

单词 king
king noun
king (the King of Spain) turn King's evidence tell2


king ♦︎ queen ♦︎ ruler ♦︎ emperor ♦︎ monarch ♦︎ the crown ♦︎ sovereign ♦︎ regentThese are all words for sb who rules a country or area who is not elected but is usually a member of a royal family. 这些词均表示君主、统治者。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配under a king / a queen / a ruler / an emperor / a monarcha great / strong king / queen / ruler / emperor / monarchthe rightful king / queen / ruler / sovereignthe former king / queen / ruler / emperor / monarchthe reigning king / queen / emperor / monarcha / an deposed / exiled king / queen / emperor / monarcha hereditary / absolute ruler / monarch / sovereignto become king / queen / ruler / emperor / monarch / regentto crown sb (as) / proclaim sb king / queen / emperora king / a queen / an emperor / a monarch reigns / rulesa king / a queen / an emperor abdicates king ( King) [countable] the male ruler of an independent state that has a royal family; used as a title 君主,国王(可用作称号)The ceremony was attended by the King of Spain.西班牙国王出席了这次典礼。His daughter, Anne, married King Richard III.他的女儿安妮嫁给了国王理查三世。He was crowned king at the age of fifteen.他十五岁时加冕为国王。 see also kingdom republic queen ( Queen) [countable] the female ruler of an independent state that has a royal family; the wife of a king; used as a title 女王,王后(可用作称号)The banquet will be hosted by the Queen (= the current Queen of England, Elizabeth II) at Buckingham Palace.女王将在白金汉宫主持这次宴会。She became queen after the sudden death of her brother.她在哥哥猝死之后当上了女王。The King and Queen of Denmark attended the wedding.丹麦国王和王后出席了这次婚礼。The wife of a king may be called a queen or queen consort, but the husband of a queen is not called a king; he usually has the title prince. 国王的妻子可称作queen或queen consort,但女王的丈夫不称作king,其头衔通常是prince(亲王)。 ruler [countable] a person who rules a country or area 统治者He established himself as ruler over both tribes.他确立了自己在两个部落中的首领地位。There was a successful coup against the country's military rulers.那个国家推翻军事统治者的政变取得了成功。 Ruler is a general word for sb who rules a country or area, usually one who is not elected. It can refer to the head of a royal family such as a king or queen or to an individual who has complete power and has usually come to power by force such as a military ruler or dictator. It can also refer to a more powerful country that rules over another country or area. * ruler泛指某个国家或地区的统治者,通常非经由选举产生,可以是王室的首脑,如国王或女王;可以是集权者,如以武力夺取政权的军事统治者或独裁者;还可指统治或支配其他国家或地区的强国Vietnam still had strong links with France, the former colonial ruler.越南与其原殖民统治国法国仍然有着密切关联。 see also rule rule verb 1 emperor ( Emperor) / /ˈempərə(r)/ / [countable] the ruler of an empire (= a group of countries or states that are ruled or governed by one ruler or government); used as a title 皇帝(可用作称号)It is the tomb of the first real emperor of China, Emperor Qin Shi Huang.这是中国第一位真正的皇帝秦始皇的坟墓。A female ruler of an empire can be called an empress. 女皇称为empress。 see also empire republic monarch / /ˈmɒnək; NAmE ˈmɑːnərk, ˈmɑːnɑːrk/ [countable] a king, queen or emperor 君主;帝王The constitutional monarch (= a king or queen whose power is controlled by a set of laws), as head of state, has limited powers.君主立宪制国家的国君,作为国家元首,其权力受到制约。 the crown ( the Crown) [singular] the government of a country thought of as being represented by a king or queen; the position or power of a king or queen 王国政府;王国;王位;王权Knights swore an oath of allegiance to the Crown.骑士们宣誓效忠于王权。He had a claim to the crown of France.他拥有获得法国王位的权利。In the UK, the Crown is used to refer to the government or the state, especially in legal contexts. For example, in criminal trials, it is the Crown that brings a criminal charge against sb on behalf of the state. 在英国,the Crown尤用于法律语境,指英国政府或国家。例如,在刑事案件的审理过程中,the Crown代表国家对罪犯提起刑事检控Who's appearing for the Crown in this case?谁将在此案中代表王国政府出庭? sovereign /ˈsɒvrɪn; NAmE ˈsɑːvrən/ [countable] (formal) the ruler of a country, especially a monarch 国家元首;(尤指)君主The islands are ruled by a governor, representing the British sovereign.这些岛屿由总督代表英国君主管辖。NOTE 辨析 Monarchs and sovereigns Monarch and sovereign are both used to refer to any king or queen of a country rather than as a title for a particular king or queen, especially when describing the system of government in general. Sovereign is more formal than monarch. * monarch和sovereign都指一个国家的国王或女王,而非特定某位国王或女王的称号,尤用于泛指政府体制。sovereign比monarch正式些。 regent ( Regent) /ˈriːdʒənt/ / [countable] a person who rules a country because the king or queen is too young, old or ill 摄政者;摄政王She acted as regent until her son was old enough to be crowned king.她担任摄政王,直到儿子及龄加冕成为国王为止。


tell sb the news 告诉某人消息Promise you won't tell. 你要保证不说出去。tell ♦︎ betray ♦︎ stab sb in the back ♦︎ blow the whistle on sb/sth ♦︎ turn King's/Queen's/State's evidence ♦︎ grass ♦︎ blab ♦︎ inform on sb ♦︎ fingerThese words all mean to let sb know a secret or give information about sb/sth to an enemy. 这些词均表示泄密、告密、告发。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to tell / blow the whistle / grass / inform on sbto betray sb / grass / blab to sbto tell on / betray / inform on a friendto betray / blow the whistle on / inform on a colleagueto betray / blow the whistle on your partner / husband / employer / wife / master tell (told, told) [intransitive] (informal, especially spoken, often disapproving) to let sb know a secret 泄密;告发Promise you won't tell.你要保证不说出去。'Who are you going out with tonight?' 'That would be telling!'(= it's a secret) “你今晚要和谁约会?”“那可不能讲!”Don't tell on me, will you?(= Don't tell anyone in authority what I have done.) 别告发我,好吗? betray [transitive] (rather formal, disapproving) to give information about sb/sth to an enemy 出卖;泄漏(秘密)For years they had been betraying state secrets to Russia.他们多年来一直在向俄罗斯泄漏国家机密。He was offered money to betray his colleagues.有人收买他出卖他的同事。 see also give sb/sth away reveal , betray cheat verb , betrayal betrayal stab sb in the ˈback


(-bb-) (informal) to do or say sth that harms sb who trusts you 暗算某人;陷害(或中伤)信任你的人It was very competitive and everyone was stabbing everyone else in the back.竞争太激烈了,所有人都在暗中相互算计。
blow the ˈwhistle on sb/sth


(blew, blown) (informal, often approving, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to tell sb in authority about sth wrong or illegal that sb is doing 检举,告发(不当或违法之事)It is getting more difficult for people to blow the whistle on their employers.人们要告发雇主越来越难了。
turn King's ˈevidence turn Queen's ˈevidence (BrE) (NAmE turn State's ˈevidence)


to give information against other criminals in order to get a less severe punishment 提供同犯的罪证,揭发其他案犯(以求减轻惩罚)Two of the prisoners agreed to turn Queen's evidence.两名囚犯愿意揭发其他案犯。
grass [intransitive] (BrE, slang, disapproving) to tell the police about sb's criminal activities (向警方)告密,告发Who grassed on us?谁向警方告发了我们?You wouldn't grass up your mates, would you?你不会告发你的同伴,对吧? blab (-bb-) [intransitive, transitive] (informal, disapproving) to tell sb sth that should be kept secret (向某人)透露秘密,告密Someone must have blabbed to the police.一定有人向警方告密了。Try not to blab the whole story.整件事都不要说出去。 inˈform on sb

phrasal verb

(rather formal, often disapproving) to tell the police or sb in authority about sb's criminal activities 告发;检举He informed on his own brother.他告发了他的亲弟弟。
finger [transitive] (especially NAmE, informal) to accuse sb of doing sth illegal and tell the police about it (向警方)告发,告密Who fingered him for the burglaries?谁告发他入室盗窃的?




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