

单词 olect_disappear_0


disappear ♦︎ vanish ♦︎ fade ♦︎ die out ♦︎ dissolve ♦︎ clear ♦︎ meltThese words all mean to stop existing or being in a place. 这些词均表示消失、消逝、绝迹。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to disappear / vanish / fade / dissolve / melt into sthto fade / melt awayanger / hope disappears / vanishes / fades / meltsa smile disappears / vanishes / fadescloud / smoke / mist disappears / clearsa species disappears / vanishes / dies outa tradition / custom disappears / dies outdisappear / vanish / fade / die out / dissolve / clear completelydisappear / fade / die out / dissolve / clear graduallyto disappear / vanish / fade from view / sightto disappear / vanish / melt into thin air disappear [intransitive] to become impossible to see; to stop existing; to be lost or impossible to find 消失;不复存在;失踪The plane disappeared behind a cloud.飞机消失在云层里。The problem won't just disappear.这个问题不会就这样不了了之。Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.我们的乡村地区正以惊人的速度消亡。The child disappeared from his home some time after four.那孩子4点多钟就离家不见了。OPP appear appear disappearance


[uncountable, countable] Police are investigating the disappearance of a young woman.警方正在调查一名年轻女子的失踪案。 OPP appearance arrival 1
vanish / /ˈvænɪʃ/ / [intransitive] to disappear suddenly and/or in a way that you cannot explain; to stop existing (莫名其妙地)突然消失;不复存在;绝迹The magician vanished in a puff of smoke.魔术师在一阵烟雾中突然不见了。My glasses seem to have vanished.我的眼镜似乎不翼而飞了。The boys vanished without trace during a snowstorm.那些男孩在一次暴风雪中消失得无影无踪。All hopes of a peaceful settlement had now vanished.和平解决的一切希望现在都已化作泡影。 fade [intransitive] to disappear gradually 逐渐消失;逐渐消逝Her smile faded.她的笑容渐渐消失了。The laughter faded away.笑声逐渐消逝了。His voice faded to a whisper (= gradually became quieter).他的声音越来越低,渐渐地变成了耳语。All other issues fade into insignificance compared with the struggle for survival.与挣扎求生相比,所有其他问题都显得不重要了。 ˌdie ˈout

phrasal verb

(of types of animal or plant; of customs and traditions) to stop existing (动植物)灭绝;(习俗和传统)消失The report estimates that up to 40 000 species will have died out by the end of the century.报告估计到本世纪末将有多达4万个物种灭绝。Most of these traditions died out during the 19th century.这些传统大多数在19世纪就消失了。
dissolve /dɪˈzɒlv; NAmE dɪˈzɑːlv/ [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal or literary) to disappear; to make sth disappear 消除;(使)消失,消散When the ambulance had gone, the crowd dissolved.救护车开走后人群便散去了。His calm response dissolved her confusion.他平静的回答消除了她的困惑。 clear [intransitive](of the sky or weather) to become brighter and free of cloud or rain; (of smoke or fog) to disappear so that it is easier to see things (天空或天气)放晴,转晴;(烟或雾)消散,散去The sky cleared after the storm.暴风雨后,天晴了。The rain is clearing slowly.雨渐渐停下来。As the smoke cleared, two fighter planes came into view.随着烟雾的消散,两架战斗机进入了视线。OPP cloud darken melt [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (of people or feelings) to disappear gradually (人)逐渐散去;(感觉)渐渐消失At the first sign of trouble, his supporters melted away.一见到有麻烦的迹象,他的支持者便逐渐散去。All her anger and hurt melted away in his embrace.他的拥抱使她的怒气和委屈渐渐消失了。




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