

单词 complex
complex adj.
complex noun
building (a shopping complex) obsession (a guilt complex)


complex ♦︎ complicated ♦︎ elaborate ♦︎ intricate ♦︎ tortuous ♦︎ involved ♦︎ convoluted ♦︎ tangledThese words all describe sth that has many parts or details and is difficult to understand. 这些词均表示复杂的、难懂的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a complex / a complicated / an elaborate / an intricate systema complex / a complicated / an elaborate / an intricate / a convoluted story / plota complex / a complicated / an elaborate / an intricate design / structure / networka complex / a complicated / an intricate / a tangled web / relationshipcomplex / complicated / elaborate machinerya complex / complicated / tortuous processextremely complex / complicated / elaborate / intricate / involvedhighly complex / complicated / elaborate / intricate complex made of many different things or parts that are connected; difficult to understand 复杂的;难懂的;费解的This is a highly complex matter.这是一件非常复杂的事情。The mechanism involves a complex arrangement of rods and cogs.那个机械装置里杆和齿轮的布局很复杂。She managed to put over a fairly complex argument in a brilliantly simple way.她设法用极为简洁的方式将一个相当复杂的论证阐释清楚。OPP simple easy 1 complicated / /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd; NAmE ˈkɑːmplɪkeɪtɪd/ complex 复杂的;难懂的;费解的The instructions look very complicated.这些操作指南看起来很难懂。This is where the story gets complicated.事情在这里变得复杂起来。It's all very complicated-but I'll try and explain.尽管这一切都很难理解,但我会尽力解释。OPP uncomplicated , straightforward easy 1 see also complication problem NOTE 辨析 Complex or complicated?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用a complex / complicated problem复杂的问题complex / complicated instructions复杂的操作指南 Complicated is used slightly more in conversation and to describe everyday situations. * complicated稍多用于谈话中,描述日常情况I'll send you map of how to get here. It's a bit too complicated to describe.我会把怎么到这里的地图发给你,这说起来有点复杂。 Complex is used slightly more in written English to describe serious, academic, scientific or technical issues. * complex稍多用于书面语,描述严肃的、学术的、科学或技术问题a complex mathematical equation / formula复杂的数学方程式/公式Both words can describe sth that is difficult to understand because of its nature or design. Complicated is often used to describe a situation that has become less simple, more messy and more difficult to understand or deal with over time because of events, changes or problems. 两个词均可指某事物因其性质或设计而难以理解。complicated常用来描述某种情况随着时间的推移,因发生事件、变化或问题而变得不那么简单、更加麻烦、更难以理解或处理。 elaborate /ɪˈlæbərət/ / [usually before noun] having a lot of different parts and small details; carefully prepared and organized 复杂而精细的;详尽的;精心制作的The ceiling was tiled in an elaborate pattern.天花板的铺设做得很精致。She had prepared a very elaborate meal.她已经做了一顿精美的饭菜。This elaborate deception fooled his family for ages.这个精心设计的骗局愚弄了他家很长时间。OPP simple easy 1 intricate / /ˈɪntrɪkət/ / having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together 错综复杂的The building has intricate geometric designs on several of the walls.这一建筑物的几面墙上有复杂的几何图案。It is difficult to describe the intricate network of loyalties and relationships.很难描述这个忠义与人情交织、错综复杂的关系网。 intricately


intricately carved / decorated / patterned精雕细刻的;精心装饰的;构图精美的
tortuous /ˈtɔːtʃuəs; NAmE ˈtɔːrtʃuəs/ [usually before noun] (written, usually disapproving) not simple and direct; long, complicated and difficult to understand 拐弯抹角的;含混不清的;冗长费解的the long, tortuous process of negotiating peace in the region该地区漫长而曲折的和平谈判过程 involved having a lot of different parts or stages and difficult to understand or follow 复杂的;难懂的;费解的Avoid long, involved debates which could be just delaying tactics.避免长时间复杂的辩论,那可能只是拖延战术。OPP straightforward easy 1 convoluted /ˈkɒnvəluːtɪd; NAmE ˈkɑːnvəluːtɪd/ (written, usually disapproving) extremely complicated and difficult to follow, especially more complicated than necessary (过于)错综复杂的,晦涩难懂的The book has a rather convoluted plot.这本书的情节过于错综复杂。 tangled complicated and difficult to understand 复杂的;纠缠不清的The series involves the tangled relationships of two London families.这部系列剧是关于伦敦两个家庭之间错综复杂的关系。He spent the next few days wrestling with very tangled emotions.他接下来的几天全力解决纠缠不清的情感问题。Something which was originally quite simple or straightforward often becomes tangled over time because of changes or problems which together make it more complicated and difficult to understand. * tangled可形容事物起初很简单或易懂,久之因发生各种变化或问题而变得复杂、难以理解。


building ♦︎ property ♦︎ premises ♦︎ complex ♦︎ structure ♦︎ blockThese are all words for a structure such as a house, office block or factory that has a roof and four walls. 这些词均表示建筑物、房屋、楼房。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) commercial / residential building / property / premises / complex / blocka / an factory / hospital / office building / premises / complex / blocka / an prison / apartment building / complex / blocka / an imposing / magnificent building / structurea brick / stone building / structureto build a property / a complex / a structure / a blockto erect a building / complex / structure / blockto put up a building / structure / blockto demolish a building / property / complex / structure / blockto pull down a building / a structure / a blockto restore / renovate a building / property building [countable] a structure such as a house, office block or factory that has a roof and four walls 建筑物;房屋;楼房a tall / high-rise / ten-storey building高大的/高层/十层的建筑物The Blue Mosque at Isfahan is the most beautiful building I have ever seen.伊斯法罕的蓝色清真寺是我所见过最美丽的建筑。 property [countable, uncountable] a building or buildings and the surrounding land; land and buildings 房屋及院落;庄园;房地产We have a potential buyer who would like to view the property.我们有位潜在的买主想看看这房产。The price of property has risen enormously.房地产的价格大幅上升了。a property developer房地产开发商Property is often used when talking about buying/selling houses or other buildings and land. 谈及买卖房屋或其他房地产时常用property。 premises [plural] the building or buildings and surrounding land that a business owns or uses (企业拥有或使用的)建筑及附属场地,营业场所The company is looking for larger premises.这家公司正在寻找更大的营业场所。No alcohol may be consumed on the premises.场区内禁止饮酒。Police were called to escort her off the premises.把警察召来护送她离场去了。 complex [countable] a group of buildings of a similar type together in one place (类型相似的)建筑群a leisure / sports / shopping complex休闲活动中心;综合体育场;购物中心 structure [countable] a thing that is made of several parts, especially a building 结构体;(尤指)建筑物The pier is a wooden structure and was built in 1867.该码头是木结构建筑,建于1867年。 block [countable] (especially BrE) a tall building that contains flats or offices; a building that forms part of a school, hospital, etc. and is used for a particular purpose (公寓、办公、教学、医院等)大楼;(成组建筑中的)一栋楼房 (BrE) a block of flats公寓大楼 (BrE) a tower block高层建筑the school's science block学校的理科大楼 (especially NAmE) an apartment block公寓大楼


obsession ♦︎ preoccupation ♦︎ mania ♦︎ neurosis ♦︎ hang-up ♦︎ fixation ♦︎ complexThese are all words for a state of mind in which sb thinks or worries about more than is normal. 这些词均表示过度的思虑、不正常的忧虑、痴迷等。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an obsession / a preoccupation / a neurosis / a hang-up / a fixation / a complex about sb / sthan obsession / a preoccupation / a mania / a fixation for sb / sthan obsession / a preoccupation / a fixation with sb / sthsb's current obsession / preoccupation / fixationa new obsession / preoccupation / maniato become an obsession / a preoccupationto develop an obsession / a neurosis / a complex obsession / /əbˈseʃn/ / [uncountable, countable] (usually disapproving) the state in which a person's mind is completely filled with thoughts about one particular thing or person so that they cannot think of anything else; a thing or person that sb thinks about too much 痴迷;着魔;使人痴迷的人(或物)Her devotion to him bordered on obsession.她对他几乎挚爱成痴。She has an unhealthy obsession with her diet.她对自己的饮食有一种病态的关注。 obsess


[transitive, usually passive, intransitive] She's completely obsessed with him.他让她神魂颠倒。I think you should try to stop obsessing about food.我看你该歇歇了,别没完没了地唠叨吃的东西。
preoccupation / /priˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn; NAmE priˌɑːkjuˈpeɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] the state of thinking about sth continuously, especially when you ignore everything else, usually because you are worried about it; sth that you think or worry about frequently or for a long time 盘算;思虑;长久困扰的事情She found his preoccupation with money irritating.她对他一心只想着钱感到很烦厌。Their chief preoccupation was how to feed their families.他们操心的主要是怎样填饱一家人的肚子。 preoccupied


He was too preoccupied with his own thoughts to notice anything wrong.他只顾想着心事,没注意到有什么地方不对。
mania /ˈmeɪniə/ / [countable, usually singular, uncountable] an extremely strong desire or enthusiasm for sth, often shared by a lot of people at the same time (常指许多人共有的)强烈的欲望,狂热,极大的热情He had a mania for fast cars.他是个飞车狂。Football mania is sweeping the country.足球热正风靡全国。 neurosis / /njʊəˈrəʊsɪs; NAmE nʊˈroʊsɪs/ (plural neuroses /njʊəˈrəʊsiːz; NAmE njʊəˈroʊsɪs/ ) [countable, uncountable] (medical 医学) a mental illness in which a person suffers strong feelings of fear and worry 神经(官能)症;神经机能病Those of anxious temperament are more likely to develop anxiety neurosis.性情焦虑的人更易患焦虑性神经症。 Neurosis is a serious medical condition; however, in non-medical usage neurosis is used to describe any strong fear or worry. * neurosis是一种严重的疾病;不过,在非医学用语中,neurosis指任何过分的恐惧或焦虑This obsession with time is a modern neurosis and one we all have to live with.过分关注时间是一种现代人的焦虑,我们大家不得不忍受。 ˈhang-up [countable] (informal, usually disapproving) an emotional problem about sth that makes you particularly embarrassed or worried 苦恼;难堪;焦虑He's got a real hang-up about his height.他为自己的身高很是苦恼。 ˌhung ˈup


[not before noun] You're not still hung up on that girl?你不是还在对那个女孩念念不忘吧?
fixation /fɪkˈseɪʃn/ / [countable] (usually disapproving) a very strong interest in sb/sth, that is not normal or natural (对⋯的)异常依恋,固恋;癖He's got this fixation with cleanliness.他有洁癖。 fixated


[not before noun] He is fixated on things that remind him of his childhood.他痴迷于能让他回想起童年的事物。
complex /ˈkɒmpleks; NAmE ˈkɑːmpleks/ [countable] a mental state that is not normal; the state of being worried and confused about sth in a way that is not normal 不正常的精神状态;情结;(对某事)不正常的忧虑He suffers from a guilt complex.他蒙受负罪感之苦。Don't mention her weight-she has a complex about it.别提她的体重,那是她的心病。




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