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abbreviated adj. ⇨ short 3short3 adjective a short time/book/memory 短时间;一本篇幅短的书;记性差short people/legs 个子矮的人;短腿the short answer to your query 对你的询问的简略回答 ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ sharp 2 另见sharp条第2义short ♦︎ brief ♦︎ concise ♦︎ abbreviated ♦︎ succinct ♦︎ economical ♦︎ pithyThese words all describe sth that uses few words or letters, or fewer words than sth else. 这些词均表示简略的、缩写的、简洁的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a short / a brief / a concise / an abbreviated / a succinct account◆a short / a brief / a concise / an abbreviated version◆a short / brief / concise / succinct summary / answer / statement◆a brief / pithy comment◆a concise / a succinct / an economical / a pithy style◆very short / brief / concise / succinct / economical◆relatively short / brief / succinct■ short using few words; being a shorter form of a name or word 简短的;简略的;缩写的◆The short answer to your query is that he has acted completely illegally.对于你的询问,简略回答就是他的行为完全违法。◆Try to keep your sentences short.设法把你的句子写得简短些。◆I've only read the shorter version of the report.我只读了报告的缩略版。◆Call me Jo-it's short for Joanna.叫我乔好了-这是乔安娜的简称。◆file transfer protocol or FTP for short文件传输协议或简称FTP OPP long ⇨ long adj. see also shorten ⇨ shrink ■ brief using few words 简洁的;简短的◆The author makes only a brief mention of the role of Japan in this period.作者提到日本在这一时期的角色时只是简略带过。◆Please be brief (= say what you want to say quickly).请简明扼要。◆Now the rest of the news in brief.现在简要报道其他新闻。▸ briefly adverb ◆Briefly, the argument is as follows...简言之,论据如下⋯NOTE 辨析 Short or brief?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆a short / brief account / version / description / summary / statement / answer简短的叙述/版本/描写/总结/声明/回答 Brief is often used when you are talking about speech rather than writing. * brief常用来形容言语而非文字◆Please be short... However, although a mention is usually brief whether in speech or writing, an answer is more likely to be short, even if it is spoken. 然而,无论是口头提及还是文字写到,mention通常都用brief来形容。answer则更常用short来形容,即使指的是口头回答。 ■ concise / /kənˈsaɪs/ / (rather formal) giving only the information that is necessary and important, using few words 简明的;简练的;简洁的◆She gave us clear and concise instructions.她给我们做了言简意赅的说明。ⓘ Concise can also be used to describe a book that is shorter than the original book, on which it is based. In this meaning it is only used before a noun, not after a linking verb. * concise也可用来形容根据原著改写的缩略版。表达此义时它只用于名词前,不用于连系动词后◆This is just a concise dictionary-you should get yourself something bigger.这只是一本缩略版词典,你应该买一本更大部头的。 see also to the point ⇨ relevant ▸ concisely adverb ◆He spoke clearly and concisely.他讲话言简意赅。■ abbreviated / /əˈbriːvieɪtɪd/ / (of a word, phrase or name) shorter than usual because some letters have been left out, or only the first letters in each word are used (单词、短语或名称)缩略的,缩写的◆On the map, abbreviated forms such as USA and UK are consistently used.地图上经常使用像USA、UK这样的缩写形式。▸ abbreviate verb [transitive] ◆Et cetera is usually abbreviated to etc.et cetera常缩写成etc.。■ succinct / /səkˈsɪŋkt/ / (approving) (of a comment or piece of writing) expressed clearly and using few words (评论或文章)简明的,言简意赅的◆Keep your answers as succinct as possible.答案要尽可能简洁明了。OPP long-winded ⓘ Speech or writing that is long-winded continues for too long and is boring and may be hard to understand. * long-winded指讲话或文章冗长枯燥,可能让人难以理解。 ▸ succinctly adverb ◆You put that very succintly.你说得十分简明扼要。■ economical (rather formal) using no more words, space or energy than is necessary 节俭的;节约的;简洁的◆He uses an economical prose style.他采用简练的散文体。◆an economical use of land / space节约用地;节省空间▸ economically adverb ◆She writes elegantly and economically.她的文章典雅而简练。NOTE 辨析 Concise, succinct or economical? Concise and succinct are used more to talk about how facts are presented; economical is used more often to talk about sb's style of speaking or writing. Succinct suggests that you approve of the way sth is expressed because it is clear and wastes no words; concise is a more factual term, neither approving nor disapproving. * concise和succinct更多用来形容事实的呈现方式,economical更多用来形容某人说话或写作的风格。succinct含褒义,表示言简意赅,concise更注重客观叙述,是中性词。■ pithy / /ˈpɪθi/ / (approving) (of a comment or piece of writing) short but expressed well and full of meaning (评论或文章)言简意赅的,精炼的◆a pithy advertising slogan一句精炼的广告口号 |