例句 |
grab verb ⇨ take 4 (grab hold of sb/sth) ⇨ take 6 (grab an opportunity)take4 verb take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒take ♦︎ grab ♦︎ snatch ♦︎ catch ♦︎ seizeThese words all mean to take or hold sb/sth with your hand suddenly, firmly or roughly. 这些词均表示用手抓住、捉住、夺取。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to take / grab / snatch / seize sth from sb◆to grab / snatch at sth◆to take / grab / catch / seize hold of sb / sth◆to take / grab / snatch / catch / seize sth suddenly / quickly◆to take / grab / catch / seize sth immediately■ take (took, taken) [transitive] to put your hands or arms on or around sb/sth and hold them/it; to reach for sb/sth and hold them/it 拿;抱;握;取;接◆I passed him the rope and he took it.我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。◆Free newspapers: please take one.免费报纸,请取一份。◆Can you take (= hold) the baby for a moment?你能抱一会儿孩子吗?◆He took her hand / took her by the hand (= held her hand, for example to lead her somewhere).他拉着她的手。■ grab (-bb-) [transitive, intransitive] to get your hands on and hold or pull sb/sth suddenly, firmly or roughly 抓住;攫取◆She grabbed the child's hand and ran.她抓住孩子的手就跑。◆He grabbed hold of me and wouldn't let go.他抓住我不松手。◆Someone grabbed me from behind.有人从后面抓住我。◆Don't grab-there's plenty for everyone.别抢-多着呢,人人有份。◆She grabbed at (= tried to grab) the branch, missed and fell.她伸手抓树枝,但没抓住,跌倒了。■ snatch [transitive, intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to take sth, usually from sb else, quickly and often rudely or roughly (通常粗暴无礼地)一把抓起,一下夺过◆She managed to snatch the gun from his hand.她设法从他手里夺过了枪。◆He snatched at (= tried to take hold of) the steering wheel.他伸手去抓方向盘。NOTE 辨析 Grab or snatch? Snatch is most often used when sb takes sth directly from a person's hands; grab has a wider range of uses. * snatch最常指某人从另一人手中直接夺过某物,grab使用范围更广。■ catch (caught, caught) [transitive] to stop and hold a moving object, especially in your hands; to take hold of sb/sth (尤指用手)接住,截住;抓住◆She managed to catch the keys as they fell.她接住了落下的钥匙。◆'Throw me over that towel, will you?' 'OK. Catch!'“请把那条毛巾扔给我好吗?”“好,接住!”◆The dog caught the stick in its mouth.狗衔住了木棍。◆He caught hold of her arm as she tried to push past him.她试图从他身边挤过时,他一把抓住了她的胳膊。ⓘ You can catch sth that is falling, or sth that has been thrown. Unlike with the other words in this group, you cannot 'catch sth from sb'. * catch的对象是坠物或抛掷物。不像本组其他词,不可以说catch sth from sb◆I threw the bag in the air and she caught it.我把包扔到空中,她接住了。◆She caught the bag from me and ran away. ■ seize / /siːz/ / [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to take sb/sth in your hand suddenly and using force 抓住;捉住;夺◆She tried to seize the gun from him.她试图夺他的枪。◆He seized her by the arm.他抓住她的胳膊。◆She seized hold of my hand.她抓住我的手。 take6 verb take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒take ♦︎ seize ♦︎ seize on/upon sth ♦︎ grab ♦︎ jump at sthThese words all mean to be quick to make use of an opportunity to do or have sth. 这些词均表示把握机会。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to take / seize / seize on / grab / jump at a / an chance / opportunity◆to take / seize / seize on / grab the initiative◆to seize on / jump at an idea◆to take / seize on sth immediately / eagerly◆to seize / grab sth with both hands■ take (took, taken) [transitive] to make use of an opportunity to do or have sth 把握(机会)◆Take the initiative and fill your life with exciting experiences.要有积极主动的心态,让自己有精彩的人生。◆England failed to take their chances and had to settle for a draw.英格兰队没有抓住机会,落得平局的赛果。■ seize / /siːz/ / [transitive] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to be quick to make use of an opportunity to do or have sth 抓住,把握(机会)◆The party seized the initiative with both hands (= quickly and with enthusiasm).该党迅速掌握主动权。NOTE 辨析 Take or seize?In this meaning both these words only collocate with opportunity, chance and initiative. Seize suggests greater eagerness than take. Take a chance has two possible meanings: it can mean 'take a risk' as well as 'take an opportunity'; seize a chance only means 'take an opportunity'. 表达此义时,这两个词均只与opportunity、chance和initiative搭配。seize比take显得更为热切。take a chance有两种意思,可指冒险,亦可指抓住机会。seize a chance仅指抓住机会。■ ˈseize on sth■ ˈseize upon sth phrasal verb to suddenly show a lot of interest in sth, especially because you can use it to your advantage 突然大为关注;(尤指)抓住(可利用的事物)◆Peter seized on her last comment.彼得突然对她最后的评论非常关注。◆The rumours were eagerly seized upon by the local press.当地报界迫不及待地揪住这些传闻。ⓘ People might seize on/upon anything that sb does or says if they want to criticize them or publish details of it. 可以用seize on/upon来表示对某人的言行加以批评或发布详情。■ grab (-bb-) [transitive, intransitive] (rather informal) to be quick to make use of an opportunity to do or have sth 抓住,把握(机会)◆This was my big chance and I grabbed it with both hands.这是我的大好机会,我紧紧抓住了。◆He'll grab at any excuse to avoid hard work.他会找各种借口来逃避苦差事。■ ˈjump at sth phrasal verb (rather informal) to enthusiastically accept an opportunity or offer 迫不及待地接受,欣然接受(机会或提议)◆I jumped at the chance of a new job.我欣然接受了新的工作。 |