

单词 inning
inning noun


 See also the entry for stage 1 另见stage条第1义round ♦︎ leg ♦︎ lap ♦︎ hole ♦︎ game ♦︎ set ♦︎ heat ♦︎ innings ♦︎ inning ♦︎ half ♦︎ quarterThese are all words for a stage or section of a sports competition, match or race. 这些词均表示体育比赛的阶段、局、场。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in a round / a leg / a game / a set / a heat / an innings / an inning / a half / a quarterthe first / second, etc. round / leg / lap / hole / game / set / heat / innings / inning / half / quarterthe opening round / leg / lap / hole / game / set / heat / half / quarterthe final round / leg / lap / hole / game / set / heat / quarterto play a hole / a game / an innings / a set / a half / a quarterto win a round / leg / hole / game / set / heat round [countable] a stage in a sports competition; a part of a boxing or wrestling match 比赛阶段;局;场;(拳击或摔跤比赛的)回合Norwich City are through to the third round of the FA Cup.诺里奇市打进了足总杯第三轮比赛。The fight only lasted five rounds.比赛只持续了五个回合。 leg [countable] one part of a race; one of a series of games played between the same opponents in a sports competition 一段赛程;(与同一对手进行的比赛的)一场,一局,一回合The Spanish team won the third leg.西班牙队在第三回合领先。I really believe we can turn around that 4-2 first leg deficit and win this game.我绝对相信我们能扭转第一局2:4的落后局面,赢得这场比赛。 lap [countable] one journey around a track during a race (跑道的)一圈The 800m is two laps of the track.800米要绕跑道两圈。He was overtaken on the final lap.他在最后一圈被超过。 hole [countable](in golf) a hollow in the ground that you must get the ball into; one of the sections of a golf course with the tee at the beginning and the hole at the end (高尔夫球)球洞,球座到球洞的区域The ball rolled into the hole and she had won.球滚进了洞,她赢了。an eighteen-hole golf course十八洞高尔夫球场She won by one hole.她领先一洞赢得比赛。 game [countable] a section of a match in sports such as tennis, which forms a unit in scoring (网球等比赛的)一局,一场He's levelled the second set at two games all.他第二盘把比分扳成2:2平。 set [countable] one section of a match in sports such as tennis or volleyball, which consists of a number of games or points (网球、排球等比赛的)盘,局He's 3-1 up in the third set.他第三盘以3:1领先。The final went to five sets.决赛打了五局。She won in straight sets (= without losing a set).她一盘未失拿下比赛。 heat [countable] one of a series of races or competitions, the winners of which compete against each other in the next part of the competition 预赛;分组赛She won her heat.她在预赛中获胜。He did well in the heats; hopefully he'll do as well in the final.他在预赛中成绩很好,希望他在决赛中也有出色表现。NOTE 辨析 Round or heat? Round is a more general word to describe a stage of a competition. In some sports, a long competition over a whole year can be divided into events or races which are called rounds. 表示比赛阶段时round含义更宽泛。在某些运动中,历时一整年的长期比赛可以分为数个项目或赛事,称为roundthe third round of the championship in Japan日本锦标赛的第三轮A stage of a competition in which the winners in each part compete against each other in the next part of the competition, until only two teams or players are left in the final, can be called a round or a heat. Heat is used especially to describe a race between individuals, such as in running or swimming. 决赛前的每轮淘汰赛称为round或heat。heat尤指个人之间的速度比赛,如跑步或游泳。 innings [countable](in cricket) a section of a match during which a team or individual player is batting (= hitting the ball) (板球)局,回合Bangladesh are 90 for 5 in their second innings.孟加拉队在其第二局将比分打成90:5。 inning [countable](in baseball) one of nine sections of a game in which each team has a turn at batting (棒球)局,回合The Chicago Cubs scored two runs in the first inning.芝加哥小熊队在第一局拿下两分。 half [countable] either of two periods of time into which a sports game is divided (比赛的)半场,半局No goals were scored in the first half.上半场没有得分。 quarter [countable] one of the four periods of time into which a game of basketball or American football is divided (篮球或美式足球)一节,一局Ford scored the winning touchdown early in the fourth quarter.福特在第四局早早达阵,锁定胜局。




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