

单词 olect_disappointment_0


 See also the entry for disaster 另见disaster条disappointment ♦︎ let-down ♦︎ anticlimaxThese are all words for sth that is disappointing. 这些词均表示令人失望的事情。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a disappointment / let-down for sba real disappointment / let-downa big disappointment / let-downsomething / a bit of a disappointment / a let-down / an anticlimax disappointment [countable] something that is disappointing 让人失望的事;令人扫兴的事It was a great disappointment to us when she left.她的离去使我们特别扫兴。That new restaurant was a big disappointment.那家新餐馆令人大失所望。This news has come as a disappointment to business leaders.这条消息让企业领导失望了。He's suffered a whole string of disappointments this week.他本周遇到一连串不如意的事。 see also disappoint thwart ˈlet-down [countable, usually singular, uncountable] (rather informal) something that is disappointing because it is not as good as you expected it to be 令人失望的事;让人沮丧的事The London exhibition was a bit of a let-down.伦敦展览会有点令人失望。Afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down.事情过后给人留下的只有一种沮丧的感觉。 anticlimax / /ˌæntiˈklaɪmæks/ / [countable, uncountable] something that is disappointing because it is the end of sth that was much more exciting, or because it is not as exciting as you expected it to be 扫兴的结局;扫兴的事Travelling in Europe was something of an anticlimax after the years he'd spent in Africa.在非洲生活了多年之后,到欧洲旅行使他感到有点平淡无奇。There was no hiding the sense of anticlimax, if not downright disappointment.坦白说,人们即使不彻底失望,也会有些扫兴。 OPP climax peak




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