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general adj. ⇨ general 1 (a general problem) ⇨ general 2 (in general terms) ⇨ usual (as a general rule) ⇨ in general ⇨ usually adv.general1 adjective a general problem 普遍的问题in general terms 一般说来 ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ wide 1 另见wide条第1义general ♦︎ common ♦︎ widespread ♦︎ universal ♦︎ prevalent ♦︎ commonplace ♦︎ ubiquitous ♦︎ rifeThese words all describe things that are often or almost always found, done, thought or felt. 这些词均表示普遍的、常见的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆the disease is common / widespread / prevalent / rife◆violence is common / widespread / commonplace / rife◆in general / common / widespread / universal use◆the general / common / widespread / universal / prevalent view◆a general / common / widespread / universal / prevalent problem◆a general / common / widespread / universal feeling◆general / widespread / universal acclaim■ general affecting all or most people, places or things 全体的;普遍的;总的◆The general opinion is that a new bridge is needed.普遍认为需要建一座新桥。◆As a foreigner and a teacher, I was the object of general interest.作为外国人和一名教师,大家都对我感兴趣。◆The unions threatened a further general strike (= one that affects all workers in an industry or country).工会威胁说要举行进一步的总罢工。◆The bad weather has been fairly general (= has affected most areas).坏天气影响的范围相当广。 see also general ⇨ usual ▸ generally adverb ◆The software will be generally available from January.该软件将从1月份开始全面上市。■ common happening often; existing in large numbers or in many places 常见的;通常的;普遍的◆Jones and Davies are common Welsh names.琼斯和戴维斯是常见的威尔士人名。◆The fungus is a common sight in woodlands at this time of year.这种真菌每年这个时节在林地中随处可见。◆It's a common enough situation, I know.我知道这是一种很常见的情况。OPP rare , uncommon ⇨ rare see also commonly ⇨ usually ■ widespread / /ˈwaɪdspred/ / existing or happening over a large area or among many people 分布广的;广泛的;普遍的◆The storm caused widespread damage.暴风雨造成大范围的破坏。◆The decision met with widespread approval.这个决定获得了普遍认可。◆The use of steroids was widespread in many sports.类固醇的使用在许多运动项目中都很普遍。■ universal / /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsl; NAmE ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsl/ done by or involving all the people in the world or in a particular group 普遍的;全体的;全世界的;共同的◆A representative assembly is a near universal feature of modern democracies.代表大会几乎是现代民主的普遍特征。◆Agreement on this issue is almost universal.几乎所有人都同意这一点。◆The party wanted to introduce a universal health care system.该党想推行全民医疗保健制度。▸ universally adverb ◆The document is now universally acknowledged as a forgery.现在普遍认为那份文件是伪造的。■ prevalent /ˈprevələnt/ / (formal) that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place 流行的;普遍存在的;盛行的◆Temporary working is most prevalent among people in service occupations.临时工作在服务业从业人员中最为普遍。◆Our diet contributes to the high levels of heart disease prevalent in this country.饮食导致心脏病在这个国家很常见。 see also prevail ⇨ exist ■ commonplace / /ˈkɒmənpleɪs; NAmE ˈkɑːmənpleɪs/ done very often, or existing in many places, and therefore not unusual or surprising 平凡的;普通的;普遍的◆It is commonplace for soldiers to get very little sleep.士兵睡得很少,这很平常。◆Violent incidents of this kind have become commonplace.这种暴力事件已很普遍。■ ubiquitous /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/ / [usually before noun] (formal or humorous) seeming to be everywhere or in several places at the same time 处处可见的;无所不在的◆The ubiquitous portraits of the president usually showed him in military uniform.总统在他随处可见的画像中通常穿着军装。■ rife / /raɪf/ / [not before noun](of sth bad) very common in a particular place (坏事)盛行,普遍◆Rumours have been rife in media circles all summer.整个夏天,谣言在媒体圈里四处传播。◆Speculation is rife that the company is about to be sold.大家纷纷猜测那家公司要被卖掉。 general2 adjective a general problem 普遍的问题in general terms 一般说来 ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ overall 另见overall条general ♦︎ broad ♦︎ sweepingThese words all describe sth such as an opinion, a statement or a description that is not exact or detailed. 这些词均表示概括的、笼统的、大致的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a general / broad / sweeping assertion / conclusion / statement◆the general / broad context◆in general / broad terms◆a broad / sweeping generalization■ general not exact or detailed but including the most important aspects of sth; approximately, but not exactly, the direction or area mentioned 概括的;笼统的;(方向或地区)大致的◆I check the bookings to get a general idea of what activities to plan.我查了一下预订情况,以便对安排什么活动有个大体想法。◆I know how it works in general terms.我大致知道其运作原理。◆They fired in the general direction of the enemy.他们朝敌人所在的大致方向开了火。 see also general ⇨ usual ■ broad [only before noun] not exact or detailed but including the most important aspects of sth 概括的;大体的;笼统的◆Computer viruses fall into three broad categories.计算机病毒大致分为三类。◆She's a feminist, in the broadest sense of the word.广义而言,她算是个女权主义者。 see also broad ⇨ wide 1 NOTE 辨析 General or broad?In many cases you can use either word. However, general is used slightly more when you are talking about trends. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。不过,general稍多用于谈论动态、趋势◆a general trend / tendency / direction总的趋势/倾向/方向 Broad is used slightly more when you are talking about categories, meanings and aims. * broad稍多用于谈论类别、含义和目标◆a broad category / area大致的类别/领域◆a broad definition / sense / outline广义;纲要◆a broad aim / objective大致的目标 ■ sweeping / /ˈswiːpɪŋ/ / [usually before noun] (disapproving) not exact or detailed and failing to think about or understand particular examples 过于笼统的;一概而论的◆To make such sweeping generalizations about a whole race of people is foolish.对整个民族的人做如此笼统的概括是不智的。 usual adjective usual ♦︎ traditional ♦︎ standard ♦︎ general ♦︎ routine ♦︎ regular ♦︎ habitualThese words all describe things that happen in most cases, especially over a long period, or things that are considered typical of a person. 这些词均表示通常的、惯常的、常规的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to be usual / traditional / routine to do sth◆usual / traditional / routine for sb / sth◆the usual / traditional / standard / general / routine / regular procedure / practice◆the usual / traditional / standard / general / routine / regular / habitual way◆the usual / traditional / standard / general approach◆the usual / traditional / general sense / style◆sb's usual / traditional / habitual role◆usual / standard / general / routine / regular / habitual behaviour◆in the / sb's usual / traditional / standard / habitual manner◆very traditional / general / routine◆fairly usual / traditional / standard / general / routine■ usual that happens or is done most of the time or in most cases 通常的;寻常的;惯常的◆It is usual to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming.讲话前先感谢大家光临,这是惯例。◆It is usual for the employer to pay the costs.通常由雇主来支付这些费用。◆He came home later than usual.他回家比平时晚了些。◆She arrived at the usual time.她到的时间和平时一样。◆She made all the usual excuses.她净找些司空见惯的借口。◆He didn't sound like his usual happy self.他听起来不像平常那个乐天派了。◆Despite the problems staff arrived for work as usual.尽管有困难,员工照常来上班。OPP unusual ⇨ unusual ■ traditional being part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of a group of people that have not changed for a long time 传统的;习俗的;惯例的◆The band plays traditional Celtic music.乐队演奏了传统的凯尔特音乐。◆Most of the buildings are in the traditional style.大多数建筑都是传统风格的。◆It's traditional in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.感恩节吃火鸡是美国的传统。▸ traditionally adverb ◆Traditionally, markets are held in the open air.按照传统,集市设在露天。■ standard of the usual type, without special or unusual features 普通的;正常的;标准的◆Pizza dough is oilier than standard bread dough.比萨饼面团比普通的面包面团含油多。◆Calls will be charged at the standard rate.电话费将按标准资费收取。◆The rifle was standard issue for the British army before the First World War.步枪是第一次世界大战前英国陆军的标准装备。◆All vehicles come with a catalytic converter as standard.所有汽车出售时通常都配有催化转化器。OPP non-standard ⇨ abnormal ■ general [usually before noun] that is true in most cases 一般的;普遍的;常规的◆The machines all operate on the same general principle.这些机器均依照同样的一般性原理运转。◆As a general rule, the paler the roast the milder the coffee.一般情况下,咖啡豆焙烤的颜色越浅,咖啡的味道越淡。◆In general, Japanese cars are very reliable.日本汽车通常很可靠。 see also general ⇨ general 1 2 ■ routine / /ruːˈtiːn/ / [usually before noun] done or happening as a normal part of a job, situation or process; not unusual or different in any way 常规的;例行公事的;平常的;毫不特别的◆The fault was discovered during a routine check.这个错误是在一次常规检查中发现的。◆Don't worry-these are just routine enquiries.别担心,这些只是例行的询问。◆He died of heart failure during a routine operation.他在一次普通手术中死于心脏衰竭。 see also routine ⇨ mundane adj. , routine ⇨ process noun , routinely ⇨ often ■ regular [only before noun](of an action or thing) that you usually do or use; (of a person) who usually does a job (行为或事情)经常做的,惯常的;(人)通常做某工作的◆On Monday he would have to return to his regular duties.他星期一就得回去正常上班了。◆The other bag had my regular clothes in it.另一个包里有我平常穿的衣服。◆I couldn't see my regular doctor today.我今天找不到平常给我看病的医生。▸ regularly ◆He regularly got up at four in the morning.他常常清晨4点就起床。■ habitual / /həˈbɪtʃuəl/ / [only before noun] (rather formal) typical of a particular person (某人)惯有的,惯常的,典型的◆She reverted to her habitual frown.她又开始习惯性地紧锁双眉了。◆He sat smoking his habitual cigarette.他一如平常地坐着吸烟。 see also habit ⇨ habit , habitually ⇨ often usually adverb usually ♦︎ often ♦︎ normally ♦︎ generally ♦︎ commonly ♦︎ mostly ♦︎ most of the time ♦︎ in general ♦︎ as a rule ♦︎ more often than not/as often as notThese words are all used when sth is done or happens in most cases. 这些词均表示通常、一般地、大体上。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆usually / often / generally / commonly / mostly known as...◆usually / often / normally / generally / commonly / mostly called / found...◆usually / often / normally / generally / commonly / mostly used◆usually / normally / generally / commonly accepted◆to usually / often / normally / generally / commonly happen◆not usually / often / normally / generally / commonly / in general / as a (general) rule◆most usually / often / generally / commonly◆quite often / generally / commonly■ usually in the way that is usual or normal; in most cases 通常地;正常地;一般地◆The journey usually takes an hour.这段旅程通常要花一个小时。◆Usually, there's no extra charge for delivery.送货一般不额外收费。◆Planning permission is not usually needed.通常不需要规划许可。◆Describe what usually happens.描述一下经常发生的事。■ often in many cases 往往;大多◆Old houses are often damp.老房子大多潮湿。◆People often find it difficult to say goodbye.人们往往觉得很难开口说再见。◆She's mean. Rich people very often are.她很吝啬,富人大多如此。◆Traffic has increased and the roads are all too often inadequate.交通流量增加了,道路不敷使用是司空见惯的事。 see also often ⇨ often ■ normally in normal circumstances 通常;正常情况下◆The journey to work normally takes an hour.上班路上一般要花一个小时。◆The Prime Minister would not normally be expected to attend the meeting.通常情况下,首相预计不会出席会议。◆Normally it takes three or four years to complete the training.完成培训一般要花三四年的时间。NOTE 辨析 Usually or normally? Usually gives general information about what happens in most cases; normally is used especially in the context of a particular case that is not normal. * usually用于给出通常情况下一般性的信息,normally尤用于不太正常的特殊情况的语境◆It's normally much warmer than this in July (= but this July is unusually cold).通常7月要比现在热得多。◆He normally stayed in luxury hotels (= but this time he could not afford to do so).他往常都住豪华旅馆。 ■ generally in most cases; usually 一般地;通常;大体上◆Payments are generally made on an annual basis.通常按年付款。◆Repairs are occasionally needed but generally the machine is quite reliable.这机器偶尔需要维修,但总体上十分可靠。ⓘ Generally is often slightly more formal than usually; it is used slightly more in written English, with passive structures, and when talking about general conditions rather than personal habits. * generally常较usually略正式,略多用于书面语和被动结构,描述一般的情况而非个人的习惯。■ commonly very often; by most people 通常;常常;普遍◆To receive satellite TV you need an antenna (commonly known as a dish).要想接收卫星电视,得有天线(俗称“锅”)。◆These companies are commonly thought of as models of efficiency.这些公司通常被视为效率的典范。 see also common ⇨ general 1 ■ mostly in most cases; usually 一般地;通常;大体上◆People mostly grew their own vegetables.人们大多自己种菜吃。◆She mostly calls me by my last name.她一般称呼我的姓。◆Mostly he eats in a restaurant.他通常在餐馆吃饭。ⓘ Mostly is often slightly more informal than usually, used especially in spoken English and more informal written contexts. It describes what people in general do, or what a particular person usually does; it does not usually describe what usually happens. * mostly常较usually略非正式,尤用于口语和较非正式的书面语境,描述大多数人做的事或特定的个人通常做的事,一般不描述通常发生的事◆The journey mostly takes an hour. ◆Describe what mostly happens. ■ ˈmost of the time idiom almost always 几乎总是;很多时候◆Most of the time I quite liked being on my own.大多数时候我很喜欢独处。◆The weather was cold and it rained most of the time.天气很冷,老是下雨。■ in ˈgeneral idiom (rather formal, especially written) in most cases; usually 一般地;通常;大体上◆In general the instruments are extremely reliable.这些仪器通常极为可靠。◆The attacks were in general not reported in the media.这些袭击事件在当时一般没有媒体报道。ⓘ In general is a slightly more formal way of saying generally. * in general是generally略正式的说法。■ ˌas a ˈrule idiom in most cases; usually 一般地;通常;大体上◆As a rule students have one piano lesson a week.学生通常每周有一节钢琴课。◆As a general rule the softer cheeses are less fattening.一般来说,较软的奶酪不那么容易使人发胖。ⓘ As a general rule is used more often to mean 'as a guideline', to give advice about what you should do, rather than to say what usually happens. * as a general rule较常表示“作为参考”之意,用于建议应当怎么做,而非描述通常发生的事◆As a general rule, mild mustards should be served with spicy food.一般来说,味重的食物应当配淡味芥末酱。 see also rule ⇨ habit , rule ⇨ principle 2 ■ more ˌoften than ˈnot■ as ˌoften as ˈnot idiom usually; in a way that is typical of sb/sth 通常;往往;一贯◆More often than not, the victims have serious medical problems.患者往往都有严重的病症。◆As a teenager he was in trouble at school as often as not.他年少时在学校总是麻烦缠身。 |