

单词 olect_drug_1


take illegal drugs 吸食毒品prescribe drugs for a medical condition 根据病情开药drug ♦︎ medicine ♦︎ prescription ♦︎ medication ♦︎ cure ♦︎ remedy ♦︎ placebo ♦︎ antidoteThese are all words for treatments for people who are ill. 这些词均表示药物或治疗。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a drug / medicine / a prescription / medication / a cure / a remedy / an antidote for sth(an) effective drug / medicine / medication / cure / remedya herbal medicine / cure / remedyto take your medicine / your medication / a remedy / a placebo / the antidoteto prescribe drugs / medicine / medication / a cure / a remedyto find a cure / a remedy / an antidote drug [countable] a substance which is used to cure or fight an illness or its symptoms (= signs of illness) 药;药物The doctor put me on a course of pain-killing drugs.医生让我服一个疗程的止痛药。Drug companies are always developing new products.药品公司总是在开发新药。Do not say take drugs if you are talking about legal, medical drugs. 表示吃药不能用take drugsAre you taking any drugs for your headaches? Are you taking anything for your headaches?你吃治头痛的药了吗? medicine [uncountable, countable] a substance, especially a liquid, that you drink or swallow in order to cure an illness 药;(尤指)药水She gave me a dose of cough medicine.她给了我一剂咳嗽药。Food and medicines are being airlifted to the flood-hit area.食物和药品被空运到水灾地区。 see also medicine treatment prescription / /prɪˈskrɪpʃn/ / [countable] an official piece of paper on which a doctor writes the type of medicine you should have, and which enables you to get it from a pharmacist (= a person who has been trained to prepare medicines); the medicine that your doctor has ordered for you 处方;药方;处方药The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics.医生给我开了抗生素。Antibiotics are only available on prescription.抗生素只能凭处方购买。The pharmacist will make up your prescription.药剂师会按方配药。 prescribe


[transitive] The doctor may be able to prescribe something for that cough.医生也许能给你开一些止咳药。
medication / /ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃn/ / [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) a medical drug; a course of medical drugs taken to treat or prevent an illness 药;药物;服药疗程Are you currently taking any medication?你目前服用什么药吗?My grandmother has been on medication for years.我祖母多年来一直在接受药物治疗。Many flu medications are available without a prescription.许多流感药不用处方就可以买到。NOTE 辨析 Drug, medicine or medication? Drug emphasizes what the substance is made of; it is used especially when talking about the chemicals industry that makes these substances. Medicine and medication emphasize what the substance is used for. Medicine is used especially when talking about treating illnesses in general. Medication is used especially when talking about treating a particular illness or person; it is often used to talk about the treatment of more serious medical conditions. * drug强调药物的物质成分,尤用来谈论制药业。medicine和medication则强调这些物质的作用。medicine泛指医药,medication尤指治疗特定疾病或个人的药物,适用病情通常较严重。 cure [countable] a medicine or medical treatment that cures an illness 药;药物;疗法Although there is no cure for this illness, it can be treated to reduce the pain.这种病尚无治愈方法,但可通过医治减轻病痛。The only real cure is rest.这种病唯一确实有效的疗法就是休息。 see also cure cure verb , cure treatment noun remedy / /ˈremədi/ / [countable] a medicine or treatment for an illness that is not very serious (针对小病的)药物,疗法,治疗I prefer to use herbal remedies when I have a cold.我感冒时喜欢用草药治疗。The best home remedy for a sore throat is honey and lemon.治疗咽喉疼痛的最佳家庭疗法是蜂蜜加柠檬。 placebo /pləˈsiːbəʊ; NAmE pləˈsiːboʊ/ (plural placebos) [countable] a substance that has no physical effects, given to patients who do not need medicine but think they do, or used when testing new drugs (给无实际治疗需要者的)安慰剂;(试验新药用的)无效对照剂Half of the people taking part in the experiment were given a placebo.参与药物试验者有半数所服用的是无效对照剂。 antidote /ˈæntidəʊt; NAmE ˈæntidoʊt/ [countable] a substance that controls the effect of a particular poison 解毒药;解毒剂There is no known antidote to the poison produced by this fish.这种鱼所产生的毒尚无解药。




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