

单词 leisure
leisure noun
leisure (leisure activities) at leisure easy2 adj.


leisure ♦︎ spare time ♦︎ free timeThese are all words for time when you are not working or studying. 这些词均表示空闲、闲暇。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in your spare / free timeto have (more / no) leisure / spare time / free timeto spend your spare time / free time doing sthto give up your spare time / free time leisure /ˈleʒə(r); NAmE ˈliːʒər/ [uncountable] (rather formal) time that is spent doing what you enjoy when you are not working or studying 闲暇;空闲;休闲These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.如今我们钱多了,也有更多时间来花钱享受了。leisure activities / interests / pursuits业余活动/爱好/消遣the growth of the leisure industry休闲产业的增长 ˌspare ˈtime [uncountable] time when you are not doing your usual job or studies 空闲时间;空余时间In her spare time she managed to complete her Master of Education degree.她利用空余时间取得了教育硕士学位。He spent most of his spare time watching television.他的空闲时间大部分都用来看电视了。 see also spare free adj. 3 ˌfree ˈtime [uncountable] spare time 空余时间;空闲时间It's wonderful the way the students give up their free time to help these children.学生用空余时间来帮助这些孩子,真令人赞赏。 see also free free adj. 3 NOTE 辨析 Leisure, spare time or free time? Leisure is used when talking about people and society in general, especially in a business context; when talking about yourself or an individual person, use spare time or free time. * leisure指人或社会的总体情况,尤用于商务语境;指自己或某个人的情况时要用spare time或free timeWhat do you do in your leisure? the spare/free time industry Spare time is used much more than free time with possessive pronouns such as my, your, his, her, their, etc. * spare time比free time更常与my、your、his、her、their等物主代词连用What do you do in your spare time?你空闲的时候做什么?In my spare time I write stories.我空闲时写小说。 Free time is used more to talk about how much time people have when they are not working or studying. * free time更多用于谈论空闲时间的多少I don't have much free time.我没有多少空闲时间。


Is it easy to make? 这个容易做吗?anything for an easy life 使生活安逸舒适的东西 See also the entry for slow 另见slow条easy ♦︎ leisurely ♦︎ languid ♦︎ unhurried ♦︎ at leisure ♦︎ lazyThese words all describe people or activities that are comfortable and relaxed. 这些词均表示舒适的、安逸的、放松的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an easy / a leisurely / a languid / an unhurried mannera leisurely / an unhurried / a lazy wayan easy / a leisurely / a lazy day / morning / afternoon / timean easy / a leisurely / an unhurried pacean easy / a leisurely trip / stroll / ride / drive easy comfortable, relaxed and not worried 舒适的;安逸的;安心的I'll agree to anything for an easy life.只要有安逸舒适的生活,我什么都答应。His easy charm soon won her over.他潇洒自如的魅力让他很快赢得了她的支持。I don't feel easy about letting the kids go out alone.让孩子们自己出去我不放心。Easy can be used to describe a person, their behaviour or their way of life. * easy可以形容人、人的行为或生活方式。 OPP uneasy worried leisurely / /ˈleʒəli; NAmE ˈliːʒərli/ [usually before noun] relaxed; done without hurrying 不慌不忙的;慢悠悠的We went for a leisurely stroll after dinner.晚饭后我们悠然散步去了。They set off at a leisurely pace.他们步态悠闲地出发了。 Leisurely is most often used to talk about travelling without hurrying. * leisurely最常形容悠闲地出行a leisurely trip / stroll / ride / pace / drive悠闲的旅程/漫步/乘车旅行/步态/开车旅行It is also used to talk about a relaxed meal that is eaten without hurrying. 还可以表示轻松悠然地用餐a leisurely breakfast / lunch / dinner轻松惬意的早餐/中餐/晚餐 languid /ˈlæŋgwɪd/ / (written) moving or speaking slowly in a graceful manner, without using too much energy (动作或说话)慢悠悠的,慵懒的She gave a languid wave of the hand.她懒洋洋地挥了挥手。'Ah, my dear,' said the languid voice.“喔,亲爱的。”那个懒洋洋的声音说道。People's movements are often languid when it is too hot to be energetic. * languid常形容人们因天气炎热而变得慵懒的举动。 unhurried /ʌnˈhʌrid; NAmE ʌnˈhɜːrid/ (written) relaxed; done without hurrying 从容的;不慌不忙的His conversation was relaxed and unhurried.他的谈话轻松自在,不慌不忙。It's a quiet resort where life is taken at an easy, unhurried pace.那是个宁静的度假胜地,那里的生活安逸、从容。 OPP hurried quick at ˈleisure


with no particular activities; free; without hurrying 闲散;悠闲;从容Spend the afternoon at leisure in the city.下午在市里逛逛吧。Let's have lunch so we can talk at leisure.咱们吃午饭吧,边吃边聊。I suggest you take the forms away and read them at your leisure.我建议你把表格带回去,有空慢慢看。 At leisure is used especially with verbs relating to discussing sth, or deciding whether you like sth or whether it is good enough in a relaxed way, without anyone hurrying you for an answer. * at leisure尤与表示讨论或决定等词义的动词连用,指从容不迫地讨论或决定是否喜欢某事物或某事物是否称心等to discuss sth / talk / study sth / examine sth / look round / browse / try sth on at leisure悠闲地讨论某事/谈话/研究某事/检查某物/四周查看/浏览/试穿某物In British English, travel brochures often use at leisure to talk about periods when you are free to spend time as you want, when there are no activities planned. 在英式英语中,旅游宣传单上常用at leisure指没有活动安排的自由活动时间。
lazy not involving much energy or activity; slow and relaxed 悠闲的;无精打采的;懒洋洋的We spent a lazy day on the beach.我们在海滩上度过了悠闲的一天。She smiled a lazy smile.她慵懒地笑了笑。




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