schools?这在多大程度上符合所有学校的实际情况呢?NOTE 辨析 Scale or extent?The scale of sth is how large it is; its extent is how far it goes. In many cases there is no real difference between the two. * scale指事物的规模,extent指事物的程度。在许多情况下这两个词并无实质差别the scale / extent of the problem / damage问题的严重性;损坏的程度However, you are more likely to try to assess/measure/calculate the extent of sth, while you simply try to comprehend/grasp the scale of sth. Some qualities, such as knowledge, are considered as being wide rather than large, and so have extent rather than scale. 然而,更常说assess/measure/calculate the extent of sth(评估/测量/计算程度),以及comprehend/grasp the scale of sth(认识/理解严重性)。有些特质,如knowledge,一般看成是范围广而非规模大,所以要用extent而非scaleI was amazed at the scale of his knowledge. size [uncountable] the large amount or extent of sth 大量;大规模You should have seen the size of their house!你真该看看他们的房子有多大!We were shocked at the size of his debts.他欠债之多让我们震惊。 proportions /prəˈpɔːʃnz; NAmE prəˈpɔːrʃnz/ [plural] the size and shape of an area; the scale of a task or problem 面积;体积;(任务或问题的)规模,程度The apartment is of generous proportions, with a large kitchen and dining area.这套公寓很宽敞,厨房和餐厅的面积很大。When describing a task or problem, proportions is often used in order to say whether the task/problem can be managed easily or not. 描述任务或问题时,常用proportions来表示它们是否易于操作或解决This method divides the task into more manageable proportions.这个方法把任务分解成一些较易操作的步骤。The food shortage could soon reach crisis proportions.粮食短缺可能很快就会达到危机的程度。The virus has not yet reached epidemic proportions.这种病毒尚未发展成大规模的传染病。 magnitude /ˈmægnɪtjuːd; NAmE ˈmægnɪtuːd/ [uncountable] (formal) how large or important sth is, especially when it is very large or important 巨大;重大;重要性We did not realize the magnitude of the problem.我们当时没有意识到这个问题的重要性。This is a discovery of the first magnitude (= it is very important).这是一项极为重要的发现。We are talking about something of a different order of magnitude (= so much larger or more important that it cannot easily be compared with other examples).我们在谈论一件非同寻常的重大事情。


size ♦︎ measurement ♦︎ area ♦︎ capacity ♦︎ dimension ♦︎ volume ♦︎ bulk ♦︎ extentThese are all words for how large sth is or the amount of space it covers. 这些词均表示某物的大小、面积、体积。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an area / a capacity / a volume of 30 metres / litres, etc.in size / area / capacity / volume / bulk / extentthe exact size / measurements / area / dimensions / extenta large / small size / area / capacity / volumemaximum size / capacity / dimensions / volume / extenttotal size / area / capacity / volume(a) limited size / area / capacity / dimensionsto measure the size / area / dimensions / volume of sthto calculate the size / area / volume of sth size [uncountable, countable] how large a person or thing is 大小;面积;规模It's an area the size of (= the same size as) New Jersey.它的面积有新泽西州那么大。It's similar in size to a tomato.它的大小和西红柿差不多。The facilities are excellent for a town that size.对于如此规模的一个城镇来说,其设施堪称一流。The kitchen is a good size (= not small).这厨房够大的。Dogs come in all shapes and sizes.狗有大有小,体形也各不相同。 measurement [countable, usually plural] the size, length or amount of sth (某物的)尺寸,长度,数量The exact measurements of the room are 3 metres 20 by 2 metres 84.这间屋子的准确尺寸是长3.20米,宽2.84米。I'll need to take your waist measurement.我需要量一下你的腰围。Do you know your measurements (= the size of parts of your body)?你知道自己的尺寸吗?By making careful measurements of the eclipses, astronomers have made great progress in understanding them.通过对日食、月食的仔细测量,天文学家对此有了更多的了解。 measure


[intransitive, transitive] The main bedroom measures 12ft by 15ft.主卧室宽12英尺,长15英尺。A ship's speed is measured in knots.轮船的速度以节来测量。This is a special device that measures the level of radiation in the atmosphere.这是用于测量大气层中辐射水平的一种专用仪器。
area [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the amount of space covered by a flat surface or piece of land, described as a measurement 面积How do you work out the area of a right-angled triangle?怎样计算直角三角形的面积?The room is 12 square metres in area.这个房间面积为12平方米。The country has a total area of around a million square miles.这个国家总面积大约为100万平方英里。 capacity [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the number of people or things that a container or space can hold 容量;容积;容纳能力The theatre has a seating capacity of 2 000.这个剧院可容纳2 000名观众。The fuel tank has a capacity of 50 litres.这个油箱的容量为50升。a hard disk storage capacity of 500 megabytes500兆的硬盘存储容量The hall was filled to capacity (= was completely full).大厅里座无虚席。They played to a capacity crowd (= one that filled all the space or seats).他们给坐满全场的观众表演。 dimension /daɪˈmenʃn, dɪˈmenʃn/ [countable, usually plural] a measurement in space, for example the height, width or length of sth (构成空间的)维(如长、宽、高);尺寸We measured the dimensions of the kitchen.我们测量了厨房的大小。The images can be viewed in three dimensions using these special glasses.用这种特制眼镜观看这些图像可以得到立体效果。 volume [uncountable, countable] the amount of space that an object or substance fills; the amount of space that a container has 体积;容积;容量How do you measure the volume of a gas?怎样计量气体的体积呢?What volume of water would be needed to fill the aquarium?装满这个鱼缸需要多少立方的水?In the experiment, lighted candles were put under jars of different volumes.实验中,用不同容量的罐子把一些点燃的蜡烛扣住。 bulk [uncountable] the large size or quantity of sth (大的)体积,量Despite its bulk and weight, the car is extremely fast.尽管这辆汽车又大又重,速度却非常快。A charge of £2.50 per copy is made for bulk orders (= for a large number of similar items).大批量的订单收费为每册2.50英镑。It's cheaper to buy in bulk.批发购买会便宜些。 extent [uncountable] the physical size of an area 大小;面积;范围You can't see the full extent of the beach from here.从这儿看不到海滩的全貌。The island is 300 square kilometres in extent.这个岛面积为300平方公里。 see also extend lead verb 3


 See also the entry for quite 1 另见quite条第1义partly ♦︎ in part ♦︎ partially ♦︎ half ♦︎ to some extent ♦︎ somewhat ♦︎ moderately ♦︎ up to a pointThese words all mean to some degree, but not completely. 这些词均表示一定程度上、部分地。NOTE 辨析 Which word?Compare these words with the words in the entry for quite 1. Those words are generally more positive and emphasize the degree to which sth is good, successful, difficult, etc., even if it is not completely so. The words in this entry are slightly less positive: some tend to look at both how far sth is and is not true, successful, etc.; others tend to emphasize how far from being completely true, successful, etc. sth is. 把这些词同quite条第1义中的词作比较,后者总体来说更具肯定意义,强调某事物是好的、成功的或困难的,即便只是在一定程度上如此。而本词条中的词都略欠肯定意义。一些词既可表示真实性、成功等的程度,也可表示不真实、不成功的程度;另一些词则强调与完全的真实或成功的差距有多大。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配partly / partially / moderately successfulpartly / partially / half trueto some extent / somewhat arbitrarypartly / in part / partially / to some extent because...partly / in part / to some extent due to sthonly partly / partially / half / to some extent / moderately / up to a point partly to some degree; not completely 一定程度上;部分地The measure was popular, partly because it was a way of avoiding tax.这项措施很受欢迎,部分原因是它能避税。The result is partly a matter of skill and partly of chance.出现这一结果既有技术原因也有运气原因。He was only partly responsible for the accident.他对这次事故只负有部分责任。It was partly my fault.部分是我的错。OPP completely quite 2 in ˈpart


(rather formal, especially written) partly; not completely 部分地;不完全地Her success was due in part to luck.她的成功在某种程度上是由于运气好。The money was at least in part provided by the families.这笔钱至少部分是各家各户凑的。
partially /ˈpɑːʃəli; NAmE ˈpɑːrʃəli/ partly; not completely 部分地;不完全地The road was partially blocked by a fallen tree.一棵倒下的树挡住了部分道路。Machines replaced, at least partially, the skills of human workers.机器至少在一定程度上替代了人工。She teaches blind and partially sighted children.她的学生是盲童和弱视儿童。 see also partial partial NOTE 辨析 Partly, in part or partially?These expressions all mean 'not completely'. 这些词均表示不完全地The road is partly / partially finished.已修好了部分道路。 Partly and in part are used especially to talk about the reason for sth and are often followed by because of or due to. * partly和in part尤用于说明原因,常后接because of或due toI didn't enjoy the trip very much, partly because of the weather.我没能很好地享受这次旅行,部分原因是天气不佳。Health problems attributed to air pollution may in part be due to heavy smoking.被认为是空气污染引发的健康问题,在一定程度上可能是过度吸烟造成的。 In part is more formal than partly and is used mostly in writing. When you are talking about permanent physical conditions you should use partially. * in part较partly正式,主要用于书面语。描述永久性的身体状况时,应该用partiallyThe accident left her partially blind / deaf / disabled.这次事故使她视力/听力/活动能力部分受损。 half to the extent of half; partly 到一半程度;部分地The bottle was only half full.瓶子只有半满。I was still half asleep.我仍然半睡半醒。He felt half afraid, half excited.他又害怕,又兴奋。She is half Italian.她有一半意大利血统。I half expected them to follow us.我有点希望他们会跟着我们。The result was not half as (= not nearly as) bad as expected.结果远不如预想的那么差。 to some extent


(rather formal, especially written) used to show that sth is partly true or valid, but not completely 在某种程度上;不完全地To some extent, this is still the case.在某种程度上,情况依然如此。By this time, animals were, to some extent at least, tamed if not domesticated.到了这个时候,动物即使没有完全被驯化,也至少在某种程度上被驯服了。
somewhat (NAmE or rather formal, BrE) to some extent; rather 在某种程度上;有点Her version of what happened was somewhat different.她对事件的描述有些不同。He was somewhat taken aback by the girl's directness.那女孩这么直截了当,倒让他有些吃惊。 moderately /ˈmɒdərətli; NAmE ˈmɑːdərətli/ (rather formal) to an average degree; fairly but not very 一般地;勉强地The plan was only moderately successful.这个计划还算成功。Cook in a moderately hot oven.用不太热的烤箱烤制。 up to a ˈpoint


to some degree but not completely 在某种程度上I agree with you up to a point.我在某种程度上同意你的看法。That is true only up to a point.仅仅在一定程度上是如此。 (especially BrE) I was successful up to a certain point.一定程度上讲,我成功了。Up to a point is the least positive of the expressions in this entry; the emphasis is really on the extent to which sb does not agree or sth is not true. 在这个词条的所有表达方式中,up to a point最缺少肯定意义,要强调的其实是一定程度上某人不同意某种说法或某事并不属实。




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